Monthly Archives: September 2021

1st  We need to talk about drug addiction, decriminalisation, legalisation and regulation (21) by Catherine Royce
  Scottish Lib Dems oppose vaccine passports (83) by Caron Lindsay
2nd  Is there a role and purpose for coalition governments in the UK? (45) by Michal Siewniak
  The Paralympics and attitudes to disability (7) by Mary Reid
3rd  By-election report 3 September 2021 – Win in Northampton (17) by NewsHound
4th  Largest Lib Dem business organisations to merge (0) by Caron Lindsay
  World Review: Qatar as power broker, EU rapid deployment and abortion in Texas (4) by Tom Arms
5th  Observations of an Expat: Nation Building (15) by Tom Arms
  A Welsh voice for Lib Dems: Pob lwc i’r Democratiaid Rhyddfrydol (26) by Hilton Marlton
  Has Justin Trudeau blown it? (12) by Caron Lindsay
6th  How does the UK finance ‘Building Back Better’? (63) by Lord William Wallace
  Liberal Democrats table motion to dock Raab’s pay (22) by NewsHound
7th  Christine Jardine: Government should pay for medicinal cannabis prescriptions for children with Epilepsy (4) by Caron Lindsay
  Lib Dems will oppose Elections Bill in Parliament today (10) by Caron Lindsay
  The Liberal Democrat Conference on the Future of Europe (17) by David Chalmers
  Sarah Green makes her maiden speech (3) by Caron Lindsay
  Lib Dems slam Government as National Insurance rises and triple lock suspended (97) by Caron Lindsay
8th  Wendy Chamberlain has to miss key votes because of Jacob Rees-Mogg’s stubbornness (7) by Caron Lindsay
  Towards peace in Israel and Palestine  (12) by David McDowall
9th  Joint statement from LDCRE, BLAC, Lib Dem Muslim Forum and Chinese Lib Dems (10) by Janice Turner
  No need to break any election pledges to fix social care (10) by Chris Perry
  Shaffaq Mohammed’s splendid defence of freedom (17) by Simon McGrath
10th  World Suicide Prevention Day: A councillor view from the hill farm (4) by Andy Boddington
  ALDC by-election report: Great Newcastle win (3) by The Voice
11th  World Review: 9/11, Trudeau, Putin and Patel (7) by Tom Arms
  9/11 remembered (3) by Caron Lindsay
  LibLink: Rabina Khan: Life as a British Muslim changed forever on 9/11 (0) by NewsHound
  Senior Lib Dems mark 9/11 anniversary (5) by The Voice
12th  Observations of an Expat: Bataclan (1) by Tom Arms
  UPDATED: Boris leaves Nicola isolated on vaccine passports (69) by Caron Lindsay
  Dates for your diary: The rise of China and 40 years on from the Limehouse declaration (0) by Caron Lindsay
  Alex Cole-Hamilton presses Scottish Government on measures to tackle violence against women and girls (0) by Caron Lindsay
  I regret my involvement in the Salmond Enquiry says Alex Cole-Hamilton (3) by NewsHound
  ICYMI: Sarah Green’s maiden speech (0) by Caron Lindsay
13th  China: What should be our long-term response? (18) by George Cunningham
  Social Care: It’s Not All About the Money (7) by Gillian Douglass
  Some thoughts on Motion F12: Tackling the Climate Emergency: Proposals for Carbon Pricing (6) by Catherine Dawson
  Democracy and Public Debate (3) by Martin Dickson
14th  ALTER Fringe – Simulating a LVT funded Universal Basic Income. (40) by Joe Bourke
  Therese Coffey should listen to those who really do understand how Universal Credit works (9) by Caron Lindsay
  20 years on: Charles Kennedy’s speech at the 9/11 recall of Parliament (3) by The Voice
  20 years on: Menzies Campbell’s speech in 9/11 recall (12) by The Voice
15th  Conference amendments now out (2) by The Voice
  What is Kirsty Williams up to these days? (1) by NewsHound
  Christine Jardine: Government breaking promises and backbone of our economy (10) by The Voice
