Monthly Archives: February 2009

1st  Forthcoming PPC selections (0) by The Voice
  Unforseen circumstances (0) by Alex Foster
  A look back at the polls: January ’09 (5) by Stephen Tall
  What will the political fallout from the peers lobbying scandal be? (3) by Mark Pack
  LDV doesn’t do statporn, but if we did… (Jan ’09) (0) by Stephen Tall
  What’s Labour’s internet operation like? (1) by Mark Pack
  Top of the Blogs: The Golden Dozen #102 (0) by Stephen Tall
2nd  Clegg condemns Brown’s ‘British jobs for British workers’ dog-whistle (5) by Stephen Tall
  What’s going to happen to UK property prices? (5) by Mark Pack
  Clegg set to spell out Lib Dem post-election demands (39) by Stephen Tall
  25 random things … about the Lib Dems (2) by Stephen Tall
  What planning applications are being made near where you live? (4) by Mark Pack
  Opinion: Civil liberties in a modern context (2) by Lynne Featherstone
  Opinion: Angry Union Men – whose fault are the Lincolnshire strikes? (11) by Benjamin Mathis
  And in non-snow related Parliamentary news … (1) by Stephen Tall
3rd  Praise for Tom Brake’s use of Facebook (2) by Mark Pack
  Jonathan Fryer’s Diary of a Euro-candidate (0) by Jonathan Fryer
  The Future Shape of Capitalism – Vince Cable & Andrew Neil (0) by The Voice
  Missing: one marked register (6) by Mark Pack
  How to backup Twitter (2) by Mark Pack
  Lembit reveals all to the Mail (12) by The Voice
  Comment IsLinked@LDV: Vince Cable – This crisis must spur us to take on the tax avoiders (4) by Stephen Tall
  David Heath ‘begs to move’ (0) by Stephen Tall
  CC all your email to Jacqui Smith Day (2) by Alex Foster
  LDV up-and-running again – help keep it that way! (0) by Stephen Tall
  Opinion: The Elephant In The Room (9) by Edwin Loo
  Lib Dem Scottish and London budget news (0) by Stephen Tall
  Charlie Gordon MSP: the curious case of high expense claims and payments to his son (6) by Mark Pack
4th  Why should opting out of double-glazing direct mail stop you hearing about a local planning application? (0) by Mark Pack
  Why giving out your web address may not be such a good idea (6) by Mark Pack
  Opinion: British jobs for good workers (12) by Rich Wilson
  John Prescott vs Iain Dale (2) by Mark Pack
  Suppression of Torture Evidence (6) by Richard Huzzey
  Lib Dem councillor accused over ambulance (26) by Stephen Tall
  CommentIsLinked@LDV: James Graham on the Channel 4/YouGov poll of marginals (2) by Stephen Tall
  Helpful advice from the Tories about how to beat them at the next election (9) by Joe Taylor
5th  Reflections on Morecambe Bay (0) by Merlene Emerson
  PMQs: Clegg on the tax system and how it is abused (10) by Alix Mortimer
  Nick Clegg announces radical education proposals for England (13) by Mark Pack
  NEW POLL: was the BBC right to ban Carol Thatcher from The One Show? (15) by Stephen Tall
  Steve Webb MP in “Facebook surgery” first (2) by Helen Duffett
  An unusual messaging choice by the London Labour Party (2) by Mark Pack
  Lib Dig Pig #9 (1) by James Graham
  David Miliband – two questions no-one asked him (0) by Hywel Morgan
  Ambulance-chasing, Colin Rosentiel, the Standards Board, and our loss of civic pride (11) by Stephen Tall
  BBC Question Time (5/2/09): open thread (8) by Stephen Tall
6th  Back our campaign to get an elected House of Lords (20) by Nick Clegg MP
  Carnival on Modern Liberty. Part the Third. (4) by Alix Mortimer
  Camden Labour reels as councillor defects to the Lib Dems‏ (3) by Jo Shaw
  The Indy asks The Big Question of Lib Dem class sizes proposal (2) by The Voice
  43% of LDV readers say: yes to managed immigration (11) by Stephen Tall
7th  Lib Dem councillor ‘faces down youths goading dog to attack tree’ (2) by Stephen Tall
  Baker rejects air flight rationing (8) by Stephen Tall
  Labour ‘scrap plans to block wealthy donors’ spending in marginal seats’ (7) by Stephen Tall
