Monthly Archives: October 2013

1st  Andrew Stunell to stand down in 2015; Lisa Smart selected (18) by The Voice
  Nick Clegg writes: Black History Month (8) by Nick Clegg MP
  Opinion: Damian McBride and the next coalition (10) by Iain Coleman
  Take a good coalition environmental move and Owen Paterson will undermine it (22) by Andy Boddington
  A novel solution for rural broadband (2) by Mary Reid
  Opinion: What Black History Month means to me (10) by Lester Holloway
  Former Council Leader pleads guilty to serious charges (0) by The Voice
  Nick Clegg supports Ed Miliband over his dad – that’s just right (15) by Andy Boddington
  Of course, the Daily Mail has form when it comes to smearing party leaders’ families (21) by Stephen Tall
2nd  On the Lib Dem conference polling bump (lack thereof) and what it means for the party (70) by Stephen Tall
  Liz Barker is up for a Pink News award for Parliamentary speech of the year – vote today! (5) by Caron Lindsay
  Liberal Youth seeks new non portfolio officer and vice chair (0) by Caron Lindsay
  Nick Clegg attacks Labour council over Don Valley stadium closure (32) by Newsmoggie
  Opinion: I need the Liberal Democrats to stand up for me when Conservative ministers denigrate me (64) by Matt
  Crockart and McInnes criticise Scottish Police station closure plan (2) by Caron Lindsay
  Tom McNally to stand down as Leader of the Lib Dem Lords (4) by Helen Duffett
  David Cameron’s speech: meh, bah and hmm. (15) by Stephen Tall
  Why every minister should know the price of bread (17) by Andy Boddington
3rd  The cost of a Lotto gamble doubles. Is this a tax hike on the poor? (19) by Andy Boddington
  Clegg on the Daily Mail: “Overflowing with bile about modern Britain” (22) by Stephen Tall
  Opinion: The marriage tax allowance is no free lunch (6) by Laura Willoughby
  Dunfermline by-election: why are you in? (3) by Caron Lindsay
  Jo Swinson answers your questions, 2-3pm today (0) by Nick T
  Carmichael goes sober in October (0) by Nick T
  Clegg: Yes to intensive support for unemployed young people; no to automatic benefit withdrawal (50) by Nick T
4th  If Alistair Cooke reported the Obamacare standoff: “A real shutdown… not really!” (8) by Andy Boddington
  The EU is cutting red tape – a victory for the Lib Dems (13) by Fiona Hall MEP
  They shoot planning ministers don’t they? (9) by Andy Boddington
  John Thurso MP: Lobbying Bill to be amended to protect charities and lobby groups (17) by John Thurso
  Lib Dems hold Aylesbury Oakfield and Taunton Halcon (5) by The Voice
  A few thoughts after Matt’s brave post – we have to make the system more realistic, fair and compassionate (8) by Caron Lindsay
  ++ Lib Dem membership UP for first quarter in a decade outside elections (35) by The Voice
  LDVideo: Nick Clegg playing table tennis (1) by Newsmoggie
5th  The poll findings which should encourage (some) Lib Dems and worry Labour (22) by Stephen Tall
  Lib Dem equalities minister Jo Swinson backs Elle magazine’s ‘Make Them Pay’ campaign (20) by The Voice
  What’s being debated in our members’ forum this week? (0) by The Voice
  Bob Russell reselected for Colchester (2) by The Voice
  Will Lib Dem councillors miss out on this year’s LeaDeRs Awards? (2) by Sean O'Curneen
  In the next month 30 seats will select 29 wannabe Lib Dem MPs (and one MSP) (3) by Stephen Tall
6th  A reply to Matt on welfare by Lib Dem ministers Norman Lamb and Steve Webb: “We believe in standing up for the vulnerable” (12) by The Voice
  Telegraph accused of Labour bias over Miliband’s dad – or was it the BBC? #LOL (7) by Andy Boddington
  Who will follow in Tom McNally’s ermine footsteps? (0) by The Voice
  Stephen Lloyd MP writes… 100 Members in 100 Days: The Eastbourne Challenge (3) by Stephen Lloyd
  Nick Clegg’s Letter from the Leader: Sticking to the task (11) by Caron Lindsay
