Monthly Archives: January 2015

1st  The General Election year is here – let’s make it a good one (131) by Caron Lindsay
  Five posts to sum up June 2014 (2) by Caron Lindsay
  Willie Rennie’s New Year Message (9) by The Voice
  The 12 most-read LDV posts of 2014 (Day 8) (10) by The Voice
2nd  Cadan ap Tomos selected to fight Cardiff West in the General Election (0) by The Voice
  Five posts to sum up July 2014 (0) by Caron Lindsay
  Charles Kennedy MP writes…Our challenge for 2015 is to make positive case for UK political reform (5) by Charles Kennedy
  Malcolm Bruce: People will realise the positive impact Lib Dems have made in Government and will want more of us there (41) by NewsHound
  The 12 most-read LDV posts of 2014 (Day 9) (1) by The Voice
  Five posts to sum up August 2014 (2) by Caron Lindsay
3rd  LibDemVoice Fantasy Football League: how it stands after Week 20 (0) by Stephen Tall
  Five posts to sum up September 2014 (5) by Caron Lindsay
  Some better news for Alex Folkes (16) by Caron Lindsay
  The 12 most-read LDV posts of 2014 (Day 10) (0) by The Voice
  Five posts to sum up October 2014 (0) by Caron Lindsay
  Vince Cable must be doing something right. (12) by Newspuppy
  When Molly from Sherlock met Miriam (1) by Caron Lindsay
4th  Crockart: Liberal Democrats have recalibrated the tax system in favour of low and middle income earners (17) by The Voice
  Five posts to sum up November 2014 (1) by Caron Lindsay
  Caron’s Sunday Selection: Must-read articles from the Sunday papers (6) by Caron Lindsay
  LDV’s Sunday Best: our 7 most-read articles this week (0) by The Voice
  The 12 most-read LDV posts of 2014 (Day 11) (0) by The Voice
  Five posts to sum up December 2014 (0) by Caron Lindsay
  Top of the Blogs: The Lib Dem Golden Dozen #405 (0) by Caron Lindsay
  Christine Jardine attracts cross-party support in her quest to become MP for Gordon (25) by The Voice
5th  What’s on in our parliaments this week? 5-9 January 2015 (5) by The Voice
  Opinion: What it will take to win in 2015 (34) by Helen Flynn
  Martin Horwood MP writes…Pavement politics (20) by Martin Horwood
  Nick Clegg’s press conference today (22) by The Voice
  The 12 most-read LDV posts of 2014 (Day 12) (0) by The Voice
  Opinion: Make your city a global success in six easy steps – part 1 (11) by Iain Roberts
  Opinion: 120 days to save the country (22) by Stephen Phillips
  LDVideo: Nick Clegg on buoyant form, saying: Liberal Democrats needed to govern responsibly and fairly (51) by Caron Lindsay
  ++Breaking: Clegg gets tough with Theresa on terror measures (14) by Caron Lindsay
6th  Opinion: We need to stand up for Liberal Democrat distinctiveness on economic policy (42) by Paul Pettinger
  Clegg says Lib Dems would spend extra £8bn on NHS (37) by The Voice
  You’d think these important party elections were a secret or something (10) by The Voice
  Opinion: A life after caring (4) by David Warren
  Opinion: Could there be a National Government by the end of the year? (42) by Sally Pearson
  While we’re talking about deadlines…. (3) by The Voice
  The tale of Taylor Swift, Twitter and the Liberal Democrat MP (11) by Newspuppy
7th  48 good things Nick Clegg has done (8) by Caron Lindsay
  Vince Cable and Danny Alexander to be confirmed as Election Spokesmen for Cabinet jobs they have been doing for the last five years (42) by Caron Lindsay
  Our next post will be reserved for new and infrequent commenters (57) by Paul Walter
  Offering “heart and spine” – should we be mentioning the “c” word in the election campaign? (23) by Paul Walter
  Shirley Williams talks about the new film based on the life of her mother, Vera Brittain (4) by Paul Walter
  LibLink: David Laws – Tories will cut schools spending by a quarter (34) by Newsmoggie
  Charlie Hebdo – in sympathy and solidarity (29) by The Voice
  Opinion: Why not limit MPs to four terms in Parliament? (38) by David Faggiani
