Monthly Archives: October 2016

1st  +++BREAKING NEWS+++ Time for “slow news”? (11) by Paul Walter
  We need to focus on things which tangibly improve lives (65) by Rob Parsons
  ALDC’s by-election report – 29 September 2016 (4) by ALDC
2nd  Tim Farron opens Witney by-election HQ (2) by Paul Walter
  Heart of England, reject the Tories now (17) by Katharine Pindar
  LDV Interview: Liz Leffman. Witney Lib Dem candidate on Brexit, NHS, Buses – and puppies and biscuits, too! (4) by Caron Lindsay
  Farron: May’s Hard Brexit “means disaster for British jobs, businesses and our economy” (46) by NewsHound
3rd  A Liberal idea to empower claimants (16) by Suzanne Fletcher
  Didn’t we have a lovely time the day we went to Witney…. (5) by Holly Matthies
  A progressive alliance of the left is dead (25) by Phil Aisthorpe
  It is time to see spending on mental health as an investment not a cost (6) by Chris Key
  Are the Lib Dems going in the wrong direction? (71) by Anna Junk
4th  LibLink: Nick Clegg – Brexit is proving that the Tories are no longer the party of business (24) by The Voice
  Liz Leffman narrows the odds of a Lib Dem victory at Witney (8) by Paul Walter
  Is Theresa May frog-marching us out of the single market through a covert process? (11) by Paul Walter
  Profound Brexit implications for the UK’s Life Science industry (7) by Catherine Royce
  Mayor Dave Hodgson elected as Chair of the Association of Liberal Democrat Councillors (1) by Tim Pickstone
  The Brexiteers have got their split from Rome. Next they’ll try to dissolve the monasteries. (11) by Tom Ash
5th  Whoops – there goes another UKIP leader (19) by Paul Walter
  Yes, they have Vice-Presidential debates as well…. (5) by Paul Walter
  Philip Hammond: The Tories are the only party who can represent modern Britain …then the camera turned onto the audience (13) by Paul Walter
  Exhibit A on how the Lib Dems restrained the Tories (15) by NewsHound
  Soft Brexit preferred choice of Britons as poll shows willingness to compromise on immigration (17) by NewsHound
  Obituary: John David – an immense presence in the Pendle community (6) by Tony Greaves
  Tim on May’s speech: Tories are reckless, divisive and uncaring (26) by Newspuppy
6th  Fed up of xenophobic Tory rhetoric? Here’s what to do… (34) by The Voice
  In pictures: Leaders from the archives (2) by Paul Walter
  Catherine Bearder MEP writes…Golden opportunity to end the illegal ivory trade wasted (3) by Catherine Bearder MEP
  Sending best wishes to Steven Woolfe MEP and his family (12) by The Voice
  The Lib Dems need answers, not just anger (23) by David Hopps
  The founding king of England encouraged an open, outward-looking country (12) by Paul Walter
  Why we must stand up for EU citizens’ right to stay in the UK #notacard (37) by Caron Lindsay
7th  LibLink: Willie Rennie: The Conservatives are fanning the flames of xenophobia (19) by NewsHound
  The internationalist LibDems should represent the expats in the Brexit debate (16) by Bernard Aris
  LibLink: Susan Kramer warns about the economic dangers of a reckless exit from the EU (3) by The Voice
  Rival candidate endorses Liz Leffman for Witney (5) by The Voice
  The Tories’ populist agenda seeks to silence the voices of reason (21) by Simon Perks
  The divisive inconsistencies of Theresa May (11) by Geoff Crocker
  Who dares wins: we dared in Sheffield and won (2) by Gail Smith
  Liberal Democrat Trish Robertson GAINS a seat from Labour in the Highlands (10) by Caron Lindsay
  Tim Gordon writes…Elections for Party’s Committees now underway (8) by Tim Gordon
8th  Events of the week highlight the courage and clarity of Tim Farron’s stance (33) by Paul Walter
  If I hear the phrase ‘political elite’ one more time I swear I shall go pop! (23) by Phil Craxford