  Next week in the Lords: 8-10 October (0) by Mark Valladares
  LDV’s Sunday Best: our 7 most-read articles this week (0) by The Voice
  Top of the Blogs: The Lib Dem Golden Dozen #347 (1) by Caron Lindsay
7th  Orpington Liberals Win London Club Of The Year (9) by Gareth Epps
  +++ Carmichael replaces Michael Moore as Secretary of State for Scotland (10) by The Voice
  The Independent View: The Lib Dems can – and should – be the Party of the Entrepreneurs (8) by Sam Bowman
  In full: Nick Clegg’s and Michael Moore’s exchange of letters (3) by The Voice
  Sometimes it makes sense to take one of your best players off the field – but it hurts (18) by Caron Lindsay
  Opinion: Nick Clegg to set out patriotic case for a reformed Europe (12) by Adam Nathan
  ++ Jeremy Browne sacked from Home Office, replaced by Norman Baker (34) by Stephen Tall
  ++ Susan Kramer takes over from Norman Baker at Transport (3) by Stephen Tall
  Today’s Lib Dem reshuffle: 4 thoughts from me on what it means (19) by Stephen Tall
8th  Reshuffle – Lib Dems demoted at Defra as Heath axed (30) by Andy Boddington
  Marxism: a respectable philosophy, or dangerous, or evil? (74) by Joe Otten
  Vince Cable defends Royal Mail pricing (9) by Mary Reid
  Vote for the Westminster Dog of the Year (4) by Newsmoggie
  LibLink: Miriam González Durántez – Why I’m calling on brilliant British women to go back to school (10) by Mary Reid
  Norman Baker, conspiracy theories and Theresa May (14) by Stephen Tall
  Lib Dem victory on e-cigs (17) by Mary Reid
  Opinion: 50 reasons #whyIamIN (44) by Giles Goodall
9th  In Full: Nick Clegg’s speech on Europe: Richer, stronger, safer, greener (3) by The Voice
  Does any Lib Dem except Danny Alexander support the Coalition’s ‘Help to Buy’ house price inflation scheme? (35) by Stephen Tall
  Simon Hughes re-selected for Bermondsey and Old Southwark (8) by The Voice
  Poppy’s pawlitical perspective: Working for Tessa Munt MP and entering Westminster Dog of the Year (1) by Poppy
  Kirsty Williams writes… Welsh Lib Dems more than double Welsh Pupil Premium (8) by Kirsty Williams AM
  Ming Campbell announces he’s to retire as MP in 2015 (20) by The Voice
  Danny Alexander writes… A good home should not be a luxury for the few, but an achievable aspiration for the many (85) by Danny Alexander MP
  Willie Rennie and Iain Smith praise Sir Menzies Campbell (4) by The Voice
10th  Fiona Hall MEP backs Nissan over jobs risk if UK leaves EU (35) by Mary Reid
  Badgers moving goalposts? It’s the government that’s playing football with badger cull policy (25) by Andy Boddington
  Alistair Carmichael on Sir Menzies Campbell (0) by The Voice
  World Mental Health Day #timetochange (4) by Norman Lamb MP
  Malala Yousafzai wins European Prize for freedom of thought (4) by The Voice
  The Lobbying Bill – How Lib Dem MPs voted (27) by Andy Boddington
  Clegg: Guardian’s leaked Snowden secrets of “immense interest to people who want to do us harm” (13) by The Voice
11th  Hard won new rights for vulnerable young carers are a welcome step forward (0) by Paul Burstow
  The 17th Tory policy Lib Dems have blocked: Clegg rejects Theresa May’s plans to impose new immigration regulations on private landlords (7) by Stephen Tall
  Chemical weapons watchdog wins the 2013 Nobel Peace Prize (5) by The Voice
  Norman Baker talks about immigration, conspiricies and taking on Teresa May (8) by Andy Boddington
  Julie Pörksen selected as Liberal Democrat candidate for Berwick (9) by The Voice
  As Channel 4 News goes on titillating ‘fishing trip’, Sarah Teather calls them out (15) by Stephen Tall
  Has Eric Pickles destroyed the government’s role in communities? (10) by Andy Boddington
  Nick Clegg celebrates 40 years of LBC and asks for a forty year contract (1) by Newsmoggie
