Monthly Archives: June 2013

1st  Mercer affair can only help Nick Clegg’s quest for lobbying transparency and recalling MPs (9) by The Voice
  Menzies Campbell talks to Today programme about Syria (3) by NewsHound
  Danny Alexander: “Leaving the EU would be catastrophic” (35) by NewsHound
  Vigil to take place as Lords debate Same Sex Marriage Bill (2) by Caron Lindsay
2nd  The “affair” is none of our business – but how did it get in the papers anyway? (54) by Caron Lindsay
  Ed Davey MP writes…Green jobs, cleaner energy, keeping the lights on and bills down (23) by Ed Davey
  Book Review: Austerity: the history of a dangerous idea (45) by Geoff Crocker
  Top of the Blogs: The Lib Dem Golden Dozen #328 (0) by Caron Lindsay
3rd  Letter from the Leader: It won’t be easy (3) by Caron Lindsay
  Towards race equality: Lib Dem task force reports (7) by The Voice
  Lib Link… Nick Clegg: Sadly, I’m not surprised by these revelations. Westminster is crying out for reform (15) by The Voice
  LibLink… Guy Verhofstadt: Europe needs to change, but with Britain at its heart (8) by Joe Otten
  Duncan Hames MP writes… Help shape Party policy in two new working groups (4) by Duncan Hames MP
  EDMWatch #2: Beer, moths, space and human rights (1) by Caron Lindsay
  Opinion: A liberal future for police and crime commissioners (12) by Nick O'Shea
  Stephen Gilbert writes … Liberal Democrats should be proud of the Energy Bill (6) by Stephen Gilbert MP
  Baroness Liz Barker writes … My Lords speech on the Marriage (Same Sex Couples) Bill (5) by Baroness Liz Barker
  Mike Hancock temporarily withdraws from Liberal Democrat whip (19) by Caron Lindsay
4th  Opinion: The lobbying scandal is nothing of the sort (10) by Alexander Ehmann
  Sarah Ludford writes …Creating EU Data Protection rules that safeguard both privacy and jobs (2) by Baroness Sarah Ludford MEP
  Ed Balls shifts Labour’s position closer to the Lib Dems: is this the start of a Lib-Lab realignment? (27) by Stephen Tall
  Lord Alderdice’s speech in equal marriage debate: I am not unpersuadable (6) by Caron Lindsay
  Sal Brinton: “Now is the time for equal marriage” (0) by Caron Lindsay
  Opinion: My marriage will be different, but equal, my Lords and Ladies… (0) by Ed Fordham
  Opinion:The Ministry of Justice’s latest reforms to legal aid will cut access to justice, not the deficit (8) by Jonathan Featonby
  Meat is a treat (19) by Mary Reid
  Opinion: Evidence-Based Policy and the Culling of Badgers (14) by Craig Brown
  Updated: The journey to equality continues: Same Sex Marriage Bill passes first Lords stage (7) by Caron Lindsay
  16 Liberal Democrats rebel and vote for 2030 decarbonisation target (13) by Caron Lindsay
5th  Rebuilding our campaigning base in York (8) by Keith Aspden
  Same sex marriage bill: Speeches from Lords Phillips and Carlile (3) by Caron Lindsay
  Labour and Tory MPs have a new twist on an old game. Block democratic reform. Then criticise lack of democratic reform (10) by Stephen Tall
  Opinion: London is not a foreign country (8) by Kirsty O'Brien
  Paul Tyler writes….There can be no party funding consensus without compromise (11) by Paul Tyler
  Ashdown says package offered to Afghan interpreter doesn’t “fulfill our debt of honour” (1) by NewsHound
  Lord Tope tackles goldplating EU laws (8) by Sean O'Curneen
  LibLink… Willie Rennie: The fear in a continental drift (7) by Caron Lindsay
  Annette Brooke is new Chair of Liberal Democrat Parliamentary Party (2) by NewsHound
  Registers and recall: I support them both. But they’re not going to clean up our democracy (12) by Stephen Tall
