Monthly Archives: December 2014

1st  The Independent View: Liberal Democrat MPs should vote against secure colleges which would put younger children and girls at risk (5) by Penelope Gibbs
  The Independent View: Why Liberal Democrat MPs should reject Government’s power-grabbing judicial review proposals (16) by Sara Ogilvie
  Opinion: Towards an ethical trade policy (22) by Trevor Stables
  Nick Clegg’s message for World AIDS day (0) by The Voice
  Liberal Democrats of the Month (3) by Caron Lindsay
  Labour’s attitude to abortion devolution says a lot about their attitude to Scotland (17) by Caron Lindsay
  Sir Malcolm Bruce writes…Creating liberal policies to change the political agenda (10) by Malcolm Bruce
2nd  The graph which shows why the Lib Dem policy of raising the personal allowance is the wrong priority (46) by Stephen Tall
  Nick Clegg on the “utter nonsense” of Tory spending plans (39) by Caron Lindsay
  Stephen Knight AM writes…Putting the car first in urban areas comes with a huge cost to human life and health (14) by Stephen Knight
  Abusive site Wings over Scotland is embedded into the Scottish Government and Yes movement – Willie Rennie proves what we knew already (64) by Caron Lindsay
  Opinion: Should we take the ‘Mental’ out of Mental Health? (27) by Judy Abel
  Opinion: Liberal Democrats must prioritise skills development (19) by Cara Jenkinson
  Nick Clegg puts £10 million into encouraging students and young people to register to vote (14) by Caron Lindsay
  Nick Clegg announces £150 million to help young people with eating disorders (4) by Caron Lindsay
3rd  SPONSORED: Momentum is building behind Gatwick as the only deliverable choice for expansion (45) by Gatwick Obviously
  ALDC by-election report: 27th November 2014 (11) by ALDC
  Lib Dems Telegraph splash: EU bashing “weak, opportunistic and fundamentally un-British” say Ashdown, Ludford, Brinton, Farron and 90 Lib Dems (26) by Caron Lindsay
  Opinion: Stop state sponsorship of sweat shops (28) by David Allen
  Opinion: Council tax reform is better than the Mansion Tax (17) by Stephen Phillips
  Challenging the myths about benefits claimant – an inspiring video from an Oxford charity (2) by Caron Lindsay
  Lord (Archy) Kirkwood writes… the challenge of financial inclusion (7) by Lord (Archie) Kirkwood
  In full: Baroness Northover’s speech to launch the DFID disability framework (0) by The Voice
4th  “This is not a snub. I thought it would be a nice change to get out of the Westminster bubble”: Clegg on his Autumn Statement absence (46) by Stephen Tall
  Lord Ken MacDonald writes… For Liberal Democrats, civil liberties belong to every age (6) by Lord Ken Macdonald
  Opinion: Getting ambitious on renewable energy (37) by William Hobhouse
  The Independent View: A reformed Prevent could tackle extremism more effectively (10) by Jonathan Russell
  Jo Swinson on one of the great double standards of our time (34) by Caron Lindsay
  Baroness Floella Benjamin writes…Tax break for children’s programmes is great news (3) by Floella Benjamin
  Willie Rennie excluded on profanity grounds (5) by The Voice
  Opinion: The firm hand of the state where you least want it (18) by Laura Willoughby
  Ed Davey MP writes…An Autumn Statement for more green energy and more help to keep energy bills down. (8) by Ed Davey
  Former Liberal leader Jeremy Thorpe dies (32) by Stephen Tall
5th  And it’s good-bye from me as LibDemVoice Co-Editor… (42) by Stephen Tall
  LDVideo: Crosstalk with Jeremy Thorpe (BBC1, 24 March 1974) (12) by Stephen Tall
  How to help Lib Dems like Vince Cable in the run-up to the election (34) by George Kendall
