Monthly Archives: July 2020

1st  1 July 2020 – the overnight press release (1) by Mark Valladares
  Righteous Indignation. Let’s stop shouting (9) by Hilton Marlton
  The ethos of the service (10) by Geoff Reid
  Netanyahu’s annexation plans must not go unchallenged (53) by Layla Moran MP
  Is Civil War Politics in Ireland really dead and buried? (22) by Audrey Eager
  Liberal Democrat Friends of Israel Statement on the proposed Israeli annexation of the West Bank (27) by Toby Davis
  Ditchley Lecture – Saturday, June 27th (5) by Lord William Wallace
  Winning the working class (28) by David Warren
  1 July 2020 – today’s press releases (2) by Mark Valladares
2nd  2 July 2020 – the overnight press release (5) by Mark Valladares
  We need to be uncomfortable… let’s talk about how we treat our BAME members (20) by Pushkin Defyer
  ACAB? Defund The Police? How should we respond to Black Lives Matter? (39) by Dom Martin
  Let’s embrace our distinctive and radical form of progressive politics (9) by Paul Hindley
  Observations of an expat – Israeli memories revived (8) by Tom Arms
  Looking back: How investing in our communities laid the foundations for tackling Covid-19 in York (1) by Darryl Smalley
  Progressive politics needs Starmer to ‘definitely’ be a better Labour leader (20) by Stephen Barber
  2 July 2020 – today’s press releases (1) by Mark Valladares
3rd  The Independent View: Overcrowded housing, BAME groups and COVID-19 (5) by Cameron Boyle
  Liberal Democrats in support of black lives and black livelihoods (12) by Glanville Williams
  The herd and the unheard! (22) by Lorenzo Cherin
  Three things we don’t need in this leadership campaign: a goody, a baddy and more policy (14) by Max Wilkinson
  Why social democrats are more left wing than the hard left (26) by George Kendall
  Coalition (59) by Dan Schmeising
4th  Liberal history online (0) by Duncan Brack
  Defining and measuring strategic objectives for the party (31) by Kevin Langford
  3 July 2020 – the day’s press releases (6) by Mark Valladares
5th  Lib Dem Jobwatch – ALDC special (0) by The Voice
  Do you owe the Young Liberals any money? (1) by Caron Lindsay
  Four ways Lib Dem MPs stood up for those with no income (61) by Caron Lindsay
6th  4-5 July 2020 – the weekend’s press releases (0) by Mark Valladares
  Our next leader must condemn Nick Clegg (84) by James Belchamber
  6 July 2020 – today’s press releases (1) by Mark Valladares
7th  I went to the pub…light the blue touchpaper and stand well back (32) by Paul Walter
  A love that dare not speak its name (10) by David Warren
  Book review: Diane Reay’s “Miseducation – Inequality, Education and the Working Classes” (23) by Katerina Porter
  7 July 2020 – today’s press releases (1) by Mark Valladares
8th  Chancellor must act to help those excluded from Government support (4) by NewsHound
  Boris on Care: wrong words, right target (35) by Ruth Bright
  South Lakeland District Council: Climate Action Plan (23) by The Voice
9th  8 July 2020 – yesterday’s press releases (2) by Mark Valladares
  Budget Response: The most vulnerable are being left out in the cold (6) by Layla Moran MP
  A theatre of the absurd! (7) by Lorenzo Cherin
  Jo Swinson appointed as Director of PN4E (15) by The Voice
  Lib Dem internationalism in practice – a member’s perspective (3) by Paul Reynolds
  Two candidates confirmed for Lib Dem leadership race (0) by The Voice
  William Wallace writes: Active citizenship (18) by Lord William Wallace
  9 July 2020 – today’s press releases (10) by Mark Valladares
10th  Final nomination totals for leadership candidates (0) by The Voice
  Free bus passes for all can make financial sense (14) by Stuart Crawford
  Observations of an expat: Marxist BLM (8) by Tom Arms
  10 July 2020 – today’s press releases (0) by Mark Valladares
11th  Where to see the leadership candidates this weekend (7) by Caron Lindsay
