Monthly Archives: December 2020

1st  LibLink: Young Liberal calls on Cheltenham’s MP to take action to end period poverty (3) by The Voice
  We need to argue for public investment in neglected UK areas AND a generous international aid budget (30) by Lord William Wallace
2nd  Philip Green and bad business – Lib Dems must act firmly (28) by Nigel Lindsay
  Have the Government handled the Covid-19 pandemic well? (28) by Gillian Douglass
3rd  Do we need GCSEs? (20) by Mary Reid
  Sanctions on Hong Kong human rights abusers work – we must press the Government to use them (7) by Alistair Carmichael MP
  The Irish Liberal Democrat Society AGM 2020 (9) by Audrey Eager
4th  Time to reform the English Party (31) by Simon McGrath
  Observations of an expat: Pakistan – next to recognise Israel? (3) by Tom Arms
  Standing up for Race Equality is a multi generational task (5) by Marisha Ray
5th  Lib Dems support Small Business Saturday (0) by The Voice
6th  How should Liberal Democrat MPs vote on any trade deal? Irina von Wiese and Humphrey Hawksley set out the options (110) by Irina von Weise and Humphrey Hawksley
  Jamie Stone and the Runaway Pea (1) by Caron Lindsay
7th  7 December 2020 – welcome to my day… (13) by Mark Valladares
  Tales from a Small Parish – David vs Goliath… (2) by Mark Valladares
  Thinking about both sides of the letterbox (0) by Geoff Reid
8th  Meet the candidates: Molly Nolan (1) by Caron Lindsay
  Why should we have to move? (2) by Caron Lindsay
  Racism in football still hasn’t been kicked out (14) by Rabina Khan
  How to get involved with Scottish and Federal Spring Conferences (3) by The Voice
9th  International Human Rights Day (7) by Ben Martin
  A speech by Lord Thomas – 8th December (3) by Martin Thomas
  Elective dictatorship (7) by Paul Tyler
  What can the Lib Dems learn from the Tories digital campaigning? (28) by Jon Alexander
10th  Reform the House of Lords (17) by Victoria Lee
  A Europe policy for the Scottish elections: a humble suggestion (21) by John McHugo
11th  A longer read: Women born between 1954 and 1960 lose up to £40,000 each (12) by Chris Perry
  Why Holyrood 2021 has me (SN)Paranoid (20) by Jake Stevenson
  Compass launches a new Liberal Democrat network (29) by The Voice
  Observations of an expat: Looking foolish (37) by Tom Arms
12th  Christine Jardine introduces her puppy, Brora (8) by The Voice
  Your last chance to get drafting advice for Conference motions… (0) by The Voice
13th  Ed Davey’s message for Hanukkah (2) by The Voice
  Munira Wilson leads parliamentary debate on Excluded (12) by Caron Lindsay
  EU Trade Deal: there are no good options left (16) by Caron Lindsay
14th  Welcome to my day – 14 December 2020 (4) by Mark Valladares
  Civilised disagreement – a target for 2021? (10) by Geoff Reid
  Citizens Britain: a radical agenda for the 2020s (11) by Ian Kearns and Jon Alexander
  Liberal Democrat electoral and policy pact with Labour, or not? (57) by Paul Reynolds
  William Powell selected as Welsh Liberal Democrat Senedd candidate for Brecon and Radnorshire (4) by NewsHound
15th  Alison Alexander selected as Welsh Liberal Democrat Senedd candidate for Montgomeryshire (0) by NewsHound
  Perhaps the best TV series the BBC has ever produced – and what it tells us about our society (3) by Paul Walter
  New Year’s Resolution – Support the UN treaty on the prohibition of nuclear weapons (24) by Sue Miller
  15 December 2020 – today’s press releases (4) by Mark Valladares
16th  Roger Roberts writes: Upgrading the port of Holyhead? (18) by Lord Roger Roberts
17th  How many people will miss the vaccine because they don’t have a GP? (69) by Mary Reid
  Build Back Fairer: the new mantra for now (38) by Katharine Pindar
