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Monthly Archives: December 2006

1st  Newcastle: Labour lose seat to Lib Dems; Tories 4th (6) by Mark Pack
  Council by-elections: net gain of four seats (6) by Will Howells
  Will Ian Lewis shortly be eating a hat? (2) by Mark Pack
  Lib Dems haven’t heard the last of Michael Brown (1) by The Voice
  Full timetable for MEP selections announced (0) by the founding editor
  Cameron joins the Liberal Democrats (1) by Mark Pack
2nd  New North-West Lib Dem team elected (0) by the founding editor
  Double Tory candidate trouble (2) by Mark Pack
3rd  UPDATED: PPC news: Winchester & Woking select (9) by the founding editor
  Homophobia amongst North Norfolk’s Tories? (13) by Mark Pack
  Former Labour defecter defects back to Labour (4) by the founding editor
4th  Campbell on Trident: ‘today is not the day’ (3) by the founding editor
  CentreForum: Lucky timing, or conspiracy of international proportions? (1) by The Voice
  More PPCs selected – and should Lib Dem Voice carry PPC ads? (10) by The Voice
  David Cameron’s environmental record (0) by Mark Pack
  Lib Dems gain councillor; Tories lose Dover? (3) by The Voice
5th  What will Liberal Democrats be doing at Christmas? (4) by Mark Pack
  Fourth Conservative Parliamentary candidate in trouble (4) by Mark Pack
  Spring Conference: register now for lowest price (7) by Will Howells
6th  David Cameron: one today (0) by Mark Pack
  New Lib Dem team announced for the Lords (0) by the founding editor
  Chester Conservative quits (2) by Mark Pack
7th  More Conservative candidate woes (1) by Mark Pack
  Clegg hints at leadership ambitions in Internet TV interview (2) by the founding editor
  Did Labour’s Camden election campaign break the law? (38) by Mark Pack
8th  Kentish Town result: Lib Dems take Labour seat; Green’s leader beaten (8) by Mark Pack
  Polly Toynbee drives Tory to join UKIP (0) by Mark Pack
  Opinion: State funding of political parties would lead to creeping centralisation (5) by Tim Gordon
  Another Councillor defects: Tories lose majority on Crawley BC (13) by The Voice
9th  Selection news: Warwick and Leamington, and Birmingham Yardley (3) by the founding editor
10th  Selection news: Meon Valley (11) by the founding editor
  Labour’s HQ sale tax dodge (3) by The Voice
  Gosport makes it four: Tories lose another council (8) by Mark Pack
  Lib Dems call for Post Office restrictions to be lifted to save our Post Offices (6) by The Voice
11th  More Conservative candidate trouble (3) by Mark Pack
  Welcome to Will (2) by Mark Pack
  As Ken and Tories go to war over London bus passes where are the LibDems? (18) by Martin Hoscik
12th  Opinion: Press picture hides same old nasty Tories (13) by Serena Hennesy
  PPC update: Birmingham Hodge Hill (1) by The Voice
  Attention local party officers! (0) by Alex Foster
  Tory Councillor found guilty of gay slur (8) by The Voice
13th  The Sustainable Communities Bill (3) by Mark Pack
  Labour Councillors ‘bully’ leader out of office (3) by the founding editor
14th  PPC News: Edinburgh West & Bexhill and Battle (4) by the founding editor
  Not a good day to be a press officer for the Metropolitan police (1) by the founding editor
  Trident: what happens next? (6) by Mark Pack
  Lib Dem TV Guide (8) by Alex Foster
15th  Cheadle by-election architect appointed Lib Dem campaigns director (6) by the founding editor
  Is John Thurso the sexiest man in the Liberal Democrats? (11) by The Voice
16th  Simon Hughes wants to hear from you (0) by Mark Pack
  Scottish coalition turning frosty as election nears (0) by the founding editor
  Mail on Sunday: Opik accusations (0) by the founding editor
17th  Barbara Roche set to make a comeback? (5) by Mark Pack
18th  Nine months on: how the party’s leaders have fared (6) by Mark Pack
  Lib Dems up the pressure on Saudi deal (5) by Mark Pack
  >> Mini-reshuffle underway in Lib Dem shadow cabinet (0) by The Voice
  PPC update: Milton Keynes North / Harborough (7) by the founding editor
  >> Full details of Lib Dem mini-reshuffle (7) by The Voice
  Opinion: Immigration brings more than economic benefits (0) by Steve Cooke
  Thatcher more popular than Shirley Williams? (2) by the founding editor
19th  Heads up: Campbell to make keynote poverty speech at 11am (0) by The Voice
  Is the Today programme going to launch a political party? (3) by Mark Pack
  PPC updates (2) by The Voice
  Campbell: “determined to take fight for a fairer Britain into the mainstream of British politics” (1) by The Voice
  More Tory PPC troubles (3) by the founding editor
20th  Al Yamamah: Labour hypocrisy (0) by Mark Pack
  Al Yamamah: Conservatives silent, again (1) by Mark Pack
  Al Yamamah: More Labour hypocrisy (0) by Mark Pack
  How well do you remember the political year gone by? (8) by the founding editor
  Liberal Democrats make change to policy-making process (14) by Mark Pack
21st  David Cameron and Saudi corruption (2) by Mark Pack
  2006 by-election round-up (15) by Mark Pack
  I want a goat for Christmas (14) by Richard Huzzey
  How green is Gordon Brown? (2) by Mark Pack
22nd  New services for party members (3) by Mark Pack
  Opinion: Federal election rules could be in danger of making a mockery of our party’s democratic processes (5) by the founding editor
23rd  Calling time on Nazi laws (1) by Richard Huzzey
  Merry Christmas from Lib Dem Voice (7) by the founding editor
26th  Menzies Campbell’s new year message: “I’m listening” (23) by Ming Campbell MP
28th  Collective Irresponsibility (5) by Richard Huzzey
29th  What sort of year has it been? A review of 2006 for Liberal Democrats, and a look ahead to 2007 (12) by the founding editor

Recent Comments

  • Steve Trevethan
    Might the foundation of the previous government’s deliberate neglect of our infrastructures, without which a humane and productive society cannot be developed...
  • Mark ValladaresMark Valladares
    @ Nigel, Absolutely, enabling greater flexibility for employees (within reason) will instil greater loyalty to employers, aid in recruitment and retention, a...
  • Jonathan Calder
    We should certainly start talking about industrial democracy again and cooperatives too, but there remains an important role for trade unions in defending peopl...
  • David Warren
    @DavidSymonds is right, we need to be championing industrial democracy which was a key part of Liberal Party policy in the past. As for trade unions having s...
  • Paul R
    @Neil H - Yes, people do have officially issued government ID in many of those countries. It is not however mandatory for them to carry it in all such countries...