Monthly Archives: March 2015

1st  Opinion: Combined authorities and English devolution (17) by George Potter
  Tweets and snapshots from the Campaign Trail (6) by The Voice
  Steve Webb on taking a chance to set pensioners free (38) by Paul Walter
  Independent on Sunday praises Nick Clegg and Ed Davey for “keeping the low carbon show on the road” (29) by Caron Lindsay
  LDV’s Sunday Best: our 7 most-read articles this week (0) by Caron Lindsay
  Top of the Blogs: The Lib Dem Golden Dozen #413 (0) by Caron Lindsay
  Davey and Cable defend free speech at universities from Tory attack (22) by Caron Lindsay
  Julian Huppert as you have never seen him before (0) by The Voice
2nd  Opinion: Decentralisation to the London Region – the case has yet to be fully made (5) by Paul Reynolds
  Opinion: Thoughts on some Liberal candidates past and present (2) by David Warren
  Live this evening – Nick Clegg’s “State of Mind” (1) by The Voice
  Opinion: Struggling with a personal response to ISIS (23) by Guy Gunaratne
  LibLink: Tim Farron on the general election and afterwards (6) by The Voice
  Prominent Tory disillusioned by Big Society, ‘Vote Blue, Go Green’ and Compassionate Conservatism (7) by NewsHound
  Opinion: Parents want a say on school attendance policy (13) by Karen Wilkinson
  LibLink: Kirsty Williams on more power to Wales (0) by The Voice
  Opinion: Scottish Lib Dems should abandon their suicidal complacency and promise to devolve oil and gas (22) by Robin Bennett
3rd  Lord Roger Roberts writes…A step towards abolishing the Azure Card (12) by Lord Roger Roberts
  Joan Walmsley writes … Disadvantaged children should be prioritised in the Early Years, says House of Lords Committee (1) by Joan Walmsley
  Julian Huppert writes … We must end indefinite detention for immigrants (7) by Julian Huppert
  Jenny Willott on the Twitter abuse she got after Inside the Commons (54) by Caron Lindsay
  Tim Farron on “wicked” Tories, Nick Clegg’s integrity and making people’s lives better (7) by Caron Lindsay
  What’s your funniest canvassing story? (65) by Caron Lindsay
  Caroline Pidgeon expresses concern about Stagecoach involvement with LGBT Rainbow bus (11) by Caron Lindsay
4th  LibLink: Nick Clegg and Richard Branson: We have been losing the war on drugs for four decades. End it now. (14) by NewsHound
  Opinion: Secularism: the cure to religious extremism? (66) by Jack Davies
  Nominations sought for Scottish Party Awards (0) by The Voice
  Labour apologises for making false claims about Tory candidate in Brent Council by-election (8) by The Voice
  Invitation to a debate on devolution to local government with Stephen Williams (3) by Mary Reid
  “Uncontrolled mass immigration”, Nigel? You must be joking. (161) by Caron Lindsay
  Well, I’d never have guessed THAT about Ming Campbell (3) by Newspuppy
  Open Doors: The Sequel – All four versions of the second Lib Dem PPB of 2015 (23) by The Voice
  Ashcroft polls predict SNP gains – including Bob Smith and Charles Kennedy’s seats – but don’t panic yet (62) by Caron Lindsay
5th  Clegg: I’ll take Cameron’s place and defend government’s record if he’s too important to take part in the debates (163) by Caron Lindsay
  LDVideo: Kelly Marie Blundell on what she’d do as MP for Guildford (15) by Caron Lindsay
  Norman Baker gets musical to highlight dangers of animal extinction (1) by Caron Lindsay
  Farron seeks £20k for Lib Dem campaigns to match Tony Blair’s donation to Labour (22) by Caron Lindsay
  For World Book Day: What’s your favourite political book? (31) by Caron Lindsay
  LibLink: Sarah Teather: It’s clear our system of immigration detention isn’t working (8) by NewsHound
  Baroness Lindsay Northover on developing evidence-based policy to strengthen LGBT rights across the world (6) by The Voice
6th  The Independent View: “How to save public service choice for liberalism?” a CentreForum paper by David Boyle (50) by Nick Tyrone
  Opinion: On The Buses? Not anymore (14) by Jack Davies
  Catherine Bearder MEP writes… Launch of MEP group on Wildlife Crime (5) by Catherine Bearder MEP
7th  LibLink: Norman Lamb MP: Why we had to axe Lord Saatchi’s bill and think again (3) by NewsHound
  Home Office mistreatment of LGBT people must be stopped (10) by Caron Lindsay
