Monthly Archives: May 2020

1st  Daily View 2×2: 1 May 2020 (5) by Mark Valladares
  Local leadership in Watford (1) by Peter Taylor
  Observations of an expat: Where is Kim?  (10) by Tom Arms
  Covid-19 … The new Liberal reality (41) by Adrian May
  Pubs need support now and inclusion for their future (8) by Ben Thomas
  Isolation diary: Smelling the Roses (1) by Mary Reid
  Opposition councillors can achieve real change in our community (4) by Gary Malcolm
  Our President welcomes new and renewed members (7) by The Voice
2nd  A longer read for the weekend: The case for an extension to the Brexit transition period (39) by Caroline Voaden
  Christine Jardine won’t stand for Lib Dem leadership (5) by The Voice
  Dick Newby: Individual stories of Windrush victims shame politicians who use pejorative language and stoke up resentment (5) by The Voice
  Isolation diary: Getting some exercise (4) by Mary Reid
3rd  Rennie calls for UBI summit to help those who can’t get government support (16) by The Voice
  Climate change is real! (19) by Steve Castree
  Tackling everyday sexism in the Lib Dems (8) by Ruth McElroy
  Liberal Democrats for the heart of England (10) by Michael Mullaney
  Isolation diary: Redefining time (1) by Mary Reid
4th  Daily View 2×2: 4 May 2020 (9) by Mark Valladares
  Over-centralisation and the response to Covid-19 (13) by Lord William Wallace
  Ode to something less than Joy (24) by Adrian May
  What’s happening in Israel and Palestine? (15) by John Kelly
  Stop the carbon offsetting Greenwash (4) by Stewart Reddaway
  Isolation diary: Exiting lockdown? (11) by Mary Reid
5th  Daily View 2×2: 5 May 2020 (3) by Mark Valladares
  Minimum Income, job guarantees and basic rental income (39) by Joe Bourke
  After the virus: an economic future for Wales (3) by Jane Dodds
  The journal of a new councillor (part 1) (2) by Helen Burton
  Sticking down the Overton window (17) by Rhys Taylor
  Tackling the PPE problem (5) by Carol Runciman
  Isolation diary: Drowning in plastic (16) by Mary Reid
6th  Daily View 2×2: 6 May 2020 (3) by Mark Valladares
  Today marks the beginning of a new chapter for Wales (4) by Jane Dodds
  The covid tracking app is all wrong; I will use it anyway (10) by Joe Otten
  Consistency in Devolution (3) by David McKenzie
  How the pandemic exposed the stark inequalities of our society (5) by Rabina Khan
  Isolation diary: Watching TV (5) by Mary Reid
  Civil Liberties and the NHS App (12) by Wera Hobhouse MP
7th  Daily View 2×2: 7 May 2020 (1) by Mark Valladares
  Covid-19 five tests: By sleight of hand, the government seems to be trying to remove the spotlight from testing and PPE issues (12) by Paul Walter
  Is our party hierarchical? (9) by Moyra Forrest
  This time next year, London will be different.  We must be too.  (14) by Siobhan Benita
  Housing, Liberalism, and Mutualism (2) by Daniel Duggan
  How to stop deforestation (4) by Imaduddin Ahmed
  Isolation diary: Missing the theatre (2) by Mary Reid
  Philip Alston and Transformational Change (36) by Katharine Pindar
8th  Universal Basic Income, why now? (38) by Jane Alliston
  On pandemics and health, we need to look to South Korea – Phil Hammond “MD” in Private Eye (7) by Paul Walter
  Localism under threat (7) by Emily Smith
  Observations of an expat: Coronavirus exploitation (5) by Tom Arms
  Ten years of living with the Black Dog (5) by David Warren
  The Lib Dem Leadership election: Can we please now just get on with it? (18) by Duncan Greenland
  Isolation diary: Marking VE Day (21) by Mary Reid
  Pitching my idea: Reduce the legal drinking age (18) by George Rice
9th  The C Word 10 years on: How it all began (24) by Caron Lindsay
  The C Word 10 years on: Crossing the RubiCon (34) by Caron Lindsay
  Principles of Liberal Democracy (12) by Michael Meadowcroft
  Ed Davey’s message for Europe Day (5) by Caron Lindsay
  Isolation diary: Receiving a food box from the Government (8) by Mary Reid
10th  Remaining a Remainer (25) by John King
  Lib Dem Councillor calls for gay and bi men to be allowed to participate in Covid-19 trials (0) by The Voice
  LibLink: Alistair Carmichael: It’s now time to consider a Universal Basic Income (20) by NewsHound
