Monthly Archives: May 2009

1st  Matthew Norman: “Nick should hand Vince his job.” Here’s why he’s wrong… (24) by Stephen Tall
  How to make the most of Facebook (3) by Mark Pack
  Opinion: Just how free are we? (0) by Prateek Buch
  LDV doesn’t do statporn, but if we did (April ’09) (1) by Stephen Tall
  Martin Salter put loyalty to Brown before loyalty to the Gurkhas (2) by Patrick Murray
  A paean to Private Eye (4) by Alex Foster
  Labour mortgage rescue scheme helps one family (1) by Stephen Tall
2nd  Baby P’s death “could and should” have been stopped (0) by Mark Pack
  Should Lib Dems want Labour defectors to join us? (35) by Richard Huzzey
  Slough Conservatives update: six jailed for electoral fraud (4) by Mark Pack
  The Independent View: The Politics of Electoral Reform (23) by Robert Smith
3rd  Labour peer claims £100,000 for unoccupied flat (3) by Helen Duffett
  Forthcoming PPC selections (0) by Mark Pack
  James Purnell accused of abusing expenses rules (8) by Mark Pack
  “People fix society, if you let them” (3) by Helen Duffett
  Opinion: Lib Dems must lead the way in improving scrutiny of council surveillance (0) by Chris Ward
  A look back at the polls: April 2009 (0) by Stephen Tall
4th  Want to hear Chris Huhne speak on ‘Threats to Civil Liberties’? (2) by The Voice
  Top of the Blogs: The Golden Dozen #114 (1) by Stephen Tall
  CommentIsLinked@LDV: Vince Cable – After a week that showed the Commons at its best and worse, I am ashamed to be a parliamentary eunuch (1) by Stephen Tall
  What must happen for the Lib Dems to overtake Labour? (57) by Stephen Tall
  Ros Scott’s party president report, April 2009 (5) by The Voice
5th  Bumper catchup to 5th May 09 (2) by Alex Foster
  Is Labour managing expectations? Or will 7th June really be that bloody? (9) by Stephen Tall
  How much should a council chief executive be paid? (13) by Stephen Tall
  CommentIsLinked@LDV: Caroline Pidgeon – Boris Johnson’s first year is no cause for celebration (0) by The Voice
6th  The problem with poll cards (1) by Mark Pack
  PMQs: education (5) by Alix Mortimer
  And the award for most desperate headline goes to… (4) by Stephen Tall
  What does 4th June hold for the Lib Dems? (56) by Stephen Tall
7th  That petition (or, why Gordon shouldn’t resign) (33) by Alix Mortimer
  News from Sheffield and Ashfield (2) by Alex Foster
  Opinion: Capitalising on Labour’s woes, defending against a rising blue tide (15) by Andrew Lewin
  Campaign focus: Beating the Tories in Harlow (11) by Lorna Dupré
  Labourlist: more trouble at mill? (14) by Alix Mortimer
  BBC Question Time open thread: 7 May 09 (14) by Alex Foster
8th  Millennium’s Credit Crunch Diary… April: Fools and Swines (8) by Millennium Elephant
  Opinion: We Must Stand for Something (26) by Steve Pitt
  Conversations with Nick Clegg (17) by Richard Huzzey
  The LDV Friday meme: Seven reasons I joined the Lib Dems (16) by Stephen Tall
9th  Opinion: Postal Ballot – to save the Post Office we need to revisit the cooperative movement (12) by Prateek Buch
  Top of the Blogs: The Golden Dozen #115 (1) by Stephen Tall
10th  Opinion: Have the Tories gone mad, or am I missing something? (14) by Joe Taylor
  Top of the Blogs: The Golden (Baker’s) Dozen #116 (0) by Stephen Tall
  Toilets, mice and Lord Rennard (71) by Alix Mortimer
11th  Catchup to 11 May 09 (0) by Alex Foster
  The Independent View: To sign or not to sign? (4) by Kalvis Jansons
  CommentIsLinked@LDV: Norman Baker triple bill on MPs’ expenses (5) by The Voice
