Monthly Archives: December 2017

1st  Observations of an ex pat: Wounded Special Relationship (5) by Tom Arms
  LibLink: Tim Farron – What Kind of Liberal Society Do We Want? (22) by Paul Walter
  In the Dorset town of Beaminster Cllr Gil Streets enacted Liberal Democracy: let us not forget that. (5) by Ed Fordham
  Vince Cable’s message for World Aids Day (0) by The Voice
  ALDC’s by-election report 30 November 2017: A great night of by-elections (14) by ALDC
  @ALDEParty Congress 2017 – day 1… a beauty contest in the city of tulips (1) by Mark Valladares
2nd  Federal Policy Committee Report 29 November 2017 (36) by Geoff Payne
  Layla Moran highlights period poverty in Parliament debate (2) by The Voice
  Christmas Books and Grenfell (3) by Joe Bourke
  The Damian Green alleged web misuse case – the employer should investigate and take whatever actions they deem appropriate (17) by Paul Walter
3rd  Christine Jardine stands up for WASPI women (20) by Caron Lindsay
  Which new Lib Dem MP has “made biggest mark” (4) by NewsHound
  It’s not always so easy to get your American partner in to the UK (8) by Caron Lindsay
  Top of the Blogs: The Lib Dem Golden Dozen #497 (0) by Caron Lindsay
  @ALDEParty Congress – Day 2: preparing for a manifesto you may never use… (0) by Mark Valladares
4th  Welcome to my day – 4 December 2017: do those clogs come in black? (0) by Mark Valladares
  Regional Branding: the path to recovery (44) by John Pugh
  Forget a second referendum! (45) by Ian MacFadyen
  Lost Leaders. Get me outta here! (9) by Tom Burgess
  @ALDEParty Congress: Days 2 and 3 – the end, in more ways than one… (3) by Mark Valladares
  4 December – perhaps even our friends in Europe think that it’s farewell… (10) by Mark Valladares
5th  My proposal for a successful Brexit (29) by David Gray
  Do we fancy jumping off a cliff like lemmings?……now let me see…’s a tough one….. (27) by Paul Walter
  Snowflakes and Safe spaces (45) by Ruth Bright
6th  Sanctuary in Parliament (2) by Suzanne Fletcher
  Your last chance to stock up on your Never going to give EU up merchandise (8) by Caron Lindsay
  Lord Bill Bradshaw writes…A partnership railway can help secure enormous benefits for Britain (12) by Lord Bill Bradshaw
  Why didn’t they chant for the Greens? (28) by Ben Andrew
  The consequences of ruling out post-election deals (79) by Andy Briggs
7th  Bitter sweet: ALDE Congress in Amsterdam (6) by Rosina Robson
  Lords Committee: “Difficult to envisage a worse outcome than no deal” (2) by Caron Lindsay
  Wera Hobhouse argues for more social homes for rent (10) by The Voice
  Second Referendum? When was the first one? (39) by Chris Park
  Vince Cable: Lib Dems are the natural party of business (2) by The Voice
  Did the Lib Dems GAIN that seat in Devon from the Tories? (0) by Caron Lindsay
8th  Friday fun: Alex Cole-Hamilton, the snake and creepy crawlies and the Prime Minister of Spain (0) by Caron Lindsay
  Vince Cable: How long before Brexit deal ripped apart by Tory Brexiteer MPs? (10) by The Voice
  Observations of an ex pat: Adventures in Israel (13) by Tom Arms
  An economic policy for 2022 and beyond. (36) by Michael Berwick-Gooding
  The Liberal Democrats are now the natural party for business (13) by Richard Pym
  Layla Moran’s favourite film may well surprise you….. (3) by Caron Lindsay
  LibLink: Nick Clegg: Skeleton Brexit deal risks leaving Parliament in the dark (14) by Caron Lindsay
9th  ALDC’s by-election report – 7 December 2017 (5) by ALDC
  For liberal, independent voices (45) by Lorenzo Cherin
  Vince Cable calls for all BAME shortlists to tackle Parliament’s lack of diversity (30) by Caron Lindsay
  Another poll shows support for referendum on Brexit deal (14) by The Voice
10th  Budget drama in Scotland – Willie Rennie wants “an education focus as never before” (1) by Caron Lindsay
