Monthly Archives: October 2014

1st  Right to be forgotten: 47% of Lib Dems say deleting results individuals do not like amounts to censorship (4) by Stephen Tall
  Dave Goddard writes … Challenging, probing and plain speaking (1) by Dave Goddard
  Opinion: The future of the State (23) by Ruth Coleman-Taylor
  The Independent View: Looking at ways to help student entrepreneurs (2) by Johnny Luk
  New Liberal Democrat Conference App now live (9) by Caron Lindsay
  Opinion: Human rights and all that jazz (3) by Sophie Bridger
  The Independent View: Politicians don’t do enough to find out what we really want (21) by Marion Hutcheson
  Edward McMillan-Scott writes…Postscript: The Tory Conference – more Euro-sceptic than ever (9) by Edward McMillan-Scott
  Cameron and the Tories show us what Government by Daily Mail would look like (23) by Caron Lindsay
  The most important part of our election strategy… (50) by Caron Lindsay
2nd  Favourability index: Ed Balls more unpopular with Lib Dems than George Osborne (20) by Stephen Tall
  Cameron’s conference: Giveaway budgets are dead! Long live giveaway speeches! (18) by Stephen Tall
  The Independent View: The need for a new economic alternative (35) by Vittorio Trevitt
  Lib Dem Voice at Conference: our events and what else we’re up to… (8) by The Voice
  Clegg: May’s comms data claim “one of most misleading and outrageous platform speeches I’ve heard” (11) by The Voice
  Jeremy Browne’s ‘Why Vote Liberal Democrat 2015’ published (33) by Nick T
  Opinion: Less than 2% of members will vote at Conference: this is not an ‘internal democracy’ of which we can be proud (50) by Daisy Cooper MP
  Police Scotland change armed policing policy – a victory for Lib Dem McInnes (4) by Caron Lindsay
  Opinion: Federalism and Constitutions (8) by Hamish Mackenzie
  The Liberal Democrat Voice Awards 2014: The Shortlists (4) by Caron Lindsay
3rd  Opinion: OMOV – think twice (22) by Gareth Epps
  EXCLUSIVE POLL: As Lib Dem conference begins, here’s what members think of the Coalition so far (51) by Stephen Tall
  The Independent View: It’s time to rethink Trident (27) by Kate Hudson
  Opinion: You can allow airport expansion and protect the environment (10) by Christine Jardine MP
  The Independent View: Liberal Democrats – Please make compulsory Sex and Relationships Education a red line Issue (8) by Sarah Green
  Opinion: Beware false promises on apprenticeships (8) by Chris Young
  Opinion: Human trafficking must be an important part of safer sex work strategy (8) by Dipa Vaya
  A fair and fast economic recovery (88) by Joe Otten
4th  LibDemVoice Fantasy Football League: how it stands after Week 6 (1) by Stephen Tall
  Caron’s Conference Selection: must-read stories from today’s press and online commentary (21) by Caron Lindsay
  Saturday debates open thread: Welcome to Glasgow (4) by The Voice
  EXCLUSIVE: Lib Dem Party Presidency – first members’ poll results are here (31) by Stephen Tall
  The big difference between what Olly Grender said and what the Mirror said she said (25) by Caron Lindsay
  Saturday extras open thread: Conference Rally and the LDV Awards (1) by The Voice
  The Independent View: Bridging the gap between rhetoric and reality before May 2015 (4) by Donna Hume
  Lord Brian Paddick writes… Is it reasonable to ban runway expansion across the UK? (47) by Brian Paddick
  Nick Clegg arrives at conference (4) by Paul Walter
  Glasgow Gossip #1 (3) by Caron Lindsay
  All in a day’s Lib Dem conference: hustings, fringes, OMOV and sex work (8) by Stephen Tall
5th  Sunday debates open thread: From first aid to child abuse via crime and public services (1) by The Voice
  Nick Clegg’s conference rally speech: “We may be the underdogs but we have the values, beliefs and resilience to win” (30) by The Voice
  Opinion: Lib Dems must commit to end the housing crisis within a generation (8) by Patrick Murray
  Sunday extras open thread: From Christian humanism to live jazz (3) by The Voice
  Norman Lamb writes… Extra funding for the NHS is a Lib Dem priority right now (9) by Norman Lamb MP
  Coalition-Lite – a better way of doing coalition government? (21) by Andrew George
  Liberal Democrat voice awards 2014 – the results (2) by Paul Walter