  Did Boris Johnson just suggest that our Jamie Stone should be fired into space? (8) by Caron Lindsay
16th  The Independent View: A letter to the Liberal Democrats (46) by Neal Lawson
  Rationing carbon (20) by John Shoesmith
  Power to the people (0) by Rebecca Tinsley
  Mark Pack’s September update (2) by Mark Pack
  Swedish-style fixed term Parliaments (0) by Samuel Jackson
17th  Time to stand up for Liberal Democracy: Fringe launch 17:35 Friday (1) by Ian Kearns and Jon Alexander
  Latest issue of Liberator published (1) by Liberator Collective
  Ed Davey to rule out a coalition with Boris (29) by NewsHound
  The two Davids: Steel versus Owen – Fringe Friday 17:30 (0) by Duncan Brack
  Lib Dems call for immediate ban on conversion therapy in all forms (15) by The Voice
  WATCH: Alistair Carmichael’s Conference Speech in full (1) by The Voice
18th  Observations of an Expat: Underwater Problems (11) by Tom Arms
  The Guardian on Lib Dem strategy: Bringing down the “blue wall” (0) by The Voice
  Conference Day 1: Tears before bedtime (1) by Caron Lindsay
  40 years on from Steel’s “Go back to your constituencies and prepare for Government” speech (2) by Caron Lindsay
  Lib Dems call for Care Leavers education support (1) by The Voice
  We must stand a candidate in every constituency at the next General Election (19) by Simon McGrath
  Tim Farron: Time to end pointless housing targets (11) by Tim Farron MP
  ALDC By-election report: 16 September 2021 (0) by Charles Quinn
  Paul McGarry talks of his “chaotic” youth in debate on support for care leavers #ldconf (1) by The Voice
  Lib Dems urge sanctions and Olympic boycott on China over Uyghur genocide (3) by The Voice
  Moran calls for commitment on rough sleeping (1) by NewsHound
  Moran: Introduce Health Data Trust to protect private medical data (1) by The Voice
19th  Ed Davey profiled on BBC Radio 4 (4) by NewsHound
  World Review: Afghanistan, child labour and vaccine passports in France (12) by Tom Arms
  Daisy Cooper: Liberal Britain needs you (2) by The Voice
  The speeches that got away – Suzanne Fletcher on accessible housing and freeing Brownfield sites (2) by Caron Lindsay
  Davey announces flagship Catch-Up Voucher policy (14) by The Voice
  WATCH: Ed Davey’s speech in full (33) by The Voice
  Conference votes for improvements to disciplinary process and votes down Steering Group (8) by Caron Lindsay
  Party strategy motion passes – with amendment securing local members rights on standing candidates (15) by Caron Lindsay
20th  COP26: Likely to save the planet? (32) by Richard Joy
  “Poverty of trust” (0) by Michal Siewniak
  Values and Principles – the summation speech (6) by Christine Cheng
  Liberal Democrats call for radical new approach to Israel/Palestine conflict (9) by The Voice
  Government must ‘not let the sun go down’ on the UK performers (3) by The Voice
21st  WATCH: Alex Cole-Hamilton’s speech to #ldconf offering #newhope (0) by The Voice
  Justin Trudeau gets away with his gamble (6) by Caron Lindsay
  By Gove, my LUD is planning to level up! (4) by Andy Boddington
  Jane Dodds’ speech to Federal Conference (0) by The Voice
  Christine Jardine on trans rights: It’s all about people (22) by Caron Lindsay
  The Lib Dem Conference Roll of Honour (4) by Caron Lindsay
22nd  Conference best bits: Fraser Graham on our party’s values (40) by Caron Lindsay
  Davey on the energy crisis and a Tory winter of discontent (3) by NewsHound
  Lord Paul Tyler writes….Reflections on 65 years as a party member (7) by Paul Tyler
  Lots of new hope in Scottish Party Political Broadcast (21) by The Voice
