Monthly Archives: July 2018

1st  How to break through when you have little money and a well-established opponent (44) by Caron Lindsay
  Wishing David Ford a happy retirement (3) by The Voice
  Baby Hames has arrived! (2) by Caron Lindsay
  Top of the Blogs: The Lib Dem Golden Dozen #522 (0) by Caron Lindsay
2nd  Welcome to my day: 2 July 2018 – hot, sexy liberalism? (1) by Mark Valladares
  Options to Remain (50) by John King
  Bringing your spouse to live in the UK shouldn’t be this stressful (15) by L D
  Why I became a Climate Reality Leader (4) by Jean Davis
  Tories claim credit for EU Directive giving greater rights to holidaymakers. (8) by Caron Lindsay
3rd  We need to make it easier to move (14) by Collingwood
  Let’s not be the radical party (77) by Rob Parsons
  Party statement on data breach (13) by The Voice
4th  US needs a birthday present  (12) by Tahir Maher
  Cabinet Playing Whiff-Whaff with Theresa May (7) by Tahir Maher
  The D66 version of Priestley’s “An Inspector Calls” in Brexit Days (24) by Bernard Aris
  YouGov Polls (39) by Tahir Maher
  Lib Dems force action on empty houses (9) by The Voice
5th  LibLink: “The supply of social housing has almost dried up” – Dorothy Thornhill (15) by Mary Reid
  Happy Anniversary! (14) by Mary Reid
6th  Lib Dem GAIN Council seat in Bath and North East Somerset (13) by Caron Lindsay
  Observations of an ex pat: Cunning plan needed (18) by Tom Arms
  Federal People Development Committee report – 28th June 2018 (9) by Miranda Roberts
  Vince: PM’s plan weakens Britain (31) by Caron Lindsay
7th  Enjoy this exciting weekend! (7) by Caron Lindsay
  Lib Link: Alex Cole-Hamilton: We still don’t value women in public life (1) by Caron Lindsay
  Trump’s awful, but we need to put our own house in order (40) by Katharine Pindar
  Jo Swinson tweets first picture of baby Gabriel and his loving big brother (0) by The Voice
  Lib Dem, Green and Labour LGBT organisations condemn transphobic protest at Pride (6) by Caron Lindsay
8th  LibLink: Ed Davey: Terminally ill homeless people are dying on our streets. They deserve dignity like the rest of us (3) by NewsHound
  Help our MPs choose their Commons debate – last chance to have your say (5) by The Voice
  LibLink: Sal Brinton; The NHS can’t work without a sustainable social care system (3) by NewsHound
  Top of the Blogs: The Lib Dem Golden Dozen #523 (2) by Caron Lindsay
9th  Davis, Baker and Braverman quit, welcome to my day: 9 July 2018 – the day the Conservative Party breaks? (4) by Mark Valladares
  LIVE THREAD: Davis (and Johnson) quit, takes junior ministers with him… (53) by The Voice
  Pro-Jewish demonstrators harassed at Dutch Labour event hosting Jeremy Corbyn (33) by Bernard Aris
  Jardine: Hunt faces an impossible challenge (2) by The Voice
  Lib Dem MPs to use Opposition Day Debate to argue for People’s Vote (44) by Caron Lindsay
10th  Abandon Tory #BrexitShambles… (17) by Mark Argent
  RAF 100 (7) by Ruth Bright
  Layla Moran: Brexit is a mess and we need a People’s Vote (4) by The Voice
  The Brighton Declaration? (26) by David Becket
11th  Rees-Mogg: Back Seat Driver (24) by Tahir Maher
  As MPs jostle for power, Tories take eye off house building (4) by Wera Hobhouse MP
  Why Lib Dem Conference should debate UN Nuclear Weapons treaty (31) by Kevin White
  Global Disability Summit (2) by Shas Sheehan
  Fancy sending a message to our new Brexit Secretary? (3) by Caron Lindsay
12th  LibLink: William Wallace Aggressive language from political extremes and media will spark violence against MPs (12) by NewsHound
  Guaranteed income: better than a second hand sandwich (52) by Adam Bernard
  What’s your favourite thing about Liberal Democrat Conference? (7) by Caron Lindsay
