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Monthly Archives: November 2006

1st  “The party certainly owes Charles Kennedy a great debt, and it is £2.4 million.” (3) by the founding editor
  It’s all so much more ‘civil’ in the Lords (6) by the founding editor
2nd  Shock news: Lib Dems aren’t Dr Who fans (14) by Mark Pack
  Conference reps: your last chance to vote (0) by the founding editor
  Sandra Gidley attacks Liberal Democrat manifesto writers (6) by the founding editor
  Breaking news: Director of Campaigns to quit at Christmas (10) by the founding editor
  Not-so-breaking news: David Norman quits too (5) by the founding editor
3rd  Comments (0) by the founding editor
  Conservative Question Time (15) by the founding editor
  Council by-elections: another mixed bag (5) by Will Howells
  A tale of two marches. Plus: LibDems reveal most polluting areas in Britain (2) by the founding editor
4th  Lib Dem Voice climate march Podcast coming soon (5) by the founding editor
  Federal committee 2006-8 election results (0) by Will Howells
5th  New South East Regional Exec elected (0) by the founding editor
  Peers panel result (9) by Will Howells
  Voice Podcast: Climate change march (2) by the founding editor
  Video: Chris Huhne and the Liberal Democrats on the Climate Change march (2) by the founding editor
6th  Video: Simon Hughes and Lynne Featherstone on the Climate Change march (0) by Mark Pack
  Conservative referred to racism watchdog by Liberal Democrats (10) by the founding editor
7th  Big public support for taxing 4x4s (0) by Mark Pack
  Mark Oaten speaks to Iain Dale (9) by the founding editor
  All through the night: your guide to the mid-term election results programmes (6) by The Voice
  No PMQs on Wednesday (0) by the founding editor
8th  Cosmo backs Swinson (0) by the founding editor
  US mid-terms: best of the Lib Dem blogs (0) by The Voice
  Holmes re-elected parliamentary party chair (3) by Will Howells
  Labour: choose the next Prime Minister for £12 (2) by the founding editor
  Online conference registration now available (0) by Mark Pack
9th  Heads up: Campbell & Clegg to launch Freedom Bill at 10am (10) by the founding editor
  Cartoons by email (1) by Mark Pack
  Defections from Labour in Manchester (2) by Mark Pack
10th  Lib Dems come from fourth to win in Redbridge (8) by Mark Pack
  Racism row Tory councillor: local paper asks ‘should she go?’ (0) by the founding editor
11th  Why I’m glad Nick Griffin was acquitted (5) by Charles Anglin
  PPC News: Selection in Clare Short’s constituency up for grabs (1) by The Voice
  BBC exposes Tory MP’s links to funding scandal (13) by Mark Pack
12th  South East Lib Dems call for change in party policy on the Lords (6) by The Voice
  Voting machines: a warning from the US (4) by Mark Pack
13th  With one, united voice (0) by the founding editor
  Labour ‘concealed £12m from auditors’ (1) by the founding editor
  One Mayor, one pool, two views (1) by Mark Pack
14th  AGM season is upon us (0) by The Voice
15th  PM “trying to legislate his way in to history” (2) by The Voice
16th  Mirza Tahir Hussain’s death sentence commuted (0) by Will Howells
  New Lib Dem TV broadcast: Brown, Cameron and Iraq (0) by Mark Pack
  Cash for peerages – “major developments” (3) by the founding editor
  Paul Keetch MP to stand down at General Election (8) by the founding editor
17th  Tory MP faces de-selection after being unfaithful to cancer-stricken wife (0) by the founding editor
  By-election results: Tories fail against Lib Dems (3) by Mark Pack
  Conservative councillor joins Lib Dems (0) by Mark Pack
  PPC update (4) by the founding editor
18th  How well did the Democrats really do? (3) by Mark Pack
19th  More Labour hypocrisy (0) by Mark Pack
20th  Someone send David Laws a new keyboard (1) by The Voice
  Critics take note – English candidate selection process is fair, not flawed (9) by Mark Valladares
  A lesson in just how wrong the media can be (8) by the founding editor
  Stephen Williams goes on YouTube (0) by Mark Pack
21st  Greening Islington (1) by Mark Pack
22nd  Labour’s plan to steal the next election (5) by the founding editor
  Toksvig to stand for Lib Dems? (0) by The Voice
  Vote now: Should the Lib Dems next London Mayoral candidate be an MP? (8) by The Voice
  Ming’s good day at PMQs (3) by The Voice
23rd  London Region Exec Committee elections (0) by The Voice
  Campbell pays tribute to Nick Clarke (1) by The Voice
24th  Joseph Rowntree Reform Trust £2m donation – how it’s being spent (9) by the founding editor
  Chairing a meeting, Conservative style (4) by Mark Pack
  Deputy precedents (5) by James Graham
  Tory “Tosser” Furore (12) by Alex Foster
25th  Random burblings of a late night printer (2) by Alex Foster
  Clegg’s Arctic Challenge (0) by Alex Foster
26th  What happens when you don’t have policies? (2) by Mark Pack
  STV petition (0) by Mark Pack
  PPC selection update (3) by the founding editor
  Take out the trash on Sunday evening (2) by the founding editor
27th  Aspiring MEPs should start training now (1) by the founding editor
  Canal cuts are nuts, says Huhne (0) by The Voice
  Jenny Tonge faces ‘show-down’ with whips today (26) by The Voice
  Nick Clegg on the Freedom Bill (5) by Mark Pack
28th  UKIP leader in desperate fishing expedition: ‘No difference between the parties, so you may as well join us’ (7) by The Voice
  Conservatives keep their funding secret – again (12) by Mark Pack
29th  Cable better Chancellor than Osborne say political studies academics (3) by Will Howells
  Hughes hits out at News of the World phone-tapper (2) by the founding editor
30th  More Tory trouble on party funding (0) by Mark Pack
  Whitehall Press Offices told: ‘clear the decks’ on Monday (13) by The Voice
  Cameron labelled an undeserving icon (1) by Will Howells

Recent Comments

  • Evan Harris
    Labour lost the last listed Gedling seat to the Tories, not the Greens....
  • Jim Webber
    Zero hours contracts are a minefield. The Public Sector is one of the biggest users of the device - as an FE teacher, I found permanent contracts hard to find. ...
  • Steve Trevethan
    Might the foundation of the previous government’s deliberate neglect of our infrastructures, without which a humane and productive society cannot be developed...
  • Mark ValladaresMark Valladares
    @ Nigel, Absolutely, enabling greater flexibility for employees (within reason) will instil greater loyalty to employers, aid in recruitment and retention, a...
  • Jonathan Calder
    We should certainly start talking about industrial democracy again and cooperatives too, but there remains an important role for trade unions in defending peopl...