  Stephen Williams gets award from World Health Organisation for anti smoking work (3) by The Voice
  Alistair Carmichael writes…We should be talking about how Lib Dems won record investment for renewable energy (16) by Alistair Carmichael MP
  Same sex marriage bill: how peers voted by party (3) by Stephen Tall
6th  Opinion: Feeling at home with housing policy (13) by James King
  Clegg says no to childcare ratio changes. My question is: why’s it the Government’s job to dictate them? (29) by Stephen Tall
  Nick Clegg launches Opening Doors Awards (9) by NewsHound
  Would PR spell the end of the Liberal Democrats? (39) by Nick T
  Are employment levels one of the “better stories” of the Coalition, as Fraser Nelson claims? Not really. (10) by Stephen Tall
  Annette Brooke MP writes…What I hope to achieve in my new role (2) by Annette Brooke MP
  Call Clegg highlights 6 June – “I was lucky, but it’s not about luck, is it?” (4) by Caron Lindsay
7th  What’s on the agenda for English Council? (2) by Andy Strange
  Opinion: Arming the Syrian Rebels (34) by Joe Bourke
  LibLink…Ed Davey MP: I want to see a community energy revolution in the UK (5) by NewsHound
  Sarah Teather slams “cowardly, politically motivated” freezing of asylum support (15) by Caron Lindsay
  The LDV Friday Five: 7 June 2013 (0) by Helen Duffett
8th  Ashcroft’s latest poll: a couple of interesting findings about the Lib Dems (39) by Stephen Tall
  Unpaid internships: Tim Farron replies (24) by Tim Farron MP
9th  Nick Clegg’s Letter from the Leader: ‘Opening Doors’ so that every young person deserves a great start in life (15) by Stephen Tall
  Clegg and Rennie congratulate Bruce and Kennedy on 30 years in Parliament (3) by Caron Lindsay
  Farron backs ‘Get Better, Get British’ campaign to get more UK food into our hospitals (4) by The Voice
  Malcolm Bruce MP writes: The unlimited variety of 30 years in Parliament (1) by Malcolm Bruce
  Charles Kennedy MP writes… (0) by Charles Kennedy
  LibLink: Charlotte Henry – How can the Liberal Democrats cure its ‘woman problem’? (8) by NewsHound
  Top of the Blogs: The Lib Dem Golden Dozen #329 (0) by Caron Lindsay
10th  A personal guide to the 13 most essential political podcasts (8) by Stephen Tall
  Opinion: Choose Life (23) by Tahir Maher
  The Tories’ biggest headache (36) by Joe Otten
  Lib Dem Nevis – sponsored Ben Nevis climb to fund an HQ internship (1) by Glyn Ley
  Well done, Ed Balls. He’s opened up space for a proper welfare debate. Lib Dems now need to claim that space. (13) by Stephen Tall
  Opinion: We must resist illiberal responses to the Woolwich murder (6) by Prateek Buch
  National carers week 2013 (0) by Norman Lamb MP
11th  Opinion: Prisoner voting rights (9) by Tom Nicholson
  LibLink: Lynne Featherstone – Gender equality and empowerment are crucial in the fight against world poverty (2) by Mary Reid
  Lib Dem MP Sir Robert Smith takes Yeo’s place as Energy and Climate Change Committee chair (3) by Stephen Tall
  Review of North Sea oil and gas (2) by Mary Reid
  Opinion: Decriminalising drugs (13) by Joe Bourke
  The ins and outs of the Snoopers Charter (4) by Mary Reid
  Opinion: Gender quotas are the sensible way forward (42) by Flo Clucas
  In Pictures: Malcolm Bruce’s 30th anniversary dinner (1) by NewsHound
12th  Michael Moore MP’s Westminster Notes (0) by Michael Moore
  The Lib Dem narrative dilemma: forget about 2010, start looking forward to 2015 (53) by Stephen Tall
  Opinion: Let’s rid our political economy of inequalities of power (9) by Prateek Buch
  Facing the world (0) by Maelo Manning