  What’s the scariest outcome of the General Election? (63) by Caron Lindsay
8th  Nick Clegg’s message for International Women’s Day (6) by The Voice
  Willie Rennie’s message for International Women’s Day (1) by The Voice
  Paddy to broadcasters: Let Nick into third debate. He’ll debate Miliband if Cameron refuses (42) by The Voice
  Swinson and Clegg force Tory u-turn on gender pay gap (8) by NewsHound
  LDV’s Sunday Best: our 7 most-read articles this week (0) by The Voice
  Jo Swinson on media coverage of pregnant women, sexism and having to ask to get ministerial job (7) by Caron Lindsay
  Norman Lamb quizzed on leadership ambitions by Independent on Sunday (43) by Caron Lindsay
  Top of the Blogs: The Lib Dem Golden Dozen #414 (0) by Caron Lindsay
  The Herald: “All power to the Lib Dems for standing up for our liberties” (10) by Caron Lindsay
  Two important deadlines for next week’s conference (4) by Caron Lindsay
  Who’s the woman who has inspired you most? (17) by Caron Lindsay
9th  Opinion: We must not be complacent! (6) by Kirsten Johnson
  Tony Greaves writes: What happens if …? (95) by Tony Greaves
  Unlocking Liberalism: Life After the Coalition (8) by Pramod Subbaraman
  Who is standing in your constituency? (7) by Mary Reid
  Protecting open and accessible justice: your help needed (5) by Nick T
  ALDC’s by-election report – 5 March 2015 (5) by ALDC
  New website marks Paul Reynolds’ bid to become our London Mayoral candidate (3) by Paul Reynolds
  Paul Burstow and Claire Tyler write … Standardised tobacco packaging (84) by Claire Tyler
10th  Tim Farron is the most engaged MP on twitter (4) by Joe Otten
  Paul Tyler writes… Devolution: Who’s next? (8) by Paul Tyler
  LDVideo: Dialogue over Division (29) by Joe Otten
  Members of the public tweeting live from Parliament (8) by Mary Reid
11th  Stephen Gilbert MP writes…It’s time to let Britain fly (51) by Stephen Gilbert MP
  LDVideo: Charles Kennedy visits a primary school (5) by Newsmoggie
  LibLink: Stephen Tall: Ignore the Liberal Democrats at your peril, and don’t write them off (3) by NewsHound
  Does Cameron think he’s been in Nick Clegg’s pocket these last five years? (40) by Caron Lindsay
  A double boost for Julian Huppert’s re-election campaign (12) by Caron Lindsay
  Martin Horwood MP writes…Justine Greening’s revealing speech on International Development and what it didn’t say (2) by Martin Horwood
  Mike Beckett’s type of politics (17) by The Voice
  The local offer: what should the Lib Dems offer on devolution in their manifesto? (12) by Mary Reid
12th  Ibrahim Taguri steps down as Lib Dem candidate in Brent Central after Telegraph donation claims (12) by The Voice
  Opinion: The myth of the council war on motorists (10) by Iain Sharpe
  Opinion: Fiscal consolidation and the Liberal Democrats (33) by Tom Papworth
  Tony Greaves writes…Can’t poll, won’t poll? (35) by Tony Greaves
  Opinion: Why don’t we throw out the spending plans and start again? (83) by Judy Abel
  Sir Nick Harvey writes…Difficult questions for all parties on defence spending (37) by Nick Harvey
13th  The Independent View: Let’s make 2015 the last ever lottery election (25) by Katie Ghose
  Opinion: STV for elections in England and Wales (16) by Denis Mollison
  Tim Farron gives marks to the party in coalition (5) by Paul Walter
  Penny Lane or points in parenthesis? Tricky decision…. (5) by Paul Walter
  #ldconf gets under way: Rally live blog (8) by Caron Lindsay
14th  In pictures – the conference so far #ldconf (5) by Paul Walter
  Nick Clegg calls voters from the conference #Team2015 (4) by Paul Walter
  ++EXCLUSIVE++ REVEALED: Evidence of LDV editor skiving off essential constitutional minutiae (2) by Paul Walter
  A snapshot of the mental health debate (2) by Caron Lindsay
  Saturday debates open thread – Mental health, manifesto, green laws (0) by The Voice
  Cable: No room for “pre-election bonanza” budget (2) by NewsHound
  Anti-TTIP protestors reach #ldconf. A reminder of why they are wrong (147) by Nick T
  In full: Vince Cable’s speech to Liberal Democrat Conference: Has the coalition been worth it? (4) by The Voice
  Nick Clegg’s Q & A: Live blog (7) by Caron Lindsay
