Monthly Archives: July 2024

1st  ALDE Party Council, Vilnius 2024 (part 2) – a masterclass in agenda planning… (2) by Mark Valladares
  Bungee jumping and Zumba – all in a day’s campaigning for Ed Davey (5) by NewsHound
3rd  Does AI really pose a risk to democracy? (1) by Les Tarr
  Campaigners hold memorial for loved ones outside Conservative HQ (0) by The Voice
  It’s Eve of Poll. How are you going to help Lib Dems win tomorrow? (4) by The Voice
4th  Go for it! (5) by The Voice
  It’s almost all over (1) by Mary Reid
  That exit poll (0) by Mary Reid
  There’s already one new Liberal Democrat Parliamentarian tonight… (0) by Mark Valladares
  Ed Davey: Lib Dems on course for best results in a century (2) by Mary Reid
  Scottish exit poll comes with a large pinch of salt (3) by Caron Lindsay
5th  Tales from the campaign (0) by Mary Reid
  Our first gain(s) of the night! (0) by Mary Reid
  Ed Davey romps home (0) by Mary Reid
  More Lib Dem wins (0) by Mary Reid
  And still they come! (0) by Mary Reid
  We appear to have gone to sleep and woken up in Lib Dem heaven (0) by Paul Walter
  More blue wall and South West seats (0) by Mary Reid
  We’ve won Wokingham with a majority of over 8k (0) by Paul Walter
  Thoughts from the ground in Newbury (0) by Paul Walter
  More new seats – and some old ones (0) by Mary Reid
  The LibDem wins keep on coming… (0) by Paul Walter
  An early morning apology (1) by Mary Reid
  And finally .. or maybe not (8) by Mary Reid
  Spare a thought for William Hague… (7) by Paul Walter
  That went pretty well (37) by Caron Lindsay
  Ed Davey’s victory speech (19) by The Voice
  There may be more good news to come…. (3) by The Voice
6th  Christine Jardine: “We have a job to do, a country to repair and liberalism to defend” (1) by The Voice
  Observations of an Expat: How Did We Get Here? (8) by Tom Arms
  Inverness recount: WATCH LIVE (17) by NewsHound
  Didn’t we have a good national campaign! (11) by Lord William Wallace
  We need to move from the shires and suburbs into the deprived areas of the UK (6) by Richard Kemp
  Our new MPs – Marie Goldman, Charlotte Cane, Victoria Collins, Steffan Aquarone, Pippa Heyling (0) by The Voice
  Our new MPs – Ian Sollom, Bobby Dean, Luke Taylor, Paul Kohler, Tom Morrison (1) by The Voice
  Finally – We have 72 MPs (2) by Caron Lindsay
  Our new MPs – Lisa Smart, Susan Murray, Angus MacDonald, Calum Miller, Jess Brown-Fuller (0) by The Voice
  Our new MPs: Monica Harding, Zoe Franklin, Freddie van Mierlo, John Milne, James Maccleary (3) by The Voice
  Our new MPs: Joshua Reynolds, Alison Bennett, Lee Dillon, Alex Brewer, Alasdair Pinkerton (0) by The Voice
7th  Our new MPs: Chris Coghlan, Olly Glover, Josh Babarinde, Liz Jarvis, Helen Maguire (3) by The Voice
  Ed Davey on Kuenssberg – what next for the Liberal Democrats? (25) by Caron Lindsay
  Tom Arms’ World Review (11) by Tom Arms
  How I spent Polling Day (0) by Andrew Chandler
  Our new MPs: Mike Martin, Danny Chambers, Charlie Maynard, Will Forster, Clive Jones (0) by The Voice
  Pink News highlights trans and non binary candidates – and makes some notable omissions (0) by Caron Lindsay
  Our new MPs Max Wilkinson, Sarah Gibson, Anna Sabine, Brian Mathew, Vikki Slade (0) by The Voice
  Our new MPs: Martin Wrigley, Ben Maguire, Ian Roome, Roz Savage and Caroline Voaden (1) by The Voice
  Simon Foster’s campaign photos (1) by The Voice
8th  Welcome to my day: 8 July 2024 – have you not been entertained? (0) by Mark Valladares
  Lib Dem fightback completed! But what next….? (17) by Nicholas Belfitt
  How did the Lib Dems do for gender balance this election? (1) by Caron Lindsay
  Stopping the boats but what about the people? (7) by Suzanne Fletcher