  New collection of leaflets (23) by Alex Foster
  MPs’ expenses: a bit of a rant, then a question (33) by Stephen Tall
  John Hemming is in a class of his own (3) by Alex Foster
  CommentIsLinked@LDV: Vince Cable – Arthur, Delia and another rotten bubble (9) by The Voice
12th  Brake on agents provacateurs (1) by Alex Foster
  The LDV 2×2 Daily View (12/5/09) (1) by Stephen Tall
  CommentIsLinked@LDV: Sarah Teather on those flipping MPs (1) by The Voice
  Work for the party (2) by Alex Foster
  Liberal Vision writes… New site, new vision (5) by Ed Joyce
  Shock, horror! Lib Dems to fight Euro elections on pro-Europe platform (5) by Stephen Tall
  Clegg on expenses – but what should he do if Lib Dems are named and shamed? (4) by Stephen Tall
  Assume the position (6) by Alix Mortimer
  Cushions, Sir Menzies? £176.25? (26) by Alix Mortimer
  Lib Dem MPs’ expenses: it could’ve been worse (and might still be) (17) by Stephen Tall
13th  What’s the damage so far? (20) by Alix Mortimer
  The LDV 2×2 Daily View (13/05/09) (1) by Alix Mortimer
  The restoration of Andrew George? (13) by Alix Mortimer
  The Telegraph: descending into gutter reportage (6) by Alix Mortimer
  PMQs: …well what do you think? (4) by Alix Mortimer
  Lib Dem MPs’ expenses – in the cool light of day (15) by Stephen Tall
  Is Alan Duncan the 12th Lib Dem? (12) by Alix Mortimer
  Opinion: Ed Fordham’s Career Choice (3) by Ed Fordham
  Opinion: How much do MPs actually eat? (11) by Hywel Morgan
  Opinion: The gloves are off for the Man in Tights (9) by Benjamin Mathis
14th  The LDV 2×2 Daily View (14/05/09) (0) by Helen Duffett
  The Telegraph should apologise to Andrew George and Alan Reid (54) by Alix Mortimer
  Opinion: The rollercoaster ride of joining the Lib Dems (12) by Mark Thompson
  Big Brother star to stand for Lib Dems in Totteridge (3) by Helen Duffett
  Lib Dem MP expenses – where next (42) by Stephen Tall
  Conversations with Nick Clegg, part deux (2) by Stephen Tall
  Clegg calls on Brown and Cameron to accept Kelly’s recommendations on expenses (1) by The Voice
  Unlock Democracy with VOTE MATCH (3) by Merlene Emerson
  BBC Question Time: open thread 14/5/09 (20) by Stephen Tall
  Attempt by Tories, Labour and BNP to oust Lib Dem fails by one vote (9) by Mark Pack
15th  Y Barcud Oren #8 (0) by Gareth Aubrey
  Tweeting in adversity: Elliot Morley (0) by Mark Pack
  The LDV 2×2 Daily View (15/5/09) (0) by Stephen Tall
  Ros Scott on party reaction to MPs’ expenses (4) by The Voice
  Alan Duncan’s garden gets a makeover (1) by Mark Pack
  Our expenses must be published (16) by Alix Mortimer
  And another thing Clegg should do! (11) by Alix Mortimer
  Speaker to face yellow peril? (0) by The Voice
  Ros Scott on expenses (14) by Mark Pack
  Did Brian Coleman lie to his local newspaper? (0) by Mark Pack
  The BNP supporters who don’t really exist (5) by Mark Pack
  The thing David Cameron wants you to forget when watching his election broadcast (2) by Mark Pack
  Goodnight, Teignbridge (24) by Alix Mortimer
16th  Expenses – where did it all begin? (3) by Alix Mortimer
  Another good week for Nick Clegg (34) by Stephen Tall
  Cash for cushions: the wordcloud (2) by Helen Duffett
  No, Christopher Wren and Isaac Newton were not great MPs (8) by Mark Pack
  More BNP photo problems (1) by Mark Pack
  What has the Telegraph done for the reputation of journalism? (33) by Stephen Tall
  The LDV Friday (ish) meme: political firsts (3) by Stephen Tall