  Jo Swinson saddles up her feminist high horse… (11) by Newspuppy
  In Full: Danny Alexander’s speech to Conference (2) by The Voice
  Paddy Ashdown can’t hurt me now (5) by Caron Lindsay
15th  Norman Lamb and his family deserve our support (20) by Caron Lindsay
  Nick Clegg needs you…. (0) by Newspuppy
  Sal Brinton joins the elite triple badge ranks of Team 2015 #mademy10 #ldconf (1) by Paul Walter
  In full: Norman Lamb’s speech to Liberal Democrat Conference (4) by The Voice
  In full: Nick Clegg’s Liverpool speech (28) by Paul Walter
16th  Tim tries too hard, and ends up singed (90) by Paul Walter
  Online democracy tools that inform the general election debate (1) by Mary Reid
  Opinion: A lack of leadership on public R&D spending (8) by Tad Jones
  Kate Parminter to join post-election negotiating team (17) by Mary Reid
  Opinion: Ethical Foreign Policy (9) by John Kelly
  LibLink … Tim Farron: The Conservatives are underplaying our hand in Europe (11) by The Voice
  “Source close to Nick Clegg” needs to stop – now (44) by Paul Walter
17th  LDVideo: Dorothy Thornhill for Watford (10) by The Voice
  Peers visit 1000 constituencies (5) by The Voice
  Thanks Liverpool! (5) by Paul Walter
  Confessions of an FCC virgin (15) by Mary Reid
  Our Don says farewell to conference with a song (2) by Paul Walter
  Remembering Srebrenica (0) by Paul Walter
  In praise of Eric Pickles (25) by The Voice
18th  ‘Almost certain that Tim Farron will be leader later this year’ – Stephen Tall (93) by Paul Walter
  Debate likely to be the political Celebrity Squares option (8) by Paul Walter
  LibLink … Ed Davey: Britain must signal the beginning of the end for coal investment (35) by The Voice
  Budget open thread (12) by The Voice
  Victory for Lib Dems with announcement of world’s first tidal lagoon (19) by Mary Reid
  Twelve major improvements announced in the budget (51) by NewsHound
  Opinion: Welsh Liberal Democrats need to be bolder in considering a coalition without Labour (31) by Matt Hemsley
19th  Robin Teverson writes … Doing cold smarter (7) by Robin Teverson
  Danny turns the tables on Balls on TV economy debates (9) by The Voice
  Norman Lamb writes…A blueprint for a fairer society (8) by Norman Lamb MP
  Danny set outs alternative Lib Dem budget (68) by Paul Walter
20th  Opinion: Could you save a life? (4) by Kirsten Johnson
  The Liberal Democrats could well be on course to improve our vote share to seats “bangs for the buck” (44) by Paul Walter
  Opinion: Freedom of speech? (24) by Miranda Pinch
  Tim Farron MP writes…The British people deserve more than Cameron’s weak leadership on EU (11) by Tim Farron MP
  Independent: “Liberal Democrats do have a more balanced, pragmatic approach to the task” (0) by Newspuppy
  Opinion: Cyril Smith – Liberal Democrats should allow scrutiny of all party archives (25) by Ruth Bright
  Stephen Williams takes on 38 Degrees over “highly misleading campaign” (72) by Nick T
  Opinion: Netanyahu’s rejection of peace must mean British recognition of Palestine (16) by Jonathan Brown
  Nick Clegg and a dancing troupe in Gravesend filming of promotional video (14) by Newspuppy
21st  LibDemVoice Fantasy Football League: how it stands after Week 29 (0) by Stephen Tall
  Paul Strasburger stands down from Lib Dem Lords group pending investigation of fundraising allegations (1) by The Voice
  Nick Clegg: Governing with Labour and the SNP would be a recipe for “insomnia and instability” (12) by Paul Walter
  In Full: Alistair Carmichael’s speech to Scottish Liberal Democrat conference: “Liberalism is needed more than ever” (2) by The Voice
  Paddy Ashdown carves out a new career as a literary reviewer (15) by Newspuppy
  Tim Farron’s UKIP opponent resigns, citing claims of “open racism” and “sanctimonious bullying” within the party (3) by The Voice
  In full: Willie Rennie’s speech to Scottish Liberal Democrat Conference – personal stories which show the good Liberal Democrats have done (3) by The Voice
22nd  Miriam Gonzalez Durantez meets Miranda Sawyer (1) by NewsHound
  As if Austin Rathe didn’t have enough to do… (1) by Caron Lindsay
  Is David Steel right about the Liberal Democrat attitude to a future coalition? (71) by Caron Lindsay
