Monthly Archives: May 2013

1st  A site house-keeping notice: just because we’re neutral does not mean we’re unopinionated! (1) by Stephen Tall
  Race equality – a new Liberal Democrat approach: SLF/EMLD Conference takes place soon (0) by Janice Turner
  Ukip set to win 22% this Thursday according to ComRes poll (18) by Stephen Tall
  Michael Moore MP’s Westminster Notes (0) by Michael Moore
  Opinion: Thinking about “foreign criminals” (9) by James Harper
  Nick Clegg and Paddy Ashdown say that Afghan interpreters should have the right to live in the UK (3) by Caron Lindsay
  Beyond Royal Assent: implementing the Scotland Act (4) by Caron Lindsay
  “We cannot afford it” – Cameron on raising income tax threshold to £10k. In 2010. (11) by Stephen Tall
  Clegg defends Coalition: “We inherited from Labour an economy teetering on the edge” (13) by The Voice
2nd  Good Morning! And best wishes to all Lib Dem candidates today! (1) by The Voice
  Labour’s VAT cut: bad economics and disingenuous politics (32) by Nick T
  What you get from Liberal Democrat Councillors – a record of action (0) by The Voice
  The Sun refuses to back the Tories, says ‘Vote local’ (Aka: The Sun hedges its bets) (7) by Stephen Tall
  What the hell have the Lib Dems done? (5) by Stephen Tall
  Polls are closed! Here’s some election reading to keep you going for the loooong wait… (9) by Stephen Tall
3rd  South Shields by-election: Labour hold solid, Ukip surge, Tories fall and Lib Dems… plummet to 7th. Ouch. (42) by Stephen Tall
  Local elections 2013: Summary of overnight Council results (25) by Caron Lindsay
  The three things I’ll be looking for in today’s results (3) by Nick T
  Local elections 2013 live blog….. (19) by The Voice
  Liberal Youth Elections 2013… Chair: Sarah Harding (0) by Sarah Harding
  Liberal Youth Elections 2013… Chair: Callum Leslie (5) by Callum Leslie
  Liberal Youth Elections 2013…England Convenor: Rich Clare (0) by Richard Clare
  Liberal Youth Elections 2013… England Convenor: Stuart Wheatcroft (0) by Stuart Wheatcroft
  Liberal Youth Elections 2013… Finance Officer: Rory Roberson (0) by Rory Roberson
  The LDV Friday Five: 3 May 2013 (0) by Helen Duffett
  Opinion: Ironically, the rise of UKIP makes Britain a more European place (25) by Giles Goodall
  What the 2013 local elections mean – for the Lib Dems and the next election (and beyond) (79) by Stephen Tall
4th  Local elections 2013: the story in four graphics (57) by Stephen Tall
  A Labour Party member writes… The 2015 General Election will NOT be a disaster for the Liberal Democrats (19) by Timothy Sykes
  LDVideo: Nick Clegg and Simon Hughes comment on the Lib Dem performance in the local elections (6) by The Voice
5th  Nick Clegg’s Letter from the Leader: “We are back in the saddle.” (33) by Stephen Tall
  LibLink: Mark Pack – Parliamentary predictions on the Queen’s Speech (0) by NewsHound
  The Independent View: Rumble in the Jungle as Cable takes on Tarzan (3) by Ed Cox
  Jo Swinson thanks hospital staff for “keeping me alive” (12) by Caron Lindsay
  Rape anonymity for the accused: well-intentioned but wrong (24) by Stephen Tall
  Top of the Blogs: The Lib Dem Golden Dozen #324 (1) by Caron Lindsay
6th  The Independent View: Don’t judge my family, David Cameron! (8) by Julianne Marriott
  Alistair Carmichael and Richard Hughes from Keane tell the Independent about their friendship (0) by Caron Lindsay
  Newbury by-election: 20 years on (4) by Paul Walter
  Aberdeenshire councillor Fergus Hood leaves SNP and joins Liberal Democrats (4) by NewsHound
  A Tory-Ukip pact? Up to you, guys. But you do know there’s an easier way, right? (47) by Stephen Tall
  LibLink: 160mph Vince Cable stands in for Jeremy Clarkson (8) by NewsHound
  The Queen’s Speech: move along folks, not much to see here (3) by Stephen Tall
  Opinion: Miliband’s VAT cut plan is deeply regressive and economically harmful (54) by David Thorpe