  Morrissey Inquiry into Party processes and culture (0) by The Voice
  Statement from Nick Clegg on the Morrissey Report (3) by The Voice
  Helena Morrissey’s report: my first impressions (15) by Stephen Tall
13th  Opinion: Are current state pension arrangements fair? (15) by Adam Corlett
  LibLink…Paddy Ashdown: NSA surveillance: who watches the watchers? (1) by NewsHound
  Liberal Democrat Women reacts to Morrissey report (4) by NewsHound
  Jo Swinson has good news for consumers (4) by Caron Lindsay
  David Boyle writes… Choice works – so why not in legal aid? (18) by David Boyle
  Bill Newton Dunn MEP writes…European cooperation is indispensable in the fight against organised crime (2) by Bill Newton Dunn
  “Dr Julian Huppert (Cambridge) rose. Hon. Members: Oh, no.” Yes, folks: this is our Parliament. (17) by Stephen Tall
  Helena Morrissey’s Report: some praise is also due (6) by Stephen Tall
14th  Helena Morrissey’s Report: No excuses – we have to do what she says and do it well (3) by Caron Lindsay
  Kingston Lib Dems’ council leader Derek Osbourne arrested on suspicion of possessing indecent images of children (1) by The Voice
  Lib Dem MPs to abstain on Tories’ EU in/out referendum bill? (17) by Stephen Tall
  The Morrissey Report: We must take chance to be a more effective, respectful team (7) by Jemima Bland
  Opinion: In praise of Devon and Cornwall (4) by George Kendall
  Liberal Democrats have helped create a million jobs – and now want a million more (21) by Caron Lindsay
  The LDV Friday Five: 14 June 2013 (1) by The Voice
15th  Vince Cable: A million jobs for a stronger economy (24) by The Voice
  Congratulations to Sir Andrew, Alison, Flick, Kirsty and Sir Menzies (11) by Caron Lindsay
  A picture postcard from a Liberal Democrat in Gezi Park (3) by Sam Lawes
  Nick Clegg holds firm on snoopers’ charter (5) by The Voice
16th  Nick Clegg is on the Andrew Marr Show (0) by The Voice
  The Swinson Twinterview: pubs, post offices, payday lenders, and the brilliance of Christine Jardine. (0) by Caron Lindsay
  Lib Dems set to name 7 new peers for House of Lords, says Sunday Times (37) by Stephen Tall
  LDVideo: Danny Alexander on UK’s commitment to tax transparency and the unproven case for arming the rebels in Syria (5) by The Voice
  Nick Clegg on Marr: No knee jerk reactions on Syria or snoopers’ charter (0) by Caron Lindsay
  Nick Clegg’s Letter from the Leader: “Jobs are right at the heart of the Lib Dems’ agenda” (4) by Stephen Tall
  Paddy Ashdown: Arming Syrian rebels could make things worse (7) by Caron Lindsay
  Top of the Blogs: The Lib Dem Golden Dozen #330 (0) by Caron Lindsay
17th  How not to write for Liberal Democrat Voice (9) by Joe Otten
  Nick Clegg’s speech at tax and transparency G8 event (0) by NewsHound
  Michael Moore MP writes…Scotland has a role in overseas aid (3) by Michael Moore
  Clegg: Welfare for wealthy must be cut first (19) by NewsHound
18th  Opinion: Creating a new Alliance (38) by Simon Hebditch
  New edition of Liberator (8) by The Liberator Collective
  Liberal Democrat Spring Conference to be held in York in 2014 (11) by Caron Lindsay
  Opinion: The best government team you’ve not heard of (4) by Mark Pack
  Nick Clegg and Julian Huppert are Internet heroes (4) by Mary Reid
  David Laws on the Liberal Democrat agenda for tackling low pay (25) by Mary Reid
19th  Winchester Liberal Democrats select Jackie Porter as PPC for 2015 election (6) by NewsHound
  LibLink…Tavish Scott: Courting election woe with party first (3) by Caron Lindsay
  EDMWatch #3 No more page 3, sense on the nursery and transparency in English football (1) by Caron Lindsay