  Nick Clegg on the Charlie Hebdo horror: “barbaric attack on freedom of speech” (43) by The Voice
  LibLink: Edward McMillan Scott – The embarrassing link between Cameron and Germany’s anti-Islamic movement (9) by NewsHound
8th  The place to go for all things Education – LDEA’s new website (13) by Cara Jenkinson
  TTIP and the NHS: Separating fact from fiction (40) by Nick T
  Tim Farron writes… Never has the political market been so crowded in the UK. Never has there been more space for a Liberal Party. (13) by Tim Farron MP
  Call Clegg review: “You cannot have freedom unless people are free to offend each other” (15) by Caron Lindsay
  Christmas in Bermondsey the Simon Hughes way: “Our big city is made up of little villages, little communities and we all have to look after each other” (5) by The Voice
  Ming Campbell’s response to the Charlie Hebdo shootings worries me (104) by Caron Lindsay
  Vince Cable writes… Osborne’s deep cuts are damaging and ideological (35) by Vince Cable
  Je suis Charlie (14) by The Voice
9th  Opinion: Deliberately offending people might be necessary (117) by Mark Wright
  Êtes-vous Charlie? (133) by The Voice
  Opinion: Liberal Democrats are the only party which can be trusted to get the European question right – we should say so (17) by Bryan Cartledge
  LibLink: Nick Clegg We must always be free to criticise ideas, even religious ones (48) by NewsHound
10th  LibDemVoice Fantasy Football League: how it stands after Week 20 (0) by Stephen Tall
  Farron: Publish Chilcot Report within a week (8) by The Voice
  Ruwan Kodikara becomes Nick Clegg’s “Head of Media and Brand” (30) by Caron Lindsay
  Trouble and strife for Labour in Redcar (4) by NewsHound
  Tweets from the campaign trail – the first major campaign Saturday of 2015 (22) by Caron Lindsay
11th  Opinion: Why we can all be Charlie (118) by Lee Dargue
  You can tell there’s an election coming up.. #1 (16) by Newspuppy
  Je suis encore Charlie (14) by Paul Walter
  LDV’s Sunday Best: our 7 most-read articles this week (1) by The Voice
  Top of the Blogs: The Lib Dem Golden Dozen #406 (1) by Caron Lindsay
  Caron’s Sunday Selection: Must-read articles from the Sunday papers (1) by Caron Lindsay
  Featherstone and Hughes defend Coalition record on civil liberties in letter to Independent on Sunday (6) by The Voice
12th  Lynne Featherstone writes on violence against women in India and Burma (6) by Lynne Featherstone
  LibLink Special: Martin Horwood’s cartoon column for his local newspaper in tribute to Charlie Hebdo victims (2) by NewsHound
  Opinion: The Trade Union and Workplace Reforms Debate (40) by David Warren
  No ifs, buts or maybes. Liberal Democrats must not support Counter Terrorism and Security Bill in its current form. (12) by Caron Lindsay
  Opinion: How to interrogate a terrorist using diabetic biscuits (9) by Rob Blackie
  LibLink: Paddy Ashdown – We have experienced anarchy like this before. We should not over-react to it (10) by NewsHound
  Lord Dominic Addington writes…Disabled students must have an equal shot at life (4) by Lord Dominic Addington
  Opinion: Make your City a Global success in six easy steps – part 2 (6) by Iain Roberts
  Human Rights Committee criticises Terrorism Bill for plans to block UK citizens and for challenges to academic freedom (4) by Mary Reid
13th  Opinion: A personal view of the Paris tragedy (49) by Fadel Galal
  Opinion: could we have a better leader? (58) by Stephen Phillips
  Simon Hughes and Nick Clegg oppose Cameron’s Snoopers’ Charter plans – or do they? (4) by Caron Lindsay
  Scotland’s Assisted Suicide Bill under further Committee scrutiny (7) by Caron Lindsay
  Government concedes key points on judicial review (1) by Caron Lindsay
  LibLink: Brian Paddick on the Counter Terrorism Bill (3) by NewsHound
  Some personal perspectives on non binary gender identity (16) by Caron Lindsay
