Monthly Archives: May 2015

1st  Manifesto snippets in BSL Part 4: Pensions, climate change and energy and environment and nature (2) by The Voice
  Financial Times: “In seats where Lib Dems are the incumbent or main challenger, we would vote tactically for them” (13) by Caron Lindsay
  My challenge to Ed Miliband – your core message may be a fabrication (63) by Joe Otten
  Today is “Celebrate your Lib Dem organiser” Day (4) by Caron Lindsay
  Clegg wins the battle of the switchers in last night’s Question Time (24) by Caron Lindsay
  Opinion: We shouldn’t demonise the Scots or the SNP (21) by Mark Argent
  Opinion: Opportunities for electoral reform in a hung parliament (65) by Denis Mollison
  Opinion: To be free from poverty, ignorance and conformity, our society must have robust support for disabled people (6) by Holly Matthies
2nd  LibDemVoice Fantasy Football League: how it stands after Week 34 (1) by Stephen Tall
  Manifesto snippets in BSL Part 5: young people, immigration and housing (1) by Caron Lindsay
  Opinion: A golden handshake (8) by David Warren
  Apparently, our future depends on Nick Clegg’s eyebrows… (9) by Caron Lindsay
  Fancy a chance of dinner with Hugh Grant? Just donate to Lib Dems before Monday evening (8) by Caron Lindsay
  Alex Salmond tries to claim SNP credit for policies introduced by the Lib Dems when he wasn’t even an MSP (12) by The Voice
  The news story of the day (24) by Newspuppy
3rd  Caron’s Sunday Selection: Must-read articles from the Sunday papers (15) by Caron Lindsay
  Peter Kellner’s latest projection gives hope to the Lib Dems but points to the squeakiest of squeaky bum times (94) by Paul Walter
  Opinion: Back to the core (4) by Mark Argent
  Another way to waste time on the internet (2) by Caron Lindsay
  It’s the knitwear election in Edinburgh West (0) by Newspuppy
  The interesting thing about the first of those Milistone promises (19) by Paul Walter
  In which I seriously contemplate voting Labour (78) by Caron Lindsay
  Lynne Featherstone on Labour’s “lies and desperate smears” (27) by Caron Lindsay
  There is no need for Clegg to make an EU Referendum a red line. This does not signify agreement to it (70) by Caron Lindsay
4th  Tales from the campaign (4) by Mary Reid
  Six red lines (22) by Mary Reid
  Election night LIVE on Liberal Democrat Voice (2) by The Voice
  Opinion: Labour isn’t Keynesian – that’s why Liberal Democrats had to be (20) by Toby MacDonnell
  The real problem with #EdStone is that Miliband cannot be sure he will be able to deliver (30) by Joe Otten
  Lib Dem Manifesto snippets in BSL Part 6: Europe, International and Defence (0) by The Voice
  Good news about Tim and Samantha (6) by Mary Reid
  ICM poll says Nick Clegg is safe in Sheffield Hallam (57) by Newsmoggie
  Independent leader article argues for another Lib-Con coalition (15) by Paul Walter
5th  Manifesto snippets in BSL Part 7: Crime, freedom and equality and political reform (0) by The Voice
  Opinion: Why I would be wary of another coalition with the Conservatives (76) by Cara Jenkinson
  Video: The Liberal Democrat Women’s Manifesto (8) by Caron Lindsay
  Norman Baker’s genius response to David Cameron: David, I need you to stop sending dishonest and patronising letters (19) by The Voice
  There’s a manatee loose on the internet – and it will encourage voters towards the Liberal Democrats (3) by Caron Lindsay
  Watch: Paddy’s Team Talk for the final few days: Where we need to win, we’re winning and what’s more the Tories know it… (4) by The Voice
  As if Scottish Labour weren’t in enough trouble…. (8) by Caron Lindsay
  Nick Clegg wants to turn Britain into a cycling nation – and earns praise from Chris Boardman (11) by Caron Lindsay
6th  SPONSORED: Gatwick provides a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to solve the airport capacity issue (3) by Gatwick Obviously
  Former OxWAb Green candidate backs Lib Dem Layla Moran (2) by The Voice
  Labour minority government – or coalition with the Lib Dems – would not actually need the SNP’s support (45) by Paul Walter
  The Independent View: Benefit the nation and the voters (21) by Anthony Tuffin