  LibLink: Stephen Tall – At least five spectres haunt the Lib Dems. (22) by NewsHound
  Happy Christmas from the Cleggs: here’s Nick and Miriam’s festive photobooth card (18) by The Voice
  Norman Lamb writes… Better care for eating disorders is a top priority (27) by Norman Lamb MP
6th  Nick Clegg’s message for Small Business Saturday (3) by Caron Lindsay
  Jeremy Thorpe – a life in pictures (19) by Paul Walter
  Mittens and Cartoons: how political parties are trying to mobilise their supporters this Winter (5) by Caron Lindsay
  Michael Moore 1 Tory Game Players 0 – International Aid bill clears the Commons despite Tory shenanigans (3) by Caron Lindsay
  Scottish Liberal Democrats announce their list selections – and for the second time in a row manage to put one of their best MSPs in a more challenging position (19) by Caron Lindsay
  ALDC’s by-election report, 4th December 2014 (31) by ALDC
7th  Game on in Gordon: Liberal Democrat Christine Jardine has to defend seat against former First Minister Salmond (36) by Caron Lindsay
  Liz Barker leads first ever Lords debate on Lesbian, bisexual and transgender women’s health (5) by The Voice
  LDV’s Sunday Best: our 7 most-read articles this week (0) by The Voice
  Jeremy Thorpe – a life in videos (8) by Paul Walter
  Taunton Deane Liberal Democrats select Rachel Gilmour (2) by The Voice
  Top of the Blogs: The Lib Dem Golden Dozen #401 (0) by Caron Lindsay
  Reviewing the papers on Radio Scotland’s Crossfire (1) by Caron Lindsay
8th  “Tories running dirty tricks call campaign against Lib Dems” (8) by The Voice
  Opinion: Localism is dead – what hope for Local Government ? (31) by Rabi Martins
  In the next month 21 seats will short-list their wannabe Lib Dem MPs (4) by The Voice
  LibLink: Danny Alexander – Liberal Democrats have no part in Tory plans for harsh cuts and empty tax promises (46) by NewsHound
  Opinion: A step forward in reforming the UN (23) by Tad Jones
  Douglas Carswell: Free Liberal – How it might have been (pt. 3) (7) by David Faggiani
  Opinion: Is the centre ground disappearing from British politics? (96) by Stephen Phillips
  Michael Moore MP named as MP of the Year by Liberal Democrat Fairtrade Future (9) by Mathew Hulbert
  Opinion: Could PEVEL help to secure the triumph of good over EVEL? (36) by Andrew Haldane
9th  Vince Cable marks 2 million apprenticeships in 4 years – how that story could be told a bit better (14) by Caron Lindsay
  Liam McArthur highlights Swinson’s and Featherstone’s work and supports ambition action on violence against women (2) by The Voice
  Paul Burstow MP writes…We need urgent action on home care (6) by Paul Burstow
  Reasons to be careful about new analysis suggesting Lib Dems “set to lose several more seats than national polls with uniform swing would predict” (81) by Stephen Tall
  A day for Liberal Democrats to speak out for Justice? (5) by Caron Lindsay
  Who needs human rights? (16) by Caron Lindsay
  Something you didn’t know about Stephen Tall… (10) by Caron Lindsay
10th  24 Lib Dem peers “rebel” as Lords reject government’s judicial review proposals (52) by Caron Lindsay
  Kirsty Williams named Welsh assembly member of the year (15) by Paul Walter
  Opinion: Why the Liberal Democrats must put reform first (31) by Junade Ali
  PMQs: Nick Clegg comes back from Cornwall (36) by Paul Walter
  Video – Kirsty Williams bonus (0) by Paul Walter
  Poll: Young people appear more tolerant, open and happy with modern Britain (15) by Paul Walter
  Why IDS is still in his job is revealing of Conservative attitudes to social security (17) by Stephen Tall