  Who’d have thought you’d find THAT in a secret Lib Dem campaign email? (18) by Newspuppy
14th  Our next post will be for new and infrequent commenters (17) by Paul Walter
  Nick Clegg – hero or villain? (35) by Paul Walter
  Opinion: Election debates must be based on clear criteria (30) by Matthew Campbell
  The Independent View: After Charlie Hebdo, we must not sacrifice democratic ideals in the face of fear (14) by Zaheer Rayasat
  Opinion: A south coast main line railway (20) by Nick Perry
  Pub landlord to call time on Farage (22) by Paul Walter
  Playground, panto and poultry – a day in the life of a debate about a debate (13) by Caron Lindsay
15th  Davey: Stop short-termist meddling in the energy markets (12) by Nick T
  The West Wing cast back together again (9) by Caron Lindsay
  Opinion: The case for a mayor for Greater Manchester   (25) by Iain Roberts
  Should the SNP and Greens be included in leaders’ debates? (59) by The Voice
  Lord Roger Roberts: May’s Counter-Terror powers could enable her to ban liberalism (5) by The Voice
  WATCH: How Lynne Featherstone secured an extra £23.5 million in NHS funding for local health services (3) by The Voice
  The Hughester gits dan wiv da kids (10) by Paul Walter
  Call Clegg 15 January 15: The Cleggster goes cold on Carlile (14) by The Voice
16th  Have you sorted out how you are getting to Liverpool yet? (8) by Caron Lindsay
  Friday fun: what’s your pet hate? (37) by Caron Lindsay
  Jim Hume MSP writes…No room for complacency on mental health (8) by Jim Hume MSP
  Warning: This post may damage your health – but, it’s ok, Sal Brinton will make it better (30) by Caron Lindsay
  The Greens: the Lib Dem fightback begins (182) by Caron Lindsay
17th  LibDemVoice Fantasy Football League: how it stands after Week 21 (0) by Stephen Tall
  LibLink: Tim Farron: Without the Lib Dems, there would be nothing to stop the Tories neglecting the environment (7) by NewsHound
  Asylum system continues to fail LGBT people (8) by Caron Lindsay
  Norman Lamb praised in Cosmo… (3) by NewsHound
  What do you listen to while leafletting? (18) by Caron Lindsay
  Two deadlines all Scottish members and all Council campaign teams should be aware of (0) by The Voice
  Nick Clegg to be pelted with space hoppers? (3) by The Voice
18th  Nick Clegg pledges to end illiteracy by 2025 by ensuring every child leaves Primary School able to read (31) by The Voice
  Opinion: We need to enshrine children’s rights in law (17) by Kirsten Johnson
  How you can help Liberal Democrat Voice (4) by The Voice
  Clegg: “Liberalism youthful, optimistic philosophy”, Ashdown threatens to eat Murnaghan & Grender reminds us of Labour’s NHS deals with private sector (16) by Caron Lindsay
  LDV’s Sunday Best: our 7 most-read articles this week (0) by The Voice
  Willie Rennie makes fair student finance a Scottish budget priority (8) by Caron Lindsay
  Top of the Blogs: The Lib Dem Golden Dozen #407 (0) by Caron Lindsay
19th  Julian Huppert, banking on visibility (18) by NewsHound
  The Independent View: The upcoming election in Israel: the dawn of a new progressive era in Israeli politics? (8) by Vittorio Trevitt
  Opinion: Britain’s Greenest Party, the Green Party and Environmentalism (108) by Simon Oliver
  Clegg: “Suicide is preventable, it is not inevitable” (4) by Mary Reid
  Opinion: Why I choose to stand in a seat I cannot win, this time (20) by Anuja Prashar
  Nick Clegg’s speech today on mental health (12) by The Voice
20th  Edinburgh South PPC Pramod Subbaraman explains why he is a Liberal Democrat (3) by NewsHound
  “What I need is what I think the Liberal Democrats are proposing” says Labour’s Peter Mandelson on Mansion Tax (52) by The Voice
  Norman Lamb MP writes… We need to talk openly about suicide and work to prevent it (6) by Norman Lamb MP
  Lord Paul Tyler writes…Devolution Dialogue on Democracy Day (6) by Paul Tyler
