Monthly Archives: June 2020

1st  Daily View 2×2: 1 June 2020 (2) by Mark Valladares
  Observations of an Expat: Trump vs Twitter (1) by Tom Arms
  How to make a just society – Justice Capitalism then UBI (44) by Nick Shcherban
  The Cummings Affair – we’ll know in just over a week whether it mattered (2) by David Waltham
  New issue of Liberator free online (1) by Liberator Collective
  Going back to Grimond (34) by David Warren
  Isolation diary: Going out again? (4) by Mary Reid
  1 June 2020 – today’s press release (0) by Mark Valladares
2nd  Daily View 2×2: 2 June 2020 (1) by Mark Valladares
  Has Dominic Cummings pulled a fast one? (21) by Mark Argent
  What would resistance look like? (4) by Geoff Reid
  Looking over our shoulder? (32) by Adrian May
  My European swansong – encouraging innovation and technological talent (2) by Judith Bunting
  Party changes we need now – or it could be “game over” (66) by Nicholas Belfitt
  Isolation diary: Calling out racism (2) by Mary Reid
  2 June 2020 – today’s press releases (2) by Mark Valladares
3rd  Daily View 2×2: 3 June 2020 (9) by Mark Valladares
  Jamie Stone MP: I have become a second-class MP due to the government’s ending of the virtual parliament (2) by NewsHound
  Universal suffrage for British citizens – Fact or Fiction (15) by Steve Castree
  What do you want from a new leader? (23) by Tom Purvis
  Isolation diary: Avoiding track and trace scammers (2) by Mary Reid
  3 June 2020 – today’s press releases (0) by Mark Valladares
4th  Daily View 2×2: 4 June 2020 (10) by Mark Valladares
  Ed Davey launches his leadership campaign (96) by The Voice
  Dominic Raab – Your proposal is neither practical nor financially feasible (5) by Larry Ngan
  Kirsty Williams on re-opening schools in Wales (1) by The Voice
  Isolation diary: Loving June (8) by Mary Reid
  4 June 2020 – today’s press releases (3) by Mark Valladares
5th  Daily View 2×2: 5 June 2020 (1) by Mark Valladares
  Observations of an expat: The end of Trump? (17) by Tom Arms
  Christine Jardine MP writes: We must support all survivors of domestic violence, regardless of their immigration status (3) by Christine Jardine MP
  Support Hong Kong. Boycott HSBC and First Direct. (6) by Guy Benson
  Isolation diary: Feeling sad (4) by Mary Reid
  5 June 2020 – today’s press releases (part 1) (2) by Mark Valladares
  5 June 2020 – today’s press releases (part 2) (9) by Mark Valladares
6th  Jamie Stone to Jacob Rees-Mogg “You’re talking bollocks!” (13) by Caron Lindsay
  Isolation diary: Talking trees (9) by Mary Reid
7th  Wera Hobhouse sets out her plans for a progressive alliance (51) by NewsHound
  LibLink: Christine Jardine: We need to change the Domestic Abuse Bill (2) by NewsHound
  “It’s a matter of life and death” LDCRE Chair Roderick Lynch on Black Lives Matter protests (1) by Caron Lindsay
  Layla Moran: Government must step up its support for people who have to self-isolate (0) by NewsHound
  Isolation diary: Wearing makeup (0) by Mary Reid
  The realities of everyday racism – Lib Dem Federal Board member Joyce Onstad shares her story (4) by Caron Lindsay
  6-7 June 2020 – the weekend’s press releases (0) by Mark Valladares
8th  Daily View 2×2: 8 June 2020 (2) by Mark Valladares
  8 June 2020 – the overnight press releases (2) by Mark Valladares
  Federal Policy Committee report – 20 May and 3 June 2020 (2) by Jeremy Hargreaves
  Funding a Universal Basic Income through Income Tax (32) by Chris Northwood
  An Ostrich Prepares to Lash Out (0) by Tom Arms
  Liberal democracy needs to define and understand its enemies (33) by Humphrey Hawksley
  Isolation diary: Baking brownies (4) by Mary Reid
  8 June 2020 – today’s press releases (1) by Mark Valladares
9th  Daily View 2×2: 9 June 2020 (4) by Mark Valladares
  If tearing down the Colston statue is OK, then anything is OK as long as you can justify it to yourself (63) by Chris Bowers