  In full: Malcolm Bruce’s speech to Scottish Liberal Democrat conference “Liberal Democrats offer the voice of reason, reform and responsibility – against the forces of division, despair and defeatism.” (0) by The Voice
  Holyrood magazine interview with Willie Rennie: “the Scottish Lib Dem leader, in stark contrast to his counterpart in London, seems near universally liked” (3) by Newsmoggie
23rd  William Wallace writes … Be careful about Canvasser’s Heel (8) by Lord William Wallace
  Landmark report makes powerful case for Lords and party funding reform (17) by Paul Walter
  A model bobby and an extraordinary community tribute (5) by Paul Walter
  The Independent View:  How to bring  an end to cold homes (0) by Richard Sagar
  Opinion: Liberal Democrat alternative budget is no answer to Osborne’s opaque way with the numbers  (16) by David Thorpe
  Good news on the Pupil Premium (2) by Mary Reid
  Opinion: ‘Cultural appropriation’ – a horrible concept from progressives (38) by Mark Wright
  Opinion: Will mental health be a vote-winner? (13) by Mark Argent
24th  Archie Lamb talks to The Times about his struggles with Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (12) by The Voice
  Opinion: Liberal Youth’s ambitious liberalism (12) by Stuart Wheatcroft
  The Telegraph puts its own predictable spin on Liberal Democrat election strategy (8) by Caron Lindsay
  The attacks on Tim Farron need to stop – Vince Cable should know better (50) by Caron Lindsay
  Martin Horwood MP writes…A Lib Dem vision for fighting infectious diseases (3) by Martin Horwood
  A few quick thoughts on last night’s Dispatches (12) by Caron Lindsay
  The Tories’ internet cartoon shows us why the ban on TV spot ads must remain. (13) by Simon Foster
  Jo Swinson MP writes… I’m proud to say we’ve finally got the Tories on board with gender pay gap measures. (7) by Jo Swinson MP
  Nick Clegg’s last Deputy Prime Minister’s Questions of this Parliament brings a flurry of Labour own goals (9) by Caron Lindsay
25th  The Independent View: Location, location … taxation? The benefits of a locally-driven mansion tax (37) by Duncan Sim
  What Danny Alexander would say to his successor: “Jobs up, growth up, economy up, don’t screw it up” (35) by The Voice
  Opinion: Have a local party meeting after the election (13) by Antony Hook
  Clegg launches Mental Health Charter for Sport and Recreation (0) by Caron Lindsay
  LDV hosts debate on devolution – “Just do it” (6) by Mary Reid
  The Independent View: Half of the public are likely to change their vote after examining the parties’ policies (30) by Matt Chocqueel-Mangan
  Opinion: Liberals must stand up to Russia over Ukraine (23) by Tim Oliver
  Everyone’s talking about Clegg’s Great Funk Up (19) by Caron Lindsay
26th  Opinion: Plain Packaging: Will Tobacco Be the End or Just the Beginning? (34) by Judy Abel
  Why have Liberal Democrats indulged the Tories’ Bercow bashing? (54) by Caron Lindsay
  Opinion: Thoughts on the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Protocol (TTIP) (32) by Mark Argent
  LDVideo: Jeremy Browne MP’s final Commons speech – politics must seize the opportunities of the future, not preserve the past (20) by The Voice
  +++ Lib Dem PPC arrested on historic child sex abuse allegations +++ (0) by The Voice
  The Independent View: The Liberal case for airport expansion is strong (40) by Tom Papworth
  One of the most important acts of this government? (7) by Paul Walter
  Sir Malcolm Bruce’s final speech in the House of Commons (4) by The Voice
27th  We’re heading for a minority Labour government backed by the SNP (130) by Paul Walter
  The Independent View: A new report from CentreForum highlights the problems with Labour’s tuition fees policy (61) by Nick Tyrone
  Baroness Liz Barker writes… International Office supports the next generation of female leaders from Mouvement Populaire party in Morocco (0) by Baroness Liz Barker
  Sir Alan Beith’s final speech to the House of Commons (6) by Caron Lindsay
  The Independent View: Incentives matter in our education system (32) by Amy Finch
  Today’s headlines show just how much work is still to do on mental health stigma (9) by Caron Lindsay