  Now, about those secret party elections we told you about the other week… (7) by The Voice
  Lynne Featherstone: Good riddance to Page 3 (32) by Caron Lindsay
  16 and 17 year olds in England and Wales have every right to be disappointed (5) by Caron Lindsay
  Dr Cable, I presume… (14) by Caron Lindsay
  Nick Clegg tells Chilcot: People will think your report is being “sexed down” (24) by The Voice
21st  Our next post will be for new and infrequent commenters (1) by Paul Walter
  The Green party – should we be panicking? (31) by Paul Walter
  Opinion: Deliberately offensive cartoons did not begin in Paris in the last few weeks (65) by John Tilley
  LibLink: Baroness Sally Hamwee – Sending overseas students home is “economic nonsense” (6) by Paul Walter
  Opinion: Tuition fees – grasping the nettle (41) by Jim Murray
  LibLink: Baroness Claire Tyler – Mental health matters (1) by Paul Walter
  Opinion: Should Britain copy Obama’s capital gains proposals? (14) by Adam Corlett
  Julian Huppert MP writes… Carbon and fracking (44) by Julian Huppert
  Julian Huppert writes…We need a strategy to promote walking and cycling (30) by Julian Huppert
22nd  Securing a future for sustained government investment in cycling and walking (8) by Helen Flynn
  Lord Clement-Jones writes…Out and about on the doorstep (4) by Tim Clement-Jones
  Alistair Carmichael MP writes…A proud day as we move nearer to Liberal Democrat vision of home rule for Scotland (18) by Alistair Carmichael MP
  Another Lib Dem website brilliantly topical error message – a pity it’s out of date so quickly (12) by Caron Lindsay
  Opinion: TTIP: a taxpayer funded safety net for the super-rich (57) by David Cooper
  Opinion: Some thoughts on preventing suicide (5) by John Lawrie
  Lord Hugh Dykes writes: Chilcot delay is an utter disgrace (10) by Hugh Dykes
23rd  Brent Central’s Ibrahim Taguri appointed as Liberal Democrat Race Equality Champion (10) by The Voice
  The Independent View: Progressive and pro-European voters must unite against Tory-UKIP chaos (68) by Lord Matthew Oakeshott
  Willie Rennie warns SNP over ID database (0) by Caron Lindsay
  Debates plan disadvantages the Liberal Democrats (52) by Caron Lindsay
  ALDC’s by-election report – 22 January 2015 (13) by ALDC
  Julian Huppert’s Green opponent in trouble for Twitter transphobia (4) by Caron Lindsay
  Welsh Lib Dems get good media coverage for new website launch (5) by The Voice
24th  Shirley Williams on A life in politics (11) by The Voice
  LibLink: Tim Farron: Only way to make blue go green is to add yellow (5) by NewsHound
  Flags at half mast – the right way to mark the passing of an illiberal despot? (37) by Caron Lindsay
  A sign of the trouble Labour faces in Scotland? (13) by Caron Lindsay
  Nick Clegg takes questions on Men’s Health UK’s Facebook page (9) by Caron Lindsay
  UKIP’s official health spokesperson: “I have no experience in health whatsoever” (23) by Caron Lindsay
  Daily Mail tells us a 20 year old story on Jo Swinson’s equalities report (1) by Caron Lindsay
25th  Opinion: Let’s look at the harm caused by Page 3 (61) by Alice Thomas
  LibLink: Jo Swinson: Shared parental leave will deliver the flexibility that couples want (0) by NewsHound
  LibLink: Michael Moore: The Smith Commission has delivered (5) by NewsHound
  Opinion: A liberal postcard from Athens (27) by Stephen Harte
  Surely it’s time for the Liberal Democrats to part company with Alex Carlile (100) by Caron Lindsay
  LDV’s Sunday Best: our 7 most-read articles this week (1) by The Voice
  Burns Night Special: John Knox’s Address to the Haggis, 2015 General Election Version (4) by Newspuppy
  Top of the Blogs: The Lib Dem Golden Dozen #408 (0) by Caron Lindsay
  Three things you need to know about the new powers going to Scotland (8) by Caron Lindsay
26th  Opinion: The case for a “Great Reform Pact” (82) by Mike Biden