  Whose vote is most important when we select our next leader? (11) by Dan Page
  Police in schools will disproportionately inhibit BAME and LGBTQ pupils (7) by Shaun Ennis
  The Bristol Liberal Democrats’ view on the Colston statue toppling (6) by NewsHound
  Isolation diary: Running to help (0) by Mary Reid
  “Indefensible for statue to be standing in Bristol in 2020” – Lib Dems speak out on Colston (26) by NewsHound
  9 June 2020 – today’s press releases (0) by Mark Valladares
10th  Daily View 2×2: 10 June 2020 (1) by Mark Valladares
  10 June 2020 – the overnight press releases (0) by Mark Valladares
  Green Liberal Democrats conference is happening online (5) by Joe Dodd
  My heart leapt for joy when I saw that statue chucked into Bristol harbour (69) by Paul Walter
  I applaud the Bristol protest (28) by David McKenzie
  A letter from Caroline Pidgeon AM to the Mayor of London (3) by Caroline Pidgeon
  Isolation diary: Living near a zoo (1) by Mary Reid
  Post shielding face masks for extremely disabled passengers (2) by Avril Coelho
  A progressive carbon tax policy to reduce both CO2 and poverty (6) by Stewart Reddaway
  10 June 2020 – today’s press releases (2) by Mark Valladares
11th  Daily View 2×2: 11 June 2020 (2) by Mark Valladares
  Lib Dems propose support package for employers to keep workers safe as lockdown eases (3) by NewsHound
  On statues being pulled down and our response (31) by Ian Manning
  Jane Dodds writes: Status quo or independence aren’t the only options for Wales – a federal UK is possible (12) by Jane Dodds
  The challenges of social distancing when you are blind (0) by The Voice
  Isolation diary: Missing the grandchildren (2) by Mary Reid
  Why electoral reform and Black Lives Matter go together (27) by Chris Northwood
  11 June 2020 – today’s press releases (0) by Mark Valladares
12th  Daily View 2×2: 12 June 2020 (3) by Mark Valladares
  Observations of an expat: A sad, bad history (11) by Tom Arms
  The beacons of change (14) by Iain Donaldson
  Dying, vulnerable people need the law to protect them (2) by David Harding
  Isolation diary: Going to the dentist (3) by Mary Reid
  After the statues – what next ? A Liberal way forward (10) by John Armah
  12 June 2020 – today’s press releases (1) by Mark Valladares
13th  UK visa costs will turn away those we need most (9) by Daniel Callaghan
  A longer read for the weekend: Where now for the Lib Dems? (36) by Stuart Crawford
  Wera Hobhouse: “Let go of the coalition once and for all” (92) by Wera Hobhouse MP
  Why we all need a bit of Pride this year (3) by Fraser Graham
  An opportunity to reset end of life care (3) by David Harding
  Isolation diary: Telling the story of ‘Amazing Grace’ (9) by Mary Reid
14th  The Football Lads Alliance doesn’t represent football fans, so don’t judge us by their thuggishness (15) by Max Wilkinson
  Wendy Chamberlain leads parliamentary debate on electoral reform (9) by Caron Lindsay
  The will of the people, the “Right to Die.” (1) by David Harding
  Isolation diary: Opening the shops (3) by Mary Reid
  Caroline Pidgeon: Government must act to avoid another Grenfell (4) by NewsHound
  A new direction for the Social Liberal Forum – A Liberal “Think and Do” tank (7) by Caron Lindsay
  13-14 June 2020 – the weekend’s press release (2) by Mark Valladares
15th  Daily View 2×2: 15 June 2020 (5) by Mark Valladares
  15 June 2020 – the overnight press releases (1) by Mark Valladares
  Covid-19 and Brexit: a lethal combination (58) by John King
  The Johnson Government and democracy (12) by Lord William Wallace
  Isolation diary: Exploring my family history (4) by Mary Reid
  15 June 2020 – today’s press releases (0) by Mark Valladares
16th  Daily View: 16 June 2020 (4) by Mark Valladares
  This is a key moment in history – we must support all the oppressed and victimised (4) by Simon Lepori
  Responses to an anonymous Young Liberal – how to unlock the transformative power of the branches (14) by Damayanti and Gabriel Chatterjee and Barton-Singer
