Monthly Archives: June 2016

1st  ALDC Campaigner awards: Nominations now open (0) by ALDC
  The government’s BBC white paper presents reasonably sensible proposals (6) by Paul Walter
  Guardian obituary of Jonathan Webber (1) by NewsHound
  Lord William Wallace writes… How you can make sure we win this referendum (23) by Lord William Wallace
  EURef: Excellent guide to referendum issues by Mike Biden (23) by Antony Hook
  Lib Dems seek to amend revenge porn law to give anonymity to victims (25) by Caron Lindsay
  Why I’m voting remain: I want to live in a Britain that stands tall and proud in the world (17) by Joshua Dixon
2nd  EURef: Get your posters up (4) by Antony Hook
  A year ago today…. (6) by Caron Lindsay
  How you can help make 11 June the biggest action day of the referendum #INtogether (1) by Team #Intogether
  Charles Kennedy: Lib Dems must be the voice of rational pro-Europeanism (3) by Caron Lindsay
  Lord (Martin) Thomas writes…Celebrating the opportunities of migration (1) by Martin Thomas
  WATCH: Alex Cole-Hamilton on the EU’s key role in securing peace and freedom (4) by The Voice
3rd  Liberal Democrats GAIN Dorset county council seat from the Conservatives (6) by The Voice
  Remembering Andrew Reeves five years on (1) by Caron Lindsay
  The left should follow John McDonnell and stop being anti-austerity (84) by George Kendall
  A postal vote for the EU (5) by Denis Mollison
  Baroness Judith Jolly writes…Why we need a UK register of arms brokers (1) by Judith Jolly
  Norman Lamb MP writes…Disastrous A & E figures emphasise need for independent commission on NHS future (12) by Norman Lamb MP
  Justin Trudeau Speech to Liberal Federal Party Convention (2) by Antony Hook
  Clinton finds her voice: “This isn’t reality television – this is actual reality.” (21) by Paul Walter
  Vince Cable: European single market represents a British vision of an open Europe (12) by The Voice
4th  Rennie: We need to keep access to EU markets easy for business (2) by The Voice
  LibLInk: Christine Jardine: A European Journey (2) by NewsHound
  Compelling portrait of a disabled person who was one of the USA’s greatest Presidents (3) by Paul Walter
  Farron: Britain’s position in the world is in the hands of its youngest voters (9) by The Voice
5th  It’s time to come clean about immigration (27) by Mark Argent
  Rennie: Deal with Chinese company with bad human rights record would tarnish Scotland’s human rights reputation (7) by Caron Lindsay
  Sal Brinton slams Farage sex-attacks comments (8) by The Voice
  Nick Clegg: Being in Europe has not held us back, it has thrust us forward (12) by The Voice
  LDV’s Sunday Best: our 7 most-read articles this week (0) by The Voice
6th  Tim Farron’s message for Ramadan (3) by The Voice
  Season 2: The state of play in Spain ahead of the election on 26 June (5) by Hannah Bettsworth
  Challenging the narrative around immigration (14) by Shaun Ennis
  EURef: Register to vote by tomorrow (Tuesday) (1) by Antony Hook
  Snoopers’ Charter back in the Commons (0) by Caron Lindsay
  My highlights of the Hay Festival (3) by Jane Dodds
  Some consequences of Brexit that we haven’t considered enough (12) by Bernard Aris
  Tim Farron: We can’t allow Boris, Gove and Farage to get away with peddling lies (40) by The Voice
  EURef: Animation – how Brexit will affect your family (2) by Antony Hook
7th  Confused by competing claims over the EU? – try these impartial fact-checking websites (6) by Paul Walter
  Sangria in Spain: An ode to #Remain (6) by Jenni Hollis
  Supporting the sugar tax was a mistake (35) by Eddie from Edinburgh
  The inconsistencies and risk inherent in Vote Leave’s economic arguments must be exposed. (27) by Pete Shallcross
8th  Farron calls for voter registration deadline to be extended after “shambles” (10) by The Voice
  Cameron should make way for people capable of making a positive case for Remain (30) by Caron Lindsay
  EU Referendum: Brexit-proof facts (34) by Stevan Rose
  Time for tougher regulation of the Arms industry (3) by Fionna Tod
  Rennie says Donald Trump should accept invitation from Edinburgh Muslims (4) by The Voice
  How I am trying to improve diversity in the Liberal Democrats (20) by Dipa Vaya
  Proof that vote leave is wrong on ‘taking control’ (14) by Joe Otten
  Referendum polling day is fast approaching and the polls are narrowing (12) by Dave McCobb and Tim Pickstone
9th  What our Liberal Democrat leaders are saying about the EU referendum (8) by Maelo Manning