  Want to buy a bandstand? Bracknell Lib Dems have one for sale on ebay (7) by Andy Boddington
  ++ David Heath announces he will stand down as an MP in 2015 (19) by Stephen Tall
12th  Closed for business? The UK needs more foreign students (4) by Alice Sachrajda
  Who’s up, who’s down? How party members rate the performances of leading Lib Dems (5) by Stephen Tall
  Reshuffle redux: how Lib Dem members rated the ministerial performances of the sacked and the promoted (9) by Stephen Tall
  LDVideo: Vince Cable praises Royal Mail’s “very good launch” onto the stock market (4) by The Voice
  What’s being debated in our members’ forum this week? (0) by The Voice
13th  What Lib Dem members think of the Coalition with 18 months of it left (8) by Stephen Tall
  Labour Uncut editor Atul Hatwal writes… The two paths to a Labour deal with the Lib Dems (19) by Atul Hatwal
  Lib Dem councillor Sarah Brown 27th most influential on Indy’s 2013 Pink List (4) by The Voice
  38 Degrees on the Lobbying Bill: Let’s hope the House of Lords sorts it out (13) by David Babbs
  LDV’s Sunday Best: our 7 most-read articles this week (0) by The Voice
  Did Nick Harvey turn down the job of Lib Dem chief whip? (2) by The Voice
  Nick Clegg’s Letter from the Leader: “Only the Liberal Democrats are, unambiguously, the party of ‘In’.” (23) by Stephen Tall
  Opinion: Being tough on drugs means being pro-reform (23) by Ewan Hoyle
14th  Opinion: We’ve reached the “Ain’t you got any homes to go to?” stage at the Last Chance Saloon (14) by Paul Walter
  Carmichael behind in first major test since becoming Secretary of State for Scotland (0) by The Voice
  Sexual Risk orders: something liberals should be worried about? (19) by Caron Lindsay
  How you can take part in LibDemVoice’s exclusive party member surveys (0) by Stephen Tall
  Obituary: Stan Hardy (6) by Jonathan Hunt
  Danny Alexander MP writes… This is the Liberal Democrats’ policy and everybody knows it (38) by Danny Alexander MP
  2014 Councillor Achievement Awards are now open for nominations (3) by Josephine Suherman
15th  Julian Huppert writes: Working towards a competent immigration system (10) by Julian Huppert
  ‘Brent councillor moves his surgery underground’ (1) by Mary Reid
  David Laws writes: Reforming Labour’s league tables will end the race to the middle (14) by David Laws
  Jim Wallace new leader of the Liberal Democrats in the House of Lords (0) by Helen Duffett
  As David Heath stands down, local councillor Sam Phripp pays a personal tribute (3) by Sam Phripp
  Travel is permitted (0) by George Kendall
  Norman Lamb writes: A huge leap forwards in delivering personal health budgets (5) by Norman Lamb MP
  Opinion: League tables – Lib Dems deliver real change (5) by Layla Moran MP
  Nick Clegg’s message for Eid-al-Adha – “Countless acts of kindness” (0) by The Voice
16th  Michael Moore MP’s Westminster Notes (3) by Michael Moore
  Phil Bennion MEP writes: Manufacturers say Britain must stay in the EU (15) by Phil Bennion
  Farron, Huppert & Sanders say: Time to take a tough stand on biofuels (6) by NewsHound
  Stephen Williams MP writes… Making self build accessible (4) by Stephen Williams
  Casked Crusader battles zombie enterprises over “Great British Pubco Scam” (17) by Andy Boddington
  On Global Handwashing Day, Featherstone launches scheme to give 4 million access to clean water in Democratic Republic of Congo (0) by Newsmoggie
  LDVideo: Norman Lamb says he’s on a mission for better mental health care (4) by Caron Lindsay
  Employment: Jobs are growing – but there is a long way to go (4) by Andy Boddington
  The Labour party ‘Plebgate’ website they no longer want you to see (19) by Stephen Tall
  Norman Lamb is surely right: pensioners who own their own homes and have more than £23,000 savings are ‘quite wealthy’ (45) by Stephen Tall