28th  David Heath’s final speech in the House of Commons (4) by The Voice
  LibLink: Willie Rennie MSP: Liberal Democrats nail their green credentials to the mast (1) by Caron Lindsay
  Cute seals for Earth Hour Day – and some serious points about Liberal Democrat policy (2) by Caron Lindsay
  Alex Salmond postpones US book tour as Christine Jardine’s campaign goes from strength to strength (11) by Caron Lindsay
  LibLink: Catherine Bearder MEP et al: Liberalism in Europe is facing its biggest fight (3) by NewsHound
  The Liberal Democrats who stood up for John Bercow (10) by Caron Lindsay
  “Charm machine” Paddy Ashdown in Bristol to mark million door landmark (8) by Newspuppy
  Wow, Labour really are pandering to UKIP, aren’t they? (104) by The Voice
29th  Call Clegg goes on the road as Nick Clegg launches the Liberal Democrat election campaign (3) by Caron Lindsay
  Danny Alexander has a “Beaker” cocktail created in his honour (3) by Caron Lindsay
  Ed Davey: It would be incredibly difficult to work with the Tories due to their views on the EU and green issues (16) by Paul Walter
  Telegraph reports Farron email 24 days after we did (1) by Caron Lindsay
  LibLink: Jo Swinson: Why the Government is spending £2 million to tackle bullying (0) by NewsHound
  The first photos of the campaign bus… (13) by Caron Lindsay
  LDV’s Sunday Best: our 7 most-read articles this week (0) by The Voice
  Mike Hancock to stand as Independent candidate in Portsmouth South. (12) by Caron Lindsay
  LDVideo: Naomi Long reads out and responds to mean tweets (3) by Newspuppy
  LDVideo: Nick Clegg speaking in Oxford West and Abingdon today (18) by The Voice
  Diane Abbott condemns “shameful” Labour mug and the policy that goes with it (39) by Caron Lindsay
30th  The Independent View: Countdown to the Election (2) by Anthony Fairclough
  What is happening today, then? (4) by Mary Reid
  Paddy Ashdown on the campaign trail (2) by NewsHound
  Tony Greaves writes … Haggling over more than the haggis? (26) by Tony Greaves
  A tale of a fox and a duck (2) by Mary Reid
  Opinion: Ed Miliband has taken the left along for a ride (31) by Eddie Sammon
  Opinion: Liberal Internationalism (9) by Matthew McGinty
  Opinion: It’s not just Britain and France (19) by Steve Coltman
  Sal Brinton and the grassroots (15) by Mary Reid
  Nick Clegg and the Lib Dems can be very proud of themselves (164) by Paul Walter
  Former LGBT+ chair Adrian Hyyrylainen-Trett becomes Britain’s first openly HIV positive candidate (9) by Caron Lindsay
31st  What’s happening on P-37, Tuesday 31st March? (3) by Caron Lindsay
  38 Degrees get it badly wrong on Lib Dem funding for NHS – but don’t do nearly enough to put it right (44) by Caron Lindsay
  Peter Preston reminisces about David Steel’s by-election victory half a century ago (9) by NewsHound
  Joey Essex on the Liberal Democats and “nice” and “honest” Nick Clegg (43) by Newsmoggie
  P-37: What are the Liberal Democrats talking about today? Mental Health and the manifesto for the mind (22) by The Voice
  Liberal Democrats raise half a million pounds from members and supporters (6) by Caron Lindsay
  House of Comments podcast: Mark Thompson, Scotland, Camibland and Lib Dem prospects (1) by Caron Lindsay
  38 Degrees take another step to putting right their NHS mistake (16) by Caron Lindsay

Recent Comments

  • David Symonds
    One of the things that Liberals used to believe in was the concept of industrial democracy. Although Trade Unions have their place in society as a pressure gro...
  • Geoff Reid
    Mark is probably right in suggesting that no legislation is going to sort out the anomalies of employed/self employed status. I spent my 38 years as a full-time...
  • Nigel Jones
    Flexibility in employment is a key issue and a complex one including working part-time, where sometimes people do the same work as full-timers but on a lower ra...
  • David Garlick
    For me the climate story began in the 1960's. Great article and yes I have periods of depression about it but Rodrigo is absolutely right in that the best way ...
  • Marco
    Chris Moore - Yes those seats require a lower swing but would be 3 way contests between Lab Con and Lib so people might not be persuaded to vote for us. Also in...