Monthly Archives: June 2009

1st  Daily View 2×2: 1 June 09 (2) by Helen Duffett
  Forthcoming PPC selections (1) by Mark Pack
  Nick Clegg: at home in more ways than one (1) by Helen Duffett
  Voting Tory or UKIP on Thursday is not in Britain’s best interests (6) by Alex Foster
  LDV doesn’t do statporn, but if we did (May ’09) (0) by Stephen Tall
  Conservative voters back electoral reform; public doesn’t want to cut MP pay (2) by Mark Pack
  Postal voting woes in West Sussex (0) by Mark Pack
  CommentIsLinked@LDV: Vince Cable triple-bill (1) by The Voice
  Polly Toynbee: vote Liberal Democrat (16) by Mark Pack
2nd  Daily View 2×2: 2 June 2009 (3) by Helen Duffett
  Swear-word cock-up in Cornwall (3) by Stephen Tall
  Guardian endorses Lib Dems in Euro elections (more or less) (11) by Stephen Tall
  Justice Eady stands up for political freedom of speech (4) by Mark Pack
  Ros Scott writes… Party President’s report to members, May ’09 (26) by Baroness Ros Scott
  LDV election prediction competition: what will happen on 4th June? (23) by Stephen Tall
  Compass want Lib Dems at its conference (14) by Gavin Hayes
  One of the very best Conservative leaflets ever (7) by Mark Pack
  Lib Dem MPs to vote for an early general election (9) by Mark Pack
  William Hague’s sideswipe at Alan Duncan (0) by Mark Pack
  “Taunton Conservative Candidate Forced To Apologise For Slurs Following Police Investigation” (4) by Mark Pack
3rd  Daily View 2×2: 3 June 2009 (2) by Alix Mortimer
  “Some of the Greens’ proposals are staggeringly extreme” (15) by Mark Pack
  Who’s winning the expectations battle? (6) by Stephen Tall
  Gordon Brown and expenses: he has a bit of form (3) by Mark Pack
  David Lammy accused of misleading Parliament (0) by Mark Pack
  Official: Tory councils cost you more (6) by The Voice
  Opinion: what the heck do the Party President and Federal Executive do? (14) by Paul Walter
  Opinion: e-Campaigning in Kent (6) by Alex Perkins
4th  Daily View 2×2: 4 June 2009 (3) by Alex Foster
  The Independent backs the Liberal Democrats (10) by Mark Pack
  Opinion: Some notes from the doorstep in a weird election campaign (9) by Joe Taylor
  We would be “suicidal” to do a deal with Labour (17) by Alix Mortimer
  Reasons to vote Liberal Democrat (22) by Mark Pack
  A final look back at the Euro polls (1) by Stephen Tall
  Video: Nick Clegg on the European Elections (0) by Helen Duffett
  LDV election prediction competition: what you’ve said so far (0) by Stephen Tall
  A sure-fire way to bring a smile to your face… (6) by The Voice
  Four confirmed candidates for Speaker so far (3) by Mark Pack
  Belfast’s new Lord Mayor is from the Alliance (0) by Mark Pack
  James Purnell quits and tells Gordon Brown his time is up (3) by Mark Pack
  BBC Question Time – LDV open thread, 4 June ’09 #bbcqt (12) by Stephen Tall
  Ending as I begun: unusual legal advice (0) by Mark Pack
  How small could the Cabinet be? (5) by Mark Pack
5th  Local elections – overnight open thread (59) by The Voice
  Lib Dems gain control of Bristol Council (1) by Mark Pack
  Daily View 2×2: 5 June 2009 (1) by Stephen Tall
  Cabinet reshuffle – open thread (14) by Stephen Tall
  Local elections – Friday open thread (130) by Stephen Tall
  BBC national projected vote share (8) by Alex Foster
  Just when you thought the last 24 hours’ news couldn’t get more bizarre… (39) by Stephen Tall
  Roger Williams MP on World Environment Day (0) by Roger Williams MP
  WED: an uncomfortable vision of the future (9) by Peter Hirst
  WED: Green Lib Dems annual conference (0) by Alex Foster
6th  The Saturday Open Thread (6 Jun ’09): what’s on your mind? (2) by Stephen Tall
  Local elections ’09: the LDV verdict (37) by Stephen Tall
