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Recent Comments

  • Peter Davies
    @Peter Martin. Again you are confusing parcel post and letters. The letters service which has raised its prices so much is still a monopoly. The "numerous vans"...
  • Maurice Leeke
    Haven't Trump's actions in blocking the delivery of arms, and the shutting down of intelligence gathering technology, demonstrated the unreliability of arms pro...
  • Joseph Bourke
    Bill Browder, who was the largest international investor in Russia until being declared a threat to its national security for exposing corruption, has long argu...
  • Roland
    >” We shouldn’t unquestioningly accept the narrative that the Nationalised Industries are more inefficient” Particularly given the Conservatives effor...
  • David Allen
    Expats, Yes, it will be hard, maybe impossible, for Europe to outbid Putin and get Trump on side. But if we don't try our best - which means offering to buy...