23rd  Conference progress on a Federal UK: levelling up the Liberal Democrat way (41) by Michael Kilpatrick
  Liam McArthur launches consultation on Assisted Dying Bill (11) by Caron Lindsay
  Happy Bisexual Visibility Day! (6) by Caron Lindsay
24th  A distinctly Liberal viewpoint (85) by Katharine Pindar
  Federal Policy Committee seeks members for working groups (6) by Jeremy Hargreaves
  Why our new policy on extending the £20 Universal Credit to the legacy benefits is important (8) by Michael Berwick-Gooding
25th  Observations of an Expat: Russian Pivot (2) by Tom Arms
  ALDC By-election Report: 23 September 2021 (14) by Charles Quinn
  Lib Dems mark Sabina Nessa vigil (1) by Caron Lindsay
26th  World Review: US ballots, the Quad, Britain as a “vassal state” and vaccinated Africans (10) by Tom Arms
  Councillor abuse on social media – what can we do about it? (11) by Andy Boddington
  How do the Canadian Liberals win a majority next time? (10) by Jonathan Adcock
  Lib Dems react to “empty” announcement on drugs policy change (6) by Caron Lindsay
27th  Welcome to my day: 27 September 2021 – it’s not going terribly well here, is it? (7) by Mark Valladares
  HGV and social care crises – some alternative solutions (14) by Chris Perry
  Liberal Democrats and the world – the video! (1) by Mark Valladares
  Moderation and the politics of gender and sexuality (23) by Mark Valladares
  What next for the UK HGV drivers’ industry? (19) by Michal Siewniak
  Today, lorry drivers, tomorrow?… (8) by Mark Valladares
  You just can’t tell some people… (2) by Mark Valladares
28th  Ed Davey: Prioritise NHS and care workers for fuel (9) by The Voice
  Union delegates block electoral reform motion – despite 79.5% support from Labour members (44) by NewsHound
  London Liberal Democrats call for action on cladding (4) by Hina Bokhari
  Davey: “Unforgivable” that military drivers only now receiving training for fuel crisis (14) by NewsHound
  LibLink – Vince Cable: Keir Starmer needs a miracle – he has nothing to lose by being brave (29) by The Voice
  The Young Liberals need you (terms and conditions apply)! (0) by Mark Valladares
29th  LibLInk: Christine Jardine on the perfect storm that shows up our bad Governments (8) by NewsHound
  How on earth were the red flags around Sarah Everard’s murderer missed? (17) by Caron Lindsay
30th  Willie Rennie highlights impact of Universal Credit cut (0) by The Voice
  Whither the Weather? Whither our World? (6) by Steve Trevethan
  Lord William Wallace writes….News from the front of the Culture War (9) by Lord William Wallace
  The Party’s crisis (109) by Michael Meadowcroft
  Getting a story out – the Liberal Democrat press team in action over furlough extension (9) by Caron Lindsay
  Dismissing Dysmenorrhea (6) by Caron Lindsay

Recent Comments

  • Neil Hickman
    @Paul R - Surely in the countries you mention, people have ID cards as a matter of course. Rightly or wrongly, in the UK we don't; and the reason for demanding...
  • Simon R
    One very minor point on this: Mary, you say, ""At the moment travel passes for older people are acceptable but bizarrely those for young people are not" ...
  • Paul R
    In most countries in Europe, the acceptable forms of ID are National ID cards or passports. The people there don't spend their time complaining about being "opp...
  • Mick Taylor
    There is a limit to how far you can advance using targeting and we are, in my view, getting near it≥ The price we have paid for our success is a swath of dere...
  • Chris Cory
    As a “boomer” who grew up under the threat of nuclear conflict, I can empathise but please, don’t give way to feeling of hopelessness. You have a great f...