  Clegg criticises May on Brexit, talks about defeat and the Westminster culture that enables bullying and harassment (4) by NewsHound
  The Mail on Sunday and Nigel Farage in one day? Vince takes the fight to the right (15) by Caron Lindsay
  Top of the Blogs: The Lib Dem Golden Dozen #498 (1) by Caron Lindsay
11th  Welcome to my day: 11 December – it’s beginning to look a lot like Christmas… (5) by Mark Valladares
  This week in the Lords: 11-15 December – probing away on Brexit… (4) by Mark Valladares
  Money to support young people who want to see a parliamentary by-election campaign at first hand (2) by Paul Walter
  How the Samaritans helped me and how they can help you (12) by Paul Walter
  LibLink: Norman Lamb on the Government’s Industrial Strategy (4) by NewsHound
  11 December – a deal is a deal, or isn’t a deal. Where’s Schrödinger when you need him? (6) by Mark Valladares
12th  Vince Cable’s message for Hanukkah (4) by The Voice
  Cable calls on chancellor to write to BoE governor (41) by Joe Otten
  Good news from Jo Swinson (1) by Caron Lindsay
  Vince: Labour should be ashamed (55) by Caron Lindsay
13th  Vince speaks at launch of All Party Parliamentary Group on Land Value Capture (26) by Joe Bourke
  Laura Gordon steps up her campaign for Sheffield Hallam (8) by Caron Lindsay
  So what’s on your Christmas reading list? (8) by Caron Lindsay
  A rare bright spot in the Brexit nightmare (12) by Caron Lindsay
  WATCH: Christine Jardine explain why the British people must have a final say on the Brexit deal (1) by The Voice
14th  Vince to argue for single market and customs union on visit to Ireland (6) by The Voice
  Lib Dems GAIN another Council seat (16) by Caron Lindsay
  Brexit Resolution: statement from Catherine Bearder MEP (2) by Catherine Bearder MEP
  A way forward for the English Party (10) by Liz Leffman
  Faith and Liberalism (29) by Kirsten Johnson
  Rennie: Scottish Budget a “missed opportunity” (3) by Caron Lindsay
15th  Report of Federal Policy Committee meeting – 13 December 2017 (15) by Duncan Brack
  The Government does not have a clue on a solution to the Irish border problem (42) by Michael Meadowcroft
16th  ALDC’s bumper by-election report – 14 December 2017 (7) by ALDC
  Politics Galore – a new podcast about Scottish of politics (3) by Caron Lindsay
  Poll gives Remain a 10 point lead over Leave – what does this mean? (137) by Caron Lindsay
17th  The better angels of our nature (7) by David Warren
  Vince: Brexit has no good options (8) by The Voice
  Don’t feel too sorry for Nigel Farage (36) by Caron Lindsay
  Top of the Blogs: The Lib Dem Golden Dozen #499 (0) by Caron Lindsay
18th  Welcome to my day- 18 December 2017: putting up the decorations… (0) by Mark Valladares
  Blocked (22) by Darren Martin
19th  Stephen Kinnock and Nick Clegg debate Brexit strategy (17) by Joe Otten
  LibDemVoice Fantasy Football League: manager of the month for November (2) by Stephen Tall
  Some news about AdLib (38) by Rachel Palma-Randle
20th  A chance to choose to #exitfromBrexit (102) by Caron Lindsay
  A Newbie’s reflections (2) by The Voice
  How you can help Liberal Democrat Voice (4) by The Voice
  Former Tory London Deputy chairman explains why he’s joined Lib Dems to fight Brexit (15) by NewsHound
  Paul Tyler writes…What next for the Lords? (9) by Paul Tyler
  Carmichael: The Cabinet crumbles (15) by Caron Lindsay
21st  Lib Dem Amendment for people’s vote on Brexit deal defeated (19) by The Voice
  Police facing £125m real-terms cut (5) by NewsHound
  Robots here and now (12) by Kirsten Johnson
  Vince’s Christmas Message 2017 (2) by The Voice
22nd  Observations of an ex pat: Dear Santa (1) by Tom Arms
  Swinson: Sectoral analysis shows that Brexit is a far-reaching, ridiculous folly (24) by Caron Lindsay