17th  The LDV 2×2 Daily View (17/05/09) (0) by Mark Pack
  Clegg calls for Speaker Michael Martin to quit (10) by The Voice
  CommentIsLinked@LDV: Nick Clegg – Voters’ trust in democracy is shattered. We must restore it (9) by The Voice
  European Parliament uses social networks to promote elections (1) by Helen Duffett
  Church of Scotland faces choice between liberal and traditional wings (4) by Caron Lindsay
  The Independent View: My journey to becoming a Liberal Democrat – well, almost (28) by The Voice
  Opinion: Can we fix it? Yes we can! (6) by Layla Moran MP
  Just why did Fraser Kemp need 16 sheets? (11) by Mark Pack
  Open letter to Speaker Martin over #MPexpenses (31) by Alex Foster
18th  The LDV 2×2 Daily View (18/05/09) (1) by Helen Duffett
  E-campaigning mentors needed (0) by Rob Blackie
  DLT: Economic Liberalism (6) by Dictionary of Liberal Thought
  A look at the Euro polls to date (5) by Stephen Tall
  First reactions to the Speaker’s statement on #MPexpenses (14) by Mark Pack
  Dawn Butler’s voting record #MPexpenses (4) by Mark Pack
  Three “saintly” Liberal Democrat MPs #MPexpenses (8) by Helen Duffett
  Dawn Butler’s whirlpool bath (10) by Mark Pack
  The BNP’s made-up statistic (30) by Mark Pack
19th  What they said about the Speaker (0) by Mark Pack
  The MPs who blocked expenses reform last summer (6) by Mark Pack
  How the Canadian pollsters performed (4) by Mark Pack
  Speaker Michael Martin to resign (4) by Helen Duffett
  Tony Greaves writes… Abolish postal voting on demand (25) by Tony Greaves
  LDV readers say: 85% wanted Michael Martin to quit (4) by Stephen Tall
  NEW POLL: who do you think should be the next Speaker? (33) by Stephen Tall
  Tim Montgomerie writes about (30) by The Voice
  Another BNP fakery scandal (7) by Mark Pack
  LDV members’ survey – MPs’ expenses special – now live (4) by Stephen Tall
20th  Ben Chapman’s rise and fall mirrors the rise and fall of Labour (4) by Mark Pack
  Daily View: 2×2 (7) by Alix Mortimer
  More Lib Dem saints #MPexpenses (9) by Alix Mortimer
  PMQs: change the whole system (7) by Alix Mortimer
  If you want to be outraged about something other than MP expenses… (4) by Mark Pack
  Phil Willis latest Lib Dem MP named by Telegraph (19) by Stephen Tall
  Opinion: the worst outcome of MPs’ expenses, a victory for the far right? (5) by George Turner
  “Touché, Mr Speaker!” (It’s pronounced ‘Touchy’) (3) by Stephen Tall
  Opinion: Pushing for PR (12) by Daniel Russell needs your help to keep running (7) by Richard Huzzey
21st  Where I disagree with ConHome over the BNP’s Buckingham Palace Invitation (18) by Richard Huzzey
  LDV Members’ Survey – MPs’ expenses (1): what you said about Chris Rennard (18) by Stephen Tall
  Daily View 2×2: 21 May 09 (7) by Alex Foster
  Lib Dem cleared of postal vote fraud allegations (0) by Mark Pack
  Chris Rennard to stand down as Lib Dem chief executive after 4th June elections (29) by The Voice
  Clegg: Labour U-turn “a great victory for the Gurkhas” (2) by Stephen Tall
  Ros Scott writes about Chris Rennard’s resignation (15) by Baroness Ros Scott
  Barbara Alexander RIP (2) by The Voice
  Liberal Reformers (or, the revolution will be blogged) (17) by Alix Mortimer
  LDV Members’ Survey – MPs’ expenses (2): what you think of it all (0) by Stephen Tall
  Mark Reckons on BBC Radio 4’s ‘More or Less’ (2) by Stephen Tall
  Question Time – open thread, 21/05 #bbcqt (15) by Alex Foster
