Monthly Archives: December 2013

1st  Baroness Claire Tyler writes…A victory for public health (and cross-party working) (1) by Claire Tyler
  Botched deportation of dying man highlights need for humanitarian overhaul of asylum system (11) by Caron Lindsay
  Nick Clegg’s Letter from the Leader: Good news for Mums and Dads (7) by The Voice
  Nick Clegg’s message for World AIDS Day (0) by The Voice
  Christmas present ideas from the LDV team and friends…Day 1 (3) by Caron Lindsay
  LDV’s Sunday Best: our 7 most-read articles this week (2) by Caron Lindsay
  Jo Swinson takes on Daily Mail’s Liz Jones, who thinks she shouldn’t be “procreating” (11) by Caron Lindsay
  Top of the Blogs: The Lib Dem Golden Dozen #355 (0) by Caron Lindsay
  Hemming helps woman in forced Caesarean and adoption case (33) by Caron Lindsay
2nd  Liblink: Lynne Featherstone on breaking the link between violence against women and HIV (1) by NewsHound
  Opinion: Demonstrations in Ukraine demonstrates the importance of European unity (10) by Paul Stocker
  Ed Davey writes… Lower energy bills – with good deal for the fuel poor, green energy and the green deal (29) by Ed Davey
  Christmas present ideas from the LDV team and friends – Day 2 (0) by The Voice
  Opinion: The Opportunity Costs of HS2 (23) by John Whitehouse
  Opinion: Liberalism is radicalism (30) by Paul Connolly
  Opinion: Child taken from womb by social services. Really? (144) by Evan Harris
3rd  2013 @ALDEParty Congress: the election results (3) by Mark Valladares
  Jo Swinson talks to Cosmopolitan about the gender pay gap and equality in the workplace (5) by NewsHound
  ALDE Congress passes UK Liberal Democrat motion calling for a halt to drone attacks (16) by Paul Reynolds
  Martin Horwood MP writes…Putting people with disabilities into the international development picture (1) by Martin Horwood
  Julian Huppert MP writes…Tackling child abuse online: Doing what works (1) by Julian Huppert
  Clegg and Carmichael visit Glasgow helicopter crash site (0) by Caron Lindsay
  Christmas present ideas from the LDV team and friends – Day 3 (6) by The Voice
  The Independent View: Shareholder democracy should be for the many, not the few (3) by Will Crowne
  Brent Labour councillor Dhiraj Kataria joins Liberal Democrats (6) by The Voice
4th  Opinion: “Freedom is a Word I Rarely Use Without Thinking” (19) by Bill le Breton
  Liberals launch new European network for LGBT rights (3) by Giles Goodall
  The Independent View: Help, don’t judge – better uses for the £700 million marriage tax break cash (7) by Jenny Allen
  Ed Davey MP writes…Big boost for investment in renewable electricity (5) by Ed Davey
  Opinion: Parental equality: a step, and only a step in the right direction (3) by Name Withheld
  Gordon Birtwistle MP writes… Careers advice should reflect the value of apprenticeships (9) by Gordon Birtwistle MP
  Christmas present ideas from the Liberal Democrat Voice team and friends – Day 4 (4) by Caron Lindsay
  Times: “The increasingly confident and powerful Mr Clegg” (29) by NewsHound
5th  Opinion: Women must stop stepping into the political shoes of men (47) by Andy Boddington
  The Autumn Statement and the unreal economic debate in which everyone pretends the Coalition stuck to ‘Plan A’ (13) by Stephen Tall
  Liberal Youth by-elections are go! (1) by The Voice
  Danny Alexander on Autumn Statement: Our stronger economy will help us deliver a fairer society (6) by Caron Lindsay
  Autumn statement: George is jubilant, Ed blusters and Danny breathes a sigh of relief (9) by Stephen Tall
  Autumn statement – 5 quick thoughts from me (28) by Caron Lindsay
  Christmas present ideas from the LDV team and friends: Day 5 (2) by The Voice