  Clegg’s letter to Burnham: “you may have inadvertently misled” Commons on Labour’s NHS privatisation record (32) by The Voice
11th  Stephen Lloyd MP writes… A better future for our coastal communities and inshore waters (0) by Stephen Lloyd
  Davey: We need to look at rules on transparency of fossil fuel investments (10) by NewsHound
  Live from Lima….Ed Davey writes from the Climate Change Talks (16) by Ed Davey
  MPs to debate curtailing judicial review on Monday as rebel Lib Dem peers face wrath of senior party figures (43) by Caron Lindsay
  Why this coalition is worth it: Pupil premium pays off as achievement gap narrows (26) by Caron Lindsay
  Ed Miliband has his economic deficiencies but is the Liberal Democrat response adequate? (36) by Caron Lindsay
12th  Opinion: The two party system is dead (39) by Adam Killeya
  Devo Sheffield announced: transport, skills, business support, housing, no mayor (29) by Joe Otten
  Stephen Lloyd resigns as PPS over underinvestment in A27 (15) by The Voice
  Baroness Lindsay Northover writes…DFID’s approach to LGBT rights (0) by Lindsay Northover
  A bit of advice to the English Liberal Democrats – sort your gender balance out and soon (37) by Caron Lindsay
  Julian Huppert: Commons should debate ban on fisting and watersports porn (60) by The Voice
13th  LibDemVoice Fantasy Football League: how it stands after Week 15 (0) by Stephen Tall
  New edition of Liberator – December 2014 (2) by The Liberator Collective
  ALDC by-election report, 11 December 2014 – a trio of Liberal Democrat wins (9) by ALDC
  Can Murphy and Dugdale resurrect Labour’s fortunes in Scotland? (39) by Caron Lindsay
14th  Clegg: No country can prosper without basic freedoms (12) by The Voice
  Dear Liberal Democrat MPs: Judicial Review restrictions are a messy compromise too far. (39) by Caron Lindsay
  Vince speaks out against “devastating and ideologically driven” Tory spending cuts plan (56) by The Voice
  LDV’s Sunday Best: our 7 most-read articles this week (0) by The Voice
  Top of the Blogs: The Lib Dem Golden Dozen #402 (0) by Caron Lindsay
15th  Opinion: Is this the end of conviction politics? (31) by Stephen Phillips
  Opinion: All for one and one for all (25) by Steve Coltman
  Africa Liberal Network General Assembly concludes with spectacular success (5) by Harriet Shone
  Lib Dem Lawyers on Judicial Review (13) by Graham Colley
  The Independent View: UK Foreign Policy and Western Sahara (8) by Craig Browne
  Vince Cable on the Tories’ “extreme ideology” (2) by The Voice
  The Independent View: Where Next for Royal Mail? (14) by David Warren
16th  Clegg: senior Labour ex-ministers should give evidence to UK torture inquiry (10) by The Voice
  LibLink: Tim Farron – Pandering to Ukip risks handing over British-grown ideas to overseas competitors (12) by NewsHound
  LibLink: Norman Lamb: Decades of not understanding Mental Health has left too many Unhelped – but we are getting there (3) by NewsHound
  Judicial Review: Parliamentary Ping Pong delayed until New Year (6) by Caron Lindsay
  Opinion: Shhh! Keep this secret (18) by Chris White
  Two Liberal Democrats win European awards (2) by The Voice
  Our worst nightmare? Peter Kellner’s scenario 3: “Lib Dems choose who’s the PM” (51) by Stephen Tall
  Nick Clegg live Q & A at 7pm tonight (5) by Caron Lindsay
  “The best opinion poll I’ve seen in a long time” says Nick Clegg (7) by Caron Lindsay
  Equal Marriage now a reality in Scotland (0) by Caron Lindsay
17th  Devolution must go beyond Westminster (33) by Newsmoggie
  Opinion: London’s house clearing and what the Focus E15 campaign tells us (13) by Teena Lashmore
