Monthly Archives: November 2016

1st  Reassuring EU Nationals in the UK – ‘not only common decency but also common sense’ (10) by William Powell
  Fighting fun politicians in the age of entertainment news (34) by Joe Otten
  Alistair Carmichael writes: for allowing mixed sex couples into civil partnerships (15) by Alistair Carmichael MP
2nd  Welcome to my day: 2 November 2016 (2) by Mark Valladares
  What the Party said yesterday… (0) by Mark Valladares
  European liberals to debate what comes after Brexit (2) by NewsHound
  Supporting vision rehabilitation (4) by Mike Bell
  Video: something for the Liberal Democrats to try? (6) by Mark Valladares
  Roger Roberts writes: we must do more for the Calais children (3) by Lord Roger Roberts
3rd  The Independent View: Making tax digital (4) by Phil Hall
  Understanding the High Court Article 50 Decision (link to full judgment) (54) by Antony Hook
  Phew! Thank goodness for the High Court ruling (41) by Paul Walter
  We must all examine our consciences regarding mobile phones in cars (5) by Paul Walter
  Article 50 ruling follows a monumental misjudgment by Theresa May (69) by Paul Walter
4th  The new revolutionaries threaten our constitution (71) by Chris White
  It’s about Hillary – not Michelle (23) by Christine Jardine MP
  Just when you thought it couldn’t get more complicated (14) by Chris White
  New office opened for Richmond Park by-election (13) by Mary Reid
  New Issue of Liberator out (3) by Liberator Collective
5th  LibDemVoice Fantasy Football League: manager of the month for October (1) by Stephen Tall
  ALDC’s by-election report – 3 November 2016 (11) by ALDC
6th  We need to stop the drift towards self-destruction (126) by Paul Walter
7th  Donald Trump’s very liberal plan to pay off the US national debt (9) by Joe Bourke
  I want to stay in the EU (59) by Rob Parsons
  What do you want from Parliament’s Article 50 debate? (33) by Joe Otten
  Urgent questions to our MPs regarding Article 50 (77) by Sarah Noble
  Lib Dems table motion on benefit cap (33) by Mary Reid
8th  BME or BAME LibDems? (17) by Teena Lashmore
  If we had a vote we would vote Clinton (37) by The Voice
  Rolling Stone magazine weighs in: ‘Donald Trump cannot be President of the United States’ (1) by Paul Walter
  Alistair Carmichael on Article 50 (38) by Joe Otten
  On the other side of silence (4) by Douglas Oliver
9th  Welcome to my day (and what a day it’s going to be) – 9 November 2016 (1) by Mark Valladares
  +++It’s President Trump – live blog/open thread (44) by Paul Walter
  US election results: This isn’t an anti-establishment vote (in effect anyway) (66) by Paul Walter
  ALDE MEP Charles Goerens proposes EU citizenship for members of former Member States (20) by NewsHound
  Tim Farron responds to the election of Donald Trump (31) by NewsHound
  Opinion: It’s the Inequality (27) by Helen Flynn
  Opinion: the shock from across the Atlantic – the bigger picture (23) by Mark Argent
  Theresa May went to India, and all I got was a lousy T-shirt… (9) by Mark Valladares
10th  A dirty word (31) by Dani Tougher
  Enough with the flagellation of the “liberal elite” – Hillary Clinton actually got the most votes! (25) by Paul Walter
  “What part of ‘Leave’ don’t you understand?” (51) by Paul Carroll
  EU citizenship? (36) by Stuart Bonar
  An Economics lesson for Trump voters (9) by Chris Key
  Electoral reform, Donald Trump … and Theresa May (10) by Matthew Campbell
  What can we learn from the US election? (24) by Dan Whitehead
  Congratulations to Sal Brinton on being re-elected as President of the Liberal Democrats! (9) by Mary Reid
11th  Tim Farron: ‘Unless the government agrees to a referendum on the final Brexit deal, the party will vote against Article 50’ (64) by Chris White
  Why I joined the Lib Dems and stood for election (9) by Emanuel Andjelic
  Why oppose Brexit? (36) by Nick Hopkinson