  Pensions, the triple lock and Scottish independence (11) by Caron Lindsay
  Labour play games on Robin Hood Tax (13) by The Voice
  Michael Moore’s BBC webcast on Scottish Independence (2) by The Voice
  Jo Swinson announces consultation on streamlining businesses’ appeal process (5) by Caron Lindsay
20th  Lynne Featherstone live webchat on Mumsnet today at 1pm (0) by NewsHound
  Tim Farron says: “Help get the vote out for Christine Jardine” (0) by Caron Lindsay
  “I refute these allegations” – no, you don’t (18) by Nick T
  Baroness Kate Parminter writes…We need more research and public engagement before agreeing to GM crops (18) by Kate Parminter
  Nick on Nigella / Saatchi. His LBC comments were incoherent and ill thought out. But let’s keep some proportion (19) by Stephen Tall
  Nick Clegg: “I completely condemn all forms of domestic violence” (4) by The Voice
  Obama to Clegg: “It’s good to see the better looking half of the coalition” (7) by Nick T
  The Syrian civil war is a humanitarian disaster: the time has come to intervene (36) by Nick T
  Are we seriously going to lock up the Naked Rambler for the rest of his life? (36) by Caron Lindsay
  Farron on alleged CQC Morecambe Bay NHS Trust cover-up: “Justice must now take its course” (2) by The Voice
21st  Vote up, share of vote up and up to 3rd place – good result for Team Christine in Aberdeen Donside (8) by Caron Lindsay
  Tory rebels launch their own alternative Queen’s Speech as helpful reminder of why Lib Dems vital to Cameron (21) by Stephen Tall
  Adrian Sanders vs Miss England (12) by Caron Lindsay
  Lord Roger Roberts writes…Our asylum system is crying out for reform (3) by Lord Roger Roberts
  Lord Paul Tyler writes…Never on a Sunday? (6) by Paul Tyler
  TOMORROW: Join us for coverage of the Lib Dem Local Government Conference (2) by Nick T
  Ah, maybe this explains Nick Clegg’s awkwardness over Nigella yesterday… (10) by Caron Lindsay
  Opinion: The week after the Morrissey Report – what will you do? (19) by Amna Ahmad
22nd  LibLink..Lembit Opik: We are not alone (12) by NewsHound
  Local Government Conference live blog (2) by Nick T
  ‘Red lines’ v ‘a long shopping list’: Clegg sets out plan for slimline 2015 manifesto (70) by Stephen Tall
  Opinion: Should we offer to pay university fees for doctors who commit to NHS? (21) by Douglas Nicol
  Teather, Rogerson, Beith and Huppert speak against new family migration rules (14) by Caron Lindsay
  The right to privacy: “in a country born on the will to be free, what could be more fundamental than this?” (13) by Stephen Tall
23rd  Clegg shares his concerns over legal aid plans – full transcript (13) by Nick T
  Vince vs Danny and Osborne? (3) by The Voice
  Two thoughts on Clegg’s Manchester speech (1 of 2): how not to repeat the tuition fees mistake (40) by Stephen Tall
  Two thoughts on Clegg’s Manchester speech (2 of 2): edging towards the right narrative (12) by Stephen Tall
  Nick, we’re not a bunch of unrealistic hippies desperate for opposition, you know….. (72) by Caron Lindsay
  Letter from the Leader: Get on the inside and govern (3) by Caron Lindsay
  Top of the Blogs: The Lib Dem Golden Dozen #331 (0) by Caron Lindsay
24th  Have you got the new Lib Dem poster? (3) by Mark Pack
  Eric Avebury writes… Light on the horizon for some gay asylum seekers (3) by Eric Avebury
  Interview: Nick Clegg on the economy, welfare, Cleggism and the “superb” Kung Fu Panda films (7) by Nick T
  An equal marriage video guaranteed to make you smile (2) by Caron Lindsay