  Disco as you’ve never seen it before…. (0) by Paul Walter
  Conference Speeches: Jo Swinson to Conference rally (0) by The Voice
  Conference Speeches: Paddy Ashdown “You were never this nice when I was leader” (30) by The Voice
  Conference speeches: Alistair Carmichael – Coalition with Tories is like having a cat (4) by The Voice
  Conference Speeches: Willie Rennie – “If you want to stop the talk of ‘the 45’ or ‘the 55’ and talk about ‘One Scotland’, to take forward a programme of reform to unite the country, then we are your party.” (0) by The Voice
  Conference Speeches: Steve Webb: “We spend £37 billion on pensions tax relief, mostly on well-off. Next Government will need to address the unfairness (20) by The Voice
6th  Who should be the Lib Dem shadow chancellor in 2015 – Vince or Danny? Here’s what Lib Dem members think… (15) by Stephen Tall
  Monday debates open thread: Flooding and equal marriage (unconnected, of course) (0) by The Voice
  The Independent View: IFS Director Paul Johnson – Balancing the books: some unpalatable choices (13) by Paul Johnson
  Monday extras open thread: Breakfast, lunch and party (0) by The Voice
  Opinion: Confronting gender inequalities in the workplace (3) by Belinda Brooks Gordon
  Who’s up, who’s down? How party members rate the performances of leading Lib Dems (8) by Stephen Tall
  Conference speeches: Kirsty Williams: Liberal Democrats are the radical, positive choice (14) by Caron Lindsay
  Opinion: Conference season so far – and what’s with the Tories and Human Rights anyhow? (9) by Nick Tyrone
  The Independent View: Constitutional reform is back in fashion (3) by Katie Ghose
  Opinion: Party conferences don’t matter to voters (13) by Steve Humphreys
  Hung Parliament: what Lib Dem members think will happen… and what you want to happen (76) by Stephen Tall
  Glasgow Gossip #2: Jumpergate (18) by Caron Lindsay
7th  Tuesday debates open thread: The big one – our pre-manifesto (31) by The Voice
  Tuesday extras open thread: Ending in Glee (1) by The Voice
  Tall and Lindsay make the Liberal Democrat “power list” (10) by The Voice
  Conference Speeches: Kavya Kaushik from Saturday’s Rally (3) by The Voice
  Conference Speeches: Tim Farron: Time for ambitious, active, liberal government (24) by The Voice
  The Independent View: Liberal Democrat vote on flooding shows politics of climate change is shifting (5) by Guy Shrubsole
  Glasgow Gossip: Fashion special (2) by Caron Lindsay
8th  Wednesday debates open thread: Nick Clegg’s speech (16) by The Voice
  Nick Clegg on the “great liberal cause” to boost mental health care: “I want this smack bang on the front page of our next manifesto” (11) by The Voice
  Je ne regrette rien? Would Lib Dem members have voted for Coalition knowing what we know now? (28) by Stephen Tall
  BBC: “Nick Clegg not executed on stage until 1320” (7) by The Voice
  IN FULL: Nick Clegg’s leader’s speech to conference (25) by The Voice
  Nick Clegg’s speech: 5 initial thoughts from me – and reaction from members and pundits (78) by Stephen Tall
  Norman Lamb MP writes… Thank you, Nick, for your commitment to mental health (5) by Norman Lamb MP
  Praise for Norman Lamb’s work on mental health (6) by The Voice
9th  Mental health – an issue whose time came at Glasgow (5) by Paul Walter
  Tim Farron’s “active and ambitious government” – some thoughts and questions (28) by Nick T
  The Glee Club makes the headlines (8) by Caron Lindsay
  The Guardian’s “10 things we’ve learned from the Lib Dem conference” (34) by Nick T
  LibLink: Edward McMillan-Scott: Britain’s obligation towards Hong Kong (11) by NewsHound
  Opinion: An embarrassing lack of diversity (32) by Lester Holloway
  Opinion: Underpinning local enterprise through the banking system (6) by David Boyle
10th  A Lib Dem reshuffle? If it happens, here’s who party members would like to see promoted (12) by Stephen Tall
  UKIP breakthrough, Labour scrape through (257) by The Voice
  Opinion: Don’t tax aspiration, let’s recruit entrepreneurs to our cause (38) by Alain Desmier
  Opinion: We will not stand aside while persecution takes place (10) by Ed Fordham
  Gordon Birtwistle MP writes… A revived nuclear industry could unlock the UK’s engineering potential for generations to come (25) by Gordon Birtwistle MP