  CommentIsLinked@LDV: James Graham – The party of potholes (2) by The Voice
  The Great Expectations Game (29) by Stephen Tall
  Nick Clegg in conversation with Iain Dale (1) by Stephen Tall
  Top of the Blogs: The Golden Dozen #119 (0) by Stephen Tall
  How can you help Liberal Democrat Voice? (10) by The Voice
7th  Daily View 2×2: 7 June 2009 (2) by Mark Pack
  Millennium’s Credit Crunch Diary… May: Not Just Moral Bankruptcy (2) by Millennium Elephant
  How to make the most of Facebook, part 2 (1) by Mark Pack
  Top of the Blogs: The Golden Dozen #120 (2) by Stephen Tall
  Are you on your way to the Forum? (0) by Stephen Tall
  Euro election results ’09: Sunday night open thread (3) by Stephen Tall
  European elections: rolling results news (84) by The Voice
8th  It’s not just MPs who’ve got problems with their expenses (1) by Mark Pack
  Daily View 2×2: 8 June 2009 (3) by Helen Duffett
  Come and debate #MPexpenses: a triumph for journalism? (3) by Stephen Tall
  Euro elections ’09: the LDV verdict (35) by Stephen Tall
  CommentIsLinked@LDV: Vince Cable – Oil – the next shock waiting in the pipeline (0) by The Voice
  Opinion: Losing at the Bridge Table (14) by David Allen
  How the Euro results prove PR works (25) by The Voice
  Opinion: Time for a U-turn on Lisbon Treaty (31) by Darrell Goodliffe
  Adrian Sanders apologises over leaked document (14) by Helen Duffett
9th  Daily View 2×2: 9 June 2009 (0) by Helen Duffett
  Why Labour must wish they were led by Ming Campbell (2) by Stephen Tall
  Children added to DNA database daily (1) by Helen Duffett
  CommentIsLinked@LDV: Nick Clegg – Governments that can’t be scrutinised will always turn oppressive (0) by The Voice
  Opinion: The insipid political class we breed (92) by S
  Hemming advises couple: move abroad to prevent new-born child being taken into care (6) by The Voice
  CommentIsLinked@LDV: Ross Finnie – Devolution ‘mistakes were made’ (0) by The Voice
  Guardian publishes full list of Euro election results (12) by Alex Foster
  Official: the best (and worst) Lib Dem Euro results (17) by Stephen Tall
  Opinion: Liberal Democrats should show their Pride (13) by Dave Page
10th  Judgement Day for Boris Johnson’s first year in office (3) by Helen Duffett
  Daily View 2×2: 10 June 2009 (1) by Alix Mortimer
  What newspapers do Liberal Democrat voters read? (12) by Mark Pack
  CommentIsLinked@LDV: Nick Clegg – The torch of progress has passed to us (0) by The Voice
  DLT: Social Liberalism (6) by Dictionary of Liberal Thought
  PMQs: social housing and repossession (4) by Alix Mortimer
  NEW POLL: should the Lib Dems support AV? (36) by Stephen Tall
  What Nick said to Gordon about political reform (0) by The Voice
  Opinion: Under-representation of BME members in the Lib Dems (29) by Afzal Shaikh
  YouTube ‘cos we want to: Brown, brown and Steen (2) by Stephen Tall
11th  Things that can go wrong with your election leaflet, part 94 (2) by Mark Pack
  Daily View 2×2: 11 June 2009 (1) by Alex Foster
  Opinion: Avoiding cynical electoral reform (11) by David Parkes
  Nick takes ‘The Toynbee Test’ (8) by Stephen Tall
  Opinion: The office of citizen (3) by Rob Hart
  CommentIsLinked@LDV: Sirs Ming & Alan publish their Speaker manifestos (0) by Stephen Tall
  LDV readers say: Frank Field for Commons Speaker (4) by Stephen Tall
  Revisiting Jo Swinson and the Telegraph’s #mpexpenses stories (6) by Stephen Tall
  BBC Question Time – LDV open thread, 11 June ‘09 #bbcqt (5) by Alex Foster
  My favourite piece of post-election spinning (8) by Mark Pack
12th  EXCLUSIVE: Ros Scott announces no permanent replacement for Rennard as Lib Dem Chief Exec ’til 2010 (14) by Stephen Tall
  Daily View 2×2: 12 June 2009 (0) by Stephen Tall
  The Independent View: Restore trust to reform democracy (4) by Rick Muir