  Our new MPs: Andrew George, Gideon Amos, Cameron Thomas, Claire Young and Rachel Gilmour (1) by The Voice
  New effective healthcare policies on the breadline? (2) by Alan Kestner
  Our new MPs: Steve Darling, Tessa Munt, Edward Morello, Adam Dance (2) by The Voice
  Our new MPs: David Chadwick, Manuela Perteghella, Tom Gordon (0) by The Voice
9th  Blair-era veterans given ministerial roles – Starmer does what we should have done in coalition (17) by Paul Walter
  The Liberal Democrats are now Britain’s progressive opposition (10) by Paul Hindley
  A triumph on tenuous ground (52) by Chris Whiting
  2024 Parliament: Lib Dem MPs get to work (6) by Caron Lindsay
10th  The dangers of country before party (7) by Geoff Reid
  Our elections are broken. Let’s fix them! (21) by Zagham Farhan
  First day at work! (0) by Mary Reid
11th  Max Atkinson (10) by Mary Reid
  Tactical voting works both ways (31) by Mary Reid
  Rt Hon Jennie (0) by Mary Reid
12th  BBC celebrates new MPs (0) by Mary Reid
  Is the Criminal Justice system broken? (13) by Chris Perry
  12 July 2024 – today’s press release (0) by Mark Valladares
13th  Observations of an Expat: Special Relationship (7) by Tom Arms
  A special request to Federal Conference Committee (7) by Caron Lindsay
  SNP must repair relations with councils and unions as more than 210,000 days lost (0) by Mark Valladares
14th  Political violence and intimidation is not new, and it needs to end (2) by Caron Lindsay
  Tom Arms’ World Review (19) by Tom Arms
  I went to a Reform UK rally. This is what I learned. (12) by Zagham Farhan
  The liberal view from Suella Braverman’s constituency (2) by David Brunnen
15th  Showing who we are in our HR practices (7) by Stephen Harte
  Our MPs swear an oath to the Monarch – that’s wrong (25) by Zagham Farhan
  17-19 July 2024 – this week in the Lords (and some demographic data) (6) by Mark Valladares
  I AM because YOU ARE – Remembering Srebrenica (0) by Michal Siewniak
  15 July 2024 – today’s press releases (0) by Mark Valladares
16th  We need to be ambitious on planning and housing – while telling uncomfortable truths (30) by Andrew Chandler
  LibLink – Jess Brown-Fuller on her first week as MP for Chichester (0) by The Voice
  Ed Davey, Vince Cable and Jo Swinson to face Horizon inquiry (0) by News Meerkat
  16 July 2024 – today’s press releases (0) by Mark Valladares
17th  Legalising cannabis: Correcting historical wrongs and embracing diverse production (2) by Darren Ross
  Data-based analysis on the LibDem performance in the general election (0) by Paul Walter
  17 July 2024 – today’s press releases (3) by Mark Valladares
18th  Early Bird registration for Conference extended to 31st July (3) by Mary Reid
  Ed Davey at the Post Office Horizon IT inquiry (3) by Mary Reid
  18 July 2024 – today’s press releases (0) by Mark Valladares
19th  Watch Josh Babarinde talking about his bungee jump (0) by NewsHound
  ALDC By-Election Report – 18th July (6) by Charles Quinn
20th  The ICJ Advisory Opinion on the illegality of Israel’s continued presence in the Occupied Palestinian Territories (10) by Ruvi Ziegler
  Lib Dem Lords’ valedictory speeches: Judith Jolly on health (0) by Mark Valladares
  Observations of an ex pat: Despair (15) by Tom Arms
21st  19-21 July 2024 – the weekend’s press releases (14) by Mark Valladares
22nd  Maiden Speech: Cameron Thomas MP (2) by The Voice
  22 July 2024 – today’s press releases (1) by Mark Valladares
23rd  The Conservative leadership election which could consign the Conservatives to history? (51) by Adam Robertson
  Maiden speech: Victoria Collins MP for Harpenden and Berkhamsted (0) by The Voice
  Photo flashback – victory for the chip eaters by 60,997 votes (0) by Paul Walter
  Maiden speech: Olly Glover MP for Didcot and Wantage (1) by The Voice