  Who gains from Rishi Sunak’s Summer Economic Statement? (125) by Michael Berwick-Gooding
12th  Building Scotland back better (15) by Fred Mackintosh
  Scottish Liberal Democrats trial new virtual conference – 3 top tips from me (5) by Caron Lindsay
  SNP divisions on Brexit make independence less likely (18) by Nathan Sutherland
  Could you be on Federal Appeals Panel? (1) by Caron Lindsay
  WATCH: Liberal Revues of old (2) by Caron Lindsay
  Leadership election 2020: Watch Ed and Layla at hustings (0) by The Voice
  11-12 July 2020 – the weekend’s press releases (0) by Mark Valladares
13th  13 July 2020 – the overnight press releases (1) by Mark Valladares
  Cummings’ little knowledge is a dangerous thing and must be challenged (12) by Sam Martin
  A tribute to Cllr Alun Jenkins (1) by Martin Thomas
  End of Triple Lock in sight? Why half a million pensioners are not concerned! (11) by Colin Bloodworth
  13 July 2020 – today’s press releases (7) by Mark Valladares
14th  14 July 2020 – the overnight press release (5) by Mark Valladares
  Every so often, it’s worth having a look at this table… (68) by Paul Walter
  New party director of strategy appointed (14) by NewsHound
  Post-18 education – a chance for the Lib Dems to make a real impact? (23) by John Marriott
  14 July 2020 – today’s press releases (5) by Mark Valladares
15th  The Tories’ Decision on IR35 Reform Will Impact More People Than You Think (17) by Nathan Sutherland
  Two options (4) by Mark Lavender
  How the Social Contract idea can serve both our party and the country (64) by Katharine Pindar
  15 July 2020 – today’s press releases (4) by Mark Valladares
16th  On cancel culture (27) by Matt Harwood
  The Arts and humanity’s cause (8) by Lorenzo Cherin
  Centre interviews the Liberal Democrat leadership contenders (Part 1: Layla Moran) (12) by Torrin Wilkins
  Isolation diary update: Thinking about the future (16) by Mary Reid
  Report from Federal Conference Committee – motions to Conference (35) by Nick Da Costa
  16 July 2020 – today’s press releases (5) by Mark Valladares
17th  Liberal Democrats – the Interdependence Party (6) by Adrian May
  Layla Moran, cutting through the media (26) by Mark Henderson
  Observations of an expat: The Thucydides Trap (5) by Tom Arms
  Is Britain overplaying its hand with its proposal to deploy a new aircraft carrier in the Far East? (7) by Paul Fisher
  A liberal lion not alone – in support of Maajid Nawaz (20) by Lorenzo Cherin
  17 July 2020 – today’s press release (2) by Mark Valladares
18th  What is in a name?  (14) by Mark Hofman
  The Independent View: The con(s) of student fees and the increase in debt since 2002 (32) by Roger D'Ornellas
19th  Why Scottish Liberal Democrats oppose a second Indyref (26) by Fred Mackintosh
  Get your nominations for party awards in by July 31st (0) by Caron Lindsay
  UPDATED: Watch Ed and Layla at hustings (10) by The Voice
  18-19 July 2020 – the weekend’s press releases (0) by Mark Valladares
20th  Liberator quizzes the leadership candidates (1) by Liberator Collective
  20 July 2020 – today’s press releases (0) by Mark Valladares
21st  21 July 2020 – the overnight press release (1) by Mark Valladares
  Neo-liberalism is deceitfully plundering society (81) by Steve Trevethan
  We don’t talk – really talk – enough about race (21) by Sarah Cheung Johnson
  21 July 2020 – today’s press releases (9) by Mark Valladares
22nd  An opinion piece (48) by Tahir Maher
  100% face masks in English shops on Friday? They’re having a laugh….. (130) by Paul Walter
  22 July 2020 – today’s press releases (0) by Mark Valladares
23rd  23 July 2020 – the overnight press release (5) by Mark Valladares
  From Russia with Loathing (8) by Tom Brake
  Centre interviews the Liberal Democrat leadership contenders (Part 2: Ed Davey) (12) by Torrin Wilkins
  Unconscious bias in the party (11) by Becky Forrest