  Opinion: What have the Liberal Democrats done for us and can we afford to put our trust in them again? (57) by Ruth Mallon
  Election night on LDV (1) by The Voice
  LibLink: Stephen Tall: Two signs which show the Tories think they will fail (again) (28) by NewsHound
  Paul Halliday leads the Lib Dem injury list (8) by Caron Lindsay
  Manatee needs your help! (0) by The Voice
  The final Liberal Democrat party election broadcast – all 3 versions: It’s decision time between self-interest and grievance or Lib Dem fairness, tolerance and decency (12) by The Voice
  The best UK government of my lifetime (5) by Caron Lindsay
  Jo Swinson’s SNP rival has row with Lib Dem on Twitter – then complains to their employer (14) by The Voice
7th  Why The Times’s David Aaronovitch is voting Lib Dem (6) by The Voice
  Baroness Kishwer Falkner writes… A Lib Dem red line over an EU referendum: Yes or No? The choice is appealingly straightforward isn’t it? (23) by Kishwer Falkner
  A strong record in government…why I’m voting Lib Dem (8) by Roisin Miller
  Why this Bristol student is backing Stephen Williams (1) by The Voice
  Majority happy to see Lib Dems play a role in government (16) by Nick T
  Cameron needs to stop the BS, remember his studies and behave like a statesman/person (2) by Paul Walter
  The LibDemVoice Election Live Blog (291) by The Voice
  Election night update: 11pm – Paddy’s hat is trending (8) by Paul Walter
8th  Election night update at midnight (0) by Paul Walter
  Election night update: 1am – the night is dark (0) by Mary Reid
  Election night update: 2am – the long wait (0) by Mary Reid
  Election night update: 3am – some good news, but more bad (0) by Mary Reid
  Election night update: 4am – it gets worse (1) by Mary Reid
  It’s 1966? 1964? all over again (7) by Paul Walter
  Election night update: 5am – Nick Clegg safe, but many great campaigners are out (15) by Mary Reid
  Election night update: 6am – what do we do now? (90) by Mary Reid
  9 am update: Where are we now? (124) by Caron Lindsay
  ALDE Party Council preview: remarkable bird, the Norwegian Blue… (14) by Mark Valladares
  Nick Clegg resigns as leader (124) by Caron Lindsay
  Sal Brinton – Libby is our phoenix (41) by The Voice
  5pm update: the final score (9) by Mary Reid
  Opinion: where do we go from here? (104) by RIchard Clifton
  Opinion: Five quick thoughts on what we do next (72) by Rob Blackie
9th  Records smashed here at Liberal Democrat Voice – Our place to talk – thank you! (26) by The Voice
  Opinion: A new hope for electoral reform? (46) by T J Marsden
  Opinion: Where now for liberalism? (41) by Sean Davey
  Charles Kennedy writes… The night of the long sgian dubhs (79) by Charles Kennedy
  A message from Willie Rennie (6) by The Voice
  Opinion: Where now? (24) by Hamish Mackenzie
  Opinion: The next 5 years will bring a much greater appreciation of what we did in coalition (20) by Phil Reilly
  Sir Malcolm Bruce writes.. We need to be a united campaigning force doing what we do best (18) by Malcolm Bruce
  Opinion: Time for constitutional reform..but not the way you think (59) by George Potter
  Lib Dem/Tory waverers wanted continuity, but they voted Conservative to achieve it (230) by Nick T
  There’s a whole load of hat eating going on in the world (11) by The Voice
10th  Opinion: Political education is essential to get young people into politics (18) by Ellen McDonnell
  Opinion: Bloody but unbowed, we must pick our battles quickly (21) by Tom King
  Opinion: We need a positive and distinct liberal identity. And then we must burn it into the consciousness of the electorate. (96) by Julian Gregory
  Let’s spark some new liberal ideas with a writing competition (9) by Chris Read
  Party membership passes 50,000, with over 5,000 new members since Thursday (69) by Nick T
  Opinion: GE2015, where did it all go wrong? (73) by Adam Warner
  Opinion: It’s not about left or right (43) by Paul Reynolds
  Opinion: My post election promise (10) by Lauren Jones
  @ALDEParty Council – mourning our losses in the bosom of our family and friends (3) by Mark Valladares
