Monthly Archives: March 2013

1st  Welcome to my day… 1 March (0) by Mark Valladares
  Eastleigh by-election live thread (5) by Mark Valladares
  Eastleigh by-election: the result (11) by Mark Valladares
  Eastleigh by-election: my first thoughts (80) by Stephen Tall
  My Eastleigh experiences (15) by Paul Walter
  Yellow, orange, green… time for new book, and a different approach (8) by Mike Tuffrey
  Three things the Liberal Democrats must learn from Eastleigh (50) by Caron Lindsay
  Next week in the Lords: 4-7 March (0) by Mark Valladares
  Ride the wave! Two chances to celebrate… (1) by George Kendall
  Why I didn’t go down to Eastleigh (7) by Mary Reid
  This week in Europe: 25-28 February (0) by Mark Valladares
  Scott ensures scolding for SNP Government (0) by Caron Lindsay
2nd  Join Facebook in Brighton for a look at the future of social-media campaigning (3) by Tom Brake
  Saturday Forum: The bread-and-butter issue (26) by Joe Otten
  Lord Rennard allegations: the processes now in place (4) by Tim Gordon
  Opinion: Dead parrot bites back – again (16) by Giles Goodall
  A response to Julian Huppert’s analysis on the Justice and Security Bill (66) by Jo Shaw
  Top of the Blogs: The Lib Dem Golden Dozen #314 (0) by Caron Lindsay
3rd  Willie Rennie and John Prescott crack a joke on Twitter… (1) by Caron Lindsay
  The View from the Dutch Social Liberals: Lib Dem Phoenix rises above Tory Ashes! (3) by Bernard Aris
  Eastleigh shows why the Tories and Labour should now support PR in local elections (27) by Stephen Tall
  Julian Huppert MP writes…..The Preamble, 25 years on (54) by Julian Huppert
  Your essential Eastleigh weekend reader — my pick of the must-reads (2) by Stephen Tall
  Nick Clegg’s Letter from the Leader: “We can be in government and win if we work together” (4) by Stephen Tall
  Top of the Blogs: The Lib Dem Golden Dozen #315 (0) by Caron Lindsay
4th  Nick on ‘Call Clegg’: “Without doubt one week I will regret something I said” (0) by Stephen Tall
  A warm welcome to our new Co-Editor, Caron Lindsay (5) by Stephen Tall
  Last day of the photo fairy (5) by Paul Walter
  Opinion: Part of the solution is that we need more male feminists (9) by Lee Dargue
  Opinion: Making MORE in Britain with the Regional Growth Fund (9) by William Hobhouse
  116 Liberal Democrats write to the Daily Mail opposing secret courts (17) by Caron Lindsay
  Opinion: You’re not from round here are you? (21) by Ruth Bright
  Nick Clegg’s son to go to state secondary school (280) by Caron Lindsay
  Opinion: Where do we go from Eastleigh? (26) by Andy May
  Opinion: Dear David Ward – drop it, please (51) by Paul Walter
5th  7 ‘rebel’ Lib Dem MPs back party policy as rest vote for secret courts (60) by Stephen Tall
  Women Liberal Democrats and sexual harrassment allegations (17) by The Voice
  Opinion: Funding defence (10) by Gareth Jones
  The Green Book – new directions for Liberals in government (10) by Mike Tuffrey
  Opinion: Making MORE in Britain with the Lib Dem Campaign for Manufacturing (1) by Gordon Birtwistle MP
  Secret Courts..what does the party do now? (100) by Caron Lindsay
  Opinion: Lo-Tax for the Lib Dems (38) by Tony Vickers
  LibLink: Vince Cable – budding Asian entrepreneurs help create thousands of UK jobs (3) by Mary Reid
  Judith Jolly writes … Lib Dems are leading the battle over the regulations for the Health and Social Care Act (8) by Judith Jolly
6th  Michael Moore MP’s Westminster Notes (0) by Michael Moore
  LibLink…Lynne Featherstone: Bringing a worldwide end to violence against women and girls (14) by Caron Lindsay
  Lord Greaves writes…We must do more for wage-earners below income tax threshold (23) by Tony Greaves
  The Independent View: Seeking justice across borders (5) by Thais Portilho-Shrimpton
  Opinion: Worst past the post? Debating electoral reform for local government (8) by Nick Tyrone