  Wendy Chamberlain MP: Census must reflect diversity to make sure all people count (1) by The Voice
  The C Word – 10 years on: What were we thinking? (29) by Caron Lindsay
  Isolation diary: Becoming a local hero (2) by Mary Reid
  Lib Dems react to PM speech (41) by Caron Lindsay
11th  Daily View 2×2: 11 May 2020 (1) by Mark Valladares
  Paul Tyler writes: The Peers are Revolting or Who is Taking Back Control ? (29) by Paul Tyler
  A review of federal committee elections – your chance to comment (31) by Duncan Brack
  You are cordially invited to a gathering of North of England Liberal Democrats… (1) by Dick Newby
  The millions missing out (2) by Tim Bearder
  Stay Alert, That’s Devolved, Save Lives (5) by Chloe Hutchinson
  Isolation diary: Easing lockdown (11) by Mary Reid
12th  Non-publication of SAGE minutes could mean that the government are taking decisions contrary to the scientific advice and we won’t know it until it is too late (15) by The Voice
  And now for something completely different… (12) by Tom Arms
  +++Output from General Election review expected on Friday (39) by Paul Walter
  Covid-19: We are long past the point where we should give the UK government the benefit of the doubt (6) by Paul Reynolds
  Isolation diary: Collecting the bins (10) by Mary Reid
13th  Daily View 2×2: 13 May 2020 (3) by Mark Valladares
  Funding a Basic Income- A Universal Transaction Micro-Tax (25) by Darren Martin
  Time for a Corporate Responsibility Levy? (7) by Adrian May
  We must learn to live with Covid-19 (7) by Leon Duveen
  We do know the answers: How we find our feet for 2024 (12) by Tom Sutton
  Isolation diary: Wearing fancy dress (1) by Mary Reid
  13 May 2020 – today’s press releases (0) by Mark Valladares
14th  Daily View 2×2: 14 May 2020 (2) by Mark Valladares
  My lockdown pub crawl (of sorts) in solidarity with landlords (1) by Max Wilkinson
  It is time for a double lock on public sector pay (13) by Tom Purvis
  Return of the Keynesians? (18) by Ben Nutland
  Q: Coronavirus state aid.  Who pays the bill? (65) by Mark Kenyon
  Isolation diary: Opening the garden centres (1) by Mary Reid
  14 May 2020 – today’s press releases (1) by Mark Valladares
15th  Daily View 2×2: 15 May 2020 (0) by Mark Valladares
  The party President writes…Key party decisions coming up at the Federal Board meetings next week (17) by Mark Pack
  Observations of an expat: While you are Covid distracted (6) by Tom Arms
  William Wallace writes: The next coalition? (23) by Lord William Wallace
  ++Breaking news: General Election Review (77) by The Voice
  Isolation diary: Identifying those to be shielded (1) by Mary Reid
  We must listen to the teachers’ unions (13) by David Gray
  Roger Roberts writes: A post-pandemic United Kingdom (8) by Lord Roger Roberts
  15 May 2020 – today’s press releases (6) by Mark Valladares
16th  Working with teachers (3) by Robin Webber-Jones
  Cllr Bridget Smith writes…..Lib Dems are the party of Business (6) by Cllr Bridget Smith
  Isolation diary: Using the box room (11) by Mary Reid
  Kirsty Williams outshines Williamson with her guidance on Wales school re-opening. (13) by Caron Lindsay
17th  Lib Dems bid to pave the way for safe street cafe culture in Scotland (0) by The Voice
  LDV interviews: Bill Powell on surviving Covid-19, tackling inequality and plans for the future. (1) by Caron Lindsay
  A manifesto for a post-pandemic Britain (39) by Joe Bourke
  Layla: We need reassurance and clarity before schools can re-open (3) by The Voice
  Sal Brinton on Government “lie” on care homes and Covid-19 (8) by The Voice
  LibLink: Daisy Cooper MP: Any contact tracing app must respect privacy and maintain public trust (3) by NewsHound
  Isolation diary: Making music together (1) by Mary Reid
  Liberal Democrats mark IDAHOBIT (0) by Caron Lindsay
  16-17 May 2020: the weekend’s press releases (0) by Mark Valladares
18th  Daily View 2×2: 18 May 2020 (2) by Mark Valladares
  18 May 2020 – the overnight press release (4) by Mark Valladares
  “An accident waiting to happen” – comprehensive, astute and blunt panel report on the 2019 elections (56) by Paul Walter
  The Dawn of Webinars (8) by Merlene Emerson
  Some Questions for the Federal Party and Leadership (25) by Freddie Jewitt