7th  Paddy Ashdown: Liberal Youth are absolutely fantastic (5) by The Voice
  Focus is coming home (4) by Sandy Walkington
  Opinion: Lessons from the local elections – a Congolese point of view (5) by David Lloyd Mayala
  Saying ‘YES’ to Political Football! (45) by Steve Bradley
  Adrian Sanders writes: Behind Blue Eyes (27) by Adrian Sanders
  Have YOU joined Liberal Democrat Women? (17) by Dinti Batstone
  Opinion: Saving what’s left of Syria (53) by Joe Bourke
8th  The Liberal Youth elections are go…. (0) by Caron Lindsay
  Let’s play fantasy Queen’s Speech (4) by Caron Lindsay
  Opinion: Save criminal legal aid (35) by Geoff Payne
  The Independent View: CentreForum’s three headliners for an alternative Queen’s Speech (13) by Tom Frostick
  Opinion: Art for Wealth’s sake (11) by Simon de Deney
  Opinion: Nick’s journey (31) by Nigel Lindsay
  LDVIdeo: Nick Clegg on pensions and carers’ reforms (0) by NewsHound
  Don Foster MP writes… Local communities say ‘Yes’ to locally-led housebuilding (8) by Don Foster MP
  Lord Newby writes… Pick a Peer (0) by Dick Newby
  The Queen’s Speech from a Liberal Democrat perspective (12) by Caron Lindsay
9th  Can a global trade deal be rescued? (3) by Nick T
  The Coalition: we’re trapped in a loveless marriage with no happy ending in sight (29) by Stephen Tall
  Official: the snoopers’ charter is dead in this parliament (2) by Stephen Tall
  Opinion: Can the middle classes get some political clout? (11) by David Boyle
  Tom Brake MP writes…Being Deputy Leader of the Commons (0) by Tom Brake
  Opinion: Why Lib Dems should support the Referendum on the EU – and let’s have it before 2015 (46) by Jemima Bland
  LibLink: Richard Marbrow – Ukip is essentially a ‘party of the south east’ despite gains (22) by Nick T
  The Independent View: Voters support pro-wind energy candidates (4) by Jennifer Webber
  Opinion: The Liberal Democrats and the County Council elections – a whole new chapter? (13) by Ed Maxfield
10th  Vince in not-so-coded call for Lib-Lab cooperation (7) by Stephen Tall
  LibLink…Fiona Hall MEP: Lawson’s EU lunacy is a recipe for economic disaster (29) by NewsHound
  The Sun’s new superhero: Greg Mulholland, the Casked Crusader (2) by Caron Lindsay
  The Independent View: Universal Credit..will it work? (21) by Alison Garnham
  Fancy working for the Liberal Democrats? (7) by Caron Lindsay
  Tom McNally writes… transforming rehabilitation (10) by Lord Tom McNally
  The LDV Friday Five: 10 May 2013 (0) by Helen Duffett
11th  Vince Cable talks sense on immigration (24) by Caron Lindsay
  Praise for Nick Clegg and Liberal Democrats from both sides – should we be worried? (8) by Caron Lindsay
  The double dip recession that never was? (17) by Stephen Tall
  ALDE Party Council: “The sun lounger can wait, Brad, there are only twelve months to save Europe!” (10) by Mark Valladares
  Christine Jardine selected for Aberdeen Donside by-election (4) by NewsHound
12th  Nick Clegg’s Letter from the Leader: “Lib Dems remain focused on the things people really care about” (8) by Stephen Tall
  Clegg leadership plot: Gove’s ‘crazy grenade’ detonates, briefly, before Tories revert to arguing about Europe (32) by Stephen Tall
  Next week in the Lords: 13-16 June… God bless Her Majesty! (2) by Mark Valladares
  Libby Local – The Final 2 Episodes: “Election Day!” (3) by Libby Local
  Top of the Blogs: The Lib Dem Golden Dozen #325 (1) by Caron Lindsay
13th  Opinion: Is watching football a crime? (18) by Paul Head
  Libby Local, The Finale: “The Bright Side of Life” (4) by Libby Local
  Opinion: Payday loans – a never ending debt (31) by Tahir Maher
  Lord (Paul) Tyler writes: Political reform has been lost along the way by the Coalition (4) by Paul Tyler
  Ukip surge to 18% in latest ICM poll: Lib Dems at 11% (39) by Stephen Tall
14th  Where Ukip won (or almost won) on 2nd May 2013 (17) by Stephen Tall
  How to get Lib Dem Voice by email (0) by Caron Lindsay
