Monthly Archives: July 2017

1st  Get clever, get brave and reform to win (93) by Humphrey Hawksley
  Party members question Vince Cable on Brexit, freedom of movement and single market (60) by Andrew Hickey
  Well that didn’t take long! Vince answers the Brexit, freedom of movement and single market questions (49) by Caron Lindsay
2nd  A 250 year old box (14) by Ken Munn
  Vince on Sky News: We’ve got to stop extreme Brexit (50) by Caron Lindsay
  Mutualisation of public services needs to go up the agenda (25) by Adam Penny
  Tom Brake’s quiet revolution – but there’s so much more that should change about the Commons (8) by Caron Lindsay
  LDV’s Sunday Best: our 7 most-read articles this week (1) by The Voice
  Christine Jardine finds a way to raise concerns about job losses (0) by Caron Lindsay
  Top of the Blogs: The Lib Dem Golden Dozen #484 (0) by Caron Lindsay
3rd  Five General Election lessons from a newbie (41) by Neil Lewis
  What is the government’s exact majority? (20) by Paul Walter
  Why it’s perception that matters (17) by Greg Ardan
  Dutch UK correspondents warn that the mood among EU expats has really soured (34) by Bernard Aris
  SLF Conference London 15th July – all Lib Dems invited – we need to talk! (0) by Geoffrey Payne
  ‘Occupying’ the missing middle is not enough – Lib Dems must build it (77) by Will Parker
4th  LibLink: Nick Clegg – a deal can be done on freedom of movement (29) by Joe Otten
  Rumours of talks with the Conservatives put to bed (25) by Joe Otten
  Sal Brinton writes…Party Awards 2017 – nominate your hero! (1) by Sal Brinton
5th  A progressive alliance round Land Value Taxation? (67) by Joe Bourke
  Here’s to the crazy 7.4% (86) by Bill le Breton
  Obituary: Annette Hendry (4) by James Moore
  Alistair Carmichael MP writes…The truth about those “secret Tory talks” (27) by Alistair Carmichael MP
6th  The stitch-up – our dodgy electoral system (75) by Andy Cooke
  James Davidson, former Liberal MP for West Aberdeenshire, dies at 90 (6) by The Voice
  WATCH: Jamie Stone’s maiden speech (4) by Caron Lindsay
  Carmichael on “dangerous and misplaced” Fox BBC comments (4) by Caron Lindsay
  “Very good” Lib Dem statement on EU-Japan trade deal (20) by NewsHound
7th  Observations of an ex pat: Minced meat in Hamburg (15) by Tom Arms
  What have our lot been up to in the Commons this week? (10) by The Voice
8th  Open a golden gate to grow power (42) by Katharine Pindar
  Jo Swinson’s message for Pride 2017: Love Happens here (3) by The Voice
  Interesting use of language, Vince (18) by Caron Lindsay
9th  Adult education and skills training (30) by Joe Bourke
  Is this why there is no rush to make Boris Johnson Prime Minister? (12) by Paul Walter
  Vince Cable on Marr: I can see a scenario where Brexit doesn’t happen (42) by Caron Lindsay
  Who to trust on the economy? The CBI or Dr Fox with his kamikazee Brexit? (6) by Paul Walter
  Vince: I won’t be winning the Bad Sex Award (3) by Caron Lindsay
10th  Dementia Tax – Project Fear (40) by Ruth Bright
  Leadership hustings – a chance to discuss the future of the party with Vince Cable (8) by Mary Reid
  Brexit: yes, it’s personal (63) by M P Hoskins
  Rennie calls on Justice Secretary to end “chilling” Police whistleblower policy (2) by Caron Lindsay
11th  This lady is for turning (15) by The Voice
  What can we learn from the ages? (47) by Ken Munn
12th  It’s Swinson vs Lamb today (16) by Caron Lindsay
  It’s time for an All Party Parliamentary Group on Land Value Taxation (36) by Joe Bourke
  Another civil liberties victory for the Scottish Lib Dems (0) by NewsHound
  The new standard bearer for science and innovation is… Norman Lamb (11) by Matt Dolman
13th  LibLink: Nick Clegg – Nick Clegg: We were the world’s leaders in democracy. Now it’s Germany (21) by The Voice
  What now for moderate politics and discourse? (28) by Nick T
  Catherine Bearder MEP writes…EURATOM: The wedge dividing the Tories’ ideological Brexit (22) by Catherine Bearder MEP
14th  Observations of an ex pat…The law (6) by Tom Arms
  No silver bullet for our Lib Dem doldrums (53) by Theo Knott
  Dick Taverne writes…Three reasons the Brexit vote is reversible (29) by Dick Taverne
  High, positive impact for a hard-fighting political machine. (170) by Humphrey Hawksley
  Vince Cable on Lib Dem prospects: You could come from third to first really quickly (15) by Caron Lindsay
  Tim had already decided to go before the election – remember where you heard it first (28) by Caron Lindsay
15th  New issue of Liberator out (5) by The Liberator Collective
  Follow the Social Liberal Forum conference today (6) by Caron Lindsay
  No country for old men? (30) by David Warren
16th  Tonight, 8pm, BBC Parliament – Conversation with Shirley Williams (12) by Caron Lindsay
  LibLink: Kirsty William: It’s not about whether we charge tuition fees. In Wales, we’ve found a third way (5) by NewsHound
  Cable: Hammond’s position on public sector pay unsustainable (33) by The Voice
  Why we shouldn’t be surprised by Philip Hammond’s reported comments (16) by Caron Lindsay
  The 13th Doctor: 3 reasons why the BBC have made a brilliant choice (31) by Caron Lindsay
