Monthly Archives: June 2015

1st  Introducing Liberator (0) by The Liberator Collective
  Opinion: Human Rights Act – when rights clash (51) by Alan Smith
  Opinion: Three things the Lib Dems can ‘own’ (7) by Jonathan Waddell
  Opinion: It took a day to lose those seats in Parliament – it can take a day to win them back (49) by John Bland
  Opinion: Profiting from not selling out – let’s start (up) (117) by Alain Desmier
  Opinion: We made Mental Health an issue – now we must lead the fight to make it possible (3) by Nick Perry
  Liberal Democrat spokespeople in the Lords (5) by NewsHound
2nd  Charles Kennedy 1959-2015 (82) by Caron Lindsay
  Tributes to Charles Kennedy (29) by Caron Lindsay
  Charles Kennedy – a life in pictures (9) by The Voice
  Charles Kennedy on the night of the long sgian dubhs (2) by The Voice
  Charles Kennedy on sparkling form about Europe at the Liberal Democrat conference in 2013 (0) by The Voice
  Charles Kennedy speaks at the anti-Iraq war rally in Hyde Park, 2003 (5) by Paul Walter
  Party opens digital book of condolence for Charles Kennedy (0) by Paul Walter
  Lady Stardust (demo version) and Young Americans for Charles (0) by Paul Walter
3rd  Three quick things about today (1) by Caron Lindsay
  Introducing Liberal International British Group (0) by Wendy Kyrle-Pope
  Last chance to get a vote in the party’s leadership election (26) by The Voice
  Opinion: Why I will remember Charles Kennedy (2) by David Green
  LibLink: Danny Alexander: The Charles Kennedy I knew (1) by NewsHound
  Opinion: My year working for Charles Kennedy (3) by Conn O'Neill
  Willie Rennie: We have lost someone special (0) by Caron Lindsay
  In full: Nick Clegg’s Commons tribute to Charles Kennedy (4) by The Voice
  Tom Brake MP writes: The #libdemfightback continues in Wallington. Can you help? (4) by Tom Brake
  LibLink: Vince Cable: Charles Kennedy: he was left of Labour maybe, but always a true liberal (51) by NewsHound
4th  LDVideo: Commons tributes to Charles Kennedy from Cameron, Clegg, Farron, Lamb and others (4) by Nick T
  My day with Charles in Wales (1) by Olly Kendall
  Cllr Jill Shortland pays tribute to Charles Kennedy at the European Committee of the Regions (4) by The Voice
  Kirsty Williams’ Nursing bill passes its first parliamentary hurdle (2) by The Voice
  Brian Paddick’s first speech in the Lords as Lib Dem home affairs spokesman (1) by The Voice
  Opinion: The Highlander who won our hearts, and will never be forgotten! (5) by Ruwan Uduwerage-Perera
  Introducing the Liberal Democrat History Group (9) by Duncan Brack
  Opinion: Behave yourself, woman (47) by Linnea Ostlund and Jenny Wilson
  LibLink: Malcolm Bruce: The Commons Man (0) by NewsHound
5th  Opinion: One month on, why I just joined the Lib Dems (16) by Dominic Collard
  Opinion: Towards a sustainable NHS (37) by Adam Warner
  Catherine Bearder MEP writes…Why Tim Farron is the right person to rebuild the Liberal Democrats (11) by Catherine Bearder MEP
  Opinion: A liberal future (37) by David Murray
  Opinion: Charles Kennedy: Loss of a great leader (6) by Parmjit Singh Gill
  Opinion: Ending mental health inequality (6) by Rebecca Plenderleith
  Charles Kennedy’s family thank public for their messages, warmth and concern (0) by Caron Lindsay
  Memories from KOOL (Kennedy Office Old Lags) (2) by Sian Norris-Copson
6th  In Depth: Person-centred Liberalism (18) by Gordon Lishman
  Opinion: Pupil Premium funds must be targeted at the disadvantaged (12) by Benjamin Denton-Cardew
  Opinion: Electoral funding reform is vital for the future of our democracy (12) by Mike Hewitson
  Charles Kennedy on Have I got news for you (0) by Paul Walter
  Daily Mail: on how Charles Kennedy was “hounded” by the SNP in run-up to the election (86) by Caron Lindsay