6th  Nelson Mandela – the long walk is over (15) by Mary Reid
  Liberal Democrats pay tribute to Nelson Mandela (4) by Caron Lindsay
  Opinion: Cash in your pocket or green fields on your doorstep? (21) by Andy Boddington
  Opinion: Do you love this country? (32) by David Gray
  Opinion: The inspiration of Nelson Mandela (8) by Issan Ghazni
  Opinion: Nelson Mandela: A personal tribute (9) by Parmjit Singh Gill
7th  LibLink: Caron Lindsay – It’s time to get real people involved in the indyref debate (0) by NewsHound
  This week’s by-elections: a Lib Dem hold and a near miss (38) by Caron Lindsay
  Opinion: Mandela’s moral greatness (3) by Paul Connolly
  Danny Alexander’s passion for Irn Bru and admiration for Lyndon Johnson revealed in Guardian Q & A (3) by Newsmoggie
8th  Nick Clegg’s Letter from the Leader: Nelson Mandela (2) by The Voice
  Danny Alexander earns a reprieve after strong performance on Andrew Marr (26) by Caron Lindsay
  Christmas present ideas from the LDV team and friends, days 6, 7 and 8 (0) by The Voice
  LDV’s Sunday Best: our 7 most-read articles this week (0) by The Voice
  LibLink: Stephen Tall: The agony of the Tory modernisers (16) by NewsHound
  Top of the Blogs: The Lib Dem Golden Dozen #356 (0) by Caron Lindsay
9th  Christmas present ideas from the LDV team and friends: Day 9 (4) by The Voice
  Poverty at its lowest since 2004/5? (33) by Joe Otten
  MPs condemn MPs’ pay rise (17) by The Voice
  Opinion: Our liberal identity crisis (81) by Steve Bradley
  Nick Clegg’s Commons tribute to Mandela: “let us honour his memory by ensuring that the hope he gave lives on” (8) by The Voice
10th  Bob Russell’s surgery lasts for 12 hours – is this a record? (6) by The Voice
  The Clegg Family Christmas Card, with a little help from their sons (4) by Stephen Tall
  Spring Conference reprieved (10) by The Voice
  Three scenarios for the 2015 election based on current polling: which do you think looks most plausible? (51) by Stephen Tall
  Same Sex marriages – March 29th is the day (20) by Ed Fordham
11th  LibLink: Tim Farron: European fisheries vote shows that EU can be reformed (1) by NewsHound
  “Osborne’s waving an enormous red flag” – Social Liberal Forum’s warning to Lib Dems over Autumn Statement (27) by Stephen Tall
  Better in Cameron’s Black Book than on the Statute Book (15) by Caron Lindsay
  FOUND: David Cameron’s Little Black Book (17) by The Voice
  Opinion: Don’t waver on energy policy (11) by Steve Coltman
  And AD LIB’s new editor is…. (7) by Caron Lindsay
12th  ‘Good’ gender segregation and ‘bad’ gender segregation? (73) by Stephen Tall
  LibLink: Tim Farron – Only a fool could trust in the ‘oversight’ provided by the intelligence committee (1) by NewsHound
  Opinion: Ukip’s not-so-respectable European allies (19) by Paul Stocker
  Norman Lamb MP writes…Have your say on dementia care (3) by Norman Lamb MP
  Lib Dems should aim for a budget surplus not because the Tories want to, but because it is right (57) by Nick T
  LibLink: Chris Davies MEP – Why I’m backing Verhofstadt for Commission President (12) by NewsHound
13th  Opinion: Political deference to today’s orthodoxy is the UK’s economic problem (26) by Paul Reynolds
  Launch of EMLD Achievement Awards (1) by Merlene Emerson
  Baroness Olly Grender’s maiden speech (8) by Olly Grender
  Jade Holden chosen as Scottish Liberal Democrat candidate for the Cowdenbeath by-election (7) by Caron Lindsay
14th  Who will you nominate as your Liberal Voice of the Year? (36) by Stephen Tall
  Ros Kayes chosen by West Dorset Lib Dems to take on Oliver Letwin in 2015 (16) by The Voice
