Monthly Archives: June 2017

1st  WATCH: Tim Farron’s best bits from last night’s debate (13) by The Voice
  Let our actions do the talking on diversity (7) by Edward Sainsbury
  “As an MP, I’d find solutions” – a profile that shows why Elizabeth Riches should win North East Fife (0) by Caron Lindsay
  Frank Bruno to campaign for Norman Lamb today (0) by NewsHound
  WATCH: A brighter Lib Dem future for Britain – with Tim, Andrew, Layla, Jo – and a cameo by Jasper (2) by The Voice
  Tim’s Andrew Neil Interview discussion thread. (87) by Caron Lindsay
  The Economist endorses the Liberal Democrats (40) by The Voice
  Farron challenges May to change Trump’s mind on climate change (4) by The Voice
2nd  Cable: Tories and Labour have turned their backs on the economy and business (18) by The Voice
  Our final PEB: What happens if we get a bad Brexit deal? (39) by Caron Lindsay
  LibLink: Nick Clegg: Why the Liberal Democrats believe a legal, regulated cannabis market would improve public health (4) by NewsHound
  “Breakfast doesn’t mean Breakfast” (5) by The Voice
  Remembering Charles (13) by Caron Lindsay
3rd  Lib Dems have a strong message on energy and climate change, but there are still unanswered questions (5) by Matt Dolman
  WATCH: John Leech’s story (6) by The Voice
  WATCH: Lib Dems attack “Dementia Tax” with mock estate agent “Theresa May and Co” (43) by The Voice
4th  London (60) by Caron Lindsay
  Top of the Blogs: The Lib Dem Golden Dozen #483 (1) by Caron Lindsay
5th  If you read one thing today, read this: “Britain is being led to an epic act of national self-harm” – by Will Hutton (65) by Paul Walter
  March for truth (1) by Michael Taylor
  LibLink: Tim Farron on Theresa May and counter-terrorism policy (20) by The Voice
  ALDE Party Council review: meanwhile, in Europe… (4) by Mark Valladares
  Mystery posters in Somerset (1) by Mary Reid
  The day Tim Farron cooked my breakfast (13) by Caron Lindsay
  Lib Dems highlight “Brexit Brain Drain” (5) by Caron Lindsay
  Tim Farron: A Britain where everyone is treated fairly (3) by The Voice
  Farron: Trump is an embarrassment. May must withdraw the State Visit invitation (7) by The Voice
  For World Environment Day: The Lib Dems’ vision (1) by The Voice
  Tim Farron on Question Time – discusssion thread (44) by Caron Lindsay
6th  Why is it so difficult for politicians to understand social care? (25) by Gillian Douglass
  WATCH: Nick Clegg on why a “self destructive” hard brexit is so damaging for our economy and security (61) by The Voice
  How the Dutch embed anti-radicalisation efforts in stronger local “joined-up” government and co-operation (1) by Bernard Aris
  WATCH: Choices…a brighter future with the Liberal Democrats (3) by The Voice
  Commemorating 50 years since the Six Day War (12) by John Kelly
  WATCH: The Lib Dem manifesto launch in British Sign Language (0) by Caron Lindsay
  Bob Geldof: Lib Dems are the only party with the balls to oppose Brexit (24) by The Voice
  Why young people need to vote Liberal Democrat to have a say in their future (20) by Caron Lindsay
7th  Tim Farron’s final rally speech: Lib Dems will stop a bad Brexit deal, public service cuts and the Dementia Tax (16) by The Voice
  Willie Rennie’s final rallying call: Lib Dem MPs will put Scotland at heart of UK & UK at heart of Europe (0) by The Voice
  Voter to Jo Swinson: “We’ve missed you” (4) by NewsHound
  Nick Clegg: No evidence that human rights laws undermine security (3) by Caron Lindsay
  What will you be doing tomorrow? (0) by Caron Lindsay
  “You know who nailed it every single time? The Lib Dems” (6) by Caron Lindsay
  Lib Dems poll 20% among children and young people (9) by NewsHound
  Photo feature: Ballot box goes off to Rathlin Island, Northern Ireland, a day early due to the ferry schedule (7) by Paul Walter
  Insanity, stupidity or senility? (12) by Paul Walter
8th  Good luck everybody – and thanks (3) by Caron Lindsay
  Still making your mind up how to vote…this might help (4) by The Voice
  Election Results discussion thread (147) by Caron Lindsay
9th  Election 2017 headlines – how many Lib Dem MPs are there and who are they? (62) by Nick T
  What a night! Hope returns to UK politics (19) by Caron Lindsay
  What a wonderful day to walk up to a young voter, hug them* and say: “THANK YOU” (61) by Paul Walter
  Farron: We must challenge the Conservative orthodoxy that is tearing this country apart (32) by The Voice
  Farron: We have a right to know terms of deal with the DUP (6) by Caron Lindsay
  Willie Rennie: SNP must hold parliamentary vote to cancel divisive independence referendum (14) by Caron Lindsay
  Lord Martin Thomas writes…The moment the election turned (17) by Martin Thomas
10th  There is a window of opportunity to influence the PM’s Brexit strategy (54) by Julian Gregory