  Baroness Meral Hussein-Ece writes… (8) by Meral Ece
  Mike Thornton MP takes his seat in the Commons (4) by Helen Duffett
7th  Opinion: Breaking the mould (7) by Lucy Care
  Opinion: Who’s been hit hardest by the coalition’s cuts? (15) by Adam Corlett
  Ian Swales MP writes…The crucial role of education in a manufacturing revival (2) by Ian Swales
  Opinion: 7th March 2013: The turning point. (26) by Bill le Breton
  Opinion: The road to 2015 – it’s the economy, stupid! (36) by Prateek Buch
  Vicky Pryce found guilty (5) by Nick T
  LibLink… Sharon Bowles MEP: Calls for restraint have been ignored for too long – this bonus culture has to end (19) by Caron Lindsay
  Download now: Lib Dem spring conference app (6) by Lewis Redfern
  Huhne / Pryce: this is a human drama, not a political story (22) by Stephen Tall
8th  The state of the party as we head to Brighton for Spring Conference (3) by Caron Lindsay
  Tim Farron in outspoken and honest interview shock! (15) by Stephen Tall
  (A belated) welcome to my day – 8 March (2) by Mark Valladares
  Food safety: a conflict of interest that should worry you (5) by The Voice
  Today at Liberal Democrat Conference (1) by Mark Valladares
  Opinion: Why we’re rocking the boat in Brighton this weekend (0) by James Shaddock
  Update on Party response to allegations of sexual impropriety (4) by Tim Gordon
  The LDV Friday Five: 8 March 2013 (1) by Helen Duffett
  Danny Alexander MP writes exclusively for Lib Dem Voice: Statement on Lord Rennard allegations (4) by Danny Alexander MP
  Nick’s conference speech: “When our opponents tell us we are finished, remember Eastleigh!” (4) by The Voice
  Conference report – Europe policy consultative session (2) by Joe Otten
  Ming Campbell MP writes… Why I support the Justice and Security Bill (22) by Ming Campbell MP
9th  Opinion: A rousing campaigning message from Lord Ashcroft (of all people) (7) by Tom Richards
  My Tim Farron interview – the unexpurgated version (5) by Stephen Tall
  Nick Clegg’s speech to conference: what I’ll be looking out for (3) by Nick T
  Jo Swinson talks directly to Lib Dem members about her role in the Chris Rennard allegations (2) by The Voice
  Paddy: “You’ve heard the saying it’s not the winning that matters, it’s the taking part. That’s b*****ks.” (22) by The Voice
  Steve Webb’s speech to conference (25) by Nick T
  That Was The Day That Was – your essential Lib Dem conference round-up (9) by Stephen Tall
  Conference Rally: Confessional, motivational and defiant (2) by Caron Lindsay
10th  Jo Shaw quits Lib Dems in protest at leadership’s pro-secret courts position (27) by Stephen Tall
  ++ Lib Dem conference overwhelmingly votes to oppose ‘secret courts’. Again. (5) by Stephen Tall
  It’s not just the Lib Dem leadership trying to ignore the ‘secret courts’ row: the news media is too (7) by Stephen Tall
  Text of Nick Clegg’s speech to the Lib Dems’ spring party conference (15) by The Voice
  “On message. In volume. Over time.” That’s the real text of Nick Clegg’s speech today (19) by Stephen Tall
  That Was The Day That Was – your essential Lib Dem conference round-up (2) by Stephen Tall
  Nick Clegg’s Letter from the Leader: “Keep winning!” (7) by Stephen Tall
  Losing one of our best….an appreciation of Jo Shaw (91) by Caron Lindsay
11th  LDVideo: Lib Dem spring conference round-up (1) (2) by The Voice
  Caron Lindsay previews Nick Clegg’s speech on Radio 5 Live (0) by The Voice
  Opinion: The Lib Dem communications heart attack (12) by Paul Walter
  The Independent View: The case for ending unfair, out of date prescription charges for people with long term conditions (7) by Jamie Hewitt
  Eric Avebury writes…Managing our nuclear legacy: the £67.5 billion question for Ed Davey (8) by Eric Avebury
