Monthly Archives: April 2023

1st  ++BREAKING NEWS++ Liz Truss revealed as deep cover Liberal Democrat “sleeper” agent (24) by The Voice
  Happy April 1st! (8) by Caron Lindsay
2nd  Tom Arms’ World Review (6) by Tom Arms
  Polls put SNP majority in doubt (17) by Caron Lindsay
  Christine Jardine calls for recording of bereaved children (2) by The Voice
3rd  15,000 children’s operations cancelled last year as bed and staff shortages bite (0) by The Voice
  A Way Out of the Chaos in Israel (15) by Andy Daer
  1-2 April 2023 – the weekend’s press releases (6) by Mark Valladares
  3 April 2023 – today’s press releases (0) by Mark Valladares
  3 April 2023 – some reflections as the day ends… (5) by Mark Valladares
4th  Sewage dumped on Blue Flag beaches 1,500 times last year (81) by The Voice
5th  In conversation with the founder of LibDem Friends of Taiwan, Jonathan Philip Bird (1) by Merlene Emerson
  Where are the women? (5) by Mary Reid
  The changing media for public debate (15) by Lord William Wallace
  4-5 April 2023 – catching up with the press releases… (2) by Mark Valladares
6th  PAC Report: Perfect storm for holidaymakers (5) by The Voice
  Today is a sad day for half a million pensioners (26) by Colin Bloodworth
  6 April 2023 – today’s press release (2) by Mark Valladares
7th  Our latest Party Political Broadcast (10) by Mary Reid
8th  Observations of an expat: Israel’s political demographics (5) by Tom Arms
  Good Friday Agreement anniversary reminds us that politics should be about healing divisions (4) by Caron Lindsay
9th  Tom Arms’ World Review (5) by Tom Arms
  Lib Dems should stand up against EHRC claims on sex and Equality Act (27) by Caron Lindsay
10th  The weekend in the Lib Dem Local Elections (5) by The Voice
11th  My complaint to IPSO about a story in the Telegraph about the Lib Dems (10) by Simon McGrath
  Every scandal is one of one thousand cuts to our institutions (18) by Jack Clark
12th  LibLink: Christine Jardine We must not take peace in Northern Ireland for granted (1) by NewsHound
  What has made Tim Farron happy today? (1) by NewsHound
13th  Douglas Ross: A tale of two voting systems (15) by Samuel Jackson
  There is a solution to fly-tipping (3) by Mary Reid
  LibDem EU Liaison Councillor Scheme (1) by David Chalmers
  13 April 2023 – today’s press releases (1) by Mark Valladares
14th  What I wish I’d known when I started out in the Lib Dems (6) by Christopher Hudson
  The Republican colonization of the British Conservative Party (21) by Lord William Wallace
  14 April 2023 – today’s press release (27) by Mark Valladares
15th  Observations of an expat: Africa (8) by Tom Arms
16th  Tom Arms’ World Review (18) by Tom Arms
  Guardian: “Tories fear blue wall will crumble at local elections over NHS crisis” (10) by The Voice
  Share Refuge’s advice on how to stay safe next Sunday (0) by The Voice
  Virtual rally for electoral reform this Tuesday (0) by The Voice
  This week in the local elections (2) by The Voice
17th  Roads ‘plagued’ with potholes taking over 18 months to fix (6) by The Voice
  17 April 2023 – today’s press releases (2) by Mark Valladares
  17 April 2023 – today’s press releases (fersiwn Cymraeg) (25) by Mark Valladares
18th  Machete announcement: Conservatives cannot get even the basics of policing right (4) by The Voice
  London members vote to choose the top of the list for the Greater London Assembly (6) by Simon McGrath
  Maths reforms – the argument that the Conservatives (and we) should be making! (17) by Callum Robertson
  18 April 2023 – today’s press releases (3) by Mark Valladares
19th  Cole-Hamilton: Reasonable minded people are re-thinking their support for the SNP (20) by Caron Lindsay
  Davey challenges PM on Dentistry, Carmichael asks about fishing visas (0) by The Voice