  Are you prepared to take the risk of leaving the EU? (32) by Keith Legg
  Europe’s Liberal family grows (5) by Jonathan Fryer
  Lord Dick Newby writes: A simple solution to an otherwise blurred vision (2) by Dick Newby
  The Independent View: Time for Liberals to embrace pledged taxes? (18) by Shaughan Dolan
  Message to the Chinese community on how to vote in the EU Referendum (4) by Tatyan Cheung
  LibLink: Alistair Carmichael on divided refugee families (0) by Mary Reid
  Alistair Carmichael MP writes: Snoopers’ Charter debate was a circle of Hell even Dante could not have imagined (3) by Alistair Carmichael MP
10th  Fresh Faces and Fresh Ideas: Join the Liberal Youth Freshers’ Fair Campaign (0) by The Voice
  The EU referendum is stuck on repeat, it’s time to change track (5) by Sarah Dickson
  Muscly Putin stickman – my part in the #EUref (1) by Stuart Bonar
  Lord Martin Thomas writes…“We beat them, why should we join them?” (40) by Martin Thomas
  For peace, healthcare, medical research, animal welfare, workers’ rights and equality: why I’m voting Remain (7) by Belinda Brooks Gordon
  ALDC’s by-election report – 9 June (1) by ALDC
  Obama slow jams the news – the coolest of the cool? (8) by Paul Walter
  Liberal Democrats honoured in the Queen’s 90th birthday list (8) by The Voice
11th  How the Referendum Pledge Challenge might help win it for Remain (1) by Neil Fawcett
  LibLink: Nick Clegg: Brexit Lords have a cheek to complain about EU democracy (21) by NewsHound
  We need a positive EU campaign and we need it now (48) by Daniel Henry
  Paddy: Pooling sovereignty with our friends does not diminish our sovereignty, it increases it (16) by The Voice
12th  Ming Campbell talks EU democracy, security, sovereignty in BBC Big Debate (7) by Caron Lindsay
  It’s time to drop everything and concentrate on the EU Referendum (54) by Caron Lindsay
  Sal Brinton on the issues facing wheelchair users travelling by bus (1) by The Voice
  Shirley on peace and economic prosperity that EU offers (7) by The Voice
  Olly Grender introduces her Renters’ Rights Bill “You have more rights buying a fridge than renting a home to put it in” (3) by The Voice
  LDV’s Sunday Best: our 7 most-read articles this week (0) by The Voice
  Top of the Blogs: The Lib Dem Golden Dozen #460 (0) by Caron Lindsay
  Horror in Orlando (11) by Euan Davidson
13th  Understanding the fears of those leaning towards Brexit (31) by Mark Argent
  Official, authoritative Dutch government calculations: “Every Dutch citizen stand to lose 1000 euros through a Brexit” (28) by Bernard Aris
  Our green economy can only be protected from full Tory demolition by staying in the EU (12) by Lynne Featherstone
  Alex Glassbrook on the by-election this week in Tooting (0) by Mary Reid
  Coalition 2.0: The EU Referendum (30) by Lib Dem Member
  Tim Farron attacks Farage poster over Orlando atrocity (33) by The Voice
14th  London’s LGBT Vigil to be sung and sung loudly (2) by Ed Fordham
  EURef: *Anyone* can help by making calls through Connect (1) by Antony Hook
  LibLink: Tim Farron – Britain braced for momentous day of decision (15) by Joe Otten
  Proof arrives that Remain are right on the economy (69) by Joe Otten
  Lib Dems “deeply shocked and horrified” by ITV report that Clement Freud sexually abused two young girls (0) by The Voice
15th  Where is the love? (4) by Jenny Marr
  Sally Hamwee explains why she’s introducing her Missing Persons Guardianship Bill (2) by NewsHound
  Liberal Democrats are being excluded from referendum debate – don’t put up with this (21) by Caron Lindsay
  Four reasons why your local party would benefit from doing even more EU campaigning (1) by Caron Lindsay
  Scottish Parliament honours Orlando victims and stands with LGBTI community (2) by Caron Lindsay
  About Nigel Farage and the British fishing industry (50) by Newspuppy
16th  It’s time for the Remain campaign to talk about change (21) by Malcolm Wood
  Referendum Pledge Challenge – the week 1 winners (0) by Iain Gill
  Liam McArthur MSP writes…From Orkney, why I’m voting to Remain (1) by Liam McArthur MSP
  EURef: Government needs to make the benefits of migration blatantly obvious (27) by Antony Hook
  RIP Jo Cox MP (17) by Caron Lindsay
17th  Jo Cox MP 1974 – 2016 (1) by The Voice
  Vigils will be held across the country tonight in memory of Jo Cox MP (0) by The Voice
  A selection of tweets in memory of Jo Cox MP (0) by The Voice
  Jo Cox MP (1) by The Voice
  Moving message from Tim Farron about Jo Cox MP’s murder (11) by The Voice