17th  Opinion: Devil in disguise, new drug, same old lies (6) by Mark Wright
  Opinion: Back Liberal Youth Scotland’s campaign to end gay conversion therapies in the UK (10) by Euan Davidson
  Ed Davey MP writes… Labour’s energy policy is a con (19) by Ed Davey
  Kennedy, Carmichael and Alexander visit Dunfermline as Susan Leslie’s campaign hots up (3) by Caron Lindsay
  New Ipsos-MORI poll: Nick Clegg’s leader ratings in 5 graphs (12) by Stephen Tall
  Nick Clegg welcomes Milburn social mobility and child poverty report (7) by The Voice
  Norman Baker MP writes… Proud of the Lib Dem record on crime prevention (6) by Norman Baker MP
  Carmichael for leader in 2014? As likely as him giving up booze for a year, I’d say. (9) by Caron Lindsay
  Baroness Zahida Manzoor’s maiden speech (2) by Mark Valladares
  Jo Swinson: “About to get on tube. Seat offers welcome….but I was happier standing yesterday” (6) by Caron Lindsay
18th  Ed Davey writes… Keeping down household energy bills (14) by Ed Davey
  Jeremy Browne talks to the Times on his sacking and not being a Tory (43) by Andy Boddington
  Nick Clegg’s position on benefits for wealthy pensioners is confused and needs clarifying (27) by Gareth Wilson
  A good night for Lib Dems at the byelections (11) by The Voice
  Tsar code of practice could have stopped Nick Clegg’s mistake with Caan (3) by Ruth Levitt and William Solesbury
  A Minister for Youth Affairs is needed to stop young people being driven out of rural life (5) by Jane Dodds
  Nature can’t be shuffled around like politicians or for profit (6) by Andy Boddington
  Caron Lindsay defends Jo Swinson’s right to stand (12) by Andy Boddington
  Norman Lamb writes… A year at the Department of Health (1) by Norman Lamb MP
19th  The Independent View: I know what next month’s living wage will be and it doesn’t relate to the cost of living (4) by Adam Corlett
  Vampire railway: High Speed 2 to suck life out of local economies (37) by Andy Boddington
  Michael Moore “turned down chance to resign Cabinet post” (8) by Caron Lindsay
  What’s being debated in our members’ forum this week? (0) by The Voice
  In the next month 21 seats will select wannabe Lib Dem MPs (2) by Stephen Tall
  The glamorous life of the Secretary of State for Scotland (3) by Newsmoggie
  Top of the Blogs: The Lib Dem Golden Dozen #348 (0) by Caron Lindsay
20th  Nick Clegg pledges parental guarantee to tackle poor standards in free schools (10) by The Voice
  The palatable truth about EU migration: 5 reasons why it’s good for Britain (31) by Giles Goodall
  Clegg on free schools and National Curriculum: no more, no less than party policy. And that’s for better and worse. (31) by Stephen Tall
  Nick Clegg’s Letter from the Leader: Remember this? (1) by The Voice
  Clegg on Murnaghan: Osborne sat there and talked about “your tax threshold policy” (15) by Caron Lindsay
  LDV’s Sunday Best: our 7 most-read articles this week (0) by The Voice
  Opinion: No Lib Dem on Question Time? Keep calm and carry on (17) by Paul Twigger
  Top of the Blogs: The Lib Dem Golden Dozen #349 (0) by Caron Lindsay
21st  Opinion: Yin and Yang in China (4) by Merlene Emerson
  The European Election – Campaigning on the Issues (6) by Matt McLaren
  Ed Davey MP writes… Hinkley Point C – a big step forward for energy decarbonisation (55) by Ed Davey
  Our politicians should be dull, worthy and never seen wearing a leopard print bra (6) by Andy Boddington
  Carmichael: SNP’s energy plans have more holes than a Swiss cheese (2) by Caron Lindsay
  #TeamAlistair vs #TeamSheila Go Sober update – Carmichael behind but almost £3k pledged so far (0) by The Voice
  Open letter to Lib Dem MPs: The Immigration Bill is illiberal (24) by Issan Ghazni