  Opinion: Transparency and Openness from the FCC (17) by Sian Reid and William Barter
  Top of the Blogs: The Lib Dem Golden Dozen #392 (0) by Caron Lindsay
11th  In the next month 27 seats will short-list their wannabe Lib Dem MPs (1) by The Voice
  What’s being debated in our members’ forum this week? (5) by The Voice
  Remembering Sarah – Thanking Nick (12) by Linda Jack
12th  LDV’s Sunday Best: our 7 most-read articles this week (0) by The Voice
  Brian Paddick writes… Are We Confusing Anti-politics with Anti-Westminster? (66) by Brian Paddick
13th  Opinion: It’s time to embrace write-in candidates for internal party elections (28) by Lib Dem Write In
  The Independent View: Baking the UKIP Cookbook (6) by Marc Blakewill and James Harris
  General election 2015: broadcasters propose 2-3-4 leaders’ debates formula (48) by Stephen Tall
  Call for feedback on progress since Independent Inquiry of June 2013 (0) by Helena Morrissey
  Going forward, it’s all incredibly important to ordinary people (10) by Paul Reynolds
  Israel-Palestine conflict: the views of Lib Dem members (7) by Stephen Tall
  Thank you, Glasgow (6) by Paul Walter
  The Independent View: Banning wild animals in circuses – a popular law whose time has come (1) by Jan Creamer
  Opinion: Generation Y – Why don’t they vote Lib Dem? (114) by Simon McGrath
  Opinion: A radical, Liberal and localist alternative to NHS commissioning (14) by K B
  ++ BREAKING: Mark Hunter MP steps down as Deputy Chief Whip (4) by The Voice
14th  28 Lib Dem MPs vote for recognition of state of Palestine, 1 against (39) by The Voice
  Lib Dem Peers try to make revenge porn a criminal offence (14) by Caron Lindsay
  What makes Nick’s work worthwhile: the Liberal Democrats’ Autumn PPB (19) by The Voice
  Lord Eric Avebury writes…Polio and Terrorism (2) by Eric Avebury
  Lynne Featherstone on shortlist for Stonewall Politician of the Year (0) by Caron Lindsay
  Fancy seeing Adam Stachura dangling on a rope? (1) by Caron Lindsay
  Opinion: Debates, PEBs and Judical Review: A graveyard of lost causes (18) by Antony Hook
  LibLink: Nick Clegg: Why we must reduce teachers’ workloads (15) by NewsHound
15th  Opinion: Four-step guide to how not to be the nasty party (Labour edition) (25) by Nicholas Pentney
  Opinion: The proposed televised debate format does not help pluralism (10) by Scott Stables
  Tim Farron MP writes…We must continue to fight hard for fairer housing (4) by Tim Farron MP
  The Independent View: The Liberal Democrats and civil society (2) by George Bangham
  ++ Jeremy Browne to stand down as Lib Dem MP in May 2015 (110) by The Voice
  Lord Roger Roberts writes: Join #TheAmendment campaign to make Welsh voter registration accessible & engaging (2) by Lord Roger Roberts
  ICM has Labour ahead, Ukip moving into 3rd place, Lib Dems on 11% (72) by Stephen Tall
16th  LibLink: Giles Wilkes – Tax cuts are exactly what we don’t need (16) by NewsHound
  How should we share the gain and the pain in the next Parliament? (7) by Stephen Tall
  Opinion: Jeremy Browne deserves our thanks (59) by Ed Fordham
  A setback for UKIP in the European Parliament, courtesy of one Latvian MEP… (14) by Mark Valladares
  Mori’s Sir Bob Worcester increases his forecast for Lib Dem seats in May 2015 (39) by Stephen Tall
  Jeremy Browne to stand down as MP: what Lib Dem bloggers have made of his decision (4) by The Voice
17th  LibLink: Paddy Ashdown: Learning six languages changed my life (9) by Caron Lindsay
  Berwick candidate Julie Pörksen seeks views on post-16 transport (5) by The Voice
  Massive swing from Labour as Liberal Democrat Andrew Waller regains Council seat in York (20) by The Voice
  How to further improve our comments threads: your suggestions please (67) by Nick T
  Miriam Gonzàlez Duràntez on faking it, elites and inspiring girls (4) by Caron Lindsay
  Liblink: Catherine Bearder MEP on UKIP’s collapse in the European Parliament (14) by Joe Otten
  Danny Alexander’s stroll on the Grassy Knoll and other great #dannyswalks (5) by Caron Lindsay
18th  Danny Alexander, not Vince Cable, designated Lib Dem shadow chancellor (oh, and no Lib Dem reshuffle) (85) by Stephen Tall