  Wera Hobhouse MP: Only the people can finish what the people have started (47) by Wera Hobhouse MP
24th  High Court rules that 2017 changes to PIP regulations are discriminatory (12) by Matt
  Willie Rennie’s Christmas Message: Scottish Lib Dems stand up for better mental health, education and police services (0) by The Voice
  Does it matter what colour your passport is? (36) by Caron Lindsay
  Daisy Cooper attacks sexist Bible stories for girls book (9) by Caron Lindsay
  Merry Christmas from Cheltenham (even though politics is a steaming pile of mess) (0) by Max Wilkinson
25th  Merry Christmas to you all (8) by Caron Lindsay
  Welcome to my day: 25 December 2017 – peace and goodwill to all… (3) by Mark Valladares
26th  Will Nick Clegg be getting a knighthood at the weekend? (102) by Caron Lindsay
27th  Lib Dems highlight plight of homeless young people (24) by Caron Lindsay
  Sick absence figures reveal extent of strains on NHS staff as 45 million hours lost in Scotland alone (1) by Caron Lindsay
  How to get Lib Dem Voice by email (1) by The Voice
  Why you shouldn’t believe everything you read in the newspapers about the Lib Dems (84) by Caron Lindsay
28th  Everyday Sexism – a child’s experience (12) by Kirsten Johnson
  Top skills a Local Party Organiser needs in 2018 (3) by Steffan Aquarone
  Post-Christmas musings on the R word (9) by Merlene Emerson
  Campaigning for higher and fairer taxes? (45) by Lord William Wallace
29th  Observations of an ex pat: 2018 (6) by Tom Arms
  New year, new us? (35) by Henry Madell
  15 year old Lib Dem Jess Insall’s campaign gets support from Scottish Government (5) by Caron Lindsay
  Vince reflects on 2017, looks forward to an exit from Brexit and expresses Strictly anger. (52) by NewsHound
  BREAKING: Swinson and Clegg honoured (25) by The Voice
30th  LDV’s top 12 posts of 2017 – Number 12 (0) by The Voice
  LDV’s top 12 posts of 2017 – Number 11 (2) by The Voice
  LDV’s top 12 posts of 2017 – Number 10 (0) by The Voice
  LDV’s top 12 posts of 2017 – Number 9 (1) by The Voice
  LDV’s top 12 posts of 2017 – Number 8 (1) by The Voice
  LDV’s top 12 posts of 2017 – Number 7 (0) by The Voice
  WATCH: Vince Cable’s New Year message – Liberal Democrats are the party who stand up for the underdog (15) by Caron Lindsay
31st  Jane Dodds’ New Year Message: Welsh Liberal Democrats are fighting back (8) by Jane Dodds
  LDV’s top 12 posts of 2017 – Number 6 (1) by The Voice
  Willie Rennie’s New Year message: The forces of openness and tolerance tolerance must win the argument in 2018 (11) by Willie Rennie
  LDV’s top 12 posts of 2017 – Number 5 (3) by The Voice
  LDV’s top 12 posts of 2017 – Number 4 (2) by The Voice
  LDV’s top 12 posts of 2017 – Number 3 (1) by Caron Lindsay
  LDV’s top 12 posts of 2017 – Number 2 (4) by The Voice
  Top of the Blogs: The Lib Dem Golden Dozen #500 (1) by Caron Lindsay

Recent Comments

  • Simon R
    Rodrigo is correct that climate change is a pressing concerns facing humanity, and Governments around the World are not doing enough about it. But I would urge ...
  • Neil Hickman
    @Paul R - Surely in the countries you mention, people have ID cards as a matter of course. Rightly or wrongly, in the UK we don't; and the reason for demanding...
  • Simon R
    One very minor point on this: Mary, you say, ""At the moment travel passes for older people are acceptable but bizarrely those for young people are not" ...
  • Paul R
    In most countries in Europe, the acceptable forms of ID are National ID cards or passports. The people there don't spend their time complaining about being "opp...
  • Mick Taylor
    There is a limit to how far you can advance using targeting and we are, in my view, getting near it≥ The price we have paid for our success is a swath of dere...