  Norway option, at least in the interim, offers the only sensible route out of this mess (40) by Paul Walter
11th  Finding our way again (76) by Bill le Breton
  Willie, Christine and Jo celebrate Scottish Lib Dem wins (18) by Caron Lindsay
  Thinking about the next elections… (46) by The Voice
  WATCH: Nick Clegg’s concession speech: We need to reach out to each other and heal divisions (30) by Caron Lindsay
  The emotions of an election count (3) by Ed Fordham
12th  Theresa May must face up to hard facts – Charles Goerens MEP (0) by Martin Bennett
  How we lost Southport (84) by John Pugh
  The case for a Brexit of the four freedoms (18) by Contributor 2017
  It could have been the economy, stupid (11) by Joe Otten
  I was never mad at the Lib Dems and you shouldn’t be either (24) by Anna Pitcher
  In the world of the Corbyn bounce (63) by Mark Argent
  Gove governing Defra is a bad move for the environment (16) by Andy Boddington
13th  Referendums: an addendum to the conundrum (14) by John King
  Beyond tribalism: why we now need a cross-party approach to Brexit (29) by Gordon Lynch
14th  Why Lib Dems should be proud (22) by Ben Andrew
  A Brexit thriller (3) by David Boyle
  May’s hard Brexit is dead. Now let’s bury Brexit (19) by Nick Hopkinson
  Party to elect a Deputy Leader (22) by The Voice
  Lord Martin Thomas writes…The House of Lords has the right to say “no” to Conservative/DUP Bills (2) by Martin Thomas
  Lord Tony Greaves writes… Where now for the Liberal Democrats? Part 1: Where we are (35) by Tony Greaves
  The nature of predictions (1) by Jane Reed
  Brian Paddick resigns as Lib Dem Shadow Home Secretary (32) by Caron Lindsay
  +++BREAKING: Tim Farron resigns (348) by Caron Lindsay
15th  LibLink: Recalling Michael Gove is an act of environmental vandalism – Ed Davey (8) by The Voice
  Lord Tony Greaves writes…Where now for the Liberal Democrats? Part 2: What we do about it (41) by Tony Greaves
  We’ve already won – in so many ways (12) by Isabelle Parasram
  Radical Centrism: Why it’s time for the Lib Dems to be bolder (16) by Luke Jeffery
  Evangelical Christianity and liberalism: the compatibility question (60) by Jim Hodgson
  How do the Lib Dems survive a stronger than ever two-party system? (18) by Mark Henderson
  What lessons can we learn from the election? (41) by A Liberal in Leeds
16th  The choice for Lib Dems – embrace radicalism or die (69) by Chris Whiting
  Grenfell Tower fire: Answers, accountability and help are needed (33) by Eddie Sammon
  The sudden death of Liberal England (45) by Chris Fauske
  Alistair Carmichael is to be the Lib Dem Chief Whip (11) by Caron Lindsay
  Reprise: Where is the love? (0) by Jenny Marr
  Seizing the centre: the road ahead (20) by Alexander Green
  The narrow-mindedness of Theresa May as prime minister in a transforming world (6) by Bernard Aris
  It’s Jo v Bo as Lib Dems announce Shadow Cabinet (6) by The Voice
17th  Lib Dems honoured (1) by The Voice
  How does the party recover after a bruising week? (112) by Caron Lindsay
  Tim’s resignation: Wrong reasoning, wrong cause, wrong result (133) by Katharine Pindar
  Liberal Britain – a counterfactual history (19) by Adam Smith
18th  We must remember who we are fighting for (20) by Lee Dargue
  Jo Swinson MP writes..The role I want to play in our party’s leadership (112) by Jo Swinson MP
19th  Some questions to potential candidates (21) by Chloe Hutchinson
  The challenge in Yorkshire (43) by Wayne Chadburn
  Tackling inequality (5) by David Becket
  The case for a softer Brexit (65) by Louis Mian
  Tough Liberal love (14) by Sean Williams
  Why there is nothing illiberal about cutting taxes (35) by David Thorpe
20th  BREAKING NEWS: Vince Cable announces his candidacy for Leader (200) by The Voice
  Responding to the Grenfell Tower Fire (30) by Ade Adeyemo
  Jo Swinson confirmed as Lib Dem Deputy Leader (13) by Caron Lindsay
21st  Party organisations comment on resignation of Tim Farron (14) by Caron Lindsay
  What would be in your Queen’s speech? (23) by Caron Lindsay
  Splitting hairs? Jo Swinson is “Deputy leader of the (UK) parliamentary party” ? (19) by Paul Walter
  Let’s be the party of the empowered individual (13) by Anthony Fairclough
  We can learn from the aviation industry about preventing and managing disaster (5) by Chris Key
  The need to tackle far right extremism (7) by Eddie Sammon
  Sarah Olney writes…We should be pleased if the Conservatives can’t form a Government (33) by Sarah Olney
  Queen’s Speech Round-up: What the Liberal Democrats said about it (3) by Caron Lindsay
22nd  The country needs a new liberalism – the Liberal Democrats must provide it (43) by Scott Smith
  A candidate’s tale: Part 1 (5) by Richard Flowers
  Shouldn’t positive campaigning start at home? (14) by Stephen Harte
  We need a new type of hustings for the Leadership Election (20) by Simon McGrath
