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Monthly Archives: September 2006

8th  Presidential polling (2) by the founding editor
  The Guardian: “Labour slumps in council byelections” (1) by the founding editor
9th  PPC ads (0) by The Voice
  Welcome to Lib Dem Voice (16) by the founding editor
  It’s about… money (19) by Alex Wilcock
10th  Countdown to conference (9) by the founding editor
11th  The shifting sands of Scottish politics (23) by Alex Cole-Hamilton
12th  Compulsory voting: time to think again? (32) by Gavin Whenman
  Clare Short to stand down and back Lib Dems in delivering PR? (10) by the founding editor
13th  Blog of the year – shortlist is here (3) by Mark Pack
  Harris leads charge of the 50p brigade (81) by the founding editor
14th  Ditch the pigeon? (28) by the founding editor
  Thinking of buying a certain book? (1) by Mark Pack
  Paddy running for President? (4) by the founding editor
  New policy consultation site launched (0) by Mark Pack
15th  Son of Orange Book (0) by the founding editor
  Are the pollsters getting it wrong? (0) by Mark Pack
  When Liberals Attack! (3) by Alex Wilcock
  Voice Podcast: Packing for conference? Don’t forget your sense of humour (6) by The Voice
16th  Campaigning in Wales (1) by Alison Goldsworthy
  PPC Ads (0) by The Voice
17th  Thoughts on the Presidency (4) by Paul Walter
  Voice Podcast: Conference diary day 2 (0) by the founding editor
  Voice Podcast: Alex’s top tips for first timers (0) by The Voice
  Conference webcasts have started (0) by Mark Pack
  Voice Podcast: the green green grass of Green Lib Dems (0) by the founding editor
18th  The winner is…. (0) by Mark Pack
  Voice Godcast: Alex and the Salvation Army (1) by The Voice
  Voice Podcast: Conference diary, day 3 (0) by the founding editor
  Voice Podcast: Alex and some virgins (4) by The Voice
  Voice Podcast: Alex meets the Liberal Democrat Youth and Students (4) by The Voice
  Voice Podcast: Alex and the exhibitors (0) by The Voice
19th  No morning Podcast today… (0) by the founding editor
  50p on the road to defeat (8) by the founding editor
  The Ambassador will see you now (includes a Kennedy Voice Podcast) (1) by the founding editor
  Who interviews the interviewer? (6) by the founding editor
  Voice Podcast: John Hemming MP (0) by The Voice
20th  Voice Podcast: Being lobbied (0) by The Voice
  Hughes addresses the faithful (3) by the founding editor
  EXCLUSIVE: preview of Lib Dem TV film (0) by Mark Pack
  Bipolar conference disorder (0) by Alex Foster
  Trust in People: Make Britain Free, Fair and Green (3) by the founding editor
  Oaten’s next career move becomes clear (5) by the founding editor
  Did Kennedy refuse the hand of friendship? (1) by The Voice
  Calling all citizen bloggers (3) by the founding editor
  Alex and the Blogging Queen (2) by Alex Foster
  Chris Davies and Lembit Opik reveal their wardrobe secrets to Alex Foster (1) by Alex Foster
  Somerset County Council leading the way (0) by Alex Foster
  Voice Podcast: Rally Reaction (5) by Alex Foster
21st  Welcome to more Lib Dems than ever (0) by the founding editor
  EXCLUSIVE: Leader interview (1) by Alex Foster
  The leader’s speech (5) by the founding editor
22nd  Voice Podcasts: Alex speaks to Nick Clegg, and making conference accessible (1) by Alex Foster
  New Tory Labour on climate change (2) by Mark Pack
23rd  Labour party tries to shoot the Elephant in the room (12) by the founding editor
24th  PPC ads (0) by The Voice
  How well does a think tank think? (1) by Mark Pack
25th  Blair’s cabinet: ‘A Brown premiereship would be like sucking on a lemon…’ (2) by the founding editor
  Newsflash! (as they say in the business): Michael Brown jailed for two years (0) by the founding editor
26th  Sarah Teather goes blogging (0) by Mark Pack
  Lib Dems become biggest party in Burnley (1) by Mark Pack
27th  Conference gossip o-rama (3) by The Voice
  Presidential election uncontested (0) by the founding editor
28th  Who will play the Mandelson to Cameron’s BlairLite? (3) by the founding editor
29th  Tories failing to make inroads in North East (5) by the founding editor
  Call for contributors, editors, and facilitators (0) by the founding editor
  Big applause to Ros Taylor (2) by the founding editor
  This is how polls should be covered (0) by Mark Pack
30th  More bad poll news for the Tories (0) by Mark Pack
  WebCameron.. well it’s… different (16) by the founding editor
  Clegg and Huhne strut their webcasting stuff (1) by Mark Pack

Recent Comments

  • Simon R
    Disappointing that Daisy Cooper is just going for the usual inaccurate trope about banks not paying a fair share of tax (in fact banks already pay a corporation...
  • Evan Harris
    Labour lost the last listed Gedling seat to the Tories, not the Greens....
  • Jim Webber
    Zero hours contracts are a minefield. The Public Sector is one of the biggest users of the device - as an FE teacher, I found permanent contracts hard to find. ...
  • Steve Trevethan
    Might the foundation of the previous government’s deliberate neglect of our infrastructures, without which a humane and productive society cannot be developed...
  • Mark ValladaresMark Valladares
    @ Nigel, Absolutely, enabling greater flexibility for employees (within reason) will instil greater loyalty to employers, aid in recruitment and retention, a...