  Oxford Tories suspended over ‘racist jokes’ (14) by The Voice
  Opinion: The Alternative Vote – a staging post towards STV (19) by Harry Hayfield
  Opinion: Talk of PR makes me all of a dither (16) by Ed Maxfield
  Is Gordon Brown Labour’s Lloyd George? (6) by Stephen Tall
  YouTube ‘cos we want to: Jeremy, David and Paddy (3) by Stephen Tall
13th  The LDV Saturday Open Thread (13 Jun ‘09): what’s on your mind? (6) by Stephen Tall
  Kettering Tory MP Philip Hollobone in ‘clean coal’ directorship row (5) by Stephen Tall
  Why I’ve lobbied my MP over the choice of Speaker (1) by Mark Pack
  GriffinWatch: exposing the BNP (14) by Nick T
  Opinion: Reconsidering political reform (14) by Leo Watkins
14th  Daily View 2×2: 14 June 2009 (1) by Mark Pack
  Congrats to Fiyaz Mughal OBE (3) by The Voice
  Lib Dems call on George Osborne to pay capital gains tax (4) by Mark Pack
  And the winners are… (0) by Stephen Tall
  Opinion: Replacing Labour in four easy steps (24) by Costigan Quist
  LDV Weekend Meme: five favourite political TV dramas (14) by Stephen Tall
  Top of the Blogs: The Golden Dozen #121 (4) by Stephen Tall
15th  Daily View 2×2: 15 June 2009 (1) by Helen Duffett
  Death by bar chart? Tories plotting to kill in Norwich North (49) by Helen Duffett
  CommentIsLinked@LDV: Vince Cable – My lost appendix – and what it taught me about the NHS (2) by The Voice
  Opinion: Genuine chance for Lib Dem breakthrough (9) by Mark Hanson
  Radio Alert – Phone Clegg (1) by Alex Foster
  Speaker’s Conference on Parliamentary Representation: have your say (0) by Helen Duffett
  Clegg on Iraq inquiry: “nothing short of a fully public inquiry – held in the open – will satisfy soldiers’ families.” (7) by Stephen Tall
16th  How good was Obama’s campaign? (12) by Mark Pack
  Daily View 2×2: 16 June 2009 (1) by Richard Huzzey
  Open Thread – Nick Clegg’s #bbcradio4 phonein (4) by Alex Foster
  Opinion: Bold new leadership and a united strategic front (7) by Kasch Wilder
  Digital Britain: Lib Dems to oppose BBC licence fee top-slicing (11) by Stephen Tall
  Lords vote to ban tax exiles and non-doms from donating to political parties (14) by Stephen Tall
  Clegg: Lib Dems won’t replace Trident (39) by Stephen Tall
  Liberal Youth in the spotlight (32) by The Voice
17th  NEW POLL: was Clegg right to ditch Trident? (21) by Stephen Tall
  CommentIsLinked@LDV: Vince Cable – This recession is very far from over (4) by The Voice
  Daily View 2×2: 17 June 2009 (1) by Alix Mortimer
  PMQs: banking system (4) by Alix Mortimer
  Good wishes to Matthew Taylor and his family (0) by The Voice
  Lib Dems reveal civil servants paid £26m in bonuses (2) by Stephen Tall
  Opinion: Wanted – A Liberal Plan for Europe (25) by Gordon Frankland
  YouTube ‘cos we want to: Tory leaders special (10) by Stephen Tall
18th  Daily View 2×2: 18 June 2009 (1) by Alex Foster
  Haggis, Neeps and Liberalism #5 (1) by Stephen Glenn
  Burnley Lib Dems call for Kitty Ussher to quit and trigger by-election (3) by The Voice
  Osborne claimed £47 for DVD of his own speech on … value for taxpayers’ money (13) by Stephen Tall
  Gidley and Carmichael back Bercow for Speaker (3) by Stephen Tall
  Davey: Blair must come clean on torture or quit as Mid-East envoy (4) by The Voice
  Jeff Reid selected as Lib Dem PPC for Blyth Valley (1) by The Voice
  Lib Dem councillor reveals Lancashire Town hall uses anti-terror laws to snoop on cleaners (4) by Stephen Tall
  BBC Question Time – LDV open thread, 18 June 2009 #bbcqt (7) by Alex Foster
19th  Which party’s winning on the web? (3) by Helen Duffett
  Daily View 2×2: 19 June 2009 (3) by Stephen Tall
  Reinventing the State reprinted (6) by Richard Grayson