  Norman Lamb MP writes… Integrating Care – Joined up thinking in the NHS (7) by Norman Lamb MP
  EDMwatch #1: animals, VAT on tabloids, Diabetes and Sir Alex Ferguson (8) by Caron Lindsay
  Battle of the Andrews over 5 Days in May: Lib Dem Stunell lambasts Labour’s Adonis for “spurious rubbish” (17) by The Voice
  Clegg on UK and EU relationship with Africa: “more trade, fairer tax and greater business transparency” (2) by NewsHound
  Liberal Democrat Councillor Karen Chilvers on ITV’s The Chase (0) by Caron Lindsay
  Lib Dem attitudes to poverty and welfare: 3 interesting findings from today’s Joseph Rowntree Foundation report (18) by Stephen Tall
  Lord (Tom) McNally writes: The year ahead for Liberal Democrat Lords (2) by Lord Tom McNally
15th  Michael Moore MP’s Westminster Notes (2) by Michael Moore
  Clegg v Bone: The Rematch (1) by The Voice
  How Nick Clegg should deal with Tory Eurosceptics at PMQs today (9) by Stephen Tall
  Jeremy Browne sets off on global drugs policy research tour (3) by Caron Lindsay
  Fancy a Lib Dem numberplate? (12) by Caron Lindsay
  “Feisty” Clegg in Groundhog PMQs (29) by Caron Lindsay
  Don Foster MP writes… Our big gig (1) by Don Foster MP
  Liberal Democrat MPs to be given free vote on all aspects of Same Sex Marriage Bill (26) by Caron Lindsay
16th  That EU vote: 6 thoughts on what it means for the Tories, Lib Dems and Labour (17) by Stephen Tall
  The most important thing going on in Parliament this week… (5) by Caron Lindsay
  Opinion: Adonis’s complaint – Ashdown was not mind-numbingly stupid with the memory span of a goldfish (7) by Mark Pack
  In praise of ‘This House’ (3) by Stephen Tall
  Opinion: The same sex marriage bill is not perfect, but Lib Dem MPs should get behind it (26) by Ed Fordham
  Opinion: The green centre ground (22) by Alex Smethurst
  LibLink: Ed Davey – Eurosceptic Tories are damaging the national interest – and their chances of winning the next election (14) by Nick T
17th  Duncan Hames MP writes… Must we continue to use food for fuel? (15) by Duncan Hames MP
  Stephen Tall guests on Guardian Politics Weekly podcast – Tory EU referendum question: in hand or out of control? (0) by The Voice
  Smith, Crockart, Bruce and Williams win in Great Parliamentary Raffle (8) by Caron Lindsay
  Willie Rennie: highlights of his first two years as Scottish Liberal Democrat leader (0) by Caron Lindsay
  LibLink.. Edward McMillan-Scott MEP: The EU and US must promote human rights worldwide – that includes China (7) by Caron Lindsay
  LibLink…Giles Goodall: LGBT rights in Europe – La vie en Rose? (7) by Caron Lindsay
  The LDV Friday Five: 17 May 2013 (1) by Helen Duffett
18th  Lynne Featherstone: If you think a girl is in danger of being forced to endure FGM, tell the Police (4) by Caron Lindsay
  Edward Davey writes… Helping consumers to get cheaper energy bills (16) by Ed Davey
  “They’re all mad, swivel-eyed loons”: a top Tory on the Tories (12) by Stephen Tall
  Lord Roger Roberts writes: Don’t try to win votes by coming down hard on migrants (5) by Lord Roger Roberts
  LibLink: Nick Thornsby – As a Liberal Democrat, I ask, “What are you, our Coalition partners, playing at?” (8) by NewsHound
  When Mr Farage came to Edinburgh – the ugly side of politics (20) by Caron Lindsay
19th  Vince on living in Africa, love against the odds and helping people (0) by Caron Lindsay
  Nick Clegg’s Letter from the Leader: “Of course the EU has to change” (26) by Stephen Tall
  In full: David Steel’s lecture on the centenary of Jo Grimond’s birth (6) by Caron Lindsay
  The Sun story about Chris Huhne that was a total invention (and which the other papers happily copied) (16) by Stephen Tall
  LibLink: Tim Bale – “The biggest effect of the Lib Dems holding their nerve has been to help the Conservatives lose theirs” (12) by NewsHound
  Top of the Blogs: The Lib Dem Golden Dozen #326 (1) by Caron Lindsay