  The Independent View: rheumatoid arthritis and public awareness (4) by Leo Watson
  Opinion: A Peace Plan for Syria (11) by Joe Bourke
25th  Opinion: Liberal Democrats must stay firm on deficit reduction (58) by William Hobhouse
  Jo Swinson and Duncan Hames expecting Christmas baby (7) by Caron Lindsay
  David Laws – “I thought the note was a joke” (12) by NewsHound
  The Independent View: In tough times, parents need the government to help them, not to judge them (2) by Julianne Marriott
  Opinion: What if? (28) by David Allen
  Investing in support for troubled families (5) by Mary Reid
  David Cameron says “I can be Prime Minister without Nick Clegg” (7) by Mary Reid
  Could the Lib Dems stay in the Coalition in the event the Tories dumped David Cameron? (13) by Stephen Tall
26th  Welcome to my day… 26 June (0) by Mark Valladares
  Page 3 and the Tories: showing their modern, enlightened face (14) by Stephen Tall
  English Council, 15 June – our man in Luton reports… (4) by Andy Strange
  EU funding helps UK punch above its weight on science (0) by The Voice
  Opinion: if you pay peanuts, you risk bad governance (14) by Mark Valladares
  Danny Alexander MP writes… Spending where it matters (53) by Danny Alexander MP
  Choosing a better candidate – some ideas to make it happen (22) by Tim Farron and Mark Pack
  Time for urgent action to reverse bee decline (8) by Roger Williams MP
27th  LibLink…Nick Clegg and the SunEmployment campaign (3) by NewsHound
  Ed Davey MP writes… Keeping the lights on with greener energy (6) by Ed Davey
  Danny Alexander MP writes… Investing in Britain’s future (22) by Danny Alexander MP
  Party groups respond to the Spending Round (25) by Nick T
  Opinion: Spend on innovation to drive economic growth (13) by Richard Davis
28th  Kirsty Williams AM writes: Why Welsh Liberal Democrats and Plaid Cymru have joined forces (15) by Kirsty Williams AM
  Philip Hammond on Coalition with the Lib Dems: horses for courses? (20) by Stephen Tall
  LibLink | Nick Clegg: Celebrate Pride but don’t forget the countries that discriminate against LGBT people (1) by NewsHound
  Protecting children, nuisance calls, delivery charges and supporting deaf people – the Liberal Democrat private members bills (5) by Caron Lindsay
  No sex please, we’re Lib Dems? (3) by Caron Lindsay
  Teather, Swales and Mulholland urge Government to rethink Legal Aid proposals (8) by Caron Lindsay
  Norman Lamb MP writes… A pooled health and social care budget (5) by Norman Lamb MP
29th  Lynne: Police should target “cutters” who perform genital mutilation on girls in Britain, not their parents (5) by The Voice
  The Independent View: What does the Spending Review mean for UK cities? (3) by Ed Clarke
  Will Ed Miliband “do a John Smith” and push for an early EU in/out referendum? There are advantages, y’know… (5) by Stephen Tall
  A longer read for the weekend: Tim Leunig on how to increase airport capacity in the UK (21) by Stephen Tall
  Nick shows an alternative way to get a swing to the Liberals… (4) by Stephen Tall
30th  LDV’s Sunday Best (0) by The Voice
  Nick Clegg’s Letter from the Leader: “Our central purpose: Getting the economy back on track” (62) by Stephen Tall
  Opinion: Beyond the membership card – how can we build a sustainable party model? (19) by James Fearnley
  Lynne Featherstone writes… One Million Jobs (5) by Lynne Featherstone

Recent Comments

  • Paul R
    @Neil H - Yes, people do have officially issued government ID in many of those countries. It is not however mandatory for them to carry it in all such countries...
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