  Did you see the reports about the public getting keener to vote in European elections? (4) by Mark Pack
  Iran: what is unfolding? (18) by Leo Watkins
  LDV at Local Solutions 2009 (3) by Alex Foster
  Lib Dem councillor refuses to apologise for calling mayor a “nob” (7) by The Voice
  Willis challenges Mandelson over student places funding squeeze (2) by The Voice
  Oi, Hilary, put that light out! (4) by The Voice
  Ralf Dahrendorf obituary (6) by Mark Pack
20th  The LDV Saturday Open Thread (20 Jun ‘09): what’s on your mind? (60) by Stephen Tall
  LDV readers say: yes to Alternative Vote over first-past-the-post (13) by Stephen Tall
  Twitter and the rise of new media (8) by Mark Thompson
  Are you on your way to the Forum? (0) by Stephen Tall
21st  Is this the next Speaker of the House of Commons? (5) by The Voice
  Daily View 2×2: 21 June 2009 (1) by Mark Pack
  Clegg on cacti, drugs, Theroux and cross-dressing. Oh, and politics, too (6) by The Voice
  Express reveals god-like Vince is human after all (5) by Stephen Tall
  Taxpayers’ Alliance: MPs should be bad employers (4) by Mark Pack
  Local Solutions 2009 – first responses (1) by Alex Foster
  April Pond selected for Norwich North (21) by The Voice
  Arrested for requesting a policeman’s badge number (9) by Helen Duffett
22nd  Daily View 2×2: 22 June 2009 (0) by Helen Duffett
  NEW POLL: should BNP members be banned from teaching? (24) by Stephen Tall
  Who are you supporting in the race for Commons Speaker? (17) by Stephen Tall
  Local Solutions 2009 – Nick Clegg and Ros Scott (0) by Alex Foster
  Opinion: Should we really be proclaiming that “Labour is finished”? (24) by Andrew Lewin
  Speaker election – it’s Bercow or Young (5) by Stephen Tall
  BREAKING – first #newspeaker results (3) by Alex Foster
  Speaker election round 2 – and it’s still Bercow or Young (2) by Stephen Tall
  Congratulations Speaker Bercow (8) by Stephen Tall
  Sweeping changes to conference motions rules come into force (7) by Mark Pack
  ‘The Age of Ming’ – Tue 23 June, BBC Radio 4, 11am (0) by Stephen Tall
  Ian Clement quits as deputy mayor of London (1) by Helen Duffett
23rd  Daily View 2×2: 23 June 2009 (0) by Richard Huzzey
  Local Solutions 2009 – Paul Scriven on the Sheffield story (5) by Alex Foster
  What happens when you change your email address? (1) by Mark Pack
  CommentIsLinked@LDV: Vince Cable – Peril of barking bankers tugging at leash (1) by The Voice
  What do you think of the Tories’ new European Conservatives and Reformists group? (21) by Stephen Tall
  Dear John… Nick Clegg sets out Iraq inquiry stance (2) by The Voice
  LDV readers say: big yes to Nick Clegg’s Trident U-turn (8) by Stephen Tall
  Find Tory David Amess’s £1,500 website and win an LDV prize! (7) by Stephen Tall
  Transparency is for Lib Dems, too (7) by Stephen Tall
  Tory claims for astrology CD (42) by Alix Mortimer
24th  The best Standards Commitee ruling, ever (3) by Mark Pack
  Daily View 2×2: 24 June 2009 (0) by Alix Mortimer
  Local Solutions 2009 – Carbon Reduction Commitment for councils (0) by Alex Foster
  PMQs: when will Brown admit he’s wrong? (5) by Alix Mortimer
  Opinion: We the people, to form a more perfect union… (8) by Antony Hook
  Riso Monkey Diary… The Riso That Binds (4) by Lib Dem Riso Monkey
  Clegg: Lib Dems can overtake Labour (3) by Stephen Tall
  Iain Dale’s EXCLUSIVE Norwich North story: less than meets the eye (24) by Stephen Tall
  Heath on the Iraq inquiry (0) by Stephen Tall
  How solid is the Tories’ ‘extreme and ragbag’ Euro grouping? (8) by Stephen Tall
  Boris Johnson in expenses hot water (5) by Mark Pack
25th  Daily View 2×2: 25 June 2009 (2) by Alex Foster
  LDV interviews … Carl Minns (2) by Mark Pack
  Lib Dems force government climbdown on MPs’ pension increases (0) by Stephen Tall