20th  Jo Swinson uses the F word in Guardian interview (9) by Caron Lindsay
  Stephen Gilbert MP writes… Equal marriage is now a litmus test for Cameron (14) by Stephen Gilbert MP
  Opinion: Lib Dem MPs: Vote for equality, human rights and love today (32) by Adrian Hyyrylainen-Trett
  Mike Crockart MP writes… Reducing reoffending and cutting crime (1) by Michael Crockart MP
  ALDE Party Congress venue for 2013 announced… welcome to London! (1) by Mark Valladares
  11 Liberal Democrat MPs vote for registrars to be exempt from marrying same sex couples (70) by Caron Lindsay
21st  Opinion polls yadda yadda. OR “Does Nate Silver mean nothing to you? Did he write in vain?” (24) by Stephen Tall
  Baroness Judith Jolly writes: new Social Care Bill focuses on people not systems (3) by Judith Jolly
  Opinion: Have we changed our policy on an in-out referendum? (12) by David Howarth
  How Liberal Democrat MPs voted on same sex marriage amendments (12) by Caron Lindsay
  Opinion: Nationalists want to monitor the BBC! (6) by Andrew Tibbs
  LibLink…Paddy Ashdown: Let us not leave Afghanistan with this final gesture of betrayal and dishonour (1) by NewsHound
  Same sex Marriage: another Liberal Democrat victory (45) by Caron Lindsay
22nd  Nick Clegg and Paddy Ashdown win the argument on Afghan interpreters (8) by NewsHound
  The Independent View: An invitation to ORGCon 2013: the UK’s leading digital rights conference (0) by Peter Bradwell
  Only one week left to vote in the Liberal Youth elections #lyelects (0) by Caron Lindsay
  A victory for equality: 3 pieces of news about the same sex marriage bill (13) by Caron Lindsay
  Opinion: Could there be a “Tory SDP?” (11) by Andrew Chamberlain
  Opinion: Referendum debate is a sideshow: the countdown to Britain’s real EU vote starts today (27) by Giles Goodall
  Nick Clegg says coalition “staunch opponents” will work together till 2015 (5) by Caron Lindsay
  Hinckley and Bosworth Cllr John Moore leaves Conservatives to join Liberal Democrats (3) by NewsHound
23rd  This week in Europe: 20-23 May (6) by Mark Valladares
  “Is the coalition government doing enough to encourage social mobility?” (28) by Stephen Tall
  Opinion: Some thoughts on the NHS from a recent patient (4) by William Hobhouse
  Willie Rennie calls for international relations review after Humza’s howler (0) by Caron Lindsay
  Opinion: An EU exit would be bad for Britain; it is our job to explain why (13) by Richard Davis
  “Cameron may be the more natural communicator, but it was Clegg who sounded more like a statesman” (5) by Nick T
  Baroness Sarah Ludford MEP writes…An EU-US trade deal would be good for Europe and for Britain (14) by Baroness Sarah Ludford MEP
  Laws vetoes plan to turn teachers into part-time border agents (7) by Nick T
  Opinion: The media have failed the public over the Woolwich atrocity (51) by Ewan Hoyle
  Opinion: Could Nigel Farage’s success lead to cross-party support for proportional electoral reform? (20) by Alan Wager
24th  Michael Moore MP’s Westminster Notes (0) by Michael Moore
  Report on internet pornography highlights need for education, not restriction (12) by Caron Lindsay
  Opinion: Building a stronger economy by supporting Research and Development (13) by Tad Jones
  Simon Hughes MP writes…My vote on the Same Sex Marriage Bill (111) by Simon Hughes MP
  Nick Clegg: Terrorism has no religion (16) by NewsHound
  In Full: Nick Clegg’s remarks at inter-faith event in London: A message of hope over fear, of community over division (2) by NewsHound
  Don Foster writes: A powerful meeting where all faiths spoke with one voice (10) by Don Foster MP
  An open letter to Tim Farron on unpaid internships (24) by Sam Barratt
  The LDV Friday Five: 24 May 2013 (0) by Caron Lindsay
25th  Fancy working for the Liberal Democrats #2 (3) by NewsHound
  Opinion: UKIP vote against EU tackling tax evasion (21) by Richard Davis
  LibLink… Menzies Campbell MP: Syria needs Britain’s help but it does not need our weapons (12) by NewsHound