22nd  Daily View 2×2: 22 May 09 (0) by Stephen Tall
  Beith and Swinson latest Lib Dems named in expenses row (30) by Stephen Tall
  Ordinary voters have lost touch with Conservative MPs (5) by Helen Duffett
  Ros Scott: Lib Dem internal code of conduct on expenses (36) by Alix Mortimer
  Lynne Featherstone asks: who should be the next Speaker? (3) by Helen Duffett
  Papering over the crack of the elephant in the room (46) by Stephen Tall
  New edition of Liberator (0) by The Liberator Collective
  LDV Members’ Survey – MPs’ expenses (3): the political impact (2) by Stephen Tall
  Recommended reading for Labour MPs (2) by Mark Pack
23rd  A puzzler for any procedural pedants (5) by Mark Pack
  Opinion: Nonsense on stilts from Darling (1) by Ed Randall
  YouTube ‘cos we want to: MPs’ expenses special (1) by Stephen Tall
  Bring back Nads! (1) by Stephen Tall
  Campaign focus: Don’t forget the locals (1) by Anders Hanson
  This is what happens when journalists lower their standards #mpsexpenses (20) by Stephen Tall
  In other election news … breakthrough for female representation in Kuwait (0) by Mark Pack
  Haringey Labour increase their allowances by stealth (2) by Mark Pack
  LDV Members’ Survey – MPs’ expenses (4): Lib Dem MPs’ claims (43) by Stephen Tall
  Top of the Blogs: The Golden Dozen #117 (1) by Stephen Tall
  An unusual election poster (7) by Mark Pack
24th  Daily View 2×2: 24 May 09 (2) by Mark Pack
  LDV Members’ Survey – MPs’ expenses (5): how Nick Clegg’s performed (0) by Stephen Tall
  Weekly catchup to 23/05/09 (1) by Alex Foster
  Which party leads online? (26) by Mark Pack
  Jo Swinson’s expenses: why you should write an email today (3) by James Graham
  A Conservative, a Facebook profile, an expulsion (3) by Mark Pack
  How much should an MP spend on a website? (9) by Mark Pack
25th  What they said about the Commons (2) by Mark Pack
  Daily View 2×2: 25 May 09 (3) by Helen Duffett
  LDV Members’ Survey – MPs’ expenses (6): your views about the Speaker (1) by Stephen Tall
  Blogging the revolution: Let a group of ordinary voters fix the expenses mess (4) by Antony Hook
  Scientology goes on trial in France (21) by Mark Pack
  Opinion: Why the sensible candidate is now the outmoded one (39) by Rich Wilson
26th  Daily View 2×2: 26 May 2009 (13) by Richard Huzzey
  Cometh the hour, cometh PR? (18) by Alex Foster
  ‘Tory bungs £22k for a leaflet’ (2) by Mark Pack
  Interesting use of YouTube (0) by Alex Foster
  An easy way for by-election candidates to communicate with voters (3) by Mark Pack
  Conservatives expel branch chair for saying vote UKIP (6) by Mark Pack
  Labour councillor switches to Lib Dems on Merseyside (4) by Mark Pack
27th  Daily View 2×2: 27 May 2009 (6) by Alix Mortimer
  Guardian mostly apologises to Jo Swinson (0) by Mark Pack
  David Boothroyd in Wikipedia sockpuppeting brouhaha (12) by Mark Pack
  Lib Dems tackle UKIP head on (3) by Alex Foster
  At least the trains are running on time (Or are they?) (7) by Stephen Tall
  Clegg to clamp down on Lib Dem Lords’ allowances (15) by Stephen Tall
  Lewes Lib Dem councillor defects to Tories (6) by Stephen Tall
  The loans that aren’t loans are no more (0) by Mark Pack
  Lib Dem MEPs’ ‘reform and transparency’ rankings (1) by Stephen Tall
  Those Lib Dem donation figures in full (Q1, 2009) (12) by Stephen Tall
  Clegg unveils 100-day plan to abolish Lords and reform voting (20) by The Voice
28th  Daily View 2×2: 28 May 2009 (0) by Alex Foster