  Isolation diary: Shredding my life (7) by Mary Reid
  18 May 2020 – today’s press releases (0) by Mark Valladares
19th  Daily View 2×2: 19 May 2020 (7) by Mark Valladares
  2019 Election Review – the Social Democrat Group responds (3) by Michael Mullaney
  Protecting the welfare of families with parents of different nationalities (4) by John Shardlow
  For Mental Health Awareness Week, let’s remember Mill’s mantra and campaign for better wellbeing measures (8) by Layla Moran MP
  Why do we insist on making each other the enemy? (15) by Callum James Littlemore
  Why we shouldn’t just jump on the UBI bandwagon (43) by Stephen O'Brien
  Isolation diary: Dancing again (0) by Mary Reid
  The greater forces behind our election defeat (23) by Ben Andrew
  19 May 2020 – today’s press releases (1) by Mark Valladares
20th  Daily View 2×2: 20 May 2020 (1) by Mark Valladares
  The starting pistol is fired on the leadership election! (68) by Mark Pack
  What is the English Party? (20) by Rob Davidson
  The Swinging Sixties (20) by David Warren
  The Election Review: Hardly News! (9) by Gordon Lishman
  Bradford Liberal Democrats call for detailed plans for schools opening to be scrutinised (4) by Jeanette Sunderland
  By forcing a narrative, the General Election Review misses an opportunity (16) by James Belchamber
  Isolation diary: Cutting it short (3) by Mary Reid
  Levelling up between the generations in the post-pandemic world (19) by Max Wilkinson
  20 May 2020 – today’s press releases (part 1) (4) by Mark Valladares
  20 May 2020 – today’s press releases (part 2) (0) by Mark Valladares
21st  Daily View 2×2: 21 May 2020 (2) by Mark Valladares
  Our Government is a Stage Magician (5) by Peter Cocks
  Why the Liberal Democrats must learn from Nigel Farage (14) by Charlie Du Cane
  In debating UBI, we need to be clear what we’re talking about (57) by Harry Samuels
  The social justice argument for a Universal Basic Income (13) by Daniel Duggan
  Time to debate policy whilst the house burns down? Perhaps we should smash the boards instead (3) by Huw Dawson
  Isolation diary: Doing the ironing (3) by Mary Reid
  Should patients be charged for missed GP appointments? (21) by Alice Lilley
  21 May 2020 – today’s press releases (part 1) (1) by Mark Valladares
  21 May 2020 – today’s press releases (part 2) (0) by Mark Valladares
  21 May 2020 – today’s press releases (part 3) (2) by Mark Valladares
22nd  Daily View 2×2: 22 May 2020 (2) by Mark Valladares
  Ramadan reflections (3) by Hina Bokhari
  The Election Review reviewed (38) by Michael Meadowcroft
  Observations of an expat: Sino-American Covid diplomacy (6) by Tom Arms
  Isolation diary: Preparing for a pandemic (5) by Mary Reid
  Our society has failed to protect the poorest and most disadvantaged of our citizens. This has to be stopped now. (20) by Katharine Pindar
  22 May 2020 – today’s press releases (0) by Mark Valladares
23rd  23 May 2020 – the overnight press release (4) by Mark Valladares
  What the Thornhill report should mean for Young Liberals (23) by Anonymous Young Liberal
  Lib Dems call for young refugees to have equal access to education (6) by The Voice
  Daisy Cooper: Now is not the right time for me to go for leader (2) by Caron Lindsay
  Jamie Stone MP on the biggest trouble he has ever been in (3) by News Meerkat
  Isolation diary: Cracking the Miracle Sudoku (3) by Mary Reid
  LibLink: Cllr Rabina Khan: This Eid, technology will ease loneliness and bring people together online. (0) by NewsHound
  Ed Davey’s media blitz calling for Cummings to go (65) by Caron Lindsay
24th  Hay Festival provides food for thought for so many more people (0) by Caron Lindsay
  LibLink: Siobhan Benita: We can’t afford to let today’s acts of kindness become tomorrow’s memories (1) by NewsHound
  Alistair Carmichael questions government on ending of virtual parliament (3) by Caron Lindsay
  Wendy Chamberlain recounts her first experience of violence against Police Officers (4) by The Voice
  Isolation diary: Ordering a takeaway? (5) by Mary Reid
  Ed Davey: PM’s own judgement now in question (13) by NewsHound
  Jo Swinson: I’m not finished making change in the world (8) by Caron Lindsay