  In full: Lib Dem MPs’ Commons tributes to Kennedy (2) by Caron Lindsay
7th  Two points about the Guardian’s analysis of Labour’s campaign (66) by Caron Lindsay
  Charles Kennedy on Question Time (3) by Paul Walter
  Don’s Dark Arts: Foster reveals the secrets of being a Chief Whip (6) by NewsHound
  Charles Kennedy on Desert Island Discs (0) by Paul Walter
  LibLink: Tavish Scott: Principles and warm wit with a highland accent (0) by NewsHound
  LDV’s Sunday Best: our 7 most-read articles this week (0) by The Voice
  Top of the Blogs: The Lib Dem Golden Dozen #418 (3) by Caron Lindsay
  LibLink: Sir Menzies Campbell: Commons reform is fitting tribute to Kennedy (3) by NewsHound
  Paddick says UKIP LGBT+ should be able to join London Pride (12) by The Voice
8th  Opinion: Why I’m supporting Norman Lamb for leader (51) by Mark Argent
  Opinion: Why we should care about Care (7) by Ian Thomas
  Opinion: Why I would follow Tim (96) by Joanne Ferguson
  Opinion: Be ambitious for London – end child poverty, improve child wellbeing (4) by Marisha Ray
  Opinion: What if ? (9) by David Warren
  Opinion: ‘Scotland – where now? (17) by T J Marsden
  Remembering the Brecon & Radnor by-election (26) by Richard Thomas
  Opinion: A focus on values (24) by Peter Evans
9th  Now is the time…. to come to the aid of the party (8) by Mike Tuffrey
  The LDV debate: Is the Human Rights Act undemocratic and illiberal? – Part two – this time it’s Thai fish (51) by Paul Walter
  Opinion: We won’t get a fair society unless progressive politicians challenge Thatcherism (47) by Iain Roberts
  Tim Farron MP and Lord Wallace of Saltaire write…UK under threat from David Cameron and Tory Eurosceptics (12) by Tim Farron MP and Lord Wallace of Saltaire
  Taking the #libdemfightback to Tower Hamlets (2) by Elaine Bagshaw
  The leadership contenders send out their first all-member emails (8) by The Voice
  Williams, Farron and Lamb condemn Welsh Government’s plan to ban on e-cigarettes in public places (36) by Caron Lindsay
  Alistair Carmichael responds to election petition against him (32) by The Voice
  Leadership contest: Who are parliamentarians past and present and key party figures backing? (36) by The Voice
10th  Opinion: An off-hand economic miracle, courtesy of new SNP Parliamentarian Tommy Sheppard (11) by John Dixon
  Memorial Service for Charles Kennedy (4) by The Voice
  Opinion: Teresa May’s pipedream (12) by Anthony Durham
  What does the party believe? (81) by Duncan Brack and Julie Smith
  Building a diverse party: the Leadership Candidates respond to Daisy Cooper’s questions (31) by Daisy Cooper MP
  Ed Davey critical of climate change targets (10) by The Voice
  Opinion: Looking forward to the EU referendum (36) by Mark Argent
  Former MP and Councillor David Bellotti dies at 72. (20) by Caron Lindsay
11th  Opinion: Lib Demonstrating – Let’s be bold, loud and visible! (19) by Jonathan Brown
  Bearder: Liberals must save the EU-US trade agreement, but we must ditch ISDS to do so (18) by The Voice
  Opinion: Fighting for sex workers’ rights in Scotland (10) by Jade O'Neil
  Why you should do what Sal Brinton says – come to Bournemouth Conference (16) by Caron Lindsay
  Opinion: Principles before policies (15) by Chris Fauske
12th  A day to honour Charles Kennedy (3) by Caron Lindsay
  Charles Kennedy’s Desert Island disc #1 (0) by The Voice
  Charles Kennedy’s Desert Island disc #2 (2) by The Voice
  Charles Kennedy in quotes (2) by The Voice
  Charles Kennedy’s Desert Island disc #3 (1) by The Voice
  Charles Kennedy: 30 years of service for the Highlands (0) by The Voice
  Charles Kennedy’s Desert Island disc #4 (0) by The Voice
  Charles Kennedy from the top of a mountain on the positive case for Scotland remaining in the United Kingdom (0) by The Voice
  Charles Kennedy’s Desert Island disc #5 (0) by The Voice