  The double-speak of the Prime Minister and her Cabinet (2) by Chris Key
9th  Do the Liberal Democrats know where Shenzhen is? And why it matters (15) by Alex Church
  Lib Dems: The Co-operatives Party (24) by Richard Warren
  The Trump Affair should be a wake up call for the GOP and the Democrats – but I’m not holding my breath (22) by Caron Lindsay
  Cllr Andrew Lomas writes…Why I’ve left Labour and joined the Liberal Democrats (16) by Andrew Lomas
10th  Clinton and Trump second debate – broadly a draw (37) by Paul Walter
  Tories trash trade and we’re getting a pounding (11) by Nick Hopkinson
  101 uses for Tony Blair? (14) by Paul Walter
  Tim Farron on Conservatives’ theft of Referendum result while IDS turns into Trump (22) by Caron Lindsay
  What Lib Dems have been doing on World Mental Health Day (2) by Caron Lindsay
  Nick Clegg challenges David Davis over Brexit (32) by Caron Lindsay
11th  Please write to your MP – Parity of Esteem for Mental and Physical First Aid (5) by Kirsten Johnson
  Politics between the extremes – some highlights (11) by Joe Otten
  How to Address Concerns about Immigration (129) by Holly Matthies
  The 48%: The modern-day Cassandra? (24) by David Gore
  Show me yours – and Labour doesn’t care (9) by The Voice
12th  Liz Leffman: If you elect me as your MP, I will champion NHS services (12) by Caron Lindsay
  Farron: Hard Brexit would be an act of economic vandalism (42) by The Voice
  Two ways we are addressing diversity (36) by Natalie Chindipha
  10 human rights orgs take UK to court over bulk surveillance of the public (0) by Antony Hook
  Liberal Youth’s Save Erasmus competition – Deadline approaching (7) by Vicky Nevin
13th  Making a few calls could make all the difference in Witney (2) by ALDC
  Time to start building for Britain (14) by Michael Taylor
  Marmite row – Nick Ferrari demonstrates ignorance of modern business (44) by Paul Walter
14th  Another Thursday night, more Lib Dem GAINS from Labour and Conservatives (16) by Caron Lindsay
  Daisy Cooper appointed Liberal Democrat candidate diversity champion (4) by The Voice
  Farron: Government doesn’t understand needs of universities or public perceptions of immigration (7) by The Voice
  Is sovereignty just another source of likely disappointment for the Brexiteers? (39) by Mark Valladares
  Friday fun: The first anniversary of Stephen Tall’s naked run (1) by Caron Lindsay
  ICYMI: Tim Farron at PMQs: When will she put the interests of hard-working British people ahead of an extremist protectionism that absolutely nobody voted for? (25) by Caron Lindsay
  Donald Trump’s attitude to holes and digging is just plain dumb (21) by Paul Walter
  ALDC’s By-election report – 13 October 2016 (7) by ALDC
15th  LibDemVoice Fantasy Football League: September manager of the month (0) by Stephen Tall
  LibLink: Julian Huppert “The UK’s Investigatory Powers Bill is about to become law – here’s why that should terrify us” (10) by Mary Reid
  LibLInk: Jeremy Purvis: West’s response no match for Lebanon’s crisis (3) by NewsHound
  Extra push for Liz Leffman in Witney (23) by Paul Walter
16th  Boris’s pro-EU article highlights the stupidity of Theresa May’s hard Brexit approach (36) by Paul Walter
  Nick Clegg shows why he is such a credible, authoritative leader of the opposition to May’s “hard brexit” (66) by Caron Lindsay
  REPRISE: Tim Gordon writes…Elections for party committees now underway (0) by Tim Gordon
17th  The USA may face a very dangerous situation on November 9th (20) by Paul Walter
  “Brexit means disaster for the people of Ireland.” Do you agree? (28) by Mary Reid
  The human right to freedom of speech is now under threat! (38) by Iain Donaldson
  Dillie Keane of Fascinating Aida endorses Liz Leffman (5) by The Voice
  Nick Clegg on the impact of Brexit on food prices (48) by The Voice