  Come and join Jo Swinson at the Liberal Democrat anti-Trump protest tomorrow at 2pm #LibDemsAgainstTrump (0) by The Voice
  A quick shout out to the person who sends out the emails from LDHQ (0) by Caron Lindsay
13th  WATCH: Vince Cable explain why we need a #peoplesvote (0) by The Voice
  Swinson: President’s Club trustees should be disqualified for sickening culture of sexual harassment (0) by The Voice
  ++Lib Dems gain from Tories in Southwold and Reydon (12) by Paul Walter
  Observations of an ex pat: America without NATO (3) by Tom Arms
  Inequality in society harms our mental health – how can we fix it? (35) by Katharine Pindar
  Inequality and taxation (34) by Michael Taylor and Ruth Coleman-Taylor
  LibLink: Layla Moran: Don’t be fooled: The Chequers Plan is economic suicide (49) by NewsHound
14th  Why I’m one of the many #libdemsagainstTrump today (20) by Caron Lindsay
15th  We need a two pronged approach to Brexit (31) by Chris Bowers
  WATCH: Christine Jardine speaks to anti Trump demo (1) by Caron Lindsay
  Brexit contradictions and scary polls – how do we escape from the mess? (22) by Caron Lindsay
  Now is not the time for the BBC to be cutting back its political programmes (14) by Caron Lindsay
  Top of the Blogs: The Lib Dem Golden Dozen #524 (0) by Caron Lindsay
16th  Welcome to my day: 16 July 2018 – are the tectonic plates of British politics shifting? (2) by Mark Valladares
  The Young Liberals need to take themselves more seriously… and the party does too (9) by Callum James Littlemore
  Abandon Tory #BrexitShambles… (5) by Mark Argent
  Rebecca Trimnell picked as PPC for Gloucester (1) by The Voice
  How we can stop a hard Brexit NOW: The case for the EFTA option (109) by Fraser Coppin
  Trump; explaining the inexplicable (35) by Paul Reynolds
17th  Our achievements in York (1) by Keith Aspden
  Labour in turmoil over the definition of anti-semitism (14) by Joe Otten
  Whip issues apology over Trade Bill vote (31) by The Voice
  Tories cheat like a Vote Leave campaign over crucial customs union vote (8) by Caron Lindsay
18th  Time to Start the Blame Game (9) by Tahir Maher
  “Vote Leave broke electoral law” – EU referendum needs to be annulled and re-run (42) by Paul Walter
  What will the party debate in Brighton? (11) by Zoe O’Connell
  Reforming National Insurance Contributions (19) by Collingwood
  The Big Brexit Squeeze (5) by Tony Lloyd
  Why the Party should reject calls to sign to the Nuclear Weapons Ban Treaty (13) by Toby Fenwick
  Report Back on the Federal Conference Committee (FCC) Held on 14th July 2018 (0) by Tahir Maher
19th  A young person’s ideas for a better online Lib Dem presence (21) by Oliver Stanton
  Another way out of the Brexit mess (57) by Tony Hill
  Baroness Shas Sheehan writes…Lib Dems lead the opposition to Brexit (18) by Shas Sheehan
  George Dunk’s memorial service to take place this Saturday (3) by Caron Lindsay
  Leadsom, Lewis and Smith in trouble over Jo Swinson pairing scandal (15) by Caron Lindsay
  Dinosaur found at Westminster (10) by Caron Lindsay
20th  A very strong hold in Oxfordshire (12) by Caron Lindsay
  Your Conference venues for next year are….. (5) by Geoff Payne
  Reform the Reformers – Part 1 Policy making (8) by Paul Reynolds
  LibLink: Wera Hobhouse: Solving the housing crisis means using the empty houses we’ve already got (9) by NewsHound
  Vince Cable writes: Lib Dems will be at the forefront of political realignment (22) by Vince Cable
21st  WATCH: Layla on the need for inclusive sex and relationships education (0) by Caron Lindsay
  Verdict on Vince’s first year (36) by Caron Lindsay
  LISTEN: To Pauline Pearce talking about finding productive outlets for anger on Woman’s Hour (2) by The Voice
  See the Brexit supporting rich people bankrolling the Conservatives (3) by Caron Lindsay