  Millennium’s Credit Crunch Diary… January: So is it our Winter of Discontent now? (3) by Millennium Elephant
  Taxis ahoy: how Boris Johnson is spending other people’s money (5) by Mark Pack
  Credit where credit’s (mostly) due: Sunday Telegraph and polling (14) by Mark Pack
  How accurate should forecasts claim to be? (6) by Mark Pack
8th  How accurate are YouGov polls? (5) by Mark Pack
  25 more things (3) by Alex Foster
  Authoritarianism: the Greatest Hits 1 (0) by Alix Mortimer
  Government to follow me on holiday? Give me a break! (7) by Helen Duffett
  Evan wins Secularist of the Year 2009 (2) by The Voice
  Secrecy row over MPs’ foreign trips (6) by Helen Duffett
9th  Y Barcud Oren #4 (5) by Gareth Aubrey
  DLT: Keynesianism (3) by Dictionary of Liberal Thought
  Lembit reveals all to the Mail (Part II) (15) by The Voice
  Hemming campaigns for Britannia coin comeback (9) by Stephen Tall
  Clegg & Cable spell out Lib Dem public spending cuts to fund education priorities (5) by Stephen Tall
10th  NEW POLL: what should be done about bankers’ bonuses? (14) by Stephen Tall
  The political make-up of the House of Lords (1) by Mark Pack
  Do you fancy being Vince’s voice to the press? (0) by The Voice
  Opinion: We must fight the Tories’ plans to privatise the education system (43) by Joe Taylor
  Would the Tories kick Lord Belize Ashcroft out of the Upper Chamber? (0) by Stephen Tall
  Vince to take over from Nick (3) by Stephen Tall
  What Nick’s Facebook friends are saying about his 25 random things (9) by Stephen Tall
11th  Why are we still waiting for details on how MPs spent their Communications Allowance? (5) by Hywel Morgan
  Reasons to doubt that Darwin poll (11) by Mark Pack
  LDV readers say: BBC not justified in banning Carol Thatcher (7) by Stephen Tall
  Evan sticks up for drug adviser in ecstasy row (5) by Stephen Tall
  PMQs: The say-everything-do-nothing Prime Minister (2) by Alix Mortimer
  A letter to Conservative Central Office (3) by Mark Pack
  Laws: schools focus on average pupils to ‘flatter league tables’ (11) by The Voice
  Brake: fears Olympics will turn into new Millennium Dome (2) by The Voice
  Top of the Blogs: The Golden Dozen #103 (2) by Stephen Tall
12th  Live from Vince’s crowded mantelpiece (1) by Alix Mortimer
  Ecstasy – a very political drug (8) by Alix Mortimer
  Lamb criticises “MMR scaremongering” (3) by The Voice
  Lib Dig Pig #10 (0) by James Graham
  Early voting: why did we bother spending years (and lots of money) on piloting it? (12) by Mark Pack
  Social Liberal Forum launched (40) by Matthew Sowemimo
  Boris Johnson: you shouldn’t have expected me to be good on details (0) by Mark Pack
  LibDig sprouts two new features (2) by Mark Pack
  Jenny Randerson lodges official complaint against Rhodri Morgan with, erm, Rhodri Morgan (0) by Stephen Tall
  Was Chris Huhne right to say Geert Wilders should be banned from the UK? (204) by Stephen Tall
  Does the Israeli election result prove PR just doesn’t work? (4) by Stephen Tall
  BBC Question Time (12/2/09): open thread (8) by Stephen Tall
13th  Opinion: Wilders’ Contradictions (25) by George Turner
  £46m to spy on our communications – and we have to pay for it (2) by Helen Duffett
  David Howarth MP writes… My top priorities as Lib Dem shadow secretary of state for justice (5) by David Howarth
14th  Searching YouTube: two handy sites (1) by Mark Pack
  Tom Brake wuz robbed (7) by Alex Foster
  Riso Monkey Diary… Have you MET the public? (8) by Lib Dem Riso Monkey
  Two key figures sacked in surprise government reshuffle (4) by Mark Pack
15th  Canonical URLs: improving your website’s performance in search engines (8) by Mark Pack
  The next six groups to get ID cards? (4) by Helen Duffett
  Times features Nick’s and LDV’s ’25 random things’ (0) by Stephen Tall
  And the moral of the story is…? Energy efficiency begins at home (4) by The Voice
  Top of the Blogs: The Golden Dozen #104 (2) by Stephen Tall