  Opinion: Dear Nick… (21) by Nicola Wilson
  New Leader election timetable (29) by Caron Lindsay
11th  Opinion: Rebuilding the party – lessons from history (48) by Duncan Brack
  Opinion: What England really voted for – how we ended up here and where we’re going (33) by Kirsty Burton
  LibLink: David Howarth’s thoughts on the way forward (71) by Mary Reid
  Opinion: Predictions for a new Parliament (20) by Alex Paul Shantz
  Opinion: It’s my Party and I’ll cry if I want to (22) by Maelo Manning
  An apology to contributors and commenters (0) by Mary Reid
  Hello. I am a coward (28) by Gareth Giles
  Rennie and Williams back “brilliant communicator and outstanding campaigner” Farron (50) by The Voice
  Operation Phoenix (12) by Will Wilshere
  Opinion: Starting from ‘the Other Place’ (15) by Mark Valentine
  Opinion: It ain’t what you do, it’s the way that you do it (40) by Mark Blackburn
  Opinion: The LibDems will bring consistency in an unstable British political landscape (9) by Bernard Aris
  A word about the deputy leadership (36) by Caron Lindsay
  Opinion: Human Rights – A call to arms (16) by Tom Morrison
  #Libdemfightback isn’t just for newbies (0) by Stephen Harte
  Norman Lamb running for leader (41) by Mary Reid
  LibLink: David Steel – Six ways Nick Clegg steered the Liberal Democrats to disaster (72) by Paul Walter
12th  Opinion: Eight things for Liberals to consider (41) by Stuart Lambert
  John Pugh MP writes: Getting Back on Track (43) by John Pugh
  Opinion: This is our #LibDemFightBack (13) by Rebecca Plenderleith
  Norman Lamb MP writes – Trust in People: Why I’m standing for party leader (130) by Norman Lamb MP
  Opinion: The Liberal resurgence – a time to spread like wild flowers (27) by Ben Maitland
  10,000 new members since polls closed last Thursday! (52) by Paul Walter
13th  SPONSORED: It’s time for Gatwick – the right decision on airport expansion (15) by Gatwick Obviously
  Opinion: Human Rights Reform – where the nuance could be more dangerous than the headline (22) by Eilidh Dickson
  Opinion: 10,000 reasons to be cheerful (21) by Gareth Epps
  The vintage image on one of those new photo membership cards – Churchill and Lloyd George as Liberal colleagues (24) by Paul Walter
  #NewMembersDay: Why I joined the Liberal Democrats #1 (8) by Phoebe Demster
  #NewMembersDay Why I joined the Liberal Democrats #2 (10) by The Voice
  #NewMembersDay New member Anna out on the Tower Hamlets campaign trail already – and how you can help (1) by Elaine Bagshaw
  #NewMembersDay: A Liberal Democrat Reading List (69) by Jennie Rigg
  #NewMembersDay Why I joined the Liberal Democrats #3 (1) by The Voice
  #NewMembersDay: The Lib Dem Lowdown – what you need to know about our party (21) by Caron Lindsay
  #NewMembersDay Why I joined the Liberal Democrats #4 (0) by The Voice
  Opinion: If cockroaches can survive a nuclear bomb, Liberal Democrats can survive the election #NewMembersDay (9) by Graeme Hurst
  #NewMembersDay Why I joined the Liberal Democrats #5 (7) by Simon Gilbert
  #NewMembersDay Why I joined the Liberal Democrats #6 (1) by Mike Hewitson
  #New Members’ Day: Why I joined the Liberal Democrats #7 (5) by Anna Ovsyanikova
14th  Liberal Reform: The leadership campaign is too important for factional infighting (70) by NewsHound
  Opinion: Mental health support is for everyone – we all have brains to look after #MHAW15 (5) by Bobby Dean
  New LDV members’ survey now live: your views on (11) by Ryan Cullen
  Opinion: “Values” and Party (19) by Gordon Lishman
  Tim Farron MP writes… Why I’m standing for be the vigorous liberal voice Britain needs (100) by Tim Farron MP
  Sal Brinton writes…The phoenix is rising, and that is down to you (12) by Sal Brinton
  Catherine Bearder MEP writes…The fight for Britain’s future starts now (4) by Catherine Bearder MEP
  Opinion: On voting reform, the Lib Dems must seek an ally in UKIP (43) by David Gray
  Opinion: Constitutional agnosticism – reuniting Scotland’s liberal voice (55) by Graeme Cowie
  Opinion: It was one week ago today but it feels like longer (4) by Chris Fauske
  Opinion: On being beaten (14) by Ed Fordham