  UPDATED: Full list of Lib Dems standing in our held seats and top 50 targets (29) by Stephen Tall
  Mary Reid sums up Liberal Democrats’ year on The Week at Westminster (2) by NewsHound
  Hirsute “Hipster” Huppert, the Hashtag King, wins Parliamentary Beard of the Year with John Thurso in third place (2) by Caron Lindsay
  Peter Black wins Assembly Member of the Year award (0) by Newsmoggie
  New LDV members’ survey now live: your views on the economy, schools, and the Coalition (1) by Stephen Tall
  This week’s by-elections: A town council gain but a big loss in Bucks for the Liberal Democrats (19) by Caron Lindsay
  In the next month 10 seats will short-list their wannabe Lib Dem MPs (and one MSP) (6) by Stephen Tall
15th  Postcard from China: Reflections from a visit to Guangdong province (Part 1) (4) by Sarah Yong
  LDV’s Sunday Best: our 7 most-read articles this week (0) by Caron Lindsay
  ALDE to select candidate for president of the European Commission (2) by Mark Valladares
  Willie Rennie’s tribute to Nelson Mandela (1) by Caron Lindsay
  Top of the Blogs: The Lib Dem Golden Dozen #357 (0) by Caron Lindsay
16th  Opinion: This could be the historic moment the banks shift (3) by David Boyle
  LibLink: Tim Farron has a go at Eric Pickles on ALDC’s website (7) by Caron Lindsay
  Norman Lamb writes… A once-in-a-generation opportunity to fix our health and care system (15) by Norman Lamb MP
  Liblink: Sarah Ludford on the 12th anniversary of the European Arrest Warrant (2) by Joe Otten
  Steve Webb writes… 2 Millionth Person auto enrolled into a workplace pension (2) by Steve Webb MP
  Nick Clegg reminder to drawbridge-up Tories on immigration: “We are an open economy” (7) by Stephen Tall
  Clegg opens up his “fairly thick Black Book” of Lib Dem plans blocked by the Tories – but is it enough? (11) by Stephen Tall
17th  The Independent View: Could Ireland’s emerging healthcare reforms test David Laws’ NHIS vision? (19) by Elliot Bidgood
  Lord Jeremy Purvis’s maiden speech (2) by Jeremy Purvis
  Heathrow: As the Conservatives’ brief flirtation with anti-expansion comes to an end, the Lib Dem fight continues (14) by Robin Meltzer
  Result! (5) by Sally Hamwee
  LibLink: Vince Cable opposes Heathrow expansion (6) by Mary Reid
  Opinion: As Liberals, we must stand up For sex workers (29) by James Shaddock
  Opinion: Teresa May’s Right Hand doesn’t know what her Hard Right hand is doing (19) by Alisdair Calder McGregor
18th  Nick Clegg backs Olli Rehn as ALDE European Commission Presidential candidate (3) by Mark Valladares
  Careful, Boris. Remember what happened to the last top Tory to liken the Lib Dems to a bird? (31) by Stephen Tall
  Opinion: Immigration – the shades of grey (19) by Jemima Bland
  LibLink: Nick Clegg: Kick the crooks out and drag the Lords into the 21st century (8) by NewsHound
  Why you need to register for Liberal Democrat Spring conference NOW (4) by Caron Lindsay
  ++ Lib Dem deputy leader Simon Hughes replaces Lord McNally as Justice Minister (20) by The Voice
  EDMWatch #6 Pubs, badgers and elephants – but what about people? (4) by Caron Lindsay
  Opinion: Europe and peace – the ties that bind and the dangers of the rise of the right (9) by Ian Jones
  Lib Dem Deputy Leadership – runners and riders. Who’s your choice? (55) by Stephen Tall
  Edward Davey MP writes: Liberal Democrats continue to oppose Heathrow expansion (8) by Ed Davey
19th  EXCLUSIVE: What Lib Dem members think about the Lib Dems and the Coalition (18) by Stephen Tall
  Baroness Christine Humphreys’ maiden speech (1) by Christine Humphreys
  LibLink: Stephen Tall: Where the parties are at the end of 2013 and what they face in 2014 (15) by Newsmoggie
