Monthly Archives: June 2024

1st  Observations of an Expat: Uncharted Waters (8) by Tom Arms
  PHOTO SPECIAL: Ed Davey is quite boring, isn’t he? (0) by Paul Walter
  1 June 2024 – today’s press releases (0) by Mark Valladares
2nd  Liberal Democrats pledge to reverse Conservative cuts to public health grant with £1bn a year to tackle “ticking time bomb” for NHS (3) by NewsHound
  Tom Arms’ World Review (9) by Tom Arms
  Observer: Lib Dems pose biggest threat to high profile Tories (11) by NewsHound
  2 June 2024 – today’s press releases (0) by Mark Valladares
3rd  Welcome to my day: 3 June 2024 – social media, your hostage to fortune?… (15) by Mark Valladares
  As China continues its squeeze on Hong Kong’s liberties, how will an incoming UK administration respond? (3) by Christopher
  3 June 2024 – today’s press releases (9) by Mark Valladares
4th  Ed Davey opens up about juggling the LibDem leadership and caring for his teenage son (5) by The Voice
  4 June 2024 – today’s press releases (0) by Mark Valladares
5th  Neglected Assets: A case for a radical rebalancing and reform of our Tax System (21) by Andrew Chandler
  “You can get through if you’ve got love” – a Party Election Broadcast with a difference (2) by The Voice
  5 June 2024 – today’s press releases (5) by Mark Valladares
  5 June 2024 – the Scottish and Welsh press releases (2) by Mark Valladares
6th  Campaigning – and thinking about what we are campaigning for (6) by Lord William Wallace
  The European Parliamentary Elections 2024: all EU citizens are equal, but some are more equal than others (10) by Ruvi Ziegler
  6 June 2024 – today’s press releases (8) by Mark Valladares
7th  “When they go low, we go high” (20) by Mary Reid
  7 June 2024 – today’s press releases (1) by Mark Valladares
8th  Observations of an Expat: Modi – The Winner Loses (3) by Tom Arms
9th  Tom Arms’ World Review (50) by Tom Arms
10th  WATCH: Lib Dem manifesto launch (9) by The Voice
11th  This is the Liberal blueprint we desperately need to solve our housing crises (6) by Victor Chamberlain
  Alex Cole-Hamilton’s opening statement in Scottish Leaders’ Debate (1) by The Voice
  11 June 2024 – today’s press releases (1) by Mark Valladares
12th  How you can help elect more Liberal Democrat MPs (4) by The Voice
  WATCH: Our new Party Election Broadcast featuring health and carers (0) by The Voice
  12 June 2024 – today’s press releases (0) by Mark Valladares
  12 June 2024 – today’s press releases (Scotland and Wales) (0) by Mark Valladares
13th  Mark Pack: How we decide to ask people where to campaign (6) by Mark Pack
14th  William Wallace writes.. .Tax Cuts versus Public Investment and Services (4) by Lord William Wallace
  Election heroes: Agents (1) by The Voice
  The Overseas Vote: Please encourage your British family and friends abroad this weekend to register! (2) by George Cunningham
  Liberator 423 is out (1) by Liberator Collective
15th  Birthday Honours – congratulations! (1) by The Voice
  Observations of an Expat: Macron’s Gamble (15) by Tom Arms
  Republic of Ireland, Brexit and the EU Elections (54) by Michal Siewniak
16th  Ed Davey: “Lib Dems are a progressive, liberal party and we believe in investment in public services” (2) by The Voice
  Tom Arms’ World Review (10) by Tom Arms
  Ed Davey on Kuenssberg: Lib Dems could make real gains at this election (6) by The Voice
17th  Welcome to my day: 17 June 2024 – and we have liftoff?… (2) by Mark Valladares
  EU nationals and the Lib Dem manifesto (15) by Michal Siewniak
  Cole-Hamilton and Chamberlain launch Scottish Manifesto with focus on carers, warm homes and agriculture (1) by The Voice
  ALDE Party Council preview – consequences, consequences… (0) by Mark Valladares
18th  A “herbivorous showpony” – behind the scenes of the Scottish Manifesto launch (1) by The Voice
19th  Guardian features Lib Dem Calum Miller in article on Lib Dem blue wall strategy (0) by NewsHound
20th  The Liberal Democrat Manifesto: Politics for the Common Good (13) by Ben Wood
  First Past the Post failed English local democracy this year (11) by Richard Wood
  So what has Ed Davey been up to today? (13) by Mary Reid
21st  Access our manifesto (2) by The Voice
23rd  Doctor Who actor endorses Lib Dem candidates and compliments Ed Davey (2) by The Voice
  Stolen Signs (16) by Danny Brainin
24th  Welcome to my day: 24 June 2024 – it would take a heart of stone, wouldn’t it? (1) by Mark Valladares
  We need to be ready to take on Labour (37) by Clare Smalley
  ALDE Party Council, Vilnius 2024 (part 1) – greetings from a galaxy not far away… (4) by Mark Valladares
25th  Look after your candidate (9) by Lord William Wallace
26th  This is why you need to help Lib Dem target seat candidates win (6) by The Voice
27th  Liberal Democrats winning here (11) by Mary Reid
28th  Why the Lib Dem Manifesto has lifelong learning at its heart (2) by Sue Garden
29th  Observations of an Expat: Putin’s War Conundrum (33) by Tom Arms
30th  Tom Arms’ World Review (8) by Tom Arms

Recent Comments

  • Simon R
    Focusing on health is good because it's something that is of direct concern to almost all voters. Social care might be less so in electoral terms because, altho...
  • Nigel Jones
    The first question we should be asking is how over the next five years we can speak and act for the improvement of people's quality of life; if we only focus on...
  • Roland
    @Joe burke - "that Poland “forced” Hitler to invade by being “uncooperative” with Nazi demands to take territories including Polish city Gdańsk, the...
  • Joe Bourke
    In the Ukraine war Russia is the aggressor state that has invaded its neighbour. The territorial integrity and sovereignty of Ukraine was guaranteed by Russia,...
  • Matt (Bristol)
    Hi Caron, are you arguing that belief in and acceptance of the concept of self-ID for gender and commitment to change existing legislation to reflect that, shou...