18th  Shirley Williams Lectures launched to promote ideas exchange (14) by Tom Morrison
  Working class Liberal Democrat (20) by Joe McCauley
  Observations of an expat: A bad year (25) by Tom Arms
19th  Lib Dem legend Frances Alexander remembered in the Guardian (1) by The Voice
  Lib Dems react to new Covid restrictions and Christmas misery (42) by Caron Lindsay
20th  LDV’s Christmas Break (11) by Caron Lindsay
21st  Welcome to my day – 21 December 2020 (21) by Mark Valladares
  Joan “Penny” Ewens (1926-2020) (3) by The Voice
22nd  No, teachers should not be prioritised for Covid 19 vaccinations  (69) by Simon McGrath
23rd  Love from the Lib Dem Voice team (11) by The Voice
28th  Welcome to my day – 28 December 2020 (1) by Mark Valladares
  The Independent View – A way forward for the Liberal Democrats (42) by Mark Corner
  The latest peerage announcements are yet more evidence that the system is broken (15) by Max Wilkinson
  Liberal Democrat Voice’s most read posts in 2020 (part 1) (0) by Mark Valladares
  An outgoing Regional Party President reflects… (2) by Jamie Sharpley
  Scotland 2070 Healthy | Wealthy | Wise (9) by Laurence Cox
  Third extension for Welsh Pacer trains is a ‘disgrace’ say Welsh Lib Dems (10) by The Voice
29th  The curious tale of a 5G mast in Bath (46) by Mark Valladares
  Liberal Democrat Voice’s most read posts in 2020 (part 2) (0) by Mark Valladares
  That was the year that was (with apologies to Ms Millicent Martin) – Part 1, Brexit (4) by John Marriott
  Lib Dems to vote against Boris Johnson’s “threadbare” EU trade deal (99) by Caron Lindsay
30th  Liberal Democrat Voice’s most read posts in 2020 (part 3) (0) by Mark Valladares
  That was the year that was (with apologies to Ms Millicent Martin) – Part 2, COVID (5) by John Marriott
  A tribute to Ann Winfield (8) by The Voice
  Ed Davey condemns the Future Relationship Bill (7) by Mark Valladares
  Willie Rennie: Our children will be astonished that this Government pursued big bang Brexit in the middle of a pandemic (2) by The Voice
  Lord Newby explains why we have opposed the European Union (Future Relationship) Bill (21) by Mark Valladares
  Kirsty Williams breaks ranks with Welsh Government to oppose Brexit trade deal (2) by Caron Lindsay
31st  Willie Rennie’s New Year Message: Lib Dems will put recovery first (2) by Willie Rennie
  Liberal Democrat Voice’s most read posts in 2020 (part 4) (3) by Mark Valladares
  2020 Vision – Chinese Liberal Democrats’ Year in Review (3) by Merlene Emerson
  New Year Honours? (3) by Mary Reid
  Lords speeches against the Future Relationships Bill (part 1) (2) by Mark Valladares
  Israel/Palestine in 2021 (12) by John Kelly
  Lords speeches against the Future Relationships Bill (part 2) (2) by Mark Valladares
  Open letter to the Foreign Secretary on global human rights (4) by Paul Reynolds

Recent Comments

  • Neil Hickman
    @Paul R - Surely in the countries you mention, people have ID cards as a matter of course. Rightly or wrongly, in the UK we don't; and the reason for demanding...
  • Simon R
    One very minor point on this: Mary, you say, ""At the moment travel passes for older people are acceptable but bizarrely those for young people are not" ...
  • Paul R
    In most countries in Europe, the acceptable forms of ID are National ID cards or passports. The people there don't spend their time complaining about being "opp...
  • Mick Taylor
    There is a limit to how far you can advance using targeting and we are, in my view, getting near it≥ The price we have paid for our success is a swath of dere...
  • Chris Cory
    As a “boomer” who grew up under the threat of nuclear conflict, I can empathise but please, don’t give way to feeling of hopelessness. You have a great f...