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Recent Comments

  • Alan Franck
    As a lifelong Liberal and Lib Dem until the party was captured by certain extremist cults, I can tell you that Paddy, who I met on a number of occasions, would ...
  • Geoffrey Payne
    I think it is excellent to see Trade Union input into Lib Dem Voice. Most companies manage their affairs with a top-down style of management and often this dise...
  • David Allen
    Yes, war is a racket, and yes, Trump wants to be in on it - But Tom Arms' proposal nevertheless deserves to be taken seriously. Putin has clearly offered Trump...
  • Simon R
    @Chris. A couple of thoughts: What happened 40-50 years ago doesn't seem that relevant to whether reduction in letter volumes today is making it more expensive ...
  • Simon R
    @Steve: I'm not sure if you intended that as a serious or a rhetorical question, as I'd have thought the phrase self-explanatory? But if there's any doubt, I i...