  CommentIsLinked@LDV: Tim Leunig – Co-ordinated inflation could bail us all out (5) by The Voice
16th  New edition of Liberator (0) by The Liberator Collective
  What to do if you liked anything you read on this site last week (0) by Mark Pack
  US soldiers given citizenship (2) by Alex Foster
  Do you remember how PFI was meant to work? (3) by Mark Pack
  Bumper Catchup (1) by Alex Foster
  Derek Draper, LabourList and all that stuff (15) by Mark Pack
  Actually, energy efficiency begins in Nottingham (4) by Alex Foster
  CommentIsLinked@LDV: Vince Cable – Bewildered for now, but there’s anger to come (0) by The Voice
  Opinion: The only way to solve the credit crisis is to fully nationalise Lloyds, HBOS and RBS (5) by Joe Taylor
17th  Six ways to get more people watching your YouTube videos (1) by Mark Pack
  Opinion: Fitna (122) by Laurence Boyce
  Howard Dean to speak at Liberal Democrat Spring Conference (6) by Helen Duffett
  CommentIsLinked@LDV: Nick Clegg – There’s a job at home for out-of-work dads (0) by The Voice
  Paddy: Scottish Lib Dems wrong to veto independence referendum (4) by Stephen Tall
  The Liberal 1st XI (11) by Hywel Morgan
  Conservatives split over London Low Emission Zone (0) by Helen Duffett
  Duwayne Brooks: “The smart young man with a clipboard in one hand and Liberal Democrat leaflets in the other” (5) by The Voice
  Hot on the heels (0) by Alex Foster
18th  How The Guardian completely misreported an opinion poll finding (7) by Mark Pack
  Opinion: Why we should be learning lessons from Howard Dean (1) by Lynne Featherstone
  At the third time of asking, Jacqui Smith gets investigated (1) by Mark Pack
  @LibDig Pig Number Eleven (1) by James Graham
  Facebook pages: big changes on the way (2) by Mark Pack
  Our correspondents in Scotland (2) by Bernard Salmon
  Why Nick was right to speak out (21) by Stephen Tall
  Pressure grows on Jacqui Smith over expense claims (5) by Mark Pack
19th  Why David Cameron is right, Boris Johnson muddled and James Cleverly just plain wrong (2) by Mike Tuffrey
  Are you throwing away readers by posting at the wrong time? (16) by Mark Pack
  David Cameron: I’m cheap, lurching to the left and not sensible (17) by Mark Pack
  LDV, ConHome and DraperList go head-to-head (ish) (0) by Stephen Tall
  Vince to tread the boards (2) by Stephen Tall
  BBC Question Time (19/2/09): open thread (8) by Stephen Tall
20th  Cameron / Clegg yawn (18) by Alex Foster
  A little Twitter gem for those interested in what Liberal Democrats are saying (0) by Mark Pack
  Opinion: We’re a diverse party, get over it already (40) by Colin Lloyd
  LDV Team meeting (8) by Alex Foster
  When being called a Liberal Democrat is taken as an insult (7) by Stephen Tall
  CommentIsLinked@LDV: Norman Baker – It might be legal, but it’s not right (2) by The Voice
  Lib Dem housing proposals unveiled (1) by Stephen Tall
  Is Martin Kettle right – could the Lib Dems eclipse Labour? (35) by Stephen Tall
  What have James Purnell, Geoffrey Howe and Elvis Presley got in common? (0) by Mark Pack
  Labour, Lewisham and the BNP (8) by Mark Pack
21st  Exciting news about Lib Dem Conference (7) by Alex Foster
  CommentIsLinked@LDV: Vince Cable – Why our economy is trapped in a time warp of tribal politics (2) by The Voice
  Getting on the Liberal Democrat extranet (2) by Mark Pack
  Vince features in the FT’s ‘My first million’ (0) by Stephen Tall
  Electoral Commission to investigate Ashcroft’s donations to the Tories (2) by Mark Pack
  Conservative MP Chris Grayling under fire for his expense claims (0) by Mark Pack
22nd  CommentIsLinked@LDV: Vince Cable – Let’s make a virtue out of thrift again (0) by The Voice
  Who’d be a Labour or Tory MP right now? (4) by Stephen Tall
  Catchup 22/02/2009 (1) by Alex Foster
  Had a busy weekend campaigning or policy making? (2) by Mark Pack
  Labour renews efforts to undermine UK universities (1) by Richard Huzzey