  Charles Kennedy Desert Island disc #6 (1) by The Voice
  Charles Kennedy on Question Time (0) by The Voice
  Charles Kennedy’s Desert Island disc #7 (1) by The Voice
  Images from Charles Kennedy’s funeral service (1) by The Voice
  Charles Kennedy’s Desert Island disc #8 (0) by The Voice
  Charles Kennedy on Have I Got News For You (0) by The Voice
  Charles Kennedy’s father, Ian on the fiddle, and accompanied by Charles’ mother, Mary, on the piano (0) by The Voice
  Charles Kennedy on Desert Island Discs (0) by The Voice
  Charles Kennedy out-take on the romance of politics (0) by The Voice
  More images from Charles Kennedy’s funeral service (0) by The Voice
  Charles Kennedy – a life in pictures (0) by The Voice
  Closed for a funeral (10) by Paul Walter
13th  Arise, Sir Simon! (18) by Paul Walter
  Congratulations to Liberal Democrats on the Queen’s Birthday Honours List (18) by Paul Walter
  Progress for Elaine Bagshaw in Tower Hamlets Mayoral Election (46) by The Voice
  ALDC by-election report 11 June 2015 – success in Wallington (4) by ALDC
  All-male shortlists for half of Commons Committees (11) by Caron Lindsay
  LibLink: Norman Lamb MP.. I will stand up for LGBT rights as Lib Dem Leader (21) by NewsHound
  David Laws joins CentreForum as Executive Chairman; Nick Tyrone becomes Executive Director (89) by The Voice
14th  Lord Paul Tyler writes…Tackling the Tory Democratic Deficit (18) by Paul Tyler
  Cllr Fran Oborski MBE writes… Why I rejoined the Liberal Democrats (91) by Fran Oborski
  Liberal Democrat Committee appointments in the Lords spotlight the talent on our benches (8) by Mark Valladares
  Tim Farron talks about Asylum and Immigration (9) by NewsHound
  LDV’s Sunday Best: our 7 most-read articles this week (0) by Caron Lindsay
  Cambridge leadership hustings: Farron’s and Lamb’s key pitches (11) by The Voice
  Miriam Gonzalez Durantez: “Nobody calls Nick a working dad” (7) by Caron Lindsay
  Top of the Blogs: The Lib Dem Golden Dozen #419 (3) by Caron Lindsay
15th  How to go to conference on the cheap – and have more fun into the bargain! (4) by Paul Walter
  LibLink: David Hall-Matthews on Liberalism in anxious times (6) by Mary Reid
  Opinion: Can Local Government really cope with outsourcing? (23) by Nick Hollinghurst
  Opinion: Animal welfare legislation misses the mark (25) by Wayne Simmons
  Did late postal votes cost Labour the seat of Derby North? (19) by Stuart Bonar
  Opinion: Let’s write our new leader a two-year contract – and get rid of him if it doesn’t work out (79) by David Faggiani
16th  Opinion: Bridging Futures – Young Migrants in London (6) by Merlene Emerson
  Liberal Reform interview Tim Farron and Norman Lamb (18) by Joe Otten
  Collateral Damage: CentreForum & the Fall & Rise of Liberal Ideas (6) by Stephen Lee
  Labour Leadership: Who should liberal democrats be cheering? (84) by Joe Otten
  Opinion: Cameron is in danger of being like Mugabe on property (38) by Emily Davey
17th  Baroness Kath Pinnock: Childcare Bill must focus on impact on children’s lives (4) by Caron Lindsay
  Video: Watch Farron and Lamb in action at leadership hustings (3) by Caron Lindsay
  LibLink: Edward McMillan-Scott: Tories might pull their hair out but they’re not going to get a parliamentary veto in the EU (0) by NewsHound
  Lamb and Farron make their second email pitches (36) by The Voice
  Opinion: Magna Carta: Civil liberties 800 years on, under a Tory majority government (16) by Alfred Motspur
  Praise for Lynne Featherstone from the newly-married Iain Dale (14) by Newspuppy
  LibLink: Greg Mulholland MP: Drugs for ultra-rare diseases (5) by Caron Lindsay
  ++ Breaking News: Who are our new deputy leaders in the House of Lords? (3) by Caron Lindsay
  A row with a Labour MP and a wonky crystal ball (10) by Caron Lindsay