  Opinion: Help, I’ve got lots of new members. What do I do? #libdemfightback (15) by Mark Pack
15th  Opinion: Counter-extremism laws will be anything but (11) by Adam Warner
  Another thank you email from Paddy (21) by Caron Lindsay
  An invitation to new members of the Liberal Democrats from ALDC #libdemfightback (0) by ALDC
  What Lib Dem Voice members think of the Election results (27) by Ryan Cullen
  Opinion: Devolution to cities with elected mayors is not as good an idea as George Osborne thinks (17) by Huw Jones
  Congratulations to the 11,000 new members of Britain’s greenest party (15) by Simon Oliver
  Opinion: What is leadership and how to choose the next leader (20) by Matthew Gibson
  Norman Lamb MP writes…We can’t wait another 5 years to have a woman in the party leadership (51) by Norman Lamb MP
16th  LibDemVoice Fantasy Football League: how it stands after Week 36 (1) by Stephen Tall
  Tim Farron MP writes…It’s time to make a fresh start (42) by Tim Farron MP
  So, the Guardian finally recognises the usefulness of the Liberal Democrats, years too late (61) by Caron Lindsay
  Opinion: Fury and the future (13) by Zack Polanski
  Scottish Liberal Democrats gather together and start the climb (3) by Caron Lindsay
  Five Liberal Democrat ex-MPs turn down the ermine (38) by Caron Lindsay
  Opinion: The Liberal Democrats, liberalism and me (10) by Leanne Jones
  Sheila Ritchie tells Scottish Lib Dems: Let’s reach out to the the internationalist, the iconoclast & the thrawn individualist (28) by Caron Lindsay
17th  Daisy Cooper writes… Building a diverse party: my challenge to leadership candidates (58) by Daisy Cooper MP
  Opinion: The role of the Lib Dems as a party of protest (50) by Guy Burton
  LDV’s Sunday Best: our 7 most-read articles this week (1) by The Voice
  Opinion: This will be closer than we all think! (57) by Craig Dearden-Phillips
  Members’ survey about General Election campaign is out now (16) by Caron Lindsay
  Dear new MPs, Be careful you don’t lose your seats… (12) by Caron Lindsay
  What I did for IDAHOBiT (7) by Caron Lindsay
18th  Keep them coming! (1) by Mary Reid
  Opinion: Though not a big presence in Parliament, our collective voice should be louder than ever (15) by Michael Wilson
  Opinion: Do voters really know what Liberalism is? (50) by Kirsty Burton
  Opinion: The Flame (19) by John Grout
  Opinion: My vision (16) by Kirsten Johnson
  Opinion: Politics as if we were in the 21st century (25) by Dave Raval
  Opinion: The anti-Tory electoral alliance – a statistician’s look (60) by Jakub Kaliszewski
  Opinion: Three opportunities for us to do better as a political party (20) by Laura Willoughby
  Introducing the Social Liberal Forum (36) by Gordon Lishman
19th  Opinion: The passing of the torch (5) by David Green
  SPONSORED: Cheaper, Simpler, Faster, Quieter – with Gatwick, Britain’s new runway can actually happen (13) by Gatwick Obviously
  Opinion: Human rights? Don’t forget animal rights… (19) by Wayne Simmons
  Paul Scriven writes… Be very clear about who we are (179) by Paul Scriven
  Elaine Bagshaw launches Tower Hamlets mayoral bid (4) by The Voice
  Opinion: “Britain isn’t a democracy – we can’t possibly say that!” Yes we can! (36) by Simon Horner
  How not to motivate your exhausted, defeated candidates… (68) by Caron Lindsay
20th  Introducing LGBT+ Liberal Democrats (5) by Dave Page
  What Lib Dem Voice members would like to see our defeated MPs do now (9) by Ryan Cullen
  Opinion: Thinking on a delusion (22) by Mark Argent
  Rennie: Scottish Liberal Democrats are listening (2) by The Voice
  Video: Young activists say thanks to Nick Clegg (4) by The Voice
  Opinion: The right is winning on Facebook and votes, but the left on Twitter (22) by Eddie Sammon
  Opinion: What does Nick do next? (31) by Jonathan Waddell
  Opinion: The Human Rights Act – undemocratic and illiberal (60) by David Cooper
  Opinion: Now is the time for social liberals to organise, and quickly (46) by Nick Perry
  Opinion: Could we have a #libdemfightback conference, please? (13) by Obhi Chatterjee