  Opinion: Torture – taking back control of the debate (40) by James Harper
  Civil partnerships can now be converted into marriage (5) by Newsmoggie
  Fixed-term parliaments: 56% of voters support them, finds YouGov (20) by Stephen Tall
  Opinion: The power of the media for good or ill (3) by Stephen Phillips
  LibLink: Tim Farron – CIA report shows we should fight even harder for liberal Britain (1) by The Voice
18th  Vince’s Royal Mail privatisation: independent report concludes “the right decisions were made” (11) by The Voice
  Fifa World Cup row: Lib Dem members say no to Qatar but split on 2022 boycott (2) by Stephen Tall
  Baroness Sally Hamwee writes…Localism and liberalism, urban and rural (3) by Sally Hamwee
  Lib Dem MPs were right not to play Labour’s silly games over the Bedroom Tax (60) by Caron Lindsay
  Lord William Wallace writes…Evidence shows EU serves Britain well (19) by Lord William Wallace
  Helena Morrissey evaluates party’s progress on her recommendations (18) by The Voice
  Morrissey Progress Report – first thoughts (17) by Caron Lindsay
19th  A farewell from Tim Farron as party president (12) by Tim Farron MP
  Opinion: Universal Basic Income is the way forward for the Liberal Democrats (85) by Robin McGhee
  Cochrane review: Vaping can help you quit smoking (24) by Joe Otten
  By-election update: Gains on the year (20) by ALDC
  Paul Tyler writes… In defence of piecemeal (19) by Paul Tyler
20th  LibDemVoice Fantasy Football League: how it stands after Week 16 (0) by Stephen Tall
  Tribute to Jeremy Thorpe (5) by Nick Harvey
  Liberal Youth unveils its General Election campaign plans (6) by Caron Lindsay
  Norman Lamb: Fixing dysfunctional mental health services takes time (1) by The Voice
21st  Time to lambast the economic stupidity of Tory posturing on immigration (26) by Paul Walter
  Tim Farron on Murnaghan: “There is massive space for the Liberal Democrats standing up for strong economy, fairness, human rights and civil liberties” (34) by Caron Lindsay
  LDV’s Sunday Best: our 7 most-read articles this week (0) by Caron Lindsay
  What does Alex Salmond think he’s playing at? (31) by Caron Lindsay
  Study shows that voters in Liberal Democrat seats trust their MPs more (41) by The Voice
  Top of the Blogs: The Lib Dem Golden Dozen #403 (0) by Caron Lindsay
22nd  Five party leaders at the funeral of Jeremy Thorpe (8) by Paul Walter
  Festive confusable peers quiz – Smith & Jones edition (0) by Paul Walter
  Are Lib Dems normal? (7) by Mary Reid
  Jo Swinson MP on new measures to rank companies’ human rights performances (6) by Jo Swinson MP
  Last-minute Christmas present ideas from the LDV team (0) by The Voice
23rd  Nick Clegg’s message for Hanukkah 2014 (0) by The Voice
  Jo Swinson slams gender stereotyping of toys – and is attacked by Jeremy Browne (98) by Caron Lindsay
  When politics, business and comedy collide with real lives (9) by Paul Walter
  Kirsty Williams’ Christmas Message 2014 (0) by The Voice
  Nick Clegg’s Christmas message 2014 (0) by The Voice
  Support fund set up for Alex Folkes (16) by Caron Lindsay
24th  Willie Rennie’s Christmas message 2014 (3) by The Voice
  Flashback: Did any MP colleagues attack Jeremy B when he talked about veils? (21) by Paul Walter
  Festive confusable peers quiz – the answers (1) by Paul Walter
  The polls in 2014: what they show with 133 days left til 7 May 2015 (36) by Stephen Tall
25th  Merry Christmas to all our readers (10) by The Voice
  The 12 most-read LDV posts of 2014 (Day 1) (2) by The Voice
