Monthly Archives: July 2022

1st  The fight for Hongkong continues subtly (4) by Nicholas Chan
  Two million extra people in higher tax bracket (19) by Mary Reid
  Tennis success for Cllr Paul Kohler, Wimbledon PPC (3) by Simon McGrath
  1 July 2022 – today’s press releases (14) by Mark Valladares
2nd  Reviewing how we campaign (8) by Max Langer
  Observations of an expat: unholy alliance (14) by Tom Arms
3rd  Tom Arms’ World Review (20) by Tom Arms
  Concern over Cardiff Council plans to tackle begging (10) by NewsHound
  Pride in the Lib Dems (1) by Charley Hasted
4th  Welcome to my day: 4 July 2022 – Boris takes it sleazy… (11) by Mark Valladares
  How do we respond to the economic emergency? (17) by Lord William Wallace
5th  Liberal Democrats table amendment to back-date windfall tax on oil & gas by £3bn (1) by The Voice
  Sunak and Javid resign – is this the end for De Pfeffel? (7) by Mark Valladares
  And a partridge in a pear tree… (8) by Mary Reid
6th  What Lib Dems are saying about the resignations (6) by Andy Boddington
  The Greased Piglet (1) by Mary Reid
  More resignations (16) by Mary Reid
  Another day of chaos (4) by The Voice
7th  One wheel on my wagon and I’m still rolling along… (4) by Andy Boddington
  Richard Foord’s maiden speech in full (video and text) (5) by The Voice
  Boris Johnson to resign – reactions (11) by Mary Reid
  Davey: He has shredded the public’s trust in politics (10) by NewsHound
  The whole bus cheered but where do we go from here? (13) by Andy Boddington
8th  Bristol supports trans rights (1) by Andrew Brown
  Support grows for a no confidence vote in Parliament (9) by Mary Reid
9th  MPs debate ambulance and emergency department waiting times (4) by NewsHound
  Observations of an expat: Boris (14) by Tom Arms
  Time to re-connect with politics! (8) by Michal Siewniak
10th  Tom Arms’ World Review (9) by Tom Arms
  Moran calls for reversal of international aid cuts and focus on poverty (2) by NewsHound
  The Prince Rupert Hotel for the Homeless: Review (0) by Andy Boddington
  By Election Report (12) by Paul Heilbron
11th  Welcome to my day: 11 July 2022 – a Tory House of Horrors beckons? (10) by Mark Valladares
  Ed Davey announces a shuffle of his Commons Parliamentary team (20) by The Voice
12th  Seeing ourselves as others see us (0) by Caron Lindsay
  Jane Dodds: Conservatives betray Welsh farmers in Australia/New Zealand trade deal (9) by The Voice
  Javid withdraws as eight get onto ballot paper (23) by Andy Boddington
13th  Motions for Autumn Conference are published (6) by Nick Da Costa
  PM blocks Vote of No Confidence (3) by Mary Reid
  Those Votes of No Confidence – latest (0) by Mary Reid
  Tory Leadership ballot – battles recommence (49) by Mary Reid
14th  Lib Dems call for working together after child sexual exploitation report (1) by NewsHound
  Senedd backs Lib Dem call to extend basic income pilot to heavy industry (3) by NewsHound
  And then there were five… Sunak leads but Mordant closes (1) by Andy Boddington
  It’s a woke leadership election. That is damaging (14) by Andy Boddington
15th  Forced adoption: mothers demand Government apology (5) by Mary Reid
  Removing the ban on haggis (1) by Mary Reid
  ALDC by-election report 14th July (7) by Charles Quinn
16th  Observations of an expat: cold winter cometh (14) by Tom Arms
  Liberal legend Ruth Coleman-Taylor has died (14) by Caron Lindsay
17th  Tom Arms’ World Review (5) by Tom Arms
  Wimbledon, strawberries and immigration (12) by Michal Siewniak
  Ruth Coleman-Taylor: The future of the state (3) by The Voice
  Farron: Ministers must now wake up and smell the sewage (2) by Andy Boddington
  Vernon-Jackson backs Mordaunt in Tory leadership race (25) by NewsHound
18th  Welcome to my day: 18 July 2022 – live from my own isolation… (1) by Mark Valladares