  LDVideo: Lib Dem spring conference round-up (2) (0) by The Voice
  Opinion: A Surging UKIP: Implications for Lib Dems in 2015 (30) by William Mosseri-Marlio
  Opinion: The real split in today’s Liberal Democrats – and how to fix it (42) by Gareth Epps
  ++ Chris Huhne and Vicky Pryce sentenced (27) by NewsHound
  Opinion: Tory woes over the Eastleigh campaign continue (2) by Alisdair Calder McGregor
  Dr Liam Fox’s economic prescription: kill or cure? (9) by Nick T
  Liberal Democrat Voice team discusses…..the Huhne/Pryce sentencing (14) by Caron Lindsay
  Vince Cable on Labour’s opposition day debate on Mansion tax (66) by Helen Duffett
12th  Huhne / Pryce: I just don’t see how ‘prison works’ for anyone here (48) by Stephen Tall
  Secret courts: another prominent Lib Dem resigns (24) by Stephen Tall
  Opinion: Cable’s New Statesman article presents a classic Liberal Democrat dilemma (6) by David Thorpe
  Mike Thornton MP’s maiden speech (1) by Helen Duffett
  Opinion: Are you a man? (16) by Mark Pack
  Tales from the seaside… (2) by Caron Lindsay
  After prison (8) by Mary Reid
  Top of the Blogs: The Lib Dem Golden Dozen #316 (0) by Caron Lindsay
  Do Liberty want rid of their Liberal Democrat members? (57) by Caron Lindsay
  Candy Piercy replaces Jo Shaw on the Lib Dems’ Federal Executive (6) by Helen Duffett
13th  Opinion: Is Vince writing for the Economist? (1) by Joe Otten
  Jo Swinson MP writes…Consumers need to be protected from the predatory behaviour of payday lenders (5) by Jo Swinson MP
  Opinion: Ideas are great, but don’t be trapped by ideology (18) by Graeme Littlejohn
  Willie Rennie on Newsnight Scotland: You have to be cautious when you predict oil revenues (2) by Caron Lindsay
  LibLink…Tavish Scott MSP: Eastleigh could be a fresh start (1) by Caron Lindsay
  Opinion: Reflections of a first timer at Conference (9) by Anthony Hawkes
  Willie Rennie backs plans to give 16/17 year olds vote for Independence Referendum (1) by Caron Lindsay
14th  Call for Evidence: independent inquiry into processes, culture and complaints relating to harassment (0) by Helena Morrissey
  New LDV members’ survey now live: your views on immigration, the Lord Rennard allegations, Eastleigh, ‘secret courts’ and the Coalition (13) by Stephen Tall
  Stephen Knight AM writes…Invest now in affordable housing for jobs and growth (13) by Stephen Knight
  Opinion: Ban barbaric, unnecessary snaring (7) by Euan Davidson
  The boom years were the dream. This is reality (65) by Nick T
  Opinion: 10 reasons that you will not be able to stamp out the Liberal Democrat “Cockroaches” (25) by Tom Hancock
  Rosie Wallace talks to Liberal Democrat Voice about her books (1) by Caron Lindsay
  Nick Clegg on Leveson: “I want a free and fair press” (11) by The Voice
  Scottish Liberal Democrats launch new Facebook page (0) by The Voice
  Lord McNally writes… Justice and Security Bill: our authentic and liberal efforts (49) by Lord Tom McNally
15th  Welcome to my day: 15 March (3) by Mark Valladares
  Tribunal justice – do our Parliamentary Parties ‘get’ it? (7) by James Sandbach
  Last week in Europe: 11-14 March (0) by Mark Valladares
  New report from the ERS: Reviving the Health of Our Democracy (8) by Nick Tyrone
  Opinion: Gender blindness or… why we don’t want token women (60) by Jade Holden and Ewan Hoyle and Eilidh Dickson
  Secret Courts Bill… don’t get your hopes up (9) by Mark Valladares
  David Howarth responds on the question of secret courts (42) by David Howarth
  The LDV Friday Five: 15 March 2013 (0) by The Voice
  That was the day that was… 15 March (with added by-election good news) (4) by Mark Valladares
16th  Saturday Forum: The Harm Principle (15) by Joe Otten
  Clegg statement on Leveson: our proposals pose no danger to press freedom, but will give assurance to victims (6) by Stephen Tall