  FT editorial: Lib Dems’ “ultimate selling point is they are not like the other parties” (13) by Stephen Tall
  Local Solutions 2009 – Julia Goldsworthy and Paul Scriven (0) by Alex Foster
  Chris Fox appointed Lib Dems’ interim chief executive (5) by Stephen Tall
  Opinion: Meeting Vince Cable (sort of) (1) by Mark Thompson
  Adonis declares end of the road for road-pricing (5) by Stephen Tall
  Coming later tonight – new format to LDV #bbcqt open thread (1) by Stephen Tall
  Brown’s five Iraq inquiry U-turns explained (2) by Stephen Tall
  BBC Question Time – LDV open thread, 25 June 2009 #bbcqt (17) by Stephen Tall
26th  Brian Coleman runs up another huge taxi bill (2) by Mark Pack
  Daily View 2×2: 26 June 2009 (2) by Stephen Tall
  What’s the right way to respond to #MichaelJackson’s death? (11) by Stephen Tall
  End Mental Health Discrimination: Repeal Section 141 (6) by Patrick Murray
  Live from Norwich – ICM poll shows close result and Clegg stands by Lib Dem campaign (33) by Stephen Tall
  Clegg marks Armed Forces Day with 5-point plan to improve service conditions (5) by The Voice
  YouTube ‘cos we want to: Bercow, New Labour and Obama (11) by Stephen Tall
27th  The LDV Saturday Open Thread (27 Jun ‘09): what’s on your mind? (2) by Stephen Tall
  Police investigate Aberdeen Lib Dem councillor (4) by The Voice
  Pugh sticks up for posties sacked for not wearing cycle helmets (11) by The Voice
  Opinion: RIPA – Lib Dems are leading the way in improving scrutiny of council surveillance (0) by Cllr Terry Stacy
  Top of the Blogs: The Golden Dozen #122 (0) by Stephen Tall
  Opinion: Liberal Youth in the headlights (10) by Rich Wilson
28th  Daily View 2×2: 28 June 2009 (0) by Mark Pack
  Rupert Read and the false allegations (103) by Mark Pack
  LDV Weekend Meme: fantasy liberal cabinet (27) by Stephen Tall
29th  Greater Manchester Lib Dem PPC defects to Labour (62) by Stephen Tall
  Daily View 2×2: 29 June 2009 (0) by Helen Duffett
  Inexperienced officers in protest frontline – never again, say MPs (4) by Helen Duffett
  Bexley Conservatives throw out Ian Clement (0) by Helen Duffett
  CommentIsLinked@LDV: Vince Cable – Our next test of courage: to cut public sector pensions (3) by The Voice
30th  The mess enveloping the law over local election candidates (10) by Mark Pack
  Norwich North poll date set for 23 July (1) by Stephen Tall
  Daily View 2×2: 30 June 2009 (0) by Richard Huzzey
  Clegg on Brown’s mini-manifesto: “a hotch-potch of unrelated Whitehall schemes” (5) by Stephen Tall
  CommentIsLinked@LDV: Paddy Ashdown – The Cold War is over. We must move on, fast (7) by The Voice
  How are Lib Dem councillors using Twitter/Facebook? (5) by Stephen Tall
  Opinion: To STV, and beyond … (20) by Adam Bell
  Huhne: scrap ID cards and put 10,000 bobbies on the beat. Three reasons why he’s wrong (7) by Stephen Tall
  The Electoral Commission gets it wrong on turnout (12) by Mark Pack

Recent Comments

  • Mark ValladaresMark Valladares
    @ Nigel, Absolutely, enabling greater flexibility for employees (within reason) will instil greater loyalty to employers, aid in recruitment and retention, a...
  • Jonathan Calder
    We should certainly start talking about industrial democracy again and cooperatives too, but there remains an important role for trade unions in defending peopl...
  • David Warren
    @DavidSymonds is right, we need to be championing industrial democracy which was a key part of Liberal Party policy in the past. As for trade unions having s...
  • Paul R
    @Neil H - Yes, people do have officially issued government ID in many of those countries. It is not however mandatory for them to carry it in all such countries...
  • Jennie
    Oooo another member of the Jennie Club...