25th  If we, as a nation, do not now properly fund the NHS, all our clapping will look like deep hypocrisy (83) by Paul Walter
  Isolation diary: Enjoying the sunshine (0) by Mary Reid
  Ed Davey: Johnson must sack Cummings now (60) by NewsHound
  Fallacy of reasoning from ‘crackdown’ to actions – The new TianAnMen crackdown (3) by Nicholas Chan
26th  It is time for the Lib Dems to talk about policing (13) by Tom Purvis
  Further reflections on the English Party (23) by Rob Davidson
  The Hong Kong national security law is the wake up call for civil rights campaigners (0) by Larry Ngan
  It’s community, stupid (8) by Tom Morrison
  Liberal Democrats must engage with ethnic minority communities (8) by Anita Prabhakar
  Isolation diary: Listening to The Archers (9) by Mary Reid
27th  Penny power (6) by Brian Evans
  Seething Wells (6) by Liz Green
  New words, old prejudices (10) by Clio Toogood
  Liberation inc. – a freedom incubator (7) by Rob Davidson
  Isolation diary: Prescribing social activities (0) by Mary Reid
  Britain’s stick – The Hong Kong Bill (Part 1) (3) by Nicholas Chan
  27 May 2020 – today’s press releases (4) by Mark Valladares
  23 May 2020 – the day’s press releases (0) by Mark Valladares
  24 May 2020 – the day’s press releases (1) by Mark Valladares
28th  Daily View 2×2: 28 May 2020 (9) by Mark Valladares
  To rebuild our party, we must be unflinchingly bold (5) by Conor Hilliard
  A longer read for the lockdown: Reform of health and social care without further top-down re-organisation (14) by Chris Perry
  The new complaints process – our first year (24) by Alice Thomas
  James O’Brien on Boris Johnson defending Dominic Cummings (9) by Simon Pike
  Isolation diary: Editing during lockdown (0) by Mary Reid
  Our promise to the Palestinians (7) by Andy Daer
  25 May 2020 – the day’s press releases (0) by Mark Valladares
  26 May 2020 – the day’s press releases (0) by Mark Valladares
  28 May 2020 – today’s press releases (5) by Mark Valladares
29th  Daily View 2×2: 29 May 2020 (4) by Mark Valladares
  Can we ignore government guidelines if they aren’t legally enforceable? (58) by George Kendall
  Britain’s stick – The Hong Kong Bill (Part 2) (1) by Nicholas Chan
  Post-C19 UK economic recovery; a new economic orthodoxy beckons? (46) by Paul Reynolds
  A sixth social “evil”? (34) by Michael Berwick-Gooding and Katharine Pindar
  Isolation diary: Supporting charity shops (3) by Mary Reid
  Young Liberals online conference – drafting deadline approaching! (0) by James Bliss
  29 May 2020 – today’s press releases (1) by Mark Valladares
30th  SOS – Safety 4 Our Schools (9) by Simon Foster
  Dillie Keane’s song for Dominic Cummings (6) by Caron Lindsay
  LibLink: Layla Moran A once in a generation opportunity to make our country fairer and more liberal (14) by NewsHound
  Isolation diary: Finding lost stock (3) by Mary Reid
31st  Why we need the English State Party of the Liberal Democrats (17) by Gerald Vernon-Jackson
  Ed Davey: We have a duty to fight and extinguish racism (6) by Caron Lindsay
  A longer read for the lockdown: Compassion and Coronavirus (4) by Simon Beard
  Wera Hobhouse: A new direction for the Liberal Democrats (47) by NewsHound
  Isolation diary: Blessing (8) by Mary Reid
  30-31 May 2020 – the weekend’s press releases (4) by Mark Valladares

Recent Comments

  • Simon R
    Rodrigo is correct that climate change is a pressing concerns facing humanity, and Governments around the World are not doing enough about it. But I would urge ...
  • Neil Hickman
    @Paul R - Surely in the countries you mention, people have ID cards as a matter of course. Rightly or wrongly, in the UK we don't; and the reason for demanding...
  • Simon R
    One very minor point on this: Mary, you say, ""At the moment travel passes for older people are acceptable but bizarrely those for young people are not" ...
  • Paul R
    In most countries in Europe, the acceptable forms of ID are National ID cards or passports. The people there don't spend their time complaining about being "opp...
  • Mick Taylor
    There is a limit to how far you can advance using targeting and we are, in my view, getting near it≥ The price we have paid for our success is a swath of dere...