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Recent Comments

  • Peter Davies
    There are also people who benefit from not working the same hours as each other (especially exes with shared custody)....
  • Simon R
    I would think one reason for trying to have a fixed day each week when we try to have as few people required to work as possible is that it makes it more likely...
  • Mohammed Amin
    The Equality Act 2010 I believe contains sufficient protection against religious people being forced to work on Sunday, or indeed Saturday. If it doesn't, it sh...
  • Graham Jeffs
    Michael, I agree with the general thrust of your article. But what really baffles me is why this subject should be being given such prominence. Priorities!!...
  • Michael Bukola
    Great piece Ruth, Natually, the focus and preoccupation is always with Service provision and the need for better trained staff with a 'bedside manner'. Notwiths...