Monthly Archives: January 2024

2nd  In memoriam Dr Yeow Poon 17 Jan 1956 – 17 Dec 2023 (8) by Chinese Liberal Democrats
  New Year, New Message? (26) by Rob Parsons
  Jamie Stone and Sarah Dyke share New Year’s Resolutions (0) by NewsHound
3rd  Will we learn the lessons of 2014 in 2024? (20) by Caron Lindsay
  Remembering Michael Anderson (4) by Margaret Joachim
  Coming to a seat near you…Ed Davey’s Tory Removal Service (34) by Caron Lindsay
  Free to good home – a Liberal treasure from 1969 (3) by Caron Lindsay
4th  William Wallace writes: Why we should be wary of Lib-Labbery (13) by Lord William Wallace
  Make it known – we are a party of CAN-DO and Care (22) by Katharine Pindar
  London’s democracy isn’t perfect: City Hall needs electoral reform (4) by Richard Wood
5th  The Gaza war continues… (8) by John Kelly
  Pack’s podcast shows striking parallels between Kennedy’s leadership and now (26) by Chris Bowers
  Loving your limitations (1) by Michal Siewniak
6th  Observations of an Expat: Who are the Houthis? (7) by Tom Arms
  Justice and Truth for the Sub-Postmasters (12) by John Barrett
  Lib Dem PPC Caroline Voaden calls for “Rape” t-shirt to be withdrawn from sale (3) by Caron Lindsay
7th  Tom Arms’ World Review (6) by Tom Arms
  Farron: Victims of Post Office scandal need compensation, not being weaponised by the Tories (30) by Caron Lindsay
  Rooted in pragmatism: a Liberal Democrat approach to school accountability (7) by Callum Robertson
  Lib Dems need to practise what we preach on Federalism (10) by Ailsa Macdonald
8th  Liberal Democrats uncover nearly 4,000 cancer operations cancelled in past year (1) by NewsHound
  House of Lords calls for better use of community sentences (5) by Mark Valladares
  10-11 January 2024 – this week in the Lords (0) by Mark Valladares
  8 January 2024 – today’s press releases (1) by Mark Valladares
9th  The Gaza conflict and the hierarchy of oppression (10) by Geoffrey Payne
  9 January 2024 – today’s press releases (1) by Mark Valladares
  9 January 2024 – today’s Welsh press releases (0) by Mark Valladares
10th  10 January 2024 – the overnight press release (8) by Mark Valladares
  Farron: Children are missing school to go abroad for dental treatment (5) by The Voice
  10 January 2024 – today’s press releases (11) by Mark Valladares
  10 January 2024 – today’s Welsh press releases (0) by Mark Valladares
11th  Leg before Democracy: How Pakistan finds itself in no mans land (5) by Mo Waqas
  Watch Ian Hislop on the Post Office scandal (0) by Mary Reid
  11 January 2024 – today’s press releases (16) by Mark Valladares
12th  ALDC by-election Report, 11th January (9) by Charles Quinn
  12 January 2024 – today’s press releases (1) by Mark Valladares
13th  Observations of an Expat: Escalation (12) by Tom Arms
  Annie Nightingale – fantastic, brave radio pioneer (1) by Paul Walter
  Should Ed Davey apologise for his role in the Horizon scandal? (77) by Caron Lindsay
  REPRISE: Adventures of a Liberal Democrat at the Iowa caucuses, Part 1 (0) by Kevin Lang
14th  Lib Dems Abroad urge overseas voters to register for the General Election (12) by George Cunningham
  Tom Arms’ World Review (1) by Tom Arms
  REPRISE: Adventures of a Liberal Democrat at the Iowa Caucuses Part 2 (0) by Kevin Lang
15th  Welcome to my day: 15 January 2024 – trying a little harder… (3) by Mark Valladares
  Record 420,000 patients faced 12-hour A&E waits in 2023 (0) by NewsHound
  US Presidential Election 2024: seconds out, round one… (0) by Mark Valladares
  15-18 January 2024 – this week in the Lords (0) by Mark Valladares
  REPRISE: Adventures of a UK Liberal Democrat at the Iowa caucuses Part 3 (2) by Caron Lindsay
  15 January 2024 – today’s press release (3) by Mark Valladares
16th  Mark Pack’s January report – Our positive vision versus Conservative desperation (60) by Mark Pack