  Perhaps the world needs Donald Trump. But we will have to learn our lessons the hard way (10) by Dan Webster
  We already have a solution to the Brexit conundrum (24) by Kev Walsh
  You can’t blame Gary Johnson for President Trump (7) by Fergus Blair
  By-election report – four seats, all with an increased share of the vote (1) by ALDC
  This week is Youth Work Week (2) by Linda Jack
  Brexit, Trump, this will keep happening again and again until we realise our own failings as Liberals (86) by Stephen Maxwell
12th  According to Article 50, once it has been triggered there is no way back (42) by Michael Berwick-Gooding
  Why we build the wall (0) by The Voice
  Foreign Secretary Boris Johnson Goes AWOL (45) by Antony Hook
13th  Richmond Park massive Action Weekend in pictures (8) by Mary Reid
  Can we build in an extra question, please? (30) by Chris Bowers
  WATCH: Willie Rennie’s speech to Scottish Liberal Democrat conference “Liberals are not quitters” (1) by The Voice
  Liberal Democrats mark Remembrance Sunday (3) by The Voice
14th  Joint working with other parties – or leadership by silverbacks? (37) by Nigel Lindsay
  The Language of the Left – and how it alienates progressives from their own causes (145) by Ben Andrew
  Liberal Democrats need to play smart on immigration and border controls (35) by Chris Key
  A populist Parliament (62) by Arnold Kiel
15th  Make your views known to the Education Policy Working Group (29) by Lucy Nethsingha
  More United consult members on endorsing Sarah Olney (25) by Joe Otten
  It’s not about inequality (37) by Joe Otten
16th  Welcome to my day (again) – 16 November 2016 (3) by Mark Valladares
  “Don’t forget the congregation…” (24) by Pete Shallcross
  “Liberal” means “radical” now. Embrace it. (32) by Doctor North
  Liberal International’s African Reach (1) by Jonathan Fryer
  Brian Paddick writes on efforts to protect our civil liberties (4) by Brian Paddick
  Can Parliament vote against Brexit? (114) by Scott Craig
  The end of another day. Next week, hopefully, you’ll have Caron back… (13) by Mark Valladares
17th  Responding to the anti-globalisation backlash (60) by David Thorpe
  Dutch D66 starts fightback against Trumpish Populism (14) by Bernard Aris
  Tim Farron writes… “Help me to help the fight against homelessness” (36) by Tim Farron MP
  The Rustlings Road Tree Massacre (16) by Joe Otten
18th  Solid gains in vote share for Liberal Democrats in Council by-elections (20) by Caron Lindsay
19th  Richmond Park – more pictures and a caption competition (19) by Mary Reid
  More United joins Greens and Women’s Equality Party in endorsing Lib Dem Sarah Olney for Richmond Park (29) by The Voice
  John Bolton as Trump’s Secretary of State? (10) by Ciaran McGonagle
20th  It’s time for LibDems to use the most potent word in the political lexicon (73) by Martin Roche
  Dublin versus Dubs (4) by Office of Lord Roberts
  Marking the Transgender Day of Remembrance (6) by Caron Lindsay
21st  Labour did not crash the economy (125) by Ben Andrew
  The heart weighs far more than the head (15) by Paul Carroll
  York responds on unaccompanied asylum-seeking children (13) by Keith Aspden
  Sleaford and North Hykeham: Lighting a beacon of liberal democracy (7) by Ed Fordham
  We need to reform prescription charges (17) by Mohsin Khan
  Federal Committee elections – voting instructions to be dispatched this week (0) by Tim Gordon
22nd  Brexit: You broke it, you fix it. (44) by Lord William Wallace
  Liberal Democrats demand emergency NHS funding in Autumn Statement (9) by The Voice
  Safeguarding democracy in an era of mass surveillance (10) by Scott Craig
23rd  And the new chair of the English Liberal Democrats is…. (4) by Caron Lindsay
  Liberalism is our solid ground, but also our springboard for the future (18) by Katharine Pindar
  Olly Grender celebrates ban on lettings fees for private tenants (15) by The Voice