  Norman Lamb praised by Guardian for his work as care minister (10) by NewsHound
  Tim Farron talks to Pink News about his record on LGBT issues, disestablishing the Church of England and the Lib Dems’ “massive embarrassment” (71) by NewsHound
21st  What Lib Dem Voice members think about Nick Clegg stepping down as leader (78) by Ryan Cullen
  Opinion: Conservative health policies are short on detail (5) by Mohsin Khan
  LoveProudly: An interview with Stephen Donnan about the fight for Marriage Equality in Ireland (North and South) (3) by Mathew Hulbert
  Opinion: Fighting to win you back (13) by Craig Ling
  Opinion: #libdempint shows new members are proud of our record in coalition (36) by Stuart Lambert
  Some thoughts on the art of the apology (13) by Caron Lindsay
  Opinion: Here’s to our fallen comrades (5) by Mark Johnson
  Introducing Liberal Reform (32) by Alan Muhammed
22nd  Who Lib Dem Voice members think should be the next leader (21) by Ryan Cullen
  Opinion: What sort of leadership do the Lib Dems need? (27) by Guy Burton
  LibLink: Catherine Bearder MEP: How can Britain celebrate Magna Carta and contemplate leaving ECHR in the same year? (4) by NewsHound
  Opinion: Miriam Gonzalez Durantez drops a few truth bombs on political parties (22) by Hannah Bettsworth
  Opinion: We mustn’t be afraid to attack the opposition when they deserve it (12) by Elizabeth Adams
  Lynne Featherstone writes…Why I’m backing Norman Lamb for leader (50) by Lynne Featherstone
  Statement from Alistair Carmichael following leak inquiry (78) by The Voice
  Opinion: Let’s put members in the driving seat (19) by Gordon Lishman
23rd  Opinion: On black spiders, royalty and liberalism (15) by Mark Posen
  Opinion: Lib Dem write in campaign gathers support (18) by Lib Dem Write In
  LibLink: Ryan Coetzee: The Liberal Democrats must reunite, rebuild or remain in opposition (85) by Caron Lindsay
24th  Opinion: From Daffodil Lament to Dandelion Revolution (7) by Ben Maitland
  LDV’s Sunday Best: our 7 most-read articles this week (1) by The Voice
  The first key difference in the Liberal Democrat leadership race emerges (10) by Caron Lindsay
  ++ Breaking…Willie Rennie: I hope that fair minded people will give Alistair Carmichael a second chance (69) by The Voice
  Frank Bruno “to endorse Norman Lamb” (14) by NewsHound
  Top of the Blogs: The Lib Dem Golden Dozen #416 (2) by Caron Lindsay
  Why calling for HQ staff to be sacked is unacceptable and will not be tolerated on LDV (126) by Caron Lindsay
25th  Lamb and Farron launch Liberal Democrat campaign to save the Human Rights Act (23) by Caron Lindsay
  Video: Simon Hughes endorses Tim Farron’s leadership bid (15) by The Voice
  Opinion: Northern Ireland and marriage equality (5) by Stephen Glenn
  Introducing ALTER (33) by Daniel Henry
  Opinion: Why should someone from Maputo get to vote in the EU referendum when someone from Mons doesn’t? (54) by O Hudson
  A new milestone on #libdemfightback (6) by The Voice
26th  Opinion: The Betting Industry and Animal Welfare (10) by David Warren
  Opinion: What the Liberal Democrats can learn about democracy from the people of Ireland (27) by David Thorpe
  Jo Swinson writes….Why I’m backing Tim for leader (18) by Jo Swinson MP
  Opinion: Demonisation of the rich is killing progressive politics (101) by Iain Roberts
  Alison McInnes finds yet another Police Scotland civil liberties infringement (7) by Caron Lindsay
  Opinion: Left or right? Which way lies the Future of the Liberal Democrats? (48) by Samuel Skubala
  Opinion: Towards a Strategic Narrative (29) by Tony Harms
  Last chance to convince MSPs on Assisted Suicide Bill (6) by Caron Lindsay
27th  Nick Clegg to respond to Queen’s Speech on behalf of the Liberal Democrats (40) by Caron Lindsay
  The Liberal Democrat Voice Queen’s Speech (17) by The Voice
  Opinion: Issues for the promised party governance review (14) by Iain Donaldson
  Introducing ALDES (12) by Ed Long
  Norman Lamb MP writes: I want us to lead the way in Parliament to allow assisted dying (31) by Norman Lamb MP
  Baroness Susan Kramer writes…Why I’m backing Elaine Bagshaw for Tower Hamlets Mayor (2) by Susan Kramer