  Alistair Carmichael MP writes…Sometimes it is not a bad thing to be an elitist! (3) by Alistair Carmichael MP
18th  Dear Theresa May, don’t miss this opportunity to unite the nation (6) by Joe Otten
  Rage or reason? Two reviews from Miranda Green (9) by Joe Otten
  We Must Understand the Terrifying Logic of Theresa May’s ‘Right-Wing Socialism’ (26) by Jonathan Ferguson
19th  Nice start but what next for Calais? (1) by Chris White
  Only liberals can stem the tide of ethnic nationalism in Bosnia (6) by Harriet Shone
  Why would Alex Salmond nominate a key Brexiteer for Commons Brexit Committee chair? (10) by Caron Lindsay
  Heathrow: Theresa May kicks the can down the road (11) by NewsHound
  Remembering Helen Watt (6) by Caron Lindsay
  Susan Kramer says that Government must unfreeze benefits (9) by Caron Lindsay
  Independent: “The Lib Dems could steal David Cameron’s seat tomorrow” (4) by Caron Lindsay
20th  Government agrees to Lib Dem proposals to pardon thousands of gay and bisexual men (7) by The Voice
  Lessons for Syria on post-conflict reconstruction (11) by Ciaran McGonagle
  Shas Sheehan challenges the government over Calais refugee crisis (2) by Suzanne Fletcher
  ++Lib Dems gain council seat in North Cornwall (0) by Paul Walter
  Live updates from the Witney count (9) by Paul Walter
21st  Witney turnout estimated at 47% (0) by Paul Walter
  Liz Leffman gets 11,611 votes in Witney (1) by Paul Walter
  +++Witney result: Biggest Con to Lib Dem swing since the 1997 Winchester by-election. (36) by Paul Walter
  Lib Dems up 6% in St Albans by-election (1) by Paul Walter
  Lib Dems win seat from Tories in Yorkshire (0) by Paul Walter
  Witney scale swing to Lib Dems would wipe out Conservative majority (23) by NewsHound
  Witney: great result – thanks team! (11) by Paul Walter
  Remembering Aberfan – ‘a generation wiped out’ (4) by The Voice
  Sal Brinton congratulates Labour’s Tracy Brabin on being elected in Jo Cox’s old seat (9) by Paul Walter
  The American people will not take kindly to being kept “in suspense” by Donald Trump (20) by Paul Walter
  Tim Farron: Theresa May is putting views of hardline Brexiteers first (33) by NewsHound
  Remembering Aberfan (0) by Paul Walter
22nd  Canada-EU non-deal – dramatic collapse of the shining example for a post-Brexit future held up by the leavers (114) by Paul Walter
  Well that’s one way to say goodbye to your colleague…. (0) by Caron Lindsay
23rd  Gary Lineker – a welcome voice of humanity (23) by Paul Walter
  LibLink: Tim Farron: Witney result shows that the Liberal Democrats are back in the political big time (13) by NewsHound
24th  Witney could be a turning point for the Lib Dems (19) by Mark Argent
  ‘Theresa May is making the UK a nastier, more divided and more resentful country’ – Tim Farron (29) by NewsHound
  LDV Halloween pumpkin photo competition (2) by The Voice
  LibLink: Tim Farron – Lib Dems are fighting to keep Britain open-hearted (24) by The Voice
  ALDC management committee – election results (0) by ALDC
  Impressions – from a very small cog in the Witney wheel (0) by Katharine Pindar
25th  In full – Tim Farron’s speech on post-Brexit racism (5) by Paul Walter
  Collapse of EU-Canada trade pact a “stark warning” against hard Brexit – Tom Brake MP (22) by NewsHound
  ++ BREAKING NEWS: Heathrow decision (27) by Mary Reid
  Liberals need to reclaim patriotism (29) by Ian Thomas
  Zac Goldsmith set to quit and cause Richmond Park by-election (26) by Mary Reid
  Reactions to the Heathrow decision (1) by Mary Reid
  Let’s think again about Universal Basic Income (20) by Helen Flynn
  ++BREAKING NEWS : Zac Goldsmith has resigned as MP for Richmond Park (78) by Mary Reid
26th  Caroline Pidgeon: Case against Heathrow expansion as strong as ever (20) by The Voice