  Weaker for Scotland! (11) by David McKenzie
  Statues that work (6) by Ruth Bright
  Isolation diary: Living near a theme park (2) by Mary Reid
  16 June 2020 – today’s press releases (4) by Mark Valladares
17th  With this leadership election, let’s draw a line under the Coalition forever (51) by Mark Johnson
  Why good statues of slaves must replace the bad (5) by Jonathan Hunt
  The Greatest Story Never Told (10) by Christopher Hudson
  Building back better (0) by Ryan Bate
  Isolation diary: Musings on The Salisbury Poisonings (6) by Mary Reid
  Strategic objectives June 2020 (21) by Kevin Langford
  17 June 2020 – today’s press releases (2) by Mark Valladares
18th  Daily View: 18 June 2020 (0) by Mark Valladares
  The crude reality of independence and the renewal of federalism (36) by David McKenzie
  No time to rejoin (29) by Peter Cocks
  Young Liberals (3) by Jack Worrall
  Black Lives Matter; a new enlightenment? (7) by Paul Reynolds
  Isolation diary: Rewriting history (19) by Mary Reid
  Observations of an expat: Rooftop war (6) by Tom Arms
  Dr Jane Goodall to speak at the Green Liberal Democrats online conference this Sunday (2) by Keith Melton
  18 June 2020 – today’s press releases (2) by Mark Valladares
19th  Daily View: 19 June 2020 (1) by Mark Valladares
  19 June 2020 – the overnight press release (0) by Mark Valladares
  Changing our attitude to Liberalism and Britain (11) by Loukas Christou
  Liberalism in lockdown (5) by David Warren
  Black Lives Matter: What can white people do to help? (4) by Dipa Vaya
  It’s time for the government to step up and empower local authorities (17) by Keith Aspden
  Isolation diary: Feeling cautious (4) by Mary Reid
  Ideas to help Tourism for the UK (1) by Katherine Lewis
  Layla Moran writes: Build Back Better: Policy ideas for Liberal Democrats (20) by Layla Moran MP
  19 June 2020 – today’s press releases (1) by Mark Valladares
20th  She sang for freedom (8) by Lorenzo Cherin
  For World Refugee Day: Protecting climate refugees (2) by James Cox
  Ending overpolicing: a new, liberal approach (10) by James Baillie
  Get your Conference motions in for 1st July (3) by Caron Lindsay
  Isolation diary: Singing again (2) by Mary Reid
21st  Taking on persistent discrimination and racism (5) by Kishan Devani
  Ireland at the UN table – An authority in soft power (9) by Audrey Eager
  Isolation diary: Enjoying the summer solstice (3) by Mary Reid
  20-21 June 2020 – the weekend’s press release (2) by Mark Valladares
22nd  22 June 2020 – the overnight press release (3) by Mark Valladares
  Seizure of power and strong leadership (9) by Geoff Reid
  Policing and BAME communities (2) by Jon Hunt
  The coalition and the leadership contest (48) by Chris Pallet
  Isolation diary: Looking forward to Autumn Conference (10) by Mary Reid
  Liberal Democrats mark Windrush Day (2) by The Voice
  22 June 2020 – today’s press release (1) by Mark Valladares
23rd  Donald Trump is the most dangerous threat to western democracy this century…but not for the reasons you may think (7) by Paul Sayers
  A Message from the Young Liberals’ executive: Get involved! (5) by The Young Liberals Executive
  Wera Hobhouse: Our party is in desperate need of reform (5) by Wera Hobhouse MP
  Last year I left the Liberal Democrats. Here’s how a new leader could win me back (25) by Adam Bennett
  Book review – “Naoroji: Pioneer of Indian Nationalism” by Dinyar Patel (9) by Simon McGrath
  +++Wera Hobhouse pulls out of party leadership race (42) by Paul Walter
  Isolation diary: Celebrating 100! (6) by Mary Reid
  Nominations for leader open tomorrow at 9am! (1) by Mike Dixon
  23 June 2020 – today’s press releases (0) by Mark Valladares
24th  After the crisis – Developing a clear vision for Liberalism (20) by Nigel Lindsay
  A Green Revolution is the recovery plan we need (37) by Ed Davey
  Move Forward Together (24) by Layla Moran MP