  Scottish Conference overwhelmingly rejects secret courts (14) by Caron Lindsay
  Opinion: Time for Liberal Democrats to consider new claims about climate change (78) by Michael Taylor
17th  I’m a liberal and I’m against this sort of thing. Leveson-style press regulation, that is (as well as secret courts) (67) by Stephen Tall
  Nick Clegg’s Letter from the Leader: “Protecting individuals and press freedom” (7) by Stephen Tall
  Libby Local, Episode 13: “Brighton Secrets” (6) by Libby Local
  Hoggart on Webb: “He understands it so you don’t have to! Thank heavens!” (5) by The Voice
18th  My speech in secret courts debate to Scottish Conference (2) by Caron Lindsay
  What Lib Dem members say about ‘secret courts’: 66% back repeal, 64% say Clegg has handled issue “very badly” (5) by Stephen Tall
  LibLink: Nick Clegg – If Iraq taught us anything, it’s this… (7) by NewsHound
  Opinion: It’s time to burst the football fans’ ‘bubble’ (37) by Paul Head
  Royal Charter deal struck on press self-regulation (3) by The Voice
  Baroness Tyler writes… A strong charitable sector is at the heart of a fairer society (11) by Claire Tyler
  Nick Clegg writes… Press regulation: a liberal solution (22) by The Voice
19th  Nick Clegg’s statement to the Commons on press regulation (1) by The Voice
  Opinion: Liberals together? (20) by Bernard Gowers
  Emma Nicholson writes: Was the war worth it? … a resounding Yes from me (53) by Baroness Emma Nicholson
  Opinion: More than a Fly on the Great Wall (8) by Merlene Emerson
  David Heath MP reports back on the CITES conference and global agreement to protect sharks and manta rays (1) by David Heath MP
  Ming Campbell writes: Britain lost moral authority as a result of its participation in Iraq (10) by Ming Campbell MP
  Paul Burstow writes: Greater focus on funding, prevention and integration essential to improve the social care in England (0) by Paul Burstow
  Opinion: People don’t care who provides their healthcare (30) by Simon McGrath
  Opinion: The ‘Bedroom Tax’ does not pass the Fairer Society test (48) by John Coburn
  The Independent View: The determinants of child poverty (4) by Alison Garnham
  Norman Baker launches his first single (5) by Mary Reid
  Boris’s Tory leadership chances: the lesson of Patrick Gordon Walker (4) by Stephen Tall
20th  On Budget day: What Lib Dem members think of the Coalition’s economic policy and ring-fencing of spending (8) by Stephen Tall
  Opinion: Three flaws in the Government’s education reforms (45) by George Potter
  Michael Moore MP’s Westminster Notes (0) by Michael Moore
  Opinion: Withholding taxes are long overdue (45) by Jonathan Hunt
  URGENT: Less than 6 hours to respond to Scottish Government’s Equal Marriage consultation (1) by Adrian Hyyrylainen-Trett
  My highlights of Scottish Liberal Democrat Conference (2) by Caron Lindsay
  Budget 2013…..Live Blog (11) by Caron Lindsay
  Ed Davey MP writes: Hinkley Point – we need to have all low carbon options in play (30) by Ed Davey
  Devils, details and the tax threshold beyond 2014 (13) by Caron Lindsay
  Clarifying the press regulator’s relationship with the web (14) by Prateek Buch
  Danny Alexander MP writes… Budget 2013: putting Liberal Democrat principles into practice (14) by Danny Alexander MP
  The Independent View: Osborne’s small beer budget (2) by Daniel Wright
  Why it’s worth being a member of the Liberal Democrats (30) by Caron Lindsay
  Top of the Blogs: The Lib Dem Golden Dozen #317 (0) by Caron Lindsay
  Budget 2013: Osborne crosses fingers and hopes ‘steady as she goes’ will come good by 2015 (13) by Stephen Tall
21st  A brief (recent) history of the Lib Dems’ flagship tax-cut for the low-paid (6) by Stephen Tall
  An open letter to the BBC about tonight’s Lib-Dem-free Question Time (30) by Nick T
  Party groups respond to the Budget (3) by Nick T