  LibDemVoice Fantasy Football League: how it stands after Week 7 (0) by Stephen Tall
  Liberal Democrat Lucy Care answers questions from NUS students (2) by Caron Lindsay
  Economic liberals or social liberals? Pragmatists or ideologues? How Lib Dem members describe their own political identity (38) by Stephen Tall
  Voters give Liberal Democrats credit for tax threshold rise according to IPSOS-MORI poll (6) by Caron Lindsay
  What’s being debated in our members’ forum this week? (0) by The Voice
  Conference Speeches: Lynne Featherstone: I have been able to do über-Liberal things in Government (4) by The Voice
  Top of the Blogs: The Lib Dem Golden Dozen #393 (5) by Caron Lindsay
19th  10 Years on from The Orange Book: What should authentic liberalism look like? (75) by Stephen Tall
  Caron’s Sunday Selection: Must-read articles from the Sunday papers (4) by Caron Lindsay
  How you can take part in LibDemVoice’s exclusive party member surveys (0) by Stephen Tall
  LDV’s Sunday Best: our 7 most-read articles this week (0) by The Voice
  “Durántezmania – that has legs” and other compliments for Miriam (74) by The Voice
  Conference Speeches: Vince Cable: Liberal Democrats have brought compassion, common sense and competence to Government (7) by The Voice
  Top of the Blogs: The Lib Dem Golden Dozen #394 (1) by Caron Lindsay
20th  Opinion: Confused Britain (61) by Scott Stables
  Opinion: And you thought EVEL was difficult… (25) by Michael Taylor
  Obituary: Susan Taylor – Another great Liberal light goes out (9) by Rebecca Taylor
  Linda Jack drops out of race for party president (59) by Mary Reid
  Opinion: Tackling tax avoidance should be a top manifesto issue  (42) by Cara Jenkinson
  Opinion: Should all-member ballots replace conference on policy votes? (60) by Robin McGhee
21st  Martin Horwood MP writes…Reducing the negative impact of violence on international development (3) by Martin Horwood
  A sneak preview of the Scottish Autumn Conference Agenda (0) by Caron Lindsay
  Opinion: The other side of the immigration debate coin (71) by Rabi Martins
  LibLink: Sarah Teather: Tackling revenge eviction – a step closer (3) by NewsHound
  Opinion: Gough Whitlam: Farewell to a reformer (9) by Mathew Hulbert
  Is this the front page of the next Lib Dem manifesto? (90) by Stephen Tall
  Opinion: Nick Clegg, want to win the women’s vote? Try working with one. (24) by Alice Thomas
  ALDC’s by-election report: 16 October 2014 (1) by ALDC
22nd  LDVideo: Vikki Slade on Free School Meals in action (2) by The Voice
  Voting for the next Lib Dem party president starts a week today (4) by Stephen Tall
  LibLink: Hannah Thompson on her successful campaign to outlaw revenge porn (15) by Caron Lindsay
  Lord Andrew Phillips writes…Reflections from the campaign trail in Clacton (21) by Lord Andrew Phillips
  The Independent View: Ministry of Justice costs reforms undermine Vince Cable’s aim of tackling rogue directors (1) by Giles Frampton
  Opinion: Decision making in the Liberal Democrats (20) by Iain Donaldson
  Kirsty Williams questions Welsh First Minister on “lack of ambition” for young people (1) by The Voice
  Liberal Democrat storms to by-election win – in the House of Lords (18) by Caron Lindsay
  Shouldn’t Parliament Square be for protesters? (30) by Caron Lindsay
23rd  The Liberal Party and the First World War – event in London next month (8) by Duncan Brack
  Horwood and Burstow take part in Westminster Dog of the Year (0) by The Voice
  Opinion: In for a cent, in for a Euro? (50) by Adam Killeya
  Early years pupil premium – local allocations announced (3) by Newsmoggie
  LibLink: Tim Farron: Don’t despair, we can help those whose lives are threatened by climate change (14) by NewsHound
  Opinion: Liberal Democrats in conversation, an Indiegogo campaign (3) by Mark Bryceland
  Teacher workload – a concern north and south of the border (8) by Caron Lindsay
  Norman Lamb MP writes…Liberal Democrats will fight relentlessly for NHS to have funding it needs (17) by Norman Lamb MP
  Lord Paul Tyler writes…Farce in the Lords (10) by Paul Tyler
24th  Clare Campion-Smith Selected as Lib Dem PPC for Bristol North West (0) by The Voice