  The David Rendel Award – helping young people to get involved in by-election campaigns (0) by Paul Walter
  Jo Swinson to speak at event launching Action Plan on tackling maternity discrimination (3) by Caron Lindsay
  Baroness Jenny Randerson writes: Heathrow expansion is bad economics, bad for the environment and bad for residents. (11) by Jenny Randerson
  It beggars belief that Brexit has escaped basic parliamentary democracy (48) by Paul Carroll
  May is ‘blithely ignoring her own dire warnings” about hard Brexit – Tim Farron (32) by NewsHound
27th  Tim Gordon writes….Reminder that nominations close for party internal elections on 2 November (0) by Tim Gordon
  In the mayoral election, why did Zac Goldsmith get such a low vote in his own backyard? (13) by Lester Holloway
  Plaque to commemorate cycling councillor at new railway station (0) by Newsmoggie
  Brexit is a war already lost (62) by Phil Aisthorpe
  Reasons to doubt Zac Goldsmith will be re-elected (18) by Chris Key
  Tim Farron reacts to UKIP’s endorsement of Zac Goldsmith (33) by NewsHound
28th  Another Friday, another 3 Lib Dem GAINs (7) by Caron Lindsay
  Party sets up review of culture and processes focusing on race and ethnicity (12) by NewsHound
  How can Lib Dems support the movements for peace for the people of Palestine & Israel? (68) by Leon Duveen
  Alex Cole-Hamilton and Ming Campbell honoured at Scottish Politician of the Year Awards (1) by Caron Lindsay
  Nissan announcement – did May promise any cash for Qashqais? (31) by Paul Walter
  Two Lib Dems at the Palace to collect honours (4) by The Voice
29th  Dear Readers, Please be patient (29) by Caron Lindsay
  Tim Farron announces new shadow cabinet (18) by Newsmoggie
  Oppose Brexit – it’s bad for the country (87) by Katharine Pindar
  ‘What the hell is going on?’ – Farron asks as reports say Hammond briefly given number 2 job because of a typo (0) by NewsHound
  ‘Within 48 hours of Goldsmith’s standing down on Tuesday, the Lib Dems had leafleted the entire constituency’ – Guardian (14) by Paul Walter
30th  The Ebola crisis – we need to hear about the heroes (1) by Jamie Dalzell
  WATCH Jo Swinson launch action plan on maternity discrimination (3) by Caron Lindsay
  Tim Gordon writes…REMINDER that nominations close for party internal elections on 2 November (0) by Tim Gordon
  Clegg: People don’t vote for economic self-harm (27) by Paul Walter
  ++Lib Dems select Sarah Olney to be our candidate at the Richmond Park by-election (52) by Paul Walter
  LDV’s Sunday Best: our 7 most-read articles this week (0) by Paul Walter
31st  How you can volunteer to help Sarah Olney win in Richmond Park (6) by Paul Walter
  Weekend engineering works? (22) by Mary Reid
  Ten questions about the Richmond Park by-election (8) by Mary Reid
  Cathy Bakewell: the Government must replace the fit for work test entirely (12) by The Voice

Recent Comments

  • Nigel Jones
    Flexibility in employment is a key issue and a complex one including working part-time, where sometimes people do the same work as full-timers but on a lower ra...
  • David Garlick
    For me the climate story began in the 1960's. Great article and yes I have periods of depression about it but Rodrigo is absolutely right in that the best way ...
  • Marco
    Chris Moore - Yes those seats require a lower swing but would be 3 way contests between Lab Con and Lib so people might not be persuaded to vote for us. Also in...
  • Simon R
    Rodrigo is correct that climate change is a pressing concerns facing humanity, and Governments around the World are not doing enough about it. But I would urge ...
  • Neil Hickman
    @Paul R - Surely in the countries you mention, people have ID cards as a matter of course. Rightly or wrongly, in the UK we don't; and the reason for demanding...