  56% of Lib Dem members say: let’s now ensure no-one on minimum wage pays any income tax (7) by Stephen Tall
  Cyprus bailout plan: good idea, badly implemented? (23) by Nick T
  Don Foster MP writes… Housing at the heart of the Budget (35) by Don Foster MP
  Roger Williams MP writes…Why I’m backing Tim Yeo’s Energy Bill amendments – and urging my colleagues to join me (11) by Roger Williams MP
  Scotland’s Day of Destiny clashes with 2014 Federal Conference (22) by Caron Lindsay
  Time to throw an anvil at secret courts (7) by Caron Lindsay
22nd  Welcome to my day: 22 March (with added by-election news) (9) by Mark Valladares
  This week in Europe: 18-21 March (1) by Mark Valladares
  The Independent View: Clegg should champion ‘everyday integration’ (3) by Myriam Cherti
  No braking at Gambon – a monetary policy guide for petrolheads (10) by Bill le Breton
  Opinion: George Osborne doesn’t get it… again (7) by Prateek Buch
  ‘Shares for Rights’ defeated in the Lords (6) by Tracy Connell
  Nick Clegg’s speech on immigration: the good, the bad and the ugly (32) by Caron Lindsay
  The LDV Friday Five: 22 March 2013 (1) by Helen Duffett
  Nick Clegg’s illiberal hat-trick: now immigration joins ‘secret courts’ and media regulation on the pyre (134) by Stephen Tall
23rd  LDV Poll: Immigration – Lib Dem members have their say (16) by Stephen Tall
  Lib Link: Immigration speech … an opportunity missed (5) by Joe Otten
  LDV Caption Competition: Where we plough, we win (12) by The Voice
  2013: The Year of Vince (6) by Joe Otten
  Salmond promises childcare revolution after turning down Rennie’s plans for nursery education (6) by Caron Lindsay
24th  Boris has a right Mair in live BBC interview (18) by Stephen Tall
  What Lib Dem members say the Eastleigh by-election result shows (8) by Stephen Tall
  Bloggers unite to oppose “botched late-night drafting” that proposes new press/web regulation (24) by Stephen Tall
  Libby Local, Episode 14: “Team Libby” (2) by Libby Local
  Willie Rennie on Iraq and four tests for future military intervention (7) by Caron Lindsay
  Nick Clegg’s Letter from the Leader: “Behind the Budget – economic analysis, confidential briefings and cottage pie” (8) by Stephen Tall
  Top of the Blogs: The Lib Dem Golden Dozen #318 (0) by Caron Lindsay
25th  EXCLUSIVE: What Lib Dem members think of the Coalition almost 3 years on (12) by Stephen Tall
  Julian Huppert MP writes…A credible alternative to prison has always been a Liberal Democrat priority (3) by Julian Huppert
  Opinion: Osborne’s mortgage scheme is the worst of both worlds (54) by David Thorpe
  Ethnic Minorities Liberal Democrats react to Nick Clegg’s immigration speech (25) by Lester Holloway
  Opinion: How I helped develop our £10,000 tax threshold policy (8) by Elizabeth Jewkes
  Opinion: Liberal Youth petition Nick Clegg on immigration (46) by Sam Fisk and Kavya Kaushik
  Crunch time for secret courts – email the Lords tonight (3) by Caron Lindsay
26th  Who’s up, who’s down? How party members rate the performances of leading Lib Dems (8) by Stephen Tall
  Government pauses on web regulation to ponder question, “What is a small-scale blog?” (11) by Stephen Tall
  Security bonds are a mistake, Nick… (13) by Mark Valladares
  Liberal Democrat Lawyers’ Association speak out on secret courts (36) by Mary Reid
  Changing culture is a long term project – the past (3) by Mary Reid
  Jonathan Portes writes: If you want to get serious about growth, you need to be positive about migration (23) by Jonathan Portes
  Make sure your nomination is not invalid (0) by The Voice
  An open letter from working group & FPC members on Nick Clegg’s immigration speech (22) by Suzanne Fletcher
  Julian Huppert MP writes… Improving on the UK Border Agency (10) by Julian Huppert