  Opinion: Enablement For All (2) by Kirsten Johnson
  Paddy Ashdown’s voice (14) by Mary Reid
  How the Daily Mirror works (8) by Mary Reid
  Julian Huppert writes … On shoehorning the Snooper’s Charter into the Counter Terrorism Bill (7) by Julian Huppert
  Norman Lamb writes … Tackling conversion therapy in the NHS (12) by Norman Lamb MP
27th  100 Days until polling day (63) by The Voice
  The left cheers Syriza while Miliband equivocates (68) by Joe Otten
  Clegg calls for gay victims of the Nazis to be remembered in national Holocaust memorial (21) by NewsHound
  BAME Training Weekend offer (1) by LDHQ Diversity team
  Julian Huppert writes… Clamping down on Tax Dodging (12) by Julian Huppert
  ‘Open up!’ – Digital democracy in the House of Commons (15) by Mary Reid
  Catherine Bearder writes… 100 days to stop the Tories or Labour neglecting the environment (10) by Catherine Bearder MEP
  ++ Tessa Munt quits as Vince Cable aide over fracking (18) by Paul Walter
  Is there any chance you might have noticed that there’s 100 days till the General Election? (9) by Caron Lindsay
28th  A quiet word in defence of Alex Carlile (14) by Paul Walter
  Our next post will be for new and infrequent commenters (1) by Paul Walter
  Opinion: A good reason to vote LibDem in May (6) by Stephen Phillips
  Lord William Wallace writes… Make national voter registration day part of your campaign (7) by Lord William Wallace
  Sal Brinton: “We aren’t dead” (17) by Paul Walter
  Opinion: Achievable electoral reform for 2015 (50) by Adrian Pellas-Rice
  Liberal Democrats winning here……or at least….erm….purring here (4) by Newsmoggie
  Open Doors: All 3 versions of the first Lib Dem broadcast of the year (74) by The Voice
29th  Opinion: Insulation not fossil fuel subsidies (46) by Cara Jenkinson
  Opinion: Housing – yes, we can (21) by Chris White
  You can’t really imagine Ed Miliband and David Cameron joking with each other over Twitter… (8) by Caron Lindsay
  Opinion: Time to dump the 4 hour A & E target (17) by Catherine Royce
  A first glance at the agenda for Spring Conference (4) by The Voice
  Some notes on Nick Clegg’s Breakfast TV performance this morning (18) by Caron Lindsay
  Liberal Democrats campaign all year round – even in the snow (7) by Caron Lindsay
30th  International Office promotes women’s and LGBT rights in the Balkans (1) by Harriet Shone
  Opinion: Open doors and open minds (9) by Sam Phripp
  Nick Clegg on The Last Leg tonight (7) by Mary Reid
  ALDC’s by-election report, 29th January 2015 (3) by ALDC
  LibLink: Andrew George on renewable energy (7) by NewsHound
  Opinion: MPs’ pay rises (38) by Ibrahim Taguri
  Clegg on the Last Leg – first thoughts (15) by Caron Lindsay
31st  LibDemVoice Fantasy Football League: how it stands after Week 22 (0) by Stephen Tall
  Edgbaston PPC Lee Dargue takes part in debate with Birmingham University students (8) by The Voice
  How does Clegg build on the success of The Last Leg? (72) by Caron Lindsay

Recent Comments

  • David Symonds
    One of the things that Liberals used to believe in was the concept of industrial democracy. Although Trade Unions have their place in society as a pressure gro...
  • Geoff Reid
    Mark is probably right in suggesting that no legislation is going to sort out the anomalies of employed/self employed status. I spent my 38 years as a full-time...
  • Nigel Jones
    Flexibility in employment is a key issue and a complex one including working part-time, where sometimes people do the same work as full-timers but on a lower ra...
  • David Garlick
    For me the climate story began in the 1960's. Great article and yes I have periods of depression about it but Rodrigo is absolutely right in that the best way ...
  • Marco
    Chris Moore - Yes those seats require a lower swing but would be 3 way contests between Lab Con and Lib so people might not be persuaded to vote for us. Also in...