  19 April 2023 – today’s press releases (4) by Mark Valladares
20th  Judgement day for Dominic Raab (18) by Mary Reid
  Don’t follow Iran in banning encrypted messaging like Signal and WhatsApp (5) by Laurence Warner
  20 April 2022 -today’s press releases (1) by Mark Valladares
21st  Lisa Smart steps in (4) by Mary Reid
  Dominic Raab and Lib Dem Voice (3) by The Voice
  Lib Dems launch petition calling for Raab to go (51) by The Voice
  21 April 2023 – today’s press releases (5) by Mark Valladares
22nd  “A dram and a fish supper” Carmichael offers reward for holding Scottish Conservative MPs to account (2) by The Voice
  WATCH: Lib Dem History Group’s Shirley Williams fringe meeting (1) by Caron Lindsay
  A marathon run in memory of our Erlend (1) by Caron Lindsay
23rd  The Tolley Report is worse than you might think from the media reporting (7) by Caron Lindsay
  Do not walk away from accountability, reform OFSTED, do not abolish it. (3) by Callum Robertson
  This week in the local elections (0) by The Voice
24th  Welcome to my day: 24 April 2023 – anyone would think that governance matters… (1) by Mark Valladares
  22-23 April 2023 – the weekend’s press releases (0) by Mark Valladares
  NHS dentistry survey: 1 in 4 delaying or avoiding treatment (3) by The Voice
  Political chaos and political reform (22) by Lord William Wallace
  Positive campaigning – best way to win the election? (1) by Michal Siewniak
  24 April 2023 – today’s press releases (5) by Mark Valladares
25th  Social Justice, from Hong Kong to Rainham (4) by Nicholas Chan
  The Liberal Democrats should oppose the Comprehensive and Progressive Agreement for Trans-Pacific Partnership (22) by Stewart Tolley
  25 April 2023 – today’s press releases (2) by Mark Valladares
26th  Liberal Democrats and Labour want the Tories out, but we must resist the descent into cheap culture-war politics (17) by Victor Chamberlain
  26 April 2023 – today’s press releases (part 1) (0) by Mark Valladares
  26 April 2023 – today’s press releases (part 2) (7) by Mark Valladares
27th  27 April 2023 – the overnight press release (0) by The Voice
  Mark Pack: My monthly report to members (7) by Mark Pack
  14,000 hours of sewage dumped last year in chalk streams (25) by Mary Reid
28th  Floella Benjamin will take part in Coronation (14) by Mary Reid
  Unwarranted Conservative complacency at PMQs (57) by Michael Berwick-Gooding and Katharine Pindar
  The SNP will survive their crisis, and so they should (9) by Jack Clark
  What Xi Jinping is planning on Taiwan (3) by Christopher
29th  British citizen evacuation from Sudan – Call for Official Enquiry (1) by George Cunningham
  Observations of an ex pat: Educate (3) by Tom Arms
  Stella Creasy is right – trolls who make malicious complaints should face consequences (7) by Caron Lindsay
30th  Tom Arms’ World Review (2) by Tom Arms

Recent Comments

  • Chris Moore
    During the campaign, the LD leader and Deputy both said immigration was too high. We do have pertinent policies. What we don't have is loud populist slogans ...
  • Chris Moore
    Hello Marco, take a look at Burnley, Aylesbury, Montgomeryshire, Watford and Cornwall South East. These are all easier Labour-held targets than Cardiff East an...
  • Duncan Greenland
    Between them and the three select committee chairs a seriously impressive team !...
  • Marco
    There are about 4 seats that could be won from Lab next time: S Hallam, Bermondsey, Cardiff East and Bham Hall Green. It would be symbolic to take any Lab seats...
  • Marco
    Martin Gray - The priorities of people in seats where the Lib Dems are strong are different to other parts of the country. In these 100 or seats immigration is ...