Monthly Archives: May 2024

1st  Lib Dem MPs contribute to Commons debate on assisted dying (2) by The Voice
  FPTP is worse than you realised (36) by Alex Hosking
  30 April 2024 – yesterday’s (Federal) press releases (0) by Mark Valladares
  30 April 2024 – yesterday’s (other) press releases (1) by Mark Valladares
2nd  1 May 2024 – yesterday’s Federal press releases (4) by Mark Valladares
  1 May 2024 – yesterday’s other press releases (1) by Mark Valladares
  It’s Polling Day (17) by Mary Reid
  2 May 2024 – today’s press releases (6) by Mark Valladares
3rd  Overnight results (3) by Mary Reid
  Afternoon results (8) by Mary Reid
  Ed Davey and the dinosaurs (1) by Mary Reid
  Early evening results (5) by Mary Reid
  Lib Dems gain Tunbridge Wells (3) by Mary Reid
  And we’ve gained Dorset! (2) by Mary Reid
  The stragglers (4) by Mary Reid
4th  London waits (4) by Mary Reid
  Observations of an Expat: Campus Powder Keg (13) by Tom Arms
  LibLink: Mark Pack’s round-up of local elections results so far (9) by The Voice
  Saturday afternoon round-up: Lib Dems win more Council seats than Tories for first time in 28 years (2) by Caron Lindsay
  London Mayor (0) by Mary Reid
  Great achievement in SW London (5) by Mary Reid
  And, finally – we have 2 Lib Dem London Assembly members (26) by Caron Lindsay
5th  Tom Arms’ World Review (3) by Tom Arms
  You wouldn’t think the Lib Dems had come second from the media coverage (29) by Caron Lindsay
  Lib Dems gain a seat in Salford Quays – and most Council seats in past 5 years (2) by Caron Lindsay
6th  The Scottish Parliament Election – 25 years on (3) by Caron Lindsay
  Welcome to my day: 6 May 2024 – there’s always someone worse off than you are… (1) by Mark Valladares
  Entering adulthood (11) by Michal Siewniak
7th  Ed Davey tabling no confidence motion today (3) by Mary Reid
  Liberals, save us Irish from ourselves (11) by Shane Burke
  Lib Dems up ⬆️ Conservatives down ⬇️ (2) by The Voice
8th  Alex Cole-Hamilton stands for First Minister (0) by The Voice
  Final agenda published for Scottish Conference (1) by Caron Lindsay
  Lunchtime Debate: Lib Dems and Trade Unions (28) by Caron Lindsay
  Ed Davey at PMQs – asking PM to back “Ann’s Law” on care home staff (1) by The Voice
9th  Strong Parliament is better than strong Government (79) by Neville Farmer
  13 Tory MPs are standing down in Blue Wall seats (11) by Mary Reid
10th  Hina Bokhari is the new Lib Dem Leader on the London Assembly (2) by The Voice
  Is pornography really free speech? (2) by Allan Tweddle
  ALDC by-election report, 9th May (0) by Charles Quinn
11th  Observations of an expat: The hip thigh bone theory of the world (25) by Tom Arms
  Why Eurovision gives me hope (2) by Stephen Harte
12th  Tom Arms’ World Review (3) by Tom Arms
13th  Welcome to my day: 13 May 2024 – and then there were two… (0) by Mark Valladares
  What Should Peace Look Like? (22) by Zachary Barker
  13 May 2024 – today’s press releases (0) by Mark Valladares
14th  14 May 2024 – the overnight press releases (16) by Mark Valladares
  Labour’s turmoil presents the LibDems as the home for those with centre-left progressive values (32) by Andrew Chandler
  Mark Pack’s May report – success – all across the country (0) by Mark Pack
  14 May 2024 – today’s press releases (0) by Mark Valladares
15th  J K Galbraith and the Liberal Society (14) by Peter Wrigley
  Former Lib Dem MP Colin Breed has died (2) by The Voice
  LibLink Jo Swinson: New thinking about economics for a world in polycrisis (2) by NewsHound
  15 May 2024 – today’s press releases (0) by Mark Valladares
16th  Lib Dems named in environmental Power List (2) by Mary Reid
  The failure to defeat Hamas (19) by Andy Daer
  16 May 2024 – today’s press releases (1) by Mark Valladares
17th  Cllr Richard Kemp is Lord Mayor of Liverpool (4) by Mary Reid
  A case for radical pragmatic ideas (21) by Andrew Chandler
  17 May 2024 – today’s press releases (0) by Mark Valladares
18th  Observations of an Expat: Robert Fico – from sinner to saint to martyr (17) by Tom Arms
