Monthly Archives: May 2021

1st  Federal Conference Committee – Autumn Conference to be online again (0) by Geoff Payne
  Daisy Cooper smashes it on Question Time (16) by Caron Lindsay
2nd  Tom Arms’ World Review – 2 May 2021 (4) by Tom Arms
  LibLink: Alistair Carmichael: Independence would do even more damage than Brexit (41) by NewsHound
  LISTEN: Christine Jardine on Any Questions (8) by Caron Lindsay
3rd  Tories backtracking over new Powys Hospitals shows lack of honesty with voters (18) by The Voice
4th  India COVID disaster: Layla Moran calls for UK to begin donating vaccines through COVAX immediately (14) by NewsHound
  Liberal Democrats must acknowledge massive human rights abuse in India (10) by Humphrey Hawksley
5th  We don’t say “Thank You” enough (3) by Mary Reid
  Ed Davey’s message to voters (4) by NewsHound
  Sarah Green selected for Chesham & Amersham (51) by Mary Reid
  Local elections and the “Festival of Local Democracy” (24) by Michal Siewniak
6th  Jonathan Davies (1962-2021) (5) by The Voice
  Good luck everyone! (0) by The Voice
  The 2021 elections are over. How was it for you? Open thread for comments (50) by Andy Boddington
7th  England Local Elections 2021 – the highlights for Lib Dems as they come in (updated 19:40pm) (47) by NewsHound
  LDV Scottish Elections 2021 – the highlights for Lib Dems as they come in (updated 10:00pm) (12) by NewsHound
  Senedd Elections 2021 – the main points for Lib Dems as they come in (updated 22:30) (8) by NewsHound
8th  Jane Dodds makes it into the Senedd (13) by Caron Lindsay
  Observations of an ex pat – Water Fights (8) by Tom Arms
  London results open thread (12) by NewsHound
  England results: Saturday open thread (4) by The Voice
  Scotland results open thread (53) by Caron Lindsay
9th  Election results: Current state of play (26) by Caron Lindsay
  Tom Arms’ World Review – 9th May (6) by Tom Arms
  Where next? (85) by Peter Wrigley
  Lib Dems gain control of St Albans with 5 gains (1) by The Voice
  8 Lib Dem GAINS in Oxfordshire – including Tory Council Leader’s seat (5) by Caron Lindsay
10th  Welcome to my day – 10 May 2021: reasons to be cheerful? (4) by Mark Valladares
  Liberalism and Constitutional Democracy (13) by Lord William Wallace
  If there is a realignment, liberalism must claim its place (32) by Stephen Barber
11th  I love it when a plan comes together (3) by Paul Walter
  Lib Dems increase their majority in Three Rivers (0) by Sarah Nelmes
  Scrapping Vagrancy Act should be part of Queen’s Speech (1) by Paul Walter
  Tories’ southern “Blue wall” is crumbling (72) by Paul Walter
12th  A public interest defence is an essential part of Official Secrets Act reform (2) by Mark Leftly
  Book review: Billy Bragg – The Three Dimensions of Freedom (4) by Geoff Reid
  Ed Davey slams “illiberal, catastrophic, sickeningly cruel” Queen’s Speech (16) by The Voice
  Will the PM eat his ID card? (17) by Mary Reid
13th  Social Liberal Forum event: What kind of UBI? Tonight 7pm (24) by Jon Alexander
  The long history of working class Tories and Labour paternalism (9) by Geoff Reid
  Violence in Israel and Palestine – Layla Moran’s Urgent Question (24) by Andy Daer
  Hitachi trains: Government failing to address impact on passengers and regions (1) by The Voice
14th  It was a bloke’s world in the Super Thursday elections – why do so few women stand for public office? (17) by Andy Boddington
  Obituary: Trevor Smith – Liberal Democrat Peer (2) by Michael Meadowcroft
  Mark Pack on the Super Thursday elections (10) by NewsHound
  What next for UK politics? (14) by Michal Siewniak
15th  Observations of an Expat: Israel – The Problem is Internal (20) by Tom Arms
  Liam McArthur elected as Deputy Presiding Officer of the Scottish Parliament (2) by The Voice
16th  Tom Arms’ World Review: Cheney and Trump – Round One to the Cult of Trump v. the traditional Republican Party (5) by Tom Arms
  Observer: Clegg and Alexander have “sold their souls” (101) by NewsHound
  Committee capers in London’s City Hall weaken Labour influence (9) by Andy Boddington
17th  What’s in a name? (2) by Merlene Emerson
  A positive approach to constitutional change (21) by Denis Mollison
  The Shirley Williams Lectures (5) by Shaun Ennis
18th  How easily we have surrendered our private freedoms…. (30) by Paul Walter