18th  Opinion: No change please, we’re Liberal Democrats (29) by Alexander Ehmann
  For new and infrequent commenters only: What do you think of the leadership election so far? (16) by The Voice
  Opinion: Progessive parties unite – for survival! (57) by Chris Bowers
  Baroness Liz Barker writes…Why Liberal Democrats should be out and proud in 2015 (2) by Baroness Liz Barker
  Memorial service for Charles Kennedy to take place at Glasgow University tonight. (1) by Caron Lindsay
  Opinion: Non-Linear Values: The Z Coordinate (25) by Kirsten Johnson
  Why it’s worth being a member of the Liberal Democrats (9) by Caron Lindsay
19th  Opinion: A moment of acceptance (2) by Mark Argent
  Double by-election win in Mole Valley (19) by The Voice
  Opinion: Liberal Democrats should debate ways of liberating our economy from the power of the banks (97) by Teena Lashmore
  Jim Wallace on Charles Kennedy: We loved you, we miss you, will we ever see your like again (3) by Caron Lindsay
  Opinion: 200 years on from Waterloo: democracy not dictators, unity not barriers, peace not war. (10) by Antony Hook
  Norman Lamb MP writes…We must renew, restructure and simplify the way our party works (30) by Norman Lamb MP
  Opinion: The Tim I know and why I am backing him (15) by Peter Thornton
20th  Carmichael and Davey blast Tories’ withdrawal of subsidies for onshore wind (6) by The Voice
  Opinion: It’s time to rock and roll – with Tim Farron (3) by Jim Maxon
  Opinion: On joining the Liberal Democrats and being a Normtrooper (10) by RIchie Edwards
  Opinon: #libdemfightback is for old and new members working together to rebuild the party (14) by Harry Hayfield
  Leadership LibLink: Norman Lamb: It’s time to halve the prison population (8) by NewsHound
  Norman Lamb’s campaign removes two volunteers for alleged misuse of personal data for negative push-polling (67) by Caron Lindsay
21st  Liberator questionnaire to Lamb and Farron (22) by The Liberator Collective
  LibLink: Cllr Keith House: The New Housing Finance Institute can help Councils build homes (1) by NewsHound
  LDV’s Sunday Best: our 7 most-read articles this week (1) by Caron Lindsay
  Top of the Blogs: The Lib Dem Golden Dozen #420 (1) by Caron Lindsay
22nd  Suffolk Liberal Democrats – building a stronger Party for a brighter future (10) by Baroness Ros Scott
  Opinion: Bill (7) by Richard Edwards
  Opinion: The Commonwealth and the EU (23) by Lester Holloway
  Lib Dem fightback is strong in Kent   (3) by Luke Chapman
  Tim Farron’s campaign video (21) by The Voice
  LibLink: Paul Burstow on leaving the elderly at death’s door (2) by The Voice
  Probe into “undue spiritual influence” in Birmingham election (20) by Shamsur Rehman
23rd  Opinion: The future of pensioner benefits (32) by David Warren
  Greg Mulholland MP writes…Free on Friday evening? Join Tim Farron’s online Q & A (7) by Greg Mulholland MP
  Baroness Kate Parminter…What I will do as a Lib Dem Deputy Leader in the Lords (2) by Kate Parminter
  Caroline Pidgeon and Duwayne Brooks launch campaigns to be Liberal Democrat London Mayoral candidate (35) by The Voice
  Brian Paddick upsets the Daily Mail over drugs policy. Oh what a shame. (23) by Caron Lindsay
  Tim Farron and Norman Lamb face a live audience on Victoria Derbyshire (18) by The Voice
24th  Opinion: Performance v Effectiveness: How the Lib Dems can (and must) fight smart (53) by Jenni Hollis
  Sal Brinton’s message for Ramadan (0) by The Voice
  Opinion: I’m a liberal so why should I feel excluded? (87) by Paul Halliday
  Opinion: Wear a yellow flower to honour a Lib Dem friend (9) by Ed Fordham
  Opinion: Time to address our “Woman Problem” (50) by Siobhan Mathers
  Six fight for Lib Dem London Mayor nomination (5) by The Voice
  Opinion: Filling the gulf in British politics – making the centre ground our own (24) by Jim Williams