  Putting the Lib Dems in danger of being more successful (11) by Paul Reynolds
  Transforming our economy while remedying our environmental crisis – Part 1 (0) by Steve Castree
  Transforming our economy while remedying our environmental crisis – Part 2 (1) by Steve Castree
  Isolation diary: Sharing a birthday with Alan Turing (10) by Mary Reid
  24 June 2020 – today’s press releases (4) by Mark Valladares
25th  25 June 2020 – the overnight press release (0) by Mark Valladares
  Tory centralisation has failed us on Coronavirus. It’s time to consider the local alternatives. (5) by Gary Malcolm
  Liberal Democrats can lead the way in planning for the future (88) by Katharine Pindar
  Leadership candidates could and should set out what they mean by UBI (58) by Kevin Langford
  Isolation diary: Feeling the sun on my skin (4) by Mary Reid
  A critique of Liberal Democrat Defence policy, Part 1 (8) by Stuart Crawford
  25 June 2020 – today’s press releases (0) by Mark Valladares
26th  Electric cars are not a silver bullet, but they’re a start (29) by Jack Clark
  Observations of an expat: Start talks Start (0) by Tom Arms
  A tale of two crises? (20) by Steve Trevethan
  Isolation diary: Exploring my family history again (2) by Mary Reid
  A Critique of Liberal Democrat Defence policy, Part 2 (11) by Stuart Crawford
  Report from the Federal Policy Committee meeting on 24th June (7) by Jeremy Hargreaves
  26 June 2020 – today’s press release (6) by Mark Valladares
27th  The hidden Liberal Democrats (13) by Michael Meadowcroft
  Diana Maddock has died (12) by Caron Lindsay
  Isolation diary: Being an ally (0) by Mary Reid
  A Critique of Liberal Democrat Defence policy, Part 3 (8) by Stuart Crawford
28th  A view on the leadership election from a former Lib Dem member (52) by Chris Whiting
  Wendy Chamberlain at Pride: Let’s go high, stand for our values and build bridges. (0) by Caron Lindsay
  Isolation diary: Remembering London 2012 (1) by Mary Reid
  Willie Rennie pays tribute to Diana Maddock (0) by Caron Lindsay
  27-28 June 2020 – the weekend’s press releases (0) by Mark Valladares
29th  29 June 2020 – the overnight press release (2) by Mark Valladares
  Mike German writes: Democracy, digital technologies and trust (6) by Mike German
  The best argument for not having another independence referendum is by having another independence referendum (25) by Will McLean
  Isolation diary: Remembering London 2012 – cycling around (0) by Mary Reid
  Diana Maddock, remembered by her first researcher (2) by Caron Lindsay
  29 June 2020 – today’s press releases (2) by Mark Valladares
30th  Young, liberal and free? (8) by James Bliss
  The power of Facebook Live video (0) by Ethan Wilkinson
  The geopolitics of Covid19 – international webinar (18) by Merlene Emerson
  The Independent View: Can a more balanced regional investment in the Civil Service improve democracy? (2) by David Lydiat
  Isolation diary: Signing off (5) by Mary Reid
  30 June 2020 – today’s press releases (3) by Mark Valladares

Recent Comments

  • Simon R
    Rodrigo is correct that climate change is a pressing concerns facing humanity, and Governments around the World are not doing enough about it. But I would urge ...
  • Neil Hickman
    @Paul R - Surely in the countries you mention, people have ID cards as a matter of course. Rightly or wrongly, in the UK we don't; and the reason for demanding...
  • Simon R
    One very minor point on this: Mary, you say, ""At the moment travel passes for older people are acceptable but bizarrely those for young people are not" ...
  • Paul R
    In most countries in Europe, the acceptable forms of ID are National ID cards or passports. The people there don't spend their time complaining about being "opp...
  • Mick Taylor
    There is a limit to how far you can advance using targeting and we are, in my view, getting near it≥ The price we have paid for our success is a swath of dere...