  23 July 2020 – today’s press releases (6) by Mark Valladares
24th  The Scottish constitutional question (14) by John Waddell
  Observations of an expat: Taiwan (12) by Tom Arms
  In memory of Ireland’s favourite Englishman – Jack Charlton (4) by Audrey Eager
  24 July 2020 – today’s press releases (3) by Mark Valladares
25th  Where to see Ed and Layla this weekend (1) by The Voice
  Stephen Williams selected to fight West of England mayoral election (8) by The Voice
26th  Last print issue of Liberator now free online (5) by The Liberator Collective
  Ed Davey writes: Putting Liberalism at the heart of diversity and anti-racism (10) by Ed Davey
  Lynne Featherstone writes….Vote Layla! (9) by Lynne Featherstone
  Layla and Ed: The Iain Dale interviews (1) by The Voice
27th  Forty-eight hours off Twitter for a good cause… #NoSafeSpaceForJewHate (4) by Mark Valladares
  ++ Breaking news: Siobhan Benita stands down as candidate for London Mayor (33) by The Voice
  Celebrating Shirley Williams’ contribution to British politics on her 90th birthday (21) by The Social Democrat Group
  How the Party is managed – can you be democratic and efficient? (19) by Mark Valladares
  Layla and Ed to meet with Compass (1) by Mark Valladares
  Register now for our first online conference! (2) by Paul Walter
28th  Liberals and the cancel culture (39) by Christopher Stafford-Smith
  Will the next LibDem Leader have national ballot appeal? (37) by L M Sue-Too
  Why federalism over independence? (20) by Barry Turner
  28 July 2020 – today’s press releases (1) by Mark Valladares
29th  29 July 2020 – the overnight press releases (0) by Mark Valladares
  How liberals should be responding to the Uyghur Muslim genocide (13) by Callum Robertson
  Dispatch of Leadership Election Ballots (0) by Greg Foster
  The Death of Capitalism +? (21) by Steve Trevethan
  29 July 2020 – today’s press release (0) by Mark Valladares
30th  30 July 2020 – the overnight press release (7) by Mark Valladares
  The teaching of colonial history (37) by Merlene Emerson
  Will our next leader demand all-BAME shortlists? Ask them, at the Race Equality Hustings (85) by Roderick Lynch
  Layla Moran: The momentum is with my campaign – vote for me to move us forward together! (16) by Layla Moran MP
  Virtual Conference (6) by Alan Collins Rosell
  Daisy Cooper MP writes….200+ Liberal Democrats back Ed Davey as the leader with ‘experience, vision and judgement’ (8) by Daisy Cooper MP
  ICYMI: Tomorrow is the last day to nominate for this year’s party awards (0) by Caron Lindsay
  30 July 2020 – today’s press releases (3) by Mark Valladares
31st  Leadership election ballots hit doormats and inboxes (0) by Paul Walter
  Last minute Northern lockdown is “beyond comprehension” (34) by NewsHound
  Lord (Martin) Thomas writes…How the government smuggles potentially tyrannical powers into legislation using the word “modify” (2) by Martin Thomas
  The geopolitics of COVID-19: Can liberalism win the day? (6) by George Cunningham

Recent Comments

  • Simon R
    Rodrigo is correct that climate change is a pressing concerns facing humanity, and Governments around the World are not doing enough about it. But I would urge ...
  • Neil Hickman
    @Paul R - Surely in the countries you mention, people have ID cards as a matter of course. Rightly or wrongly, in the UK we don't; and the reason for demanding...
  • Simon R
    One very minor point on this: Mary, you say, ""At the moment travel passes for older people are acceptable but bizarrely those for young people are not" ...
  • Paul R
    In most countries in Europe, the acceptable forms of ID are National ID cards or passports. The people there don't spend their time complaining about being "opp...
  • Mick Taylor
    There is a limit to how far you can advance using targeting and we are, in my view, getting near it≥ The price we have paid for our success is a swath of dere...