  If the Tories hate each other so much, how can they be good for our country? (7) by Andy Boddington
  Tomorrow’s Conservative leadership debate has been cancelled… (5) by The Voice
  Welsh Lib Dems launch Regeneration Plan for Mid Wales at Royal Welsh Show (4) by NewsHound
19th  Mathew Hulbert describes his mum’s 11 hour ambulance wait (4) by Caron Lindsay
  “Liberal lion” Ron Waddell has died (3) by Caron Lindsay
  Hot, hot, hot….Willie Rennie calls for maximum workplace temperatures (10) by Caron Lindsay
  Badenoch out – are we heading for Sunak vs Truss? (9) by Caron Lindsay
20th  Can you cut taxes and level up at the same time? (20) by Lord William Wallace
  We still aren’t doing enough to tackle privilege in the party (7) by Oliver Clark
  And then there were two … (8) by Mary Reid
  Hasta la vista, baby or auf wiedersehen pet? (3) by Andy Boddington
  Your memories of a former Liberal Democrat (26) by Mary Reid
21st  Truss and Paddy, and that call for abolition of the monarchy (28) by Andy Boddington
22nd  More historic footage of Liz Truss (8) by Mary Reid
  ALDC by-election report 21st July (2) by Charles Quinn
  Mark Pack’s July report: Getting ready to remove the Conservatives from power (0) by Mark Pack
23rd  Observations of an expat: Tropical Trump (3) by Tom Arms
  Nominate someone for this year’s party awards – deadline 8th August (0) by The Voice
  Did Liz Truss jump parties to advance in politics? (20) by Andy Boddington
24th  Tom Arms’ World Review (12) by Tom Arms
  Helen Morgan tables bill on improving rural bus services (15) by Andy Boddington
26th  Eugh! Lib Dems react to Sunak v Truss debate (39) by Caron Lindsay
  Have your say on Bill to ensure safe access to abortion clinics (9) by Caron Lindsay
  How Liz Truss emulated Margaret Thatcher as an Education Minister (3) by Bernard Aris
27th  LibLink: Wera Hobhouse on downblousing (7) by NewsHound
  2 million unsolved crimes (12) by Mary Reid
28th  Olney: We are currently in the midst of a zombie government (6) by NewsHound
  Munira Wilson shortlisted for Ethnicity Awards: Please vote for her (1) by The Voice
  Scotland’s national drink could be costing more for a dram in Scotland (4) by Neil Alexander
  NHS crisis: Never have so many been ignored by so few (15) by Andy Boddington
  Tories think the only way to win is to be like Lib Dems (18) by Andy Boddington
29th  Sunak and Truss on Grammar Schools (32) by Mary Reid
  Trolling the weather (11) by Mary Reid
  ALDC by-election report 28th July (8) by Paul Heilbron
30th  Observations of an Expat: Critical Kherson (5) by Tom Arms
  Ruth Coleman Taylor’s Funeral Details (2) by Caron Lindsay
  The beautiful game is coming home but not in politics (5) by Andy Boddington
31st  Tom Arms’ World Review (14) by Tom Arms
  Liz Truss is still a Republican (25) by Lord William Wallace

Recent Comments

  • Chris Moore
    Hi Simon R, as you're probably aware, many new immigrants are coming in to work in the care sector. The policy of increasing the minimum wage in the care sec...
  • Chris Moore
    Hello David, thanks for the very kind post. I look forward to your response. And will definitely reply at some point. I'm away in highish mountains - poss...
  • Neil Hickman
    As I recall, one of those suggesting that the introduction of photo ID was “a deliberate form of voter suppression” was Jacob Rees-Mogg, his only regret bei...
  • David Evans
    Hi Chris, Thank you for raising some very important points in your article. Whether people agree with your conclusions on the three arguments (I guess that ...
  • Mark ValladaresMark Valladares
    @ Simon, I'm equally intrigued. What is this "everything" that you've heard from the Liberal Democrats about making immigration easier? Making the process...