19th  Tom Arms’ World Review (8) by Tom Arms
20th  All the fun of Scottish Conference! (4) by Caron Lindsay
  WATCH: Ed Davey’s speech to Scottish Conference – Bring on the General Election (0) by Caron Lindsay
21st  Coalition with Starmer’s Labour? (32) by Samuel Jackson
  Elwyn Watkins RIP (3) by Jim McInally
  Autumn Conference: What did Federal Board decide? (3) by Caron Lindsay
22nd  WATCH: Alex Cole-Hamilton’s speech to Scottish Conference (0) by Caron Lindsay
  The Election rumour mill is buzzing…. (13) by Caron Lindsay
  And we’re off: Lib Dems welcome the 4th July General Election! (10) by Caron Lindsay
  LibLink: Claire Tyler The time for radical reinvention is now (3) by NewsHound
23rd  “We have a message of hope” – Ed Davey (0) by The Voice
  LibLink: Are we delivering too many leaflets? (17) by Mary Reid
  Will a General Election make any real difference? (9) by John Marriott
24th  In this General Election, we must offer Britain hope for a real progressive future! (44) by Paul Hindley
25th  Observations of an Expat: Love, Hate and the International Criminal Court (9) by Tom Arms
26th  The problem the Tory “National Service” idea is trying to solve (18) by Caron Lindsay
  Tom Arms’ World Review (9) by Tom Arms
  What should we make of the increasing rate of government scandals ? (8) by Paul Reynolds
  Ed Davey launches the campaign battlebus in South Cambridgeshire (4) by Mark Valladares
  Election Media Watch: The Lib Dem Strategy for the General Election (10) by NewsHound
27th  The National Service proposal is an authoritarian disgrace: liberals should call it out as typical coercive Tory populism (18) by Jack Nicholls
  Campaigning success and out matching the Prime Minister in Wimbledon (0) by Simon McGrath
  Fresh thinking required (22) by David Brunnen
  It’s official – Autumn Conference has been reinstated* (1) by Mark Valladares
  Ed Davey and Alex Cole-Hamilton officially launch Scottish Liberal Democrats’ election campaign with calls to save NHS dentistry (2) by NewsHound
  14 billion litres of sewage pumped into the River Thames last year (3) by NewsHound
  27 May 2024 – today’s press releases (1) by Mark Valladares
28th  28 May 2024 – the overnight press releases (0) by Mark Valladares
  The Tories throw the unfunded kitchen sink at the election (31) by Jack Lee-Brown
  28 May 2024 – today’s press releases, the Federal edition (1) by Mark Valladares
  28 May 2024 – today’s press releases, the Scottish edition (8) by Mark Valladares
29th  Lib Dems launch Wales General Election campaign with vow to tackle Conservatives’ “legacy of failure” (1) by NewsHound
  ITV debate is an insult to democracy (16) by Andrew Chandler
  29 May 2024 – today’s press releases (2) by Mark Valladares
30th  Stodgy Fabianism haunts Britain. The Liberal Democrats can offer an alternative (12) by Ben Wood
  30 May 2024 – today’s press releases (15) by Mark Valladares
31st  Busy, busy (9) by Mary Reid
  Should 16 year and 17 year olds be allowed to vote? (31) by Michal Siewniak
  31 May 2024 – today’s press releases (5) by Mark Valladares

Recent Comments

  • Simon R
    Focusing on health is good because it's something that is of direct concern to almost all voters. Social care might be less so in electoral terms because, altho...
  • Nigel Jones
    The first question we should be asking is how over the next five years we can speak and act for the improvement of people's quality of life; if we only focus on...
  • Roland
    @Joe burke - "that Poland “forced” Hitler to invade by being “uncooperative” with Nazi demands to take territories including Polish city Gdańsk, the...
  • Joe Bourke
    In the Ukraine war Russia is the aggressor state that has invaded its neighbour. The territorial integrity and sovereignty of Ukraine was guaranteed by Russia,...
  • Matt (Bristol)
    Hi Caron, are you arguing that belief in and acceptance of the concept of self-ID for gender and commitment to change existing legislation to reflect that, shou...