  Norman Lamb writes … Culture change – the foundations (8) by Norman Lamb MP
27th  Secret Courts now a reality after Lords amendments fall – how did Liberal Democrats vote? (52) by Caron Lindsay
  Lord Roger Roberts writes…Don’t cut funding for charities which help homeless migrants (2) by Lord Roger Roberts
  Opinion: We await the lessons of Iraq while new conflicts loom (4) by Paul Reynolds
  So. Farewell then, David Miliband (36) by Stephen Tall
  Norman Lamb, Newsnight and Jeremy Paxman’s bedpan (3) by Caron Lindsay
  Opinion: Freedom to travel and work is the essence of the EU and we should embrace it (22) by Giles Goodall
  The Independent View: The battle for privacy in the EU and how the Liberal Democrats can help (5) by Peter Bradwell
  6 out of 10 places with happiest residents have high Liberal Democrat inflluence (6) by Caron Lindsay
  Mike Hancock MP under investigation by Portsmouth City Council (1) by The Voice
  Nick Clegg: Employee share ownership helps build a stronger economy and a fairer society (29) by Caron Lindsay
28th  Liberal Democrat MEPs lobby for fair distribution of EU funding (22) by Mark Valladares
  LibLink…Christine Jardine: Referendum drowns out more pressing issues (0) by Caron Lindsay
  Paul Strasburger writes…Reflections on the battle against Secret Courts (14) by Paul Strasburger
  AD LIB: Digital edition on its way (7) by Helen Duffett
  Opinion: Haringey – a council in crisis (4) by Cllr Richard Wilson
  REMINDER: Call for evidence regarding independent inquiry into processes, culture and complaints relating to harassment (0) by Helena Morrissey
  Call Clegg highlights: Housing, Bond, the Lords, errant MPs and the Rolling Stones… (3) by Caron Lindsay
29th  Welcome to my day in the freezer… 29 March (2) by Mark Valladares
  Revealed: What Lib Dem members think of Ed Miliband and David Cameron (12) by Stephen Tall
  Lyon: EU must justify spending increases (8) by NewsHound
  Local government reform: a progress report from Spring Conference (0) by Penny Goodman
  By-election review: 28 March (3) by Mark Valladares
  A reply to Dan Hodges: why it’s not surprising some Tories aren’t bothered about winning in 2015 (9) by Stephen Tall
  The LDV Friday Five: 29 March 2013 (0) by The Voice
30th  Political Studies Association Conference Report: from Cameron to Galloway (3) by Tim Oliver
  The Rennard allegations: what Lib Dem members think about how the party and press handled them (9) by Stephen Tall
  Opinion: Why Greg Mulholland MP is wrong to criticise the NHS Medical Director (31) by Guy Lavis
  What the Liberal Democrats believe (40) by Mark Pack
31st  Changing culture is a long term project – the future (12) by Mary Reid
  Nick Clegg’s Letter from the Leader: “Happy Easter” (0) by Stephen Tall
  Benefits, back-to-work and the unemployed: what Lib Dem members think (24) by Stephen Tall
  LibLink: Danny Alexander – Bedroom blockers and tax dodgers will pay (50) by The Voice
  Your essential Easter weekend reader — my personal pick of the week’s must-reads (4) by Stephen Tall

Recent Comments

  • Paul R
    @Neil H - Yes, people do have officially issued government ID in many of those countries. It is not however mandatory for them to carry it in all such countries...
  • Jennie
    Oooo another member of the Jennie Club...
  • Peter Hirst
    While it is good to have the correct policies it is even better to implement them in a timely and effective manner. We can have debates about what is the right ...
  • David Blake
    I'd be interested to know how many online viewers there were on Youtube for the various parts of conference. When I was watching it there were rarely more than...
  • David Symonds
    One of the things that Liberals used to believe in was the concept of industrial democracy. Although Trade Unions have their place in society as a pressure gro...