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Monthly Archives: October 2006

1st  A million adverts in September (1) by Mark Pack
  PPC ads (0) by The Voice
  We prefer whites and we’re not very good – Tory verdict on themselves (9) by Mark Pack
2nd  Stephen Tall responds to WebCameron (2) by The Voice
  New Tory Labour: delivering promises (4) by Mark Pack
  Breaking news: Tory finance scandals (1) by the founding editor
  Tories launch consumer information website (13) by the founding editor
  Will Howells on WebCameron (6) by The Voice
  Climate change – action needed (0) by the founding editor
  Francis Maude fibs on taxes (0) by Mark Pack
3rd  Spotted: One newly elected MP spending too much time in Westminster (1) by the founding editor
  A Liberal approach to a free market NHS? (13) by Grace Goodlad
4th  Thoughts on The Amazing Mrs Pritchard (39) by Richard Huzzey
  Book plug: Landale’s Cautionary Tales (1) by the founding editor
  Target seats at risk due to shortage of party officials? (13) by the founding editor
  Cameron conference speech number 2 (1) by the founding editor
5th  Podcasting: Asquith got there first (0) by Mark Pack
6th  A veil threat: were Lib Dems right to criticise Jack Straw? (15) by the founding editor
  Nicol Stephen launches election pre-manifesto (1) by the founding editor
  Candidates standing in Federal Elections and for the Peers Panel (0) by the founding editor
  Green Tax Switch week is coming… (1) by Mark Pack
7th  Two climate challenges (1) by Richard Huzzey
8th  PPC ads (0) by the founding editor
  50% want Kennedy back within a year (5) by the founding editor
10th  Follow the money – cleaning up MPs interests (2) by Colin Walklin
11th  A lack of ambition for the BBC? (29) by Martin Hoscik
  Review: Britain After Blair – A Liberal Agenda (5) by Chris Keating
12th  Can you spare £30, gov? Lib Dems biggest donor was “entirely fraudulent and had never traded” (21) by the founding editor
13th  “Be quiet while I speak” (10) by the founding editor
  ‘Troops out’ – but we still have responsibilities (4) by Richard Huzzey
  Ming Campbell delivers stinging rebuke to “antisemitic” Tonge (80) by the founding editor
14th  Independent calls on Lib Dems to stand aside in Bedford (79) by the founding editor
16th  Lib Dems: Ruth Kelly unfit to champion equalities (7) by the founding editor
  Michael Brown’s £2.4m, time to give it back? Vote now. (0) by the founding editor
17th  Spotted: Cabinet minister in “how does this thing work?” shock (0) by The Voice
  How green is your donor? (2) by the founding editor
18th  Mulholland: Charles should cancel Pakistan visit (5) by the founding editor
  New rumours surround ‘slurring’ Charles Kennedy (7) by The Voice
  Video: Ming Campbell on Iraq – “change the strategy, or get out” (0) by the founding editor
19th  Nick Clegg: Great Repeal Act (27) by the founding editor
  Local parties: membership falls but activism increases (1) by Will Howells
20th  Should the Rumour Mill stay? (0) by the founding editor
  Cameron’s modern Wakefield Tories: You’re queer (yay!), you’re here (yay!), BUT YOU WILL KEEP YOUR SHIRT ON, YOUNG MAN. (2) by the founding editor
  Breaking news: Clare Short resigns Labour whip (21) by the founding editor
  Chris Huhne MP: Tax pollution, not people (6) by Chris Huhne MP
22nd  PPC ads (2) by the founding editor
23rd  Do you have lots of time on your hands? Want to go on Internet telly? 18 Doughty Street needs YOU (14) by the founding editor
  Can you provide vital help for the Party’s Democracy? (0) by the founding editor
24th  Green Tax Switch photos (0) by the founding editor
  Campbell overtakes Blair, and is catching Cameron fast (0) by The Voice
25th  There is no news today. (22) by the founding editor
  Lib Dems most trusted on health (2) by Mark Pack
  BBC Parliament to go full-screen on Freeview from 13th November (6) by the founding editor
  Activists to help write next manifesto (4) by the founding editor
26th  Local Government reform (6) by Richard Huzzey
  Prime Minister’s Questions ruined by Andrew Lloyd-Webber (6) by The Voice
  Two great new services from Lib Dem Voice: PPC list, and calendar of events (10) by the founding editor
27th  Norman Baker and Lib Dems to march against climate chaos, on 4th November (0) by the founding editor
  2010 local elections in Lewisham could be held under PR (3) by the founding editor
  Breaking news: “The Lib Dems may have to pay back a £2.4m donation. More soon.” (25) by the founding editor
28th  Accusations of racism as black Democrat looks to topple Republican in U.S. southern state (8) by the founding editor
30th  PPC News (0) by The Voice
  General election 07 is no myth (7) by The Voice
31st  Lib Dems take pivotal role in Iraq debate today (4) by the founding editor
  Your choice to take on Ken Livingstone (22) by the founding editor

Recent Comments

  • Simon R
    Disappointing that Daisy Cooper is just going for the usual inaccurate trope about banks not paying a fair share of tax (in fact banks already pay a corporation...
  • Evan Harris
    Labour lost the last listed Gedling seat to the Tories, not the Greens....
  • Jim Webber
    Zero hours contracts are a minefield. The Public Sector is one of the biggest users of the device - as an FE teacher, I found permanent contracts hard to find. ...
  • Steve Trevethan
    Might the foundation of the previous government’s deliberate neglect of our infrastructures, without which a humane and productive society cannot be developed...
  • Mark ValladaresMark Valladares
    @ Nigel, Absolutely, enabling greater flexibility for employees (within reason) will instil greater loyalty to employers, aid in recruitment and retention, a...