Monthly Archives: October 2023

1st  Tom Arms’ World Review (3) by Tom Arms
  Debunking the “gender critical” myth (24) by Chris Northwood
  How Conference made me feel so proud of our party (2) by Onyx Rist
2nd  Welcome to my day: 2 October 2023 – autumn has come… (1) by Mark Valladares
  Short term lets and the limits to Liberal localism (3) by Stephen Harte
  It’s time for Liberal Democrats to fight for the worst-off in our country (90) by Katharine Pindar
  The rise of the poli-bots (0) by Tom Reeve
  2 October 2023 – today’s press releases (22) by Mark Valladares
3rd  Government announces new plan to help those impacted by ME/CFS (1) by Paul Walter
  3 October 2023 – today’s press releases (2) by Mark Valladares
4th  More flexible debates at Conference (2) by Michael Kilpatrick
  Could the Liberal Democrats be part of the Official Opposition by 2025? (47) by Adam Robertson
  4 October 2023 – today’s press releases (4) by Mark Valladares
5th  5 October 2023 – the overnight press release (0) by Mark Valladares
  Rivers of Blood Mark II (2) by Paul Reynolds
  New qualification to replace A levels and T levels? (20) by Mary Reid
6th  Don’t take freedom for granted (3) by Yue He Parkinson
  Ending deep poverty by April 2029 (132) by Michael Berwick-Gooding
  The hole in our democracy (5) by Michael Taylor
  Michael Steed obituary in The Guardian (7) by Mary Reid
  ALDC By-Election Report, 4th and 5th October (0) by Charles Quinn
7th  Observations of an Expat: Pivotal Turkey (0) by Tom Arms
  Layla Moran: Lib Dems condemn the terrorism of Hamas and Islamic Jihad. (13) by The Voice
8th  Tom Arms’ World Review (7) by Tom Arms
9th  Welcome to my day: 9 October 2023 – “the train now arriving on platform 2 is an aspiration…” (20) by Mark Valladares
  The attacks on Southern Israel – a personal perspective (40) by Ruvi Ziegler
10th  Lord Paddick to join the Metropolitan Police as a Non Executive Advisor (1) by Mark Valladares
  Destitution and homelessness to increase (5) by Suzanne Fletcher
11th  Ed Davey : I stand in solidarity and support tonight with Israel and all Israelis (38) by Simon McGrath
  Alex and Wendy go paddleboarding – the new Scottish Liberal Democrat broadcast (0) by The Voice
  Phoebe Winch 1931-2023 (10) by Nick Winch
12th  William Wallace writes: Making the case for Constitutional Reform (9) by Lord William Wallace
  Green Book is back! (0) by Mike Tuffrey
  12 October 2023 – today’s press releases (0) by Mark Valladares
13th  We need to be talking about allotments more (9) by Stuart Bourne
  Our party has nothing to lose by being bold now (69) by Katharine Pindar
  ALDC By-Election Report, 12th October (8) by Charles Quinn
14th  Struggling with complexity – the continuing crisis in Israel and Palestine (7) by Stephen Harte
  Observations of an ex pat: Worst and much, much worse (9) by Tom Arms
15th  Tom Arms’ World Review – 15 October 2023 (5) by Tom Arms
17th  Scottish Lib Dems internal elections underway (0) by The Voice
  Mark Pack’s October report – let’s make it 5 in a row (0) by Mark Pack
  The scent of a fresh Nakba (7) by Mo Waqas
  Layla Moran tells of her extended family’s plight in Gaza (7) by Caron Lindsay
18th  Sarah Dyke makes her maiden speech (3) by The Voice
19th  It’s a three horse race! (21) by Mary Reid
20th  Another disastrous night for the Tories, but Emma comes up short in Mid Bedfordshire (60) by Mark Valladares
  Reflections on Mid Bedfordshire (17) by Caron Lindsay
  Yet another war in Gaza. What to do? (13) by Leon Duveen
  ALDC By-Election Report, 19th October (1) by Charles Quinn
21st  Observations of an Expat: Threading the diplomatic needle (6) by Tom Arms
  Two sides to the story in the Middle East (16) by John Kelly
22nd  Tom Arms’ World Review (9) by Tom Arms
23rd  Welcome to my day: 23 October – Focus, Focus, Focus? (20) by Mark Valladares
  ALDE Party Council – give ‘em the old razzle dazzle… (8) by Mark Valladares
  What I’ve learned from my first conference (0) by Matthias Yip
24th  Listen: Christine Jardine on Any Questions (0) by The Voice
  Wera Hobhouse’s Bill to protect workers from sexual harassment to become law (2) by Caron Lindsay
25th  Jane Dodds criticises lack of flood defences in Welsh village (1) by The Voice
  Don’t call it proportional representation (37) by Lord William Wallace
  The Green Book returns – the podcast goes live (44) by Robin Stafford
26th  Ed Davey: An update on our response to the Israel-Gaza Conflict (30) by The Voice
27th  Calling it out (4) by Hina Bokhari
  ALDC by-election report, 26th October (4) by Charles Quinn
28th  Observations of an Expat: MAGA wins (7) by Tom Arms
29th  Three ways the Lib Dems should use our distinctive voice at the next election (98) by Caron Lindsay
  Tom Arms’ World Review (4) by Tom Arms
30th  Over 3 in 4 car theft and burglaries go unsolved in “crime catastrophe” (0) by The Voice
  Welcome to my day: 30 October 2023 – rules, regulation… and enforcement (3) by Mark Valladares
  30 October 2023 – today’s press releases (9) by Mark Valladares
31st  Christine Jardine writes about yet another mass shooting (3) by NewsHound

Recent Comments

  • Chris Moore
    During the campaign, the LD leader and Deputy both said immigration was too high. We do have pertinent policies. What we don't have is loud populist slogans ...
  • Chris Moore
    Hello Marco, take a look at Burnley, Aylesbury, Montgomeryshire, Watford and Cornwall South East. These are all easier Labour-held targets than Cardiff East an...
  • Duncan Greenland
    Between them and the three select committee chairs a seriously impressive team !...
  • Marco
    There are about 4 seats that could be won from Lab next time: S Hallam, Bermondsey, Cardiff East and Bham Hall Green. It would be symbolic to take any Lab seats...
  • Marco
    Martin Gray - The priorities of people in seats where the Lib Dems are strong are different to other parts of the country. In these 100 or seats immigration is ...