  Save Palestine by rediscovering the British Liberal tradition (18) by Shane Burke
19th  Willie Rennie; I will work for a liberal country – an open, internationalist, reformed, caring, fair and green country (18) by Caron Lindsay
  Stephen Lloyd announces he will not seek reselection for Eastbourne (6) by Caron Lindsay
  Jane Dodds campaigns for Sarah Green in Chesham and Amersham (1) by Caron Lindsay
  All Liberals must call out and combat the alarming rise of antisemitism in the UK (13) by Peter Rainford
20th  Great British Railways? (40) by Mary Reid
  Pupil Premium at risk (2) by David Brunnen
  The Pause: hardest part to deal with (62) by Katharine Pindar
  Why have choirs been silenced this week? (15) by Mary Reid
21st  Observations of an ex pat: Lies, damned lies and the Russian Government (7) by Tom Arms
22nd  Join the Sarahphone today! (5) by Caron Lindsay
23rd  Tom Arms’ World Review: Palestine, Trump, Morocco v Spain and China (14) by Tom Arms
  How YOU can support EU citizens in the UK (2) by Robert Harrison
  Hay Festival highlights – including Vince Cable on Money and Power (0) by Caron Lindsay
24th  Interested in attending the Congress of European Liberals in two weeks time? Then read on… (1) by The Voice
  The Windrush scandal – a sign of things to come for EU citizens? (13) by Michal Siewniak
  Help shape our new Universal Basic Income policy (87) by Paul Noblet
  Roman Protasevich abduction – time for Britain to act? (9) by Mark Valladares
25th  Scotland – time for Project Facts (31) by Barry Turner
  My Jewish journey to understanding Israel and Palestine (4) by Gillian Mosely
  Lib Dems: Local lockdowns by stealth are completely irresponsible (6) by The Voice
  Chesham and Amersham needs YOU (3) by Paul Walter
  Campaign highlights illegal online advertisiing (3) by Caron Lindsay
26th  Local lockdowns by stealth? (0) by Mary Reid
  Tim Farron on dog thefts (2) by The Voice
  Delivering a Rainbow Crossing in Sutton (21) by Jake Short
  Geoff Payne to stand down as Federal Conference Committee chair (6) by Mary Reid
  Tories’ broken Environment Bill ignores local communities (3) by Sarah Olney
27th  One way to increase your chances of winning in 2022’s local elections (1) by Caron Lindsay
  Lib Dem Amanda Hopgood to lead Durham County Council (2) by The Voice
  Tim Farron on the “historic betrayal” of British farmers by Australia trade deal (38) by NewsHound
28th  Baroness Sheehan leads debate on climate change targets in Lords (20) by NewsHound
  Sir Nick Clegg lecture: “The end of global internet” (22) by Paul Walter
29th  Observations of an Expat: The Alex Problem (3) by Tom Arms
  Report of the Federal Policy Committee – 26 May 2021 (0) by Jeremy Hargreaves
  Tim Farron: Planning reforms are an ineffective, illiberal and dangerous power-grab (3) by Tim Farron MP
  Jo Conchie is the Liberal Democrat candidate for Batley and Spen (1) by The Voice
  So how might a progressive alliance work? (84) by Caron Lindsay
30th  World Review by Tom Arms: The Middle East, Capitol Hill, Boris and Dominic (11) by Tom Arms
  New Lib Dem mayor of Truro: I’m working out how to use my platform to make others suffer less (4) by The Voice
  Come and help Sarah Green win Chesham and Amersham! (61) by Michael Mullaney
31st  Have your say on the disciplinary process (12) by Disciplinary Sub Group

Recent Comments

  • Neil Hickman
    @Paul R - Surely in the countries you mention, people have ID cards as a matter of course. Rightly or wrongly, in the UK we don't; and the reason for demanding...
  • Simon R
    One very minor point on this: Mary, you say, ""At the moment travel passes for older people are acceptable but bizarrely those for young people are not" ...
  • Paul R
    In most countries in Europe, the acceptable forms of ID are National ID cards or passports. The people there don't spend their time complaining about being "opp...
  • Mick Taylor
    There is a limit to how far you can advance using targeting and we are, in my view, getting near it≥ The price we have paid for our success is a swath of dere...
  • Chris Cory
    As a “boomer” who grew up under the threat of nuclear conflict, I can empathise but please, don’t give way to feeling of hopelessness. You have a great f...