  Opportunities? Brexiteers, please specify (98) by Arnold Kiel
  What to expect from the Lib Dems in response to the Autumn Statement (21) by Caron Lindsay
  Postcard from India – monumental bank note upheaval (1) by Paul Walter
24th  From Witney to Richmond Park – and then to Sleaford and North Hykeham (2) by Ross Pepper
  Federal Policy Committee Report – 22 November 2016 (8) by Geoff Payne
  Book review – Jack Kennedy: Elusive Hero by Chris Matthews (5) by Paul Walter
  Baroness Claire Tyler writes…Commitment secured on mental health assessments for looked after children (2) by Claire Tyler
  EU-US Agreement on Law Enforcement Data Sharing Approved – something else we are set to lose (6) by Antony Hook
  Even George Osborne’s Brexit black hole warning wasn’t high enough (54) by Paul Walter
25th  Some near misses and big rises in Lib Dem vote share in this week’s by-elections (9) by Caron Lindsay
  Last weekend – big push for Sarah Olney in Richmond Park (5) by Paul Walter
  WATCH: Tim Farron cheered on Question Time (39) by Caron Lindsay
  The end of an era as International Relations Committee faces a new dawn… (0) by Mark Valladares
  Ratifying the Istanbul Convention (0) by Kirsten Johnson
  The “Ambassador Farage” episode: Brexiteers, be careful what you wish for! (26) by Bernard Aris
26th  The role of education in creating a fairer and more equal society (7) by Carolin Hollingsworth
  A win in Richmond Park will put rocket boosters under the Lib Dem Fightback (17) by Carl Quilliam
  Young Liberal Entrepreneurs Network to bring together young entrepreneurs with business people (0) by Liberal Youth
27th  Richmond Park – a few days to win (8) by Chris Maines
  Want to stay an EU citizen? Now is the time to start lobbying for it (38) by Stuart Bonar
  Do we need to brace ourselves for Trump being perceived as a “great President”? (19) by Paul Walter
  The Party of Freedom – where now? (84) by Martin Roche
28th  Let’s stop scapegoating older people (48) by Robert Coster
  Lib Dems surge as Corbyn’s Labour falters behind Tories (9) by Simon Foster
  The post-truth era is here – what does it mean? (22) by David Gray
  This week in Richmond Park – all to fight for (20) by Mary Reid
29th  What do these by-elections mean for your own constituency? (5) by Ed Fordham
  Reaction to Fidel Castro’s legacy (46) by Joe Otten
  A great compromise is needed to reunite the United Kingdom (35) by Scott Craig
30th  But we are the party of freedom (35) by Tony Lloyd
  How Brexit will harm our NHS and social care (14) by Caron Lindsay
  No wiggle room for UKIP-backed Zac Goldsmith (5) by Caron Lindsay
  ALDE Party Council preview – rewriting the rules, but not in triplicate… (1) by Mark Valladares
  Maria Munir chosen as Girls’ Champion for BBC’s 100 Women (2) by Caron Lindsay
  What if productivity statistics are not truly telling the tale? (7) by David Thorpe
  WATCH: Bob Geldof: “The Lib Dems are the only party ballsy enough……” (47) by The Voice

Recent Comments

  • Nigel Jones
    Flexibility in employment is a key issue and a complex one including working part-time, where sometimes people do the same work as full-timers but on a lower ra...
  • David Garlick
    For me the climate story began in the 1960's. Great article and yes I have periods of depression about it but Rodrigo is absolutely right in that the best way ...
  • Marco
    Chris Moore - Yes those seats require a lower swing but would be 3 way contests between Lab Con and Lib so people might not be persuaded to vote for us. Also in...
  • Simon R
    Rodrigo is correct that climate change is a pressing concerns facing humanity, and Governments around the World are not doing enough about it. But I would urge ...
  • Neil Hickman
    @Paul R - Surely in the countries you mention, people have ID cards as a matter of course. Rightly or wrongly, in the UK we don't; and the reason for demanding...