  No Normtroopers this time – Norman Lamb won’t stand for leader (64) by Caron Lindsay
  Time for a coalition…of common sense (31) by Brian Milnes
23rd  Introducing Lib Dem Immigrants (61) by Holly Matthies
  Early Bird Discount for Autumn Conference ends tomorrow (1) by Caron Lindsay
  Layla Moran MP writes: Where I stand on the leadership contest (32) by Layla Moran MP
  A candidate’s tale: Part 2 (5) by Richard Flowers
  Latest Social Liberal Forum Publication Now Available: “Northern Discomfort: An Analysis of the Lib Dem performance in the 2017 General Election” (10) by Helen Flynn
  Tainted love? (92) by Andy Cooke
  Catherine Bearder MEP writes…Brexit, one year on (16) by Catherine Bearder MEP
  Improving Watford through arts, culture and fun (2) by Iain Sharpe
24th  The future and practice of garage politics (32) by Bill le Breton
  Observations of an ex pat: The fight for the spoils (8) by Tom Arms
  Patriotic media – an odd concept in a democracy (15) by Caron Lindsay
25th  If they say you’re a Red Tory or a Yellow Tory, ask about Corbyn’s welfare cuts (60) by George Kendall
  Housing fire safety a civil emergency – Brinton (11) by The Voice
  Liberal Democrats should show leadership, and help shape where the Progressive Alliance goes now (31) by Nick Perry
  Momentum builds behind Brexit deal referendum (23) by Caron Lindsay
  We need to go into the next election with a different strategy (44) by Karen Wilkinson
  Tim Farron’s message for Eid (3) by The Voice
  ALDC Campaigner Awards 2017 – nominations open (1) by ALDC
26th  The Liberal Democrats: on your side and fighting for you (36) by Iain Roberts
  Where next for the Liberal Democrats in Wales? (10) by Matt Hemsley
  Tim Farron on the Conservative/DUP deal (18) by The Voice
  Leadership election (16) by Mary Reid
  Why I’m gambling on a second referendum (17) by John King
  Unconditionally surrender to the EU or be a failed state (74) by Arnold Kiel
  Mental Health deaths must not be neglected (2) by Tony Dawson
  Winning over young people (50) by Sam Foulder-Hughes
27th  The party of “I told you so” (62) by Noel Davies
  How we can tell our modern liberal story (12) by Bobby Dean
  Potholes, protests and a country wakened to political power (2) by Simon Ferrigno
  Ed Davey MP writes….My family, my party (80) by Ed Davey
  There are worse things than a coronation for Vince (98) by Caron Lindsay
28th  Reprise: Vince Cable to liberals: Don’t despair, go local, celebrate identities and embrace social democratic policies (8) by Caron Lindsay
  WATCH: Layla Moran’s maiden speech (5) by Caron Lindsay
  A personal reflection on the General Election, its aftermath and liberalism (12) by David Warren
  Roger Roberts: Could we not be the nation that leads morally in this ruptured world (11) by The Voice
  Liberal Democrats need a distinctive message (39) by Arthur Snell
  May’s Brexit setup denies remaining EU states what she wants to recover for Britain: sovereignty over their nation(als) (37) by Bernard Aris
  WATCH: Christine Jardine’s maiden speech (2) by The Voice
  Sal Brinton writes… What you need to know about the leadership election (29) by Sal Brinton
29th  The leadership of Charles Kennedy (11) by Duncan Brack
  Will it be a hustings or a Meet the New Leader event? (3) by Mary Reid
  Lord Paul Tyler writes…Will Labour Lords stick to their EU principles? (24) by Paul Tyler
30th  Observations of an ex pat: Torture (6) by Tom Arms
  Find out more about Young Liberals’ plans for Freshers’ Weeks (0) by Vicky Nevin
  What does the latest Social Attitudes Survey say to Liberals? (15) by Joe Bourke
  WATCH: Wera Hobhouse’s maiden speech (7) by The Voice
  In need of an identity (21) by Brian Robinson
  How should we approach future coalitions? (27) by Andy Cooke
  LibLink: Vince Cable: Labour won over young voters but it is betraying them on Brexit (26) by Caron Lindsay

Recent Comments

  • Simon R
    Rodrigo is correct that climate change is a pressing concerns facing humanity, and Governments around the World are not doing enough about it. But I would urge ...
  • Neil Hickman
    @Paul R - Surely in the countries you mention, people have ID cards as a matter of course. Rightly or wrongly, in the UK we don't; and the reason for demanding...
  • Simon R
    One very minor point on this: Mary, you say, ""At the moment travel passes for older people are acceptable but bizarrely those for young people are not" ...
  • Paul R
    In most countries in Europe, the acceptable forms of ID are National ID cards or passports. The people there don't spend their time complaining about being "opp...
  • Mick Taylor
    There is a limit to how far you can advance using targeting and we are, in my view, getting near it≥ The price we have paid for our success is a swath of dere...