  Reflections on Jo Cox MP’s murder (12) by Graham Watson
  Jo Cox: Brexit is no answer to real concerns on immigration (15) by NewsHound
18th  Kirsty Williams on supporting teachers, pupils and students: her vision for Welsh education (0) by Caron Lindsay
  Jonny Oates on rejecting the easy option of cynicism and taking the harder route of making the world a better place (33) by The Voice
  Towards a more inclusive politics (2) by Caron Lindsay
  LibLink: Tim Farron: The EU is bloated and bureaucratic but it just needs reform (18) by NewsHound
19th  Nick Clegg on the Brexit Betrayal (39) by Caron Lindsay
  Staying in Europe and building our teams (4) by Dawn Barnes
  David Steel pays tribute to Derek Ezra, emphasising his pro-European views (1) by The Voice
  LISTEN: Great Lives: Millicent Garrett Fawcett (3) by The Voice
  It was only when he mentioned the knife that we started to panic inside (8) by Caron Lindsay
  LDV’s Sunday Best: our 7 most-read articles this week (0) by The Voice
  Top of the Blogs: The Lib Dem Golden Dozen #461 (0) by Caron Lindsay
20th  Let’s create a positive legacy for Jo Cox (26) by Chris Key
  What did the EU ever do for us? (28) by Paul Harrison
  LibLink: Mark Williams on happiness, which is still ground for punishment in Iran (2) by Mary Reid
  LibLink: Jeremy Browne on why Europe fears Brexit (0) by Mary Reid
  Johnson and Gove, like Trump, believe in the magical power of the word (2) by Bernard Aris
  Working to build a liberal core vote in Merton (1) by Anthony Fairclough
  Kath Pinnock’s tribute to Jo Cox (2) by The Voice
21st  MP security – we must keep access for the public (2) by Nigel Jones
  Could there be three ironic (?) tragedies that follow a leave vote? (67) by Paul Walter
  EURef: Twitter made a difference to voter registration (9) by Antony Hook
  Why our peers need to embrace rather than shun social media (4) by Laura Willoughby
  We built the EU for our children (23) by Shirley Williams
  Say goodbye to the EU and say goodbye to the benefits of the European Investment Bank (6) by Caroline Pidgeon
  My reflections on the Guardian Live EU Referendum debate (6) by David Graham
22nd  WANTED! Prime Minister for poisoned chalice of post Brexit Britain (14) by George Kendall
  Lord Martin Thomas writes…The Red Army (3) by Martin Thomas
  Baroness Julie Smith writes…The European Peace Project (2) by Julie Smith
  Dick Newby responds on Lib Dem peers and social media (0) by Dick Newby
  The North West: What has the EU ever done for us? (7) by Dr Paul RIchardson
  LDVideo: Paddy: Don’t let other people determine your future (0) by Caron Lindsay
  LibLInk: Edward McMillan Scott: Turkey’s EU membership will remain in the EU’s deep freeze, no matter what Leave says (3) by NewsHound
  The most brilliant event of the EU Referendum (1) by Caron Lindsay
  Rennie: EU Vote will define our country for decades to come (2) by Caron Lindsay
  The Referendum Pledge Challenge: Week 2 winners (1) by Iain Gill
  EURef: Peace, Prosperity, People – my speech from village hall debates (4) by Antony Hook
23rd  Nick Clegg writes…Europe makes Britain great (5) by Nick Clegg MP
  Fun Referendum day quiz! (0) by Paul Walter
  Je Suis Européen (1) by John Waddell
  EU Referendum: a vote to define ourselves (3) by Douglas Oliver
  How Lib Dem Voice team members are voting in the EU Referendum and why (4) by The Voice
  WATCH: Tim Farron’s Eve of Poll Rally speech (13) by The Voice
  Referendum Results open thread (40) by Caron Lindsay
24th  +++BBC call it for Leave (7) by Paul Walter
  5 am: Disaster looms (16) by Caron Lindsay
  So what’s going to happen about Scotland? (21) by Caron Lindsay
  “Devastated and angry” Farron says Lib Dems will fight for a “tolerant, open-hearted, optimistic and outward looking” country (65) by The Voice
  After Brexit; what strategy for ‘Remain’? (27) by Paul Reynolds
  Scotland must have a “Which Union?” referendum (18) by Simon Horner
  Farron reacts to David Cameron’s resignation (10) by The Voice
  What now for the Pro-EU Party? (28) by Alisdair Calder McGregor
  Carmichael: Britain needs to hear liberal internationalist voices like never before (4) by The Voice
  Leaving the EU hampers progress on climate change (9) by Jim Hodgson
  What next for the Liberal Democrats post-referendum? (37) by Tony Lloyd
  1000 new members join Lib Dems as Farron says “We will keep the vision of an open, optimistic, hopeful Britain alive” (28) by Caron Lindsay