  Tim Farron MP writes: Liberal Democrats must stand up against blanket internet surveillance (5) by Tim Farron MP
  Jo Swinson on lives blighted by poor body confidence (30) by Caron Lindsay
  Ed Davey MP writes: Energy Act will create 200,000 green jobs (16) by Ed Davey
  LibLink: Sir Nick Harvey MP: Time to reform EU defence policy and make Britain safer (8) by NewsHound
  Lord Roger Roberts writes…Liberal Democrats in Government must fix failing asylum system (2) by Lord Roger Roberts
  Opinion: Justice for Simon Hughes (8) by Linda Jack
20th  Welcome to my day: 20 December (1) by Mark Valladares
  What Lib Dem members think about the way the Coalition is cutting spending to reduce the deficit (4) by Stephen Tall
  LibLink: Tessa Munt: “You don’t have to love the Tories to work with them” (19) by NewsHound
  The ten most active MPs on Twitter are… (1) by Mark Valladares
  Lord Rumi Verjee’s maiden speech (5) by Rumi Verjee
  Porn blocking comes in… and blocks the LGBT+LD website as porn (50) by Alisdair Calder McGregor
  2013 @ALDEParty Congress: a manifesto is born (1) by Mark Valladares
  Opinion: Half an hour that changed the future (23) by Bill le Breton
  Man convicted of killing former Lib Dem Council leader John Morrison (0) by Caron Lindsay
  This week’s by-elections: a come from behind upset in Lincolnshire brightens an otherwise grim scene* (46) by Mark Valladares
  Ibrahim Taguri selected for Brent Central PPC (2) by The Voice
21st  LibLink: Tim Farron: Ukraine – why they want to be in (6) by NewsHound
  What’s being debated in our members’ forum this week? (1) by The Voice
  Government reshuffle: party members’ views on Moore, Heath and Browne (4) by Stephen Tall
22nd  LibLink: Nick Clegg: Slam the door on EU migrants and it is Britain that will get hurt (41) by Caron Lindsay
  Postcard from China (2): The Pearl of the Orient (6) by Alexander Payton
  LDV’s Sunday Best: our 7 most-read articles this week (0) by Caron Lindsay
  Revealed: What Lib Dem members think of Ed Miliband and David Cameron (7) by Stephen Tall
  Vince tells Andrew Marr: Immigration panic does damage – politicians should give facts, not resort to harmful populism (42) by NewsHound
  Top of the Blogs: The Lib Dem Golden Dozen #358 (4) by Caron Lindsay
23rd  Opinion: Shades of Grey 2: Six Useful Facts to Help You Chillax this Christmas (7) by Jemima Bland
  The posts of Christmas past – Part 1 (0) by Caron Lindsay
  Opinion: The raging south east property boom must be stopped, without harming the rest of the UK (30) by Gareth Wilson
  Same story, two very different headlines (33) by Caron Lindsay
  Opinion: Attending Lib Dem Conference on a Shoestring (13) by Geoffrey Payne
24th  My grumpy Christmas (7) by Mary Reid
  Willie Rennie MSP’s Christmas message (0) by Willie Rennie
  Chinese Liberal Democrats publish e-book on twinned cities (0) by Merlene Emerson
  LDVideo: Nick Clegg’s Christmas message (0) by The Voice
  ‘Help to Buy’: 61% of Lib Dem members oppose Government’s cheap mortgage scheme (3) by Stephen Tall
  What have been your biggest political moments of 2013? (9) by Stephen Tall
  ++Jo Swinson and Duncan Hames welcome son Andrew (3) by The Voice
  Opinion: Merry Christmas, Mr Turing (9) by Benjamin Mathis
  Kirsty Williams AM’s Christmas Message (7) by The Voice
  Duncan Hames steps down as PPS to Nick Clegg and Simon Wright takes over (1) by The Voice
25th  A very Merry Christmas to you all (6) by Caron Lindsay
26th  Two-thirds of Lib Dem members say yes to HS2 (13) by Stephen Tall
27th  Opinion: is a more human, more engaging politics too much to ask for? (22) by Mark Valladares
  Telegraph: “Liberal Democrats believe party can oust several Tories” (28) by Caron Lindsay
