Monthly Archives: January 2022

1st  New Year Honours – the Lib Dem edit (3) by Mary Reid
  WATCH: Alex Cole-Hamilton’s New Year Message (11) by The Voice
  2021 – the year in review: August (2) by Mark Valladares
  Ed Davey: Lib Dems will turn the blue wall yellow (19) by The Voice
2nd  2021 – the year in review: September (0) by Mark Valladares
  Ed Davey’s New Year Message 2022 (0) by The Voice
3rd  A memorial to a lie (36) by Jo Hayes
  2021 – the year in review: October (2) by Mark Valladares
4th  2021 – the year in review: November (3) by Mark Valladares
  Why you should join the Liberal Democrats’ Social Democrat Group (3) by Tim Caswell
  A proposal for Single Member Proportional Representation (98) by Elijah Granet
5th  What’s on in our Parliaments this week? (3) by Caron Lindsay
  Lib Dems overtake Conservatives in Powys as Tories descend into chaos (3) by James Gibson-Watt
  Sally Hamwee writes…Lib Dem Lords will do our best to fight Nationality and Borders Bill (1) by Sally Hamwee
  2021 – the year in review: December (0) by Mark Valladares
  Helen Morgan MP sworn in after stunning by-election win (3) by The Voice
  Christine Jardine calls for British Sign Language to be taught in schools (1) by NewsHound
  Helen Morgan challenges Prime Minister on Day 1 (0) by Caron Lindsay
  Ed vs Boris – a load of old Balls (4) by Caron Lindsay
6th  Liberal Democrats demand “Robin Hood tax” on oil and gas super-profits (17) by NewsHound
  Being a REAL “Community Champion” and the Order of the British Empire (11) by Michal Siewniak
7th  Boris Johnson’s stealth tax to cost families £10.9 billion by 2026 (10) by NewsHound
  Showing understanding, welcome and humanity – The Windermere Children (1) by Suzanne Fletcher
  Helen Morgan: “Anger at Conservative Party like nothing I’ve heard” (8) by NewsHound
8th  Observations of an ex pat – Ukraine Week (9) by Tom Arms
  Tim Farron on Cumbria’s rural housing crisis (20) by The Voice
  Lloyd George didn’t know my father – the 1921 Census (11) by Ruth Bright
9th  Tom Arms’ World Review: Capitol anniversary, Kazakhstan, Turkey, EU/China (21) by Tom Arms
  WATCH: Daisy Cooper call for greater help for “innocent leaseholders caught in living nightmare” (5) by NewsHound
  Daisy Cooper: Government must keep free lateral flow tests as long as they ask people to self isolate (26) by Caron Lindsay
  Jane Dodds: Welsh Farmers feel sold down the river by the Conservatives (2) by NewsHound
  What’s on in our Parliaments this week ? 10-14 January 2022 (1) by Caron Lindsay
10th  Welcome to my day: 10 January 2022 – tax doesn’t need to be taxing… (5) by Mark Valladares
  Dentist staffing crisis as almost 1,000 walk away (8) by NewsHound
  Email on Number 10 drinks party “adding insult to injury” – Ed Davey (0) by Mark Valladares
11th  Liberal Democrats must speak out for jury trials (18) by Antony Hook
  Mark Pack’s January report – the plan to build on our success in 2022 (15) by Mark Pack
  Let’s focus on taking on the Tories in Sutton & Cheam (147) by David Campanale
12th  Why we’re so livid about the Downing Street parties (10) by Caron Lindsay
  Ed Davey: Boris Johnson must resign (10) by The Voice
  The damage caused by this Government now includes psychological harm – we need them gone (4) by Judy Abel
13th  Where were the police? (11) by Mary Reid
  Campaigning on Europe – members’ views (18) by Duncan Brack
  Daisy Cooper on Question Time (2) by Mary Reid
  Who will deliver on Levelling Up? (2) by Lord William Wallace
  Daisy Cooper: Boris Johnson must resign #bbcqt (6) by NewsHound
14th  Changes to comments and posting policies on Lib Dem Voice (81) by The Voice
15th  Observations of an ex pat: Migration time bomb (9) by Tom Arms
  Beatrice Wishart: We need to do better at tackling Endometriosis (4) by The Voice
  Welsh Lib Dems secure £20 million to support most vulnerable children (0) by The Voice
  Ed Davey: Boris why would you even want to party when people were dying (5) by NewsHound
16th  Tom Arms’ World Review: Ukraine, Kazakhstan, Justice at home and abroad, Sri Lanka (10) by Tom Arms
  Wera Hobhouse on cyber-flashing and the Online Safety Bill (2) by NewsHound
  Lib Dems table motion of no confidence in Boris Johnson (5) by Caron Lindsay
  Lib Dems take part in Kill the Bill protests around country (3) by Andy Boddington
  Cutting sick pay for unvaccinated employees – what do you think? (22) by Caron Lindsay
  Your last chance for the early bird rate for Spring Conference (0) by Caron Lindsay
  What’s going on in our Parliaments this week? 17-21 January 2022 (0) by Caron Lindsay
17th  Welcome to my day: 17 January 2022 – “I wanna be the Leader (4) by Mark Valladares
  Trashing trust with a false prospectus (2) by David Brunnen
  16 January 2022 – yesterday’s press releases (20) by The Voice