  The mess we are in (22) by Geoff Crocker
  There is scope for soft-peddling on the all-consuming anger (29) by Paul Walter
25th  The people have spoken – trust the people (50) by Paul Walter
  Moving forwards as positive campaigners (19) by Matt Dolman
  A new Union of Democratic Control? (6) by Matthew Campbell
  Sir Graham Watson writes…Is there a way back from the Brexit decision? (48) by Graham Watson
  We need to look forward. Let’s start with electoral reform (8) by Connair Russell
  What does the EU Referendum mean for Liberal Democrats (15) by Joe Zammit-Lucia
  What the EU Referendum has taught me (11) by Nigel Jones
  EU Referendum: What do we do now? (63) by Mark Goodrich
  A message from Tim Farron (90) by The Voice
26th  Seeking an antidote to poisonous politics (15) by Jim Williams
  Brexit – it could be the Lib Dems’ finest hour if we act now (26) by Andy Boddington
  Is there a petition for a second referendum? (66) by Mary Reid
  And the winner of our referendum day quiz is….. (2) by Paul Walter
  For new members: The Lowdown: How the party works and what it has to offer (14) by Caron Lindsay
  Congratulations Brexit, but Scotland holds the key (17) by Geoff Crocker
  We are the 48 … but also the 52 (19) by Kev Walsh
  If you thought we were having a #libdemfightback – you’ve seen nothing yet! (12) by Lee Dargue
  The legacy of Roy Jenkins: History Group discussion meeting Monday 27th June (2) by Duncan Brack
27th  Only time will tell … (9) by Graham Watson
  I am English. I am British. I am European. (11) by Clare Kane
  So many posts! (3) by Mary Reid
  Support the 100% (15) by Dean Crofts
  We must not prove the conspiracy theorists right (77) by Catherine Crosland
  6000 and rising (16) by The Voice
  Not waving, nearly drowned dead (5) by Katharine Pindar
  When people realise they have been lied to… (17) by Mark Argent
  We need to seize this moment (29) by Laurence Mann
  How do we make liberalism relevant to the disenfranchised leave voters? (38) by Jayne McCoy
  Our values and the Brexit crisis (22) by Spencer Hagard
28th  A reminder about the memorial event for David Rendel on 4th July (0) by The Voice
  Uncrossing the wires in the IP Bill (11) by Brian Paddick
  Sorting Out the Political Mess (21) by Helen Flynn
  We must speak for our EU Citizens in the UK (30) by Simon McGrath
29th  Sal Brinton writes…Nominations for Party Awards are open (0) by Sal Brinton
  We cannot turn a blind eye to the Brexit anger (55) by Chris Bowers
  Winning people around and winning here (14) by Daniel Russell
  It’s time for a Constitutional Convention (6) by Tim Miller
  Fighting for votes at 16 (9) by Mark Henderson
  How the Lib Dems can lead after the Referendum Result (20) by Scott Partridge
  Pledge to rejoin EU needs to be matched by EU Impact Fund (10) by Nick Hopkinson
  Understanding Differences in the Canadian and UK Liberal General Election Strategies in 2015. (11) by Antony Hook
30th  What does the referendum result mean? (14) by Richard Robinson
  LibLink: David Boyle – Tim Farron – history demands you step into the breach and ‘speak for England’ (5) by The Voice
  How did our constituencies vote in the EU Referendum? (16) by Duncan Brack
  Vince Cable writes…The birth of the 48 movement (132) by Vince Cable
  Britain now closer to being part of European superstate? (10) by David Pearce
  Letter to a friend: Why I’m so upset about the Referendum result (21) by Alison Le Cornu
  Introducing Liberal Democrat Expand (14) by Liberal Democrat Expand
  Let’s be the party speaking for Rural Britain! (2) by Peter Thornton

Recent Comments

  • David Garlick
    For me the climate story began in the 1960's. Great article and yes I have periods of depression about it but Rodrigo is absolutely right in that the best way ...
  • Marco
    Chris Moore - Yes those seats require a lower swing but would be 3 way contests between Lab Con and Lib so people might not be persuaded to vote for us. Also in...
  • Simon R
    Rodrigo is correct that climate change is a pressing concerns facing humanity, and Governments around the World are not doing enough about it. But I would urge ...
  • Neil Hickman
    @Paul R - Surely in the countries you mention, people have ID cards as a matter of course. Rightly or wrongly, in the UK we don't; and the reason for demanding...
  • Simon R
    One very minor point on this: Mary, you say, ""At the moment travel passes for older people are acceptable but bizarrely those for young people are not" ...