22nd  The Independent View: The merits of Swedish-style localism in improving UK healthcare (11) by Elliot Bidgood
  Two questions journalists aren’t asking about Nick Clegg’s free schools speech (40) by Stephen Tall
  The European Election – Fighting an Integrated Campaign (1) by Matt McLaren
  Paul Tyler writes… Transparency not gagging (10) by Paul Tyler
  Opinion: Clinical Commissioning Groups – don’t hold your breath (8) by Geoff Crocker
  The Independent View: The Lobbying Bill threatens grass-roots campaigning (14) by Andrew Watson
  ‘Go Home’ vans to go home (5) by Mary Reid
  Tim Farron writes… A liberal win on ‘Go Home’ vans (5) by Tim Farron MP
  David Laws writes… Nick Clegg and I have always been clear that Free Schools must also be fair schools (31) by David Laws
23rd  Opinion: Love food, hate waste (7) by Tim Pickstone
  Stephen Gilbert’s quick thinking helps rescue woman from Thames (5) by Newsmoggie
  The Independent View: The Living Wage can be fair but affordable in tough economic times (3) by Donald Hirsch
  Readers’ Editor – some thoughts from the first month or so (6) by Mark Valladares
  Lynne Featherstone visits Uganda to highlight disability and development (7) by The Voice
  “Move over Nick” says Telegraph as Miriam Gonzalez Durantez launches women’s network (3) by Caron Lindsay
  Opinion: Thanks to Simon Hughes and Liberal Democrat Voice for helping get Florence Nightingale back in history lessons (5) by Dr Lynn McDonald
  LibLink: Stephen Tall – Lib Dems recontaminating the Tory brand? No, the Tories do it to themselves (11) by NewsHound
  Tim Farron on leading the Lib Dems and the coalition’s record on social justice (4) by Andy Boddington
24th  YouGov: Nick edges Vince on economic trust (10) by Stephen Tall
  Grangemouth: a summary of Liberal Democrat reaction (20) by Caron Lindsay
  Adrian Sanders MP writes…The Universal Declaration of Animal Welfare should be taken up on an international level (8) by Adrian Sanders
  Paul Burstow MP writes… Parity for mental health: learning lessons from across the pond (1) by Paul Burstow
  In Full: Nick Clegg’s speech on education – enabling every child to achieve a happy and fulfilling life (12) by The Voice
  Nick (finally) makes his education speech and launches the Coalition’s own ‘Champions League’ (4) by Stephen Tall
25th  Dunfermline by-election win for Labour, disaster for SNP and Lib Dems hold 3rd place (29) by The Voice
  Lord Greaves writes… We must make the Lobbying Bill work (13) by Tony Greaves
  The Independent View: Planning out Poverty (2) by Kate Henderson
  Delivering affordable homes and new jobs in London (7) by Stephen Knight
  Julian Huppert writes… Fixing the women’s prison estate (2) by Julian Huppert
  Time to do away with Lib Dem Friends of Israel and Friends of Palestine (41) by Leon Duveen
  Byelection results – 24 October (8) by The Voice
  George Lyon MEP writes… not a single Liberal Democrat voted for extra spending from Brussels (3) by George Lyon MEP
  Alistair Carmichael MP writes…how the Lib Dems in government worked together for Grangemouth (7) by Alistair Carmichael MP
26th  Full list of Lib Dems standing in our held seats and top 50 targets (40) by Stephen Tall
  Boris Johnson is not the only politician to stand up for immigration (4) by Andy Boddington
  Readers’ Editor – comments, need it all be so difficult? (47) by Mark Valladares
  Danny Alexander says there would be no recovery without Lib Dems (9) by The Voice
  What’s being debated in our members’ forum this week? (0) by The Voice
  Ed Davey nails Labour’s energy price freeze: “Prices go up, small, independent competitors go out of business, the big six is created again. Well done, Mr Miliband!” (48) by Stephen Tall
27th  Liberal Conspiracy is dead – and so too’s the amateur blogger (more or less) (4) by Stephen Tall