  Lib Dem Leadership: Farron and Lamb campaigns covered in Welsh media (3) by NewsHound
  Lib Dem Leadership: Big name endorsements for each camp as ballots are posted to members (34) by Caron Lindsay
  Liberal Democrat leadership: So what happens at a Lib Dem hustings meeting? (7) by Caron Lindsay
  Guardian revelations about Clegg, Cable and the Lib Dem election catastrophe (78) by Caron Lindsay
25th  Nick Clegg back on LBC at 9am today (8) by The Voice
  Opinion: The Clegg Catastrophe: What the Guardian didn’t mention (53) by Gareth Epps
  Video: Nick Clegg’s interview on LBC (44) by The Voice
  LibLink: Alistair Carmichael: Cameron’s shocking example of self-serving politics is biggest threat to union (15) by Caron Lindsay
  Tim Farron’s speech to the IPPR: Liberalism: an optimistic confidence in the capacity of people to make the most of their lives (24) by The Voice
26th  Opinion: Ending the northern power cut (43) by Sarah Noble
  Opinion: Is faith a problem? (94) by Mark Argent
  Opinion: Liberalism – a modern answer to a classical question (73) by Simon Foster
  Opinion: Why I am backing Tim Farron (23) by Richard Marbrow
  Farron and Lamb send third all member emails (10) by The Voice
  Lamb and Farron reply to Lib Dems for Seekers of Sanctuary (6) by The Voice
  Willie Rennie and Greens’ Patrick Harvie support launch of Open Rights Group Scotland (6) by Caron Lindsay
27th  Farron and Lamb: The ALDC Hustings (2) by The Voice
  Isn’t it fun when Labour and Tory peers whinge about the Lib Dems? (19) by Caron Lindsay
  Something for the weekend: the great and glorious Lib Dem game of “what if?” (32) by Paul Walter
  We salute the US Supreme Court (2) by The Voice
  The Liberal Democrat party should be able to recall its own peers (30) by Paul Walter
  Tweets from the Edinburgh leadership hustings today (14) by Paul Walter
28th  Human rights and civil liberties feature in Lib Dem parliamentary debates (2) by The Voice
  Liberal Democrats celebrate top Councillors and Council Groups (3) by Cllr Terry Stacy
  LDV’s Sunday Best: our 7 most-read articles this week (1) by The Voice
29th  Opinion: Bill – A Factual Postscript (1) by Richard Edwards
  EMLD Hustings tomorrow (1) by The Voice
  Opinion: The twin intellectual conceits that damned the Liberal Democrats’ election hopes in 2015 (37) by David Thorpe
  Russia, ISIS, globalisation and the EU – Norman and Tim answer foreign affairs questions (22) by Nick T
  Green Liberal Democrats question Tim Farron and Norman Lamb (15) by The Voice
  Opinion: Paddy Ashdown’s appeal to Green and Labour (70) by Roger Lake
30th  Opinion: A liberal postcard from Athens #2 (55) by Stephen Harte
  Cities and Local Government Bill report back (6) by Paul Tyler
  A small step for trust in the manifesto (129) by Joe Otten
  By-election update: Near miss in Cambs, clean sweep in Abbots Langley (10) by ALDC

Recent Comments

  • David Symonds
    One of the things that Liberals used to believe in was the concept of industrial democracy. Although Trade Unions have their place in society as a pressure gro...
  • Geoff Reid
    Mark is probably right in suggesting that no legislation is going to sort out the anomalies of employed/self employed status. I spent my 38 years as a full-time...
  • Nigel Jones
    Flexibility in employment is a key issue and a complex one including working part-time, where sometimes people do the same work as full-timers but on a lower ra...
  • David Garlick
    For me the climate story began in the 1960's. Great article and yes I have periods of depression about it but Rodrigo is absolutely right in that the best way ...
  • Marco
    Chris Moore - Yes those seats require a lower swing but would be 3 way contests between Lab Con and Lib so people might not be persuaded to vote for us. Also in...