17th  Social Liberal Forum Conference: The Retreat from Globalisation (12) by Caron Lindsay
  Federal Conference Committee report on selection of motions for Bournemouth (76) by Zoe O’Connell
  A powerful drama that must not become reality (35) by Catherine Crosland
  Memorials? (12) by Steve Trevethan
  The tide is turning (13) by Mary Reid
  What should our policy on one of the defining issues of the age be? (36) by Tony Lloyd
18th  Tim’s best bits #1: That first speech as leader (3) by The Voice
  Brexiteers Bearing Broken Promises should not underestimate the iceberg threatening their Titanic (15) by Bernard Aris
  Tim’s best bits #2: That Syria vote (3) by Caron Lindsay
19th  Tim’s Best Bits #3: His first Conference speech (2) by Caron Lindsay
  Save the date: ALDC’s Give It A Go – pizza and phoning on 3rd August 2017! (0) by ALDC
  Tim’s best bits #4: Going to Calais (0) by Caron Lindsay
  LibLink: Layla Moran: If Philip Hammond thinks driving a train is so easy “even a woman can do it” maybe a career change is in order (11) by NewsHound
  New party: An opportunity, an unhelpful distraction or a timely kick up our posterior? (43) by Ben Maitland
  Tim’s best bits #5: Campaigning in Edinburgh West in the General Election (0) by Caron Lindsay
  LibLink: Miriam Gonzalez Durantez: How to beat the ticking Brexit clock: let British business leaders do the talking (21) by NewsHound
  Swinson: BBC Gender Gap should be a wake up call (25) by Caron Lindsay
  Cheers, Tim (17) by Caron Lindsay
20th  UK income inequality lower than a decade ago: three challenges for the Lib Dems (62) by Nick T
  Here, there and everywhere – a report back from Federal International Relations Committee… (0) by Mark Valladares
  LibLink: Lord Teverson – Big challenges ahead as the PM pushes nuclear button on Euratom membership (2) by The Voice
  My message to liberal Tories: join us (36) by Max Wilkinson
  Vince takes the stage with a strong “Exit from Brexit” line (32) by Caron Lindsay
  Vince’s manifesto shows just how far Tim took us (27) by Caron Lindsay
21st  Observations of an ex pat: Crooked or incompetent? (5) by Tom Arms
  How do we measure the evolving will of the people? (47) by Edward Goater
  The sixties (23) by Michael Taylor
  LibLink: Christine Jardine: The country cannot afford a Summer of Brexit discontent (21) by NewsHound
  Mathew’s Musings -commentary on this week’s news (3) by Mathew Hulbert
22nd  Happy 40th Birthday, Alex Cole-Hamilton (1) by Caron Lindsay
  It’s going to be a bit quiet around here for a couple of weeks… (12) by Caron Lindsay
23rd  How to enter the LibDemVoice Fantasy Football League 2017/18 (5) by Stephen Tall
24th  Liberals: a fresh message (19) by Sam Al-Hamdani
  Reintroducing Liberal Leave (171) by Torrin Wilkins
  Defending the Human Rights of Parliamentarians at the Inter-Parliamentary Union (0) by Phil Bennion
  LibLink: William Wallace gives the William Beveridge Memorial Lecture (15) by Mary Reid
  Brexit: an idea whose time has passed? (60) by John King
25th  Vince Cable, the next PM? (101) by Bill Fowler
  I’m proud to be a be a Lib Dem newbie (62) by Azi Ahmed
26th  Willie Rennie – the “secret guilty pleasure” of singer and columnist Michelle McManus (3) by Paul Walter
  Two months with the Lib Dems (38) by Luke Reading
  Crackdown on unfair Leasehold Practices (24) by Joe Bourke
  What should Liberal Democrats expect of our leaders? (86) by Katharine Pindar
  New thinking on job creation (27) by John Knox
27th  James Davidson – a Liberal MP in Scotland who should not be forgotten (2) by Mary Reid
  Peter Taylor to fight Watford mayoral race for the Lib Dems (9) by The Voice
28th  Mathew’s Musings -commentary on this week’s news (4) by Mathew Hulbert
  LibLink: Vince Cable on Corbyn (43) by The Voice
29th  What we need from Vince (63) by Jon Andrew
  Want to see Norman Lamb in lycra? (1) by Mary Reid
  LibLink: Vince Cable on the battle for LGBT+ rights (3) by The Voice
30th  The need to rediscover Social Justice (65) by Paul Carroll
  Pivotal US healthcare votes swung by ailing Senators (5) by Paul Walter
31st  Funding Social Care costs (36) by Joe Bourke
  Sarah Olney on returning to normal life (25) by Mary Reid
  A new economic vision for the Lib Dems (83) by Oliver Craven

Recent Comments

  • Simon R
    Rodrigo is correct that climate change is a pressing concerns facing humanity, and Governments around the World are not doing enough about it. But I would urge ...
  • Neil Hickman
    @Paul R - Surely in the countries you mention, people have ID cards as a matter of course. Rightly or wrongly, in the UK we don't; and the reason for demanding...
  • Simon R
    One very minor point on this: Mary, you say, ""At the moment travel passes for older people are acceptable but bizarrely those for young people are not" ...
  • Paul R
    In most countries in Europe, the acceptable forms of ID are National ID cards or passports. The people there don't spend their time complaining about being "opp...
  • Mick Taylor
    There is a limit to how far you can advance using targeting and we are, in my view, getting near it≥ The price we have paid for our success is a swath of dere...