  Clegg’s 100 Day Action Plan to save Britain’s Democracy IN FULL (25) by Stephen Tall
  Change politics for good: PPB preview (8) by Mark Pack
  UKIP and BNP having trouble with facts (12) by Alex Foster
  David Cameron forgets how many houses he has (3) by Mark Pack
  Dawn Butler does it again (1) by Mark Pack
  How not to do postal votes (3) by Mark Pack
  Voters sceptical about Cameron’s talk of reform (3) by Helen Duffett
  Chris Fox writes … Help Nick Reform British Politics (11) by Chris Fox
  LDV accounts published (7) by Alex Foster
  The latest goings on in Barnet (0) by Duncan Macdonald
  Question Time – open thread, 28/05 #bbcqt (13) by Alex Foster
29th  Good news from Brent as Labour agree to stop Sarah Teather smears (2) by Mark Pack
  Daily View 2×2: 29 May 2009 (2) by Stephen Tall
  Conservative candidate in bigamy revelation (19) by Mark Pack
  Royal Marine congratulates Nick Clegg (16) by Mark Pack
  Postal vote printers mess up in Cornwall (7) by Mark Pack
  Has the BNP been telling the truth about its website? (4) by Mark Pack
  David Amess hides in a hairdressers (3) by Mark Pack
  In five minutes: where we stand on Europe (0) by Mark Pack
  Top of the Blogs: The Golden Dozen #118 (1) by Stephen Tall
  Get the party’s European manifesto on your iPhone (1) by Mark Pack
  How well is Cameron dealing with MPs’ expenses? (6) by Stephen Tall
  Clegg: quitting MPs should say goodbye to their golden goodbyes (21) by The Voice
30th  Open thread: what’s on your mind? (22) by The Voice
  Wikipedia bans Church of Scientology (4) by Mark Pack
  Opinion: The G20 protests – two months on, what lessons have been learned? (1) by Andrew May
  The LDV weekend meme: worst canvassing experiences (10) by Stephen Tall
  YouTube ‘cos we want to: McKay, Vince and Nads (1) by Stephen Tall
  That Staggers / Clegg interview in full (3) by Stephen Tall
  Opinion: Forget ‘flipping,’ moats and duck houses – this constitutional crisis is a glorious opportunity (3) by Prateek Buch
31st  Poll Position for the Lib Dems? (10) by Richard Huzzey
  Daily View 2×2: 31 May 09 (4) by Mark Pack
  The Observer says: vote Liberal Democrat (11) by Mark Pack
  Have you got your virtual window poster up? (0) by Mark Pack
  Vince Cable rejects Telegraph speculation of deal with Labour (2) by Mark Pack
  A look back at the polls: May ’09 (0) by Stephen Tall
  Opinion: Strange bedfellows? (0) by Daniel Russell
  Opinion: Pay close attention to an independent voice on UK economic policy (6) by Ed Randall
  What’s the significance of today’s Observer editorial? (21) by Mark Pack
  Nine months on, Daily Telegraph catches up on our Glenda Jackson story (1) by Mark Pack

Recent Comments

  • Mark ValladaresMark Valladares
    @ Nigel, Absolutely, enabling greater flexibility for employees (within reason) will instil greater loyalty to employers, aid in recruitment and retention, a...
  • Jonathan Calder
    We should certainly start talking about industrial democracy again and cooperatives too, but there remains an important role for trade unions in defending peopl...
  • David Warren
    @DavidSymonds is right, we need to be championing industrial democracy which was a key part of Liberal Party policy in the past. As for trade unions having s...
  • Paul R
    @Neil H - Yes, people do have officially issued government ID in many of those countries. It is not however mandatory for them to carry it in all such countries...
  • Jennie
    Oooo another member of the Jennie Club...