  Opinion: We need votes at 16 for the EU referendum (19) by Alfred Motspur
  We need to be impatient to end the scourge of rough sleeping (18) by Paul Walter
  Rennie and Mark Williams and Kirsty Williams react to “unbridled Conservatism” of Queen’s Speech (6) by The Voice
  In full: Nick Clegg responds to the Queen’s Speech (24) by The Voice
  In Full: Lord Jim Wallace responds to the Queen’s Speech (9) by The Voice
28th  Opinion: Goodbye Salisbury Convention, hello UK constitutional convention (62) by Simon Foster
  Just when we thought we didn’t have to worry about David Ward’s tweets any more… (34) by The Voice
  Introducing Liberal Democrats for Electoral Reform (8) by Keith Sharp
  MSPs reject Assisted Suicide Bill – read two compelling speeches from Lib Dems McArthur and McInnes (16) by Caron Lindsay
  Opinion: Should Liberal Democrats accept defeat and join the two main parties? (63) by Martin Petts
  LibLink: Tom Brake – The Human Rights Act (6) by NewsHound
  Video: Elaine Bagshaw’s pitch to be Mayor of Tower Hamlets: Decent social housing, opportunities for young people and ending corruption (1) by The Voice
  LibLink: Tim Farron: The best argument for the Liberal Democrats? A Tory Queen’s Speech (28) by NewsHound
  Video: Norman Lamb’s pitch for leader (30) by The Voice
29th  SPONSORED: Gatwick’s plan is simpler, cheaper, faster and quieter (9) by Gatwick Obviously
  Opinion: Sexual Assault and Fear of Sexual Assault: A Civil Liberties Issue (10) by Judy Abel
  Introducing…Liberal Democrat Friends of Palestine (9) by John Kelly
  Opinion: Lib Dems take power in York (16) by Keith Aspden
  Opinion: Lib Dems and the politics of protest (48) by Guy Burton
  Vince Cable’s zero hours contract ban now in force (25) by Caron Lindsay
  Farron and Lamb comment on motion to expel Israel from FIFA (20) by The Voice
30th  LibDemVoice Fantasy Football League: the final table (0) by Stephen Tall
  Tim Farron MP writes…The Human Rights Act is vital and we must fight to keep it (41) by Tim Farron MP
  The Liberals Putin can’t bear to have in Russia (7) by Caron Lindsay
  Lamb looks to Farage for inspiration (18) by NewsHound
  Leadership News: Support for both Farron and Lamb in Huffington Post (1) by NewsHound
  Leadership News: The Tweets (2) by The Voice
  Fancy working for ALDC? (0) by Caron Lindsay
  Video: Tim Farron talks about housing (40) by The Voice
  LibLink: Norman Lamb: We can build a new progressive, liberal movement of change across the country (11) by NewsHound
  Could Tim Farron’s band reunite at the Glee Club? (16) by Caron Lindsay
31st  Julian Huppert writes…#libdemfightback: from theory to practice (2) by Julian Huppert
  LDV’s Sunday Best: our 7 most-read articles this week (0) by The Voice
  We bored people rigid about electoral reform for decades and learned to hold our tongues – but now is the time to pipe up! (105) by Paul Walter
  How you can help Liberal Democrat Voice (2) by The Voice
  Photo gallery of Liberal and Liberal Democrat women past and present (10) by Paul Walter
  A refreshing note of dissent in UKIP on Farage’s HIV comments (22) by Paul Walter
  Top of the Blogs: The Lib Dem Golden Dozen #417 (0) by The Voice

Recent Comments

  • David Symonds
    One of the things that Liberals used to believe in was the concept of industrial democracy. Although Trade Unions have their place in society as a pressure gro...
  • Geoff Reid
    Mark is probably right in suggesting that no legislation is going to sort out the anomalies of employed/self employed status. I spent my 38 years as a full-time...
  • Nigel Jones
    Flexibility in employment is a key issue and a complex one including working part-time, where sometimes people do the same work as full-timers but on a lower ra...
  • David Garlick
    For me the climate story began in the 1960's. Great article and yes I have periods of depression about it but Rodrigo is absolutely right in that the best way ...
  • Marco
    Chris Moore - Yes those seats require a lower swing but would be 3 way contests between Lab Con and Lib so people might not be persuaded to vote for us. Also in...