  The Tour De France is great news for York but also needs a business case (0) by Keith Aspden
  Is Nick Clegg looking at all-women shortlists for 2020? (43) by Caron Lindsay
  David Laws MP writes…Have your say – the 2015 manifesto (7) by David Laws
  Nick Clegg’s Letter from the Leader: Two big issues – free schools and energy bills (7) by Caron Lindsay
  LDV’s Sunday Best: our 7 most-read articles this week (1) by The Voice
  A Sunday afternoon read – Rosie Wallace: The Sisters (0) by Caron Lindsay
  Top of the Blogs: The Lib Dem Golden Dozen #350 (0) by Caron Lindsay
28th  Opinion: Russell Brand – a turgid mess of a manifesto (57) by Jack Williams
  Liberal Democrat MPs are the best, polls say (8) by Joe Otten
  Lessons from Dunfermline: A lot more conversation, a little less literature needed in future (18) by Caron Lindsay
  Ed Davey forms European green alliance to help Cameron win global race (2) by Adam Nathan
  Opinion: It’s not just about Nuclear, it’s about Finance (12) by Steve Coltman
  HS2 alternatives mean 14 years of replacement buses (26) by Joe Otten
  Paul Burstow writes… The care bill must deliver for carers (1) by Paul Burstow
29th  Nick Clegg’s speech at the PinkNews awards (0) by Mary Reid
  Opinion: What is with the Lib Dem love affair with leaflets? (43) by Former Organiser
  Derek Osbourne sentenced to two years in jail (0) by The Voice
  EXCLUSIVE: Alistair Carmichael and Sheila Ritchie pitch for your Go Sober sponsorship (0) by The Voice
  November AD LIB Review: Burt on manufacturing, Paddick on social justice, new Shirley biography and a gaffe (9) by Caron Lindsay
  Lynne Featherstone writes … My visit to Uganda: “Disability is not inability” (1) by Lynne Featherstone
30th  LibLink: Steve Webb – Issue of pension charges has been neglected for too long (19) by NewsHound
  How accessible is Federal Conference? (10) by Kelly-Marie Blundell
  Opinion: The National Rail Conference and the strategic case for HS2 (33) by Paul Rowen
  Kirsty Williams interview: “Scary” Paddy, women in the Cabinet and the reality of a Labour government (13) by Newsmoggie
  Michael Moore MP’s Westminster Notes (1) by Michael Moore
  New Lib Dem initiatives on mental health (2) by Caron Lindsay
  Nick Clegg backs BBC in a feisty press conference (13) by Caron Lindsay
  Opinion: Sexist Labour needs All Women Shortlists, the Liberal Democrats can change without them (47) by Sarah Brown
  Can Nick Clegg hold the line on not offering any red lines? (27) by Stephen Tall
31st  Lynne Featherstone writes… Bonuses for Homes for Haringey staff are sickening when tenants need repairs and there aren’t enough homes (1) by Lynne Featherstone
  Opinion: Conservative run Shropshire takes independence away from disabled and elderly (8) by Ian Griffiths
  Lewis Baston’s election 2015 forecast: Labour 36%, Conservatives 34%, Lib Dems 16% (21) by Stephen Tall
  Opinion: It’s time to say Yes to Homes (5) by Patrick Murray
  The biggest urban myth: the Tories have a birthright to the Shires (4) by Andy Boddington
  Jo Swinson MP writes… Liberal Democrat aim of transparent company ownership becomes a reality (7) by Jo Swinson MP
  Did this Lib Dem duo from Scotland reveal Mrs Clinton’s (not-so-well-cloaked) presidential ambitions? (1) by The Voice
  Opinion: Reform of the Duchy of Cornwall – on the cards? (11) by Michael Hall
  Crockart’s Nuisance Calls Bill to be debated tomorrow as All Party Group recommends action (13) by Caron Lindsay
  The Liberal Democrat Voice Pumpkin Parade (2) by Caron Lindsay

Recent Comments

  • Paul R
    @Neil H - Yes, people do have officially issued government ID in many of those countries. It is not however mandatory for them to carry it in all such countries...
  • Jennie
    Oooo another member of the Jennie Club...
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