17th  Mothballing the UK’s amphibious assault ships would be short-sighted and foolish (17) by Charlie Murphy
  Listen to Wendy Chamberlain on being Chief Whip, and less exciting topics (0) by Mary Reid
18th  Wood burning fireplaces – a hot campaign issue (22) by Mary Reid
  Lai wins but DPP lose majority in Taiwan (1) by Phil Bennion
  18 January 2024 – today’s press releases (1) by Mark Valladares
19th  Liberal Democrats name junior doctor Aidan King as candidate for North East mayor election (0) by NewsHound
  By-election results 1 – Conservatives lose last seat in Richmond (1) by Paul Walter
  Safer canvassing guide from the Local Government Association (1) by The Voice
  Big swing to Lib Dems in Sheffield Hallam (by-election results 2) (4) by Paul Walter
  19 January 2024 – today’s press releases (1) by Mark Valladares
20th  Observations of an Expat: Famine (4) by Tom Arms
  ALDC by-election report 18th January 2024 (2) by Charles Quinn
21st  Following the ‘five families’ of the Conservative Right (14) by Lord William Wallace
  Tom Arms’ World Review (10) by Tom Arms
22nd  Welcome to my day: 22 January 2024 – so, about those Presidential primaries… (1) by Mark Valladares
  Liberal Democrats uncover fall in funding for GP practices (2) by NewsHound
  22-26 January 2024 – this week in the Lords (0) by Mark Valladares
  22 January 2024 – today’s press releases (2) by Mark Valladares
23rd  The Tories start on the authoritarian road (9) by Jack Lee-Brown
  23 January 2024 – today’s press releases (0) by Mark Valladares
24th  Poverty in the UK is deepening – how should Lib Dems respond? (75) by Katharine Pindar
  Sal Brinton “horrified” by lack of protection for disabled people during power cuts (2) by NewsHound
  Layla Moran challenges Sunak on Thames Water incompetence (3) by The Voice
25th  Fighting where we can’t win (yet) (47) by Peter Wrigley
  Interested in finance? A chance to join the Federal Finance and Resources Committee (1) by The Voice
26th  The Independent View: The Lib Dems should lead the way on the four-day week (8) by Aliyah Davies
  Caroline Pidgeon challenges Transport for London over illegal ULEZ fines (2) by Mary Reid
  Defending Britain: A call for preparedness, inclusion and investment (26) by Mo Waqas
  ALDC by-election report, 25th January (11) by Charles Quinn
27th  Observations of an Expat: In a Potsdam hotel (6) by Tom Arms
28th  Tom Arms’ World Review (4) by Tom Arms
29th  29 January – 2 February: this week in the Lords (2) by Mark Valladares
30th  Voluntary vacancy on key federal committee (1) by Paul Walter
  Mental health – we need to talk (4) by Jack Lee-Brown
31st  Wednesday Debate: What do you think of Governments’ plans to ban a generation from buying cigarettes? (49) by Caron Lindsay
  FCC report following the agenda selection meeting (7) by Nick Da Costa
  Four ways you can help Liberal Democrat Voice (36) by The Voice

Recent Comments

  • Simon R
    Focusing on health is good because it's something that is of direct concern to almost all voters. Social care might be less so in electoral terms because, altho...
  • Nigel Jones
    The first question we should be asking is how over the next five years we can speak and act for the improvement of people's quality of life; if we only focus on...
  • Roland
    @Joe burke - "that Poland “forced” Hitler to invade by being “uncooperative” with Nazi demands to take territories including Polish city Gdańsk, the...
  • Joe Bourke
    In the Ukraine war Russia is the aggressor state that has invaded its neighbour. The territorial integrity and sovereignty of Ukraine was guaranteed by Russia,...
  • Matt (Bristol)
    Hi Caron, are you arguing that belief in and acceptance of the concept of self-ID for gender and commitment to change existing legislation to reflect that, shou...