Monthly Archives: February 2020

1st  Our President writes: I’m immensely proud of how we’ve stood up for our values over Brexit (50) by The Voice
  The detail behind the YouGov poll showing Ed Davey ahead in the leadership stakes – thanks to @ProfTimBale (10) by Paul Walter
2nd  Is it time to ditch referendums? (56) by John Barrett
  How a Liberal pamphlet from 1980 led to the collapse of the British political system (18) by Web Magpie
3rd  Lib Dem councillors – the thin orange line between Britain and the harsh effects of Brexit (5) by Alisha Lewis
  The 2020 US Presidential Election – a short statistical preview… (2) by Mark Valladares
  3-7 February – this week in the Lords (0) by Mark Valladares
  Who’s going to be the Democratic nominee to take on Donald Trump? (21) by Mark Valladares
4th  Liberal Democrats should campaign to fix Brexit (42) by Rob Blackie
  Brexit, our Party`s Future and CANZUK (Canada, New Zealand, Australia and UK) (39) by Luke Binney
  The Conservatives’ honeymoon period will be short (29) by John Hann
  Mr Jones – a film about a Liberal fighting for liberal values in 1930s Soviet Union (5) by Graham Colley
5th  Journalistic Silencing (26) by Thomas Hague
  Review of Federal committee elections (13) by Duncan Brack
  Crosland The Social Democrat (12) by David Warren
  How to fund the BBC? (57) by John Barrett
6th  Good luck to Liberal Democrat candidates standing in by-elections today (9) by Paul Walter
  The Last Temptation of Boris Johnson (5) by Paul Walter
  A new Social Contract – putting flesh on the bones (75) by Michael Berwick-Gooding and Katharine Pindar
  BBC witch hunt (57) by Lloyd Harris
7th  Two Lib Dems break through onto Andover Town Council (5) by Paul Walter
  Professor John Curtice: Revoke policy did not hurt Lib Dem popularity in election campaign (58) by Paul Walter
  Observations of a ex pat: Goodbye democracy? (29) by Tom Arms
  New issue of Liberator out (18) by Liberator Collective
  More by-election news (11) by Paul Walter
10th  Why didn’t remain politicians connect? (60) by Danny Chambers
  A Westminster story – realism versus idealism in coalition and love (11) by Sal Fulcher
  The mandate of heaven and coronavirus (7) by Tom Arms
  Will Boris Johnson’s popularity make us has-beens? (45) by Garth Shephard
11th  Liberal policies for a Liberal Party (20) by William Francis
  Winning Here? (24) by Alan Muhammed
  The Party of Human Rights (2) by Mark Johnson
  Dwi’n hoff iawn o gerddoriaeth Gymraeg!* (6) by Jasneet Samrai
12th  On story telling (9) by Chris Northwood
  What would Paddy do? (60) by Johnny McDermott
  An Arsenal Of Democracy (5) by David Warren
  Liberal Democrats – for a better tomorrow (5) by Dominic Buxton
13th  Get Liberalism done (87) by Adrian Sanders
  These are the conditions of liberty and social justice … (40) by Mary Reid
  Siobhan Benita launches her campaign to be Mayor of London (4) by The Voice
14th  Observations of an Expat: Ireland (24) by Tom Arms
  By-election news (26) by Mary Reid
  The best thing about the Green New Deal you never knew and why this could be our new superpower (55) by Mark Kenyon
15th  Anti-Semitism  and the IHRA Definition (62) by John Kelly
  Winning in local elections (9) by Tom Purvis
16th  Rejoining the EU will be right… but it’s too soon to push for it (33) by Mark Argent
  Election Review team announced (60) by The Voice
  Mark Pack writes… Lisa Smart takes over as chair of the Lib Dem Communications and Elections Committee (17) by Mark Pack
17th  2020 Federal Committee election results (21) by The Voice
  The spring conference motions explained (15) by Paul Walter
  Rising above politics as usual (29) by Nicolas Webb
18th  Comrade Dominic (24) by Tom Arms
  Death In The Afternoon (42) by David Warren
19th  Fascinating stuff at York! (19) by Paul Walter
  What is our approach to Co-determination? (21) by William Francis
  Getting our finances right – report back from February Board meeting (3) by Mark Pack
  Why we should do more to support the Hong Kong protest movement (3) by Larry Ngan
20th  Isabelle Parasram elected as Vice President of the Liberal Democrats (1) by The Voice
  Listening to people about immigration (37) by Michael Kitching
  Assessing the Johnson Government’s new reform narrative (30) by Paul Reynolds
21st  Observations of an ex pat: Stuck in a car (25) by Tom Arms
  This week’s by-election (31) by Mary Reid
22nd  How you can help Liberal Democrat Voice (3) by The Voice
  Whoever you are, the Liberal Democrats will stand up for you (37) by The Voice
23rd  Being homeless shouldn’t be a crime (22) by NewsHound
  Andy Corkhill selected by LibDems to be Liverpool City regional mayor (1) by Mark Pack
  Siobhan Benita and team are working full-on in London (0) by NewsHound
24th  When the caveats within the definition of the IHRA are misused (27) by Alexandrine Kantor
  How would Parliament manage without employees from outside the UK? (2) by Lord Roger Roberts
  Protecting travellers who miss flights because of airport security delays (4) by Mohsin Khan
  The real north (50) by Johnny McDermott
  “Stop blaming local government for the housing crisis” (7) by Ruth Dombey
25th  Identifying the Party’s International Priorities (9) by Jonathan Fryer
  Revisiting Citizen ID (20) by Lord William Wallace
  The Next Lib Dem USP – Build More Houses (38) by Alan Muhammed
26th  When tactics become strategy (32) by Michael Kitching
  A House of Specialists – A New House of Lords (24) by Stuart Bourne
  Press Briefings and Top Lines – 26th February 2020 (0) by Tahir Maher
  Former Liberal Party leader, Lord Steel, leaves the Liberal Democrats (41) by The Voice
27th  Federal Policy Committee report February 2020 (21) by Sally Burnell
  Politics as an Article of Faith (28) by Ben Rich
  A Westminster Story (0) by Mary Reid
  Liberalism has almost lost – we must act before it’s too late (66) by Rob Davidson
28th  Shaun Roberts stands down as Lib Dem director of campaigns & elections (4) by Mark Pack
  Getting beyond “All politicians are liars” (17) by Geoff Reid
  Viral conspiracy – Observations of an ex pat (5) by Tom Arms
  By-election results this week (16) by Mary Reid
  “Society has stopped improving” (193) by Katharine Pindar
  Scottish internal elections (0) by Sheila Ritchie
29th  The Carrie Lam report exposed how the ‘Executive Dominant’ political system failed Hong Kong (1) by Larry Ngan
  Support requirements for disabled candidates with complex needs (5) by Richard Whelan
  Idlib – time for some Liberal guilt (36) by John McHugo

Recent Comments

  • Simon R
    Rodrigo is correct that climate change is a pressing concerns facing humanity, and Governments around the World are not doing enough about it. But I would urge ...
  • Neil Hickman
    @Paul R - Surely in the countries you mention, people have ID cards as a matter of course. Rightly or wrongly, in the UK we don't; and the reason for demanding...
  • Simon R
    One very minor point on this: Mary, you say, ""At the moment travel passes for older people are acceptable but bizarrely those for young people are not" ...
  • Paul R
    In most countries in Europe, the acceptable forms of ID are National ID cards or passports. The people there don't spend their time complaining about being "opp...
  • Mick Taylor
    There is a limit to how far you can advance using targeting and we are, in my view, getting near it≥ The price we have paid for our success is a swath of dere...