26th  Two politicians having dinner together – they must be plotting the leadership succession… (14) by Caron Lindsay
  Simon Hughes and Alex Carlile debate Snoopers’ Charter on Murnaghan (21) by Caron Lindsay
  LibLink…Lynne Featherstone: The disabled people hidden from view (2) by NewsHound
  A brief editorial announcement … and a thought or two on a sunny afternoon, deep in the English countryside (10) by Mark Valladares
  Top of the Blogs: The Lib Dem Golden Dozen #327 (2) by Caron Lindsay
27th  Opinion: Liberal Democrats for a republic (52) by Mathew Hulbert
  Opinion: The 2015 manifesto – the need for a certain … clairvoyance (18) by Paul Reynolds
  Ed Davey writes… Europe must stay ambitious on climate change (9) by Ed Davey
  Opinion: TTIP – whose freedom will it promote? (11) by Gordon Frankland
  Is it time for retailers to lose the lads’ mags? (38) by Caron Lindsay
  Eric Schmidt’s perplexity – a challenge to governments (40) by Joe Otten
28th  The Independent View: Government must do more on youth unemployment (9) by Lottie Dexter
  Nick Clegg’s Letter from the Leader: “Coming together” (3) by Mary Reid
  Jo Swinson: Don’t tell your kids they’re beautiful – they’ll get issues (45) by The Voice
  A short history of the market (39) by Anthony Hawkes
  Nick Clegg announces the Chair of the 2014 Election Campaign (19) by Mary Reid
  Thoughts on a windy moor (10) by Mary Reid
29th  Jo Swinson responds to Liberal Democrat Voice commenters about telling children they are beautiful (33) by Caron Lindsay
  Your absolute last chance to vote in the Liberal Youth elections – and what happens next (0) by Caron Lindsay
  “Lib Dems give Mansion Tax threat over terror bill” says Times (20) by Caron Lindsay
  The New Liberal Youth team for 2013-2014 (14) by Caron Lindsay
  Vince on dangers of immigration debate and encouraging women in business – he doesn’t seem to be in the mood for resignation (19) by Caron Lindsay
30th  LibLink…Robin McGhee: Can UKIP handle the trials of local government? (17) by NewsHound
  No Liberal Democrat on Question Time again – who will speak up against the Snoopers’ Charter? (47) by The Voice
  Opinion: It’s time to prioritise electoral reform for local government (22) by Crispin Allard
  EU Fisheries policy reform achieved (4) by Mark Valladares
  Jim Hume MSP launches consultation on bill banning smoking in vehicles with children present (11) by Caron Lindsay
  Opinion: The Scottish Liberal Democrats fight back (7) by Daniel O'Malley
  Call Clegg highlights 30 May 2013 – the best one so far (13) by Caron Lindsay
  Liberalism’s comeback, feat. Mill, Smith, Gladstone and Clegg (on drums) (29) by Nick T
31st  Opinion: Is it too much to ask that our MPs understand the health impact of air pollution? (3) by Stephen Knight
  Opinion: Communications Data Bill is a threat to liberty (6) by Daniel O'Malley
  Opinion: How the government can spend billions on stimulus without borrowing a penny more (14) by David Thorpe
  Andrew George MP writes…Liberal Democrats must defend green promise (3) by Andrew George
  Can you help Christine Jardine’s campaign in Aberdeen Donside this weekend? (3) by Caron Lindsay
  The LDV Friday Five: 31 May 2013 (0) by Caron Lindsay

Recent Comments

  • Paul R
    @Neil H - Yes, people do have officially issued government ID in many of those countries. It is not however mandatory for them to carry it in all such countries...
  • Jennie
    Oooo another member of the Jennie Club...
  • Peter Hirst
    While it is good to have the correct policies it is even better to implement them in a timely and effective manner. We can have debates about what is the right ...
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    One of the things that Liberals used to believe in was the concept of industrial democracy. Although Trade Unions have their place in society as a pressure gro...