  Opinion: Time to expose UKIP (51) by Issan Ghazni
  Porn filters block cathedral website, including invite to crib service (14) by Caron Lindsay
28th  Call Clegg Christmas Special – Kickboxing and an embarrassing moment (7) by Caron Lindsay
  Energy: What Lib Dem members think about the price freeze and new nuclear power station deal (3) by Stephen Tall
  Who’s your leading Liberal Democrat Star of 2013? Part 1 (36) by The Voice
  Why do people think it’s ok to hit children? (80) by Caron Lindsay
  Sir Menzies: “Unfortunate” that coalition will not let Syrian refugees come to UK (4) by Caron Lindsay
29th  Opinion: Planning a new constitution for the United Kingdom (14) by Paul Reynolds
  LibLink: Tavish Scott MSP: Scots should put money on devo plus. (1) by NewsHound
  LDV’s Sunday Best: our 7 most-read articles this week (0) by The Voice
  So, we might have Ed Balls in a Lab/Lib Dem coalition cabinet after all… (89) by Caron Lindsay
  Who’s up, who’s down? How party members rate the performances of leading Lib Dems (6) by Stephen Tall
  Lib Dem Stars of 2013 – Day 2 (1) by Caron Lindsay
  Top of the Blogs: The Lib Dem Golden Dozen #359 (0) by Caron Lindsay
30th  Payday loan companies: majority of Lib Dems say they’re unethical, with 85% wanting limits on their charges (20) by Stephen Tall
  Opinion: e-voting coming back to life? (16) by Mark Pack
  2,000 new Lib Dem members join in last 3 months of 2013: “first governing party in recent history to have increased its membership while in power” (34) by Stephen Tall
  Lib Dem HQ tweets: “Dear Twitterbots, we are happy with our 2000 new party members. We do not need your offers of 5000 new followers.” (7) by The Voice
  Deserving poor, undeserving poor and welfare reform – can you have one without considering the others? (42) by Mark Valladares
  Opinion: Managing the NHS (7) by Rob Parsons
31st  Liberal Democrats in the New Year Honours list (11) by Caron Lindsay
  Paul Burstow MP writes… Government should make New Year’s resolution to tackle mental health employment scandal (2) by Paul Burstow
  Willie Rennie MSP’s New Year Message (0) by Willie Rennie
  Snowden leaks: 72% of Lib Dems say he was in the right – and 69% think state surveillance powers should be cut back (2) by Stephen Tall
  What could you do with £32? (5) by The Voice
  Nick Clegg’s New Year Message (14) by Nick Clegg MP
  Andrew Lennox Marshall Hames: The first picture (2) by Caron Lindsay
  Opinion: My Liberal Democrat star of 2013 (0) by Mark Pack
  Opinion: My Lib Dem Star of 2013 (2) (0) by David Hennigan
  Opinion: Putting the facts into Britain’s fraudulent EU migration debate (30) by Giles Goodall
  LibLink: Richard Reeves: The Clegg Factor (52) by NewsHound

Recent Comments

  • Peter Hirst
    While it is good to have the correct policies it is even better to implement them in a timely and effective manner. We can have debates about what is the right ...
  • David Blake
    I'd be interested to know how many online viewers there were on Youtube for the various parts of conference. When I was watching it there were rarely more than...
  • David Symonds
    One of the things that Liberals used to believe in was the concept of industrial democracy. Although Trade Unions have their place in society as a pressure gro...
  • Geoff Reid
    Mark is probably right in suggesting that no legislation is going to sort out the anomalies of employed/self employed status. I spent my 38 years as a full-time...
  • Nigel Jones
    Flexibility in employment is a key issue and a complex one including working part-time, where sometimes people do the same work as full-timers but on a lower ra...