26th  Call Clegg Christmas Special – bullying, learning support for children in hospital, jungles and jumpers (7) by Caron Lindsay
  The search for the Liberal Democrat Stars of 2014 (23) by Caron Lindsay
  The 12 most-read LDV posts of 2014 (Day 2) (0) by The Voice
27th  Five posts to sum up January 2014 (0) by Caron Lindsay
  What Theresa May didn’t want you to see: Norman Baker reveals all on drugs report (10) by The Voice
  The 12 most-read LDV posts of 2014 (Day 3) (1) by The Voice
  Craig Murray rejected by SNP as parliamentary candidate for saying he would defy whip to vote against Bedroom Tax (37) by Caron Lindsay
28th  Five posts to sum up February 2014 (1) by The Voice
  Caroline Pidgeon writes… URGENT! Five minutes of your time could help ensure firearm licence fee changes in 2015 (11) by Caroline Pidgeon
  LDV’s Sunday Best: our 7 most-read articles this week (0) by The Voice
  The 12 most-read LDV posts of 2014 (Day 4) (0) by The Voice
  Gareth Wilson selected to stand for Liberal Democrats against George Osborne (21) by The Voice
  Top of the Blogs: The Lib Dem Golden Dozen #404 (0) by Caron Lindsay
29th  Five posts to sum up March 2014 (7) by The Voice
  Opinion: Not inevitable but not surprising either (25) by Chris White
  The 12 most-read LDV posts of 2014 (Day 5) (0) by The Voice
  The Independent View: STV for local government in 2015! (42) by Anthony Tuffin
  Alistair Carmichael’s New Year Message – Let 2015 be a year of unity (2) by The Voice
30th  Nick Clegg’s New Year Message: 2015: a year of hope and optimism for all (34) by The Voice
  Daily Mail paint Mike Thornton as “Lib Dem Scrooge” in non-story of the year (28) by Caron Lindsay
  Five posts to sum up April 2014 (7) by Caron Lindsay
  The LDV Festive Fashion Parade (7) by Caron Lindsay
  Sarah Teather slams “irrational selfish scare stories” over nurse with Ebola (9) by Caron Lindsay
  Daniel Coleman selected to fight Dundee West for the Liberal Democrats (2) by The Voice
  The 12 most-read LDV posts of 2014 (Day 6) (9) by The Voice
  Five posts to sum up May 2014 (8) by Caron Lindsay
  +++New Years Honours 2015: Paddy Ashdown becomes a Companion of Honour (20) by The Voice
31st  First same-sex marriages take place in Scotland (9) by Paul Walter
  Congratulations to Liberal Democrats in the New Year honours list (0) by The Voice
  Book review: Michael Bloch’s “Jeremy Thorpe” (21) by Paul Walter
  LibLink: David Boyle – The future? We’ve seen it all before (14) by Paul Walter
  The 12 most-read LDV posts of 2014 (Day 7) (1) by The Voice
  Deserving of more than a footnote: George Watson and The Unservile State (10) by Peter Sloman
  Opinion: Liberals must think of ways to incentivise free expression (52) by Allum Bokhari

Recent Comments

  • David Symonds
    One of the things that Liberals used to believe in was the concept of industrial democracy. Although Trade Unions have their place in society as a pressure gro...
  • Geoff Reid
    Mark is probably right in suggesting that no legislation is going to sort out the anomalies of employed/self employed status. I spent my 38 years as a full-time...
  • Nigel Jones
    Flexibility in employment is a key issue and a complex one including working part-time, where sometimes people do the same work as full-timers but on a lower ra...
  • David Garlick
    For me the climate story began in the 1960's. Great article and yes I have periods of depression about it but Rodrigo is absolutely right in that the best way ...
  • Marco
    Chris Moore - Yes those seats require a lower swing but would be 3 way contests between Lab Con and Lib so people might not be persuaded to vote for us. Also in...