24th  Wes Streeting on his 72 new Lib Dem pen pals (1) by NewsHound
  Mark Pack’s monthly report: This is what you did (4) by Mark Pack
  Maiden Speech: Josh Babarinde MP for Eastbourne (8) by The Voice
  The future of telling? (15) by Michael Taylor
  A hat-trick of Lib Dems kick off first PMQs of the new Parliament (2) by The Voice
  When Jennie met Larry (0) by NewsHound
  23 July 2024 – yesterday’s press releases (4) by Mark Valladares
25th  24 July 2024 – yesterday’s press releases (0) by Mark Valladares
  Maiden speech: Paul Kohler MP for Wimbledon (0) by The Voice
  Vince Cable at the Horizon Inquiry (0) by Mary Reid
  Maiden speech: Max Wilkinson MP for Cheltenham (0) by The Voice
  English Devolution, or local democracy? (5) by Lord William Wallace
  25 July 2024 – today’s press releases (0) by Mark Valladares
26th  Maiden speech: Al Pinkerton MP for Surrey Heath (0) by The Voice
  Actors and artists back the abolition of Voter ID (5) by Mary Reid
  Maiden speech: Lisa Smart MP for Hazel Grove (1) by The Voice
  26 July 2024 – today’s press releases (0) by Mark Valladares
27th  Observations of an Expat: Kamala v. Donald (11) by Tom Arms
28th  How should Ed handle PMQs? (7) by Mathew Hulbert
  Tom Arms’ World Review (15) by Tom Arms
  Nominations open for ALDC’s Campaigner Awards (0) by The Voice
  27-28 July 2024 – the weekend’s press releases (6) by Mark Valladares
29th  The Right Honourable Jennie makes a media splash… (3) by NewsHound
  Merton Lib Dems seek action on £118m of unclaimed benefits (0) by Simon McGrath
  What next for the Liberal Democrats? (29) by Daniel Duggan
  29 July 2024 – today’s press releases (7) by Mark Valladares
30th  LIbLink: Ed Davey – Lib Dems plan to ‘finish the job’ in Tory heartlands (8) by The Voice
  Anorak’s corner – House of Commons Library research briefing on the 2024 general election (2) by Paul Walter
  Maiden speech: Claire Young MP for Thornbury & Yate (1) by The Voice
  Maiden speech: Gideon Amos, MP for Taunton & Wellington (0) by The Voice
  30 July 2024 – today’s press releases (0) by Mark Valladares
31st  Should Lib Dems rethink our new fiscal rules after our successful General Election campaign? (130) by Michael Berwick-Gooding and Katharine Pindar
  We are a major force in British politics again – let’s update elements of our support processes to reflect this (3) by Callum Robertson
  Creating a fairer, greener future for all (3) by Wera Hobhouse MP and Daisy Cooper MP
  The Nasty Side of Labour and the Two Child Benefit Cap (4) by Hina Bokhari
  A flashback from Southport 2024 to Toxteth 1981 (9) by Richard Kemp
  Vacancy: Party Representative on the Executive Committee of Liberal International (0) by The Voice
  Liberator 424 post election special is out (1) by The Liberator Collective
  31 July 2024 – today’s press releases (1) by Mark Valladares

Recent Comments

  • Simon R
    Focusing on health is good because it's something that is of direct concern to almost all voters. Social care might be less so in electoral terms because, altho...
  • Nigel Jones
    The first question we should be asking is how over the next five years we can speak and act for the improvement of people's quality of life; if we only focus on...
  • Roland
    @Joe burke - "that Poland “forced” Hitler to invade by being “uncooperative” with Nazi demands to take territories including Polish city Gdańsk, the...
  • Joe Bourke
    In the Ukraine war Russia is the aggressor state that has invaded its neighbour. The territorial integrity and sovereignty of Ukraine was guaranteed by Russia,...
  • Matt (Bristol)
    Hi Caron, are you arguing that belief in and acceptance of the concept of self-ID for gender and commitment to change existing legislation to reflect that, shou...