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Monthly Archives: August 2006

27th  Hughes certain to be challenged for party Presidency (11) by The Voice
29th  Ming Campbell movie online (0) by Mark Pack
31st  Blog of the year: nominations are open (0) by Mark Pack

Recent Comments

  • Simon R
    Disappointing that Daisy Cooper is just going for the usual inaccurate trope about banks not paying a fair share of tax (in fact banks already pay a corporation...
  • Evan Harris
    Labour lost the last listed Gedling seat to the Tories, not the Greens....
  • Jim Webber
    Zero hours contracts are a minefield. The Public Sector is one of the biggest users of the device - as an FE teacher, I found permanent contracts hard to find. ...
  • Steve Trevethan
    Might the foundation of the previous government’s deliberate neglect of our infrastructures, without which a humane and productive society cannot be developed...
  • Mark ValladaresMark Valladares
    @ Nigel, Absolutely, enabling greater flexibility for employees (within reason) will instil greater loyalty to employers, aid in recruitment and retention, a...