23rd  Congratulations to Nick and Miriam (6) by Stephen Tall
  Opinion: Safe as houses (6) by Merlene Emerson
  CommentIsLinked@LDV: Nick Clegg – We need to clean up our act … now! (0) by The Voice
  Account suspended – for the final time? (0) by Alex Foster
  Clegg Baby photos (1) by Alex Foster
  Has Chris Grayling put his foot in it? (2) by Mark Pack
  ConHome: ‘Tories ponder “generous outreach to Lib Dems”’ Love-bomb or genuine? (7) by Stephen Tall
  When is a council spending £70,000 on supporting public transport a bad thing? (4) by Mark Pack
24th  In defence of Chris Grayling (19) by Alix Mortimer
  Lord Ashcroft and the Conservative Party: the financial controversies (1) by Mark Pack
  Y Barcud Oren #5 (0) by Gareth Aubrey
  Tories: put your money where your mouth is (2) by Alex Foster
  MPs Are Very Good At T’Internet Shocker (1) by Mark Pack
  Do you have a Liberal Democrats Account? (1) by Mark Pack
  Boris Johnson breaks another election promise (3) by Mark Pack
  Straw vetoes release of Iraq minutes: a nearly-LDV exclusive (5) by Alix Mortimer
  The Elephant Interviews… The President (0) by Millennium Elephant
  YouGov’s polling panels: an interesting snippet from Peter Riddell (1) by Mark Pack
25th  Cabinet minutes on Iraq 1: Straw vetoes, Lib Dems oppose (4) by Mark Pack
  Cabinet minutes on Iraq 2: Can you guess what Dominic Grieve said next? (0) by Mark Pack
  David Cameron’s son, Ivan, dies (2) by Stephen Tall
  @LibDig Pig Number Twelve (0) by James Graham
  Electoral Commission changes the way it reports loans that aren’t really loans (0) by Mark Pack
  Cable leads Lib Dem sympathies for the Camerons (1) by Stephen Tall
  Conservative bloggers don’t like their party’s support for Jack Straw’s Iraq veto (2) by Mark Pack
  Congratulations Alix (3) by Mark Pack
  Those Lib Dem donation figures in full (Q4, 2008) (0) by Stephen Tall
  Conservatives receive £1.4 million in anonymous donations (0) by Mark Pack
26th  According to the Daily Mail, I’m a foreigner (30) by Mark Pack
  You’d be a twit not to tweet (1) by Mark Pack
  Has David Cameron gagged David Davis? (4) by Mark Pack
  Opinion: In praise of left and right (45) by Colin Lloyd
  Freedom Bill launched (7) by Mark Pack
  Opinion: Is Lord Ashdown the IT industry’s patsy? (22) by James Graham
  Tavish vetoes SNP independence referendum hopes (5) by Stephen Tall
  Conservative Brian Coleman runs up big expenses, again (0) by Mark Pack
  Facebook can cause “MP envy” (1) by Helen Duffett
  Top of the Blogs: The Golden Dozen #105 (0) by Stephen Tall
  Site Down Time (0) by Ryan Cullen
  BBC Question Time (26/2/09): open thread (5) by Stephen Tall
27th  How much is £693,000 a year? (13) by Mark Pack
  Boris Johnson and the Evening Standard: it’s amazing what a change of editor can do (0) by Mark Pack
  The dark side of citizen journalism: The Sun and the bus driver libel case (4) by Mark Pack
  How The Telegraph misreported today’s YouGov poll findings on immigration (0) by Mark Pack
  How David Lammy has exaggerated the BNP’s popularity (17) by Mark Pack
28th  New Server Up and Running (5) by Ryan Cullen

Recent Comments

  • Mark ValladaresMark Valladares
    @ Nigel, Absolutely, enabling greater flexibility for employees (within reason) will instil greater loyalty to employers, aid in recruitment and retention, a...
  • Jonathan Calder
    We should certainly start talking about industrial democracy again and cooperatives too, but there remains an important role for trade unions in defending peopl...
  • David Warren
    @DavidSymonds is right, we need to be championing industrial democracy which was a key part of Liberal Party policy in the past. As for trade unions having s...
  • Paul R
    @Neil H - Yes, people do have officially issued government ID in many of those countries. It is not however mandatory for them to carry it in all such countries...
  • Jennie
    Oooo another member of the Jennie Club...