22nd  My passion for bold and radical Liberalism reaffirmed, as my time as SLF Chair comes to its end (5) by Helen Flynn
  On Vince, the Lib Dems and this supposed new party (96) by Caron Lindsay
  Should I jump into a debate with transphobic “feminists”? No. (24) by Miranda Roberts
  Top of the Blogs: The Lib Dem Golden Dozen #525 (0) by Caron Lindsay
23rd  Welcome to my day: 23 July 2018 – the heat is, apparently, on… (0) by Mark Valladares
  Five bigger problems for young people than tuition fees (55) by Ben Andrew
  Horizon Europe – a potential blow for British science and technology? (2) by The Voice
  A Fairer Share for All Working Group: The road to a liberal Britain (38) by Collingwood
  Reform the Reformers – Part 2, Challenges in Updating Liberal Democracy (12) by Paul Reynolds
24th  What would you change about the Ashdown Prize? (19) by Jim Williams
25th  Good weather to bury bad news? (7) by Paul Walter
  Breaking the stranglehold of the monoliths (28) by Ian Hurdley
  Catastrophic supply chain risks of a “no deal” Brexit (62) by Paul Walter
26th  From the new chair of Federal Finance and Resources Committee (2) by Tony Harris
  18 Bold Ideas from the Ashdown Prize (1) by Jim Williams
  No Deal would be horrendous – but let’s not forget that any other type of Brexit is bad news and we must resist it (30) by Caron Lindsay
  Changes to the Membership Incentive Scheme (1) by Nick Harvey
27th  Observations of an ex pat: Life as art (6) by Tom Arms
  Vince Cable and Lib Dems should lead centrist movement (64) by Chris Key
  Could you be a future leader? (2) by Bansri Buddhev
  Can we please just concentrate on fighting Brexit, not internal party processes (70) by Caron Lindsay
28th  Reporting Trump’s first year – fascinating insight into journalists on the ropes (10) by Paul Walter
29th  Apartheid in Israel? (20) by John Kelly
  Welsh Liberal Democrats’ success at the Royal Welsh Show (8) by Hilton Marlton
  Big ideas abound at SLF Conference (14) by Caron Lindsay
  Top of the Blogs: The Lib Dem Golden Dozen #526 (0) by Caron Lindsay
30th  Welcome to my day: 30 July 2018 – stockpiling words for a future shortage? (16) by Mark Valladares
  London Liberal Democrats announce timetable for GLA/Assembly selections, positive action for BAME candidates (33) by The Voice
  Why “Built in Britain” is not always Best for Britain (86) by Andy Briggs
  Reform the Reformers – Part 3, The Search for a ‘Big Idea’ (11) by Paul Reynolds
  The Brexit nightmare is dead (48) by Arnold Kiel
31st  35 years on and the fight is more important than ever (24) by Caron Lindsay
  Party reform can re-capture the liberal spirit – and change Britain (53) by Joe Zammit-Lucia
  A people’s vote is the only way out (27) by Marguerita Morton
  Housekeeping note: Please use a valid email address for comments on Liberal Democrat Voice (0) by The Voice

Recent Comments

  • Simon R
    Rodrigo is correct that climate change is a pressing concerns facing humanity, and Governments around the World are not doing enough about it. But I would urge ...
  • Neil Hickman
    @Paul R - Surely in the countries you mention, people have ID cards as a matter of course. Rightly or wrongly, in the UK we don't; and the reason for demanding...
  • Simon R
    One very minor point on this: Mary, you say, ""At the moment travel passes for older people are acceptable but bizarrely those for young people are not" ...
  • Paul R
    In most countries in Europe, the acceptable forms of ID are National ID cards or passports. The people there don't spend their time complaining about being "opp...
  • Mick Taylor
    There is a limit to how far you can advance using targeting and we are, in my view, getting near it≥ The price we have paid for our success is a swath of dere...