  The real reason why Boris Johnson should resign (48) by Catherine Crosland
  When catching up means losing out (8) by Charley Hasted
  Police Bill – a good night for freedom… so far… (0) by Mark Valladares
18th  Government loses 14 further votes on Police, Crime Sentencing and Courts Bill (3) by NewsHound
  The Dodds Doorstep challenge (0) by Jane Dodds
  ‘Elections Bill makes it harder to vote and undermines our democratic rights’ – Alistair Carmichael (4) by NewsHound
  Tolerance and free speech (48) by Michael Taylor
  Dorothy Thornhill writes: What we must do next to learn the lessons of 2019 (10) by Dorothy Thornhill
19th  Wendy Chamberlain slams Government for “callous” benefits decision (6) by Caron Lindsay
  Another dramatic Wednesday ahead (0) by Caron Lindsay
  What the week of Christian unity can offer (5) by Michal Siewniak
  Wendy Chamberlain smashes it at PMQs with call for PM to resign (10) by The Voice
20th  What’s the point of the English Party? (16) by Matt McLaren
  Are we now living in an anocracy? (24) by John Marriott
  FCC Report: Motions for Spring Conference (5) by Nick Da Costa
  Early Bird registration for Spring Conference extended (0) by Mary Reid
21st  FOUR Lib Dem Council GAINS – What a night! (5) by Caron Lindsay
  Et tu Cummins? Et tu Davies? Et tu Wragg? (6) by Andy Boddington
  The Women’s Healthcare Gap (32) by Zoe Hollowood
  Lib Dem governance reforms are vital (20) by Callum Robertson
22nd  Observations of an ex pat – Anglo Saxon Free Speech (9) by Tom Arms
23rd  Tom Arms’ World Review: Ukraine, Afghanistan, Netanyahu (12) by Tom Arms
  ALDC by-election report: 20 January 2022 (1) by Paul Heilbron
  The funny thing all those demanding “free speech” have in common (23) by John Grout
24th  How do we create a passion for civic activism? (11) by Michal Siewniak
  We’re not going bust – but how will we manage our money in future? (17) by John Medway
  Ed Davey: Boris Johnson must resign over birthday party (4) by Caron Lindsay
25th  Helen Morgan to make her maiden speech today (1) by Caron Lindsay
  Government meltdown because PM cannot tell the truth – Ed Davey (3) by NewsHound
  The pros and cons for Liberal Democrats of Boris Johnson remaining in office (26) by Irina von Weise and Humphrey Hawksley
  Helen Morgan’s inaugural: In the footsteps of the Women of Wem (1) by Andy Boddington
  Happy Burns Night! (2) by Caron Lindsay
  Erlend (13) by Caron Lindsay
26th  Former Lib Dem MP Ronnie Fearn dies at 90 (1) by Caron Lindsay
  Carmichael: Put Boris on gardening leave during Met investigation into parties (1) by The Voice
  John Pugh writes…Lord Ronnie Fearn 1931-2022 (6) by John Pugh
27th  The long road to eliminating FGM… is too long (3) by Catherine Royce
  Support jobseekers, don’t sanction them (24) by Mary Reid
  Ed Davey on Holocaust Memorial Day (0) by The Voice
  Hina Bokhari AM interviewed by The Guardian (2) by NewsHound
28th  When it comes to Ukraine let’s not forget the geopolitics before we rush in (26) by John Marriott
29th  Observations of an ex-pat: Ukrainian Light (5) by Tom Arms
30th  Tom Arms’ World Review – 30 January 2022 (5) by Tom Arms
  Are the Tories planning an early General Election (9) by Mark Argent
  Ed Davey: Boris Johnson is concentrating on saving his own skin, not rising living costs (5) by Caron Lindsay
  Lessons from 97 Lib Dem/Labour co-operation – Compass/SLF podcast (18) by Caron Lindsay
31st  Mark Pack writes…Why we need more Council candidates (5) by Mark Pack
  Jane Dodds: Welsh Government must act on cladding scandal (4) by The Voice
  How we could solve technical difficulties with STV (38) by Samuel Jackson
  “Disgraceful but predictable” – Ed Davey on failure to publish full report (3) by The Voice
  Ed Davey on Sue Gray Report: Conservative MPs must do their patriotic duty and sack Boris Johnson (2) by The Voice
  Lib Dem MPs challenge Boris Johnson on Sue Gray report (12) by Caron Lindsay

Recent Comments

  • Chris Moore
    Hi Simon R, as you're probably aware, many new immigrants are coming in to work in the care sector. The policy of increasing the minimum wage in the care sec...
  • Chris Moore
    Hello David, thanks for the very kind post. I look forward to your response. And will definitely reply at some point. I'm away in highish mountains - poss...
  • Neil Hickman
    As I recall, one of those suggesting that the introduction of photo ID was “a deliberate form of voter suppression” was Jacob Rees-Mogg, his only regret bei...
  • David Evans
    Hi Chris, Thank you for raising some very important points in your article. Whether people agree with your conclusions on the three arguments (I guess that ...
  • Mark ValladaresMark Valladares
    @ Simon, I'm equally intrigued. What is this "everything" that you've heard from the Liberal Democrats about making immigration easier? Making the process...