  Alex Salmond to make Westminster comeback – threat to Lib Dem seat of Gordon? (26) by Stephen Tall
  Opinion: The utter and total failure of the political left (120) by Matthew Huntbach
  Roundtable talks on new mental health waiting time standards (1) by The Voice
  A powerful message from Canada’s Liberal leader in response to Wednesday’s shootings (11) by The Voice
  Catherine Bearder MEP writes… EU climate targets thanks to Ed Davey and Lib Dems (0) by Catherine Bearder MEP
  Ed Davey MP writes…Signed, sealed and delivered, an ambitious climate change deal for Europe (7) by Ed Davey
25th  LibDemVoice Fantasy Football League: how it stands after Week 8 (0) by Stephen Tall
  By-election update: 8 seats up for grabs – no losses, no gains (14) by ALDC
  What Lib Dem members think about devolution – and what their local priorities would be (10) by Stephen Tall
  Botswana elections: Liberal Democrats help sister party and its “calm revolutionary of our time” (99) by Caron Lindsay
  Nick Clegg’s message for Diwali 2014 (2) by The Voice
  Paddy Ashdown on Bosnia and Herzegovina: “These are dangerous times; they are very dangerous times indeed” (9) by The Voice
  In the next month 22 seats will short-list their wannabe Lib Dem MPs (6) by The Voice
  Why I’m spitting furious about Johann Lamont’s resignation. (71) by Caron Lindsay
26th  The Independent View: Time for the Lib Dems to capitalise on their cities’ opportunity (4) by Andrew Carter
  Liberal Democrats the sexiest party, apparently… (5) by Caron Lindsay
  Caron’s Sunday Selection: Must-read articles from the Sunday papers (4) by Caron Lindsay
  It’s the Liberal Democrat Blogosphere Wedding of the Year – congratulations to Richard and Alex (8) by Caron Lindsay
  LDV’s Sunday Best: our 7 most-read articles this week (0) by The Voice
  Sal Brinton on how Liberal Democrats helped change law on revenge porn (8) by The Voice
  What’s being debated in our members’ forum this week? (0) by The Voice
  Carswell: Free Liberal. How it might have been (50) by David Faggiani
  Top of the Blogs: The Lib Dem Golden Dozen #395 (0) by Caron Lindsay
27th  Opinion: Liberal Democrats : the party of social work and social care? (6) by Simon Allen
  Julian Huppert writes: Workable real recall (41) by Julian Huppert
  Opinion: Electoral reform – How to (19) by Barry Holliday
  All welcome to the first Liberal Democrat European Group Conference (10) by Antony Hook
  LibLink: What Nick Clegg wrote on Mumsnet about shared parental leave – and he didn’t mince his words (11) by The Voice
  LibLink: Ed Davey promises no blackouts this winter (34) by The Voice
  Why would you not be a feminist? says Clegg (46) by Caron Lindsay
28th  Carmichael talks green investment, energy and renewables (4) by The Voice
  Federal Committee candidate lists announced (13) by The Voice
  Opinion: Delivering a stronger economy and a fairer society (43) by Iain Donaldson
  Opinion: We need HS2 and HS3 to benefit the north (19) by Mike Green
  Opinion: Alice vs the system: Lessons from a lifetime of “help” from public services #3 (0) by Anonymous Liberal Democrat
  Kirsty Williams: For Labour and the Tories, Welsh patients are just collateral damage in NHS War (4) by The Voice
  LibLink: Sarah Teather: Let’s stop the scourge of revenge eviction (4) by NewsHound
  What can we learn from this year’s World Gender Gap Report? (7) by Caron Lindsay
  Nick Clegg: I’m not voting in this Thursday’s PCC by-election (31) by Stephen Tall
  Sal Brinton writes… Ukip’s hypocrisy on tackling serious child abuse issue is breath-taking (17) by Sal Brinton
  Coalition stooshie* as Tories refuse deal to get EU Referendum Bill debated (19) by Caron Lindsay
29th  LibLink: Paddy Ashdown: Afghanistan war is textbook for how to lose this kind of conflict (6) by NewsHound
  LibLink: Tim Farron – What Can Government do to Help the Self Employed? (5) by NewsHound
  Half of current Green supporters voted Lib Dem in 2010 (77) by Stephen Tall
  Baroness Kate Parminter writes…Campaigning on green issues in the south west (5) by Kate Parminter
  Stephen Lloyd MP writes…Ed’s climate change deal shows how UK can reform EU
 (16) by Stephen Lloyd
  On making LDV more inclusive (105) by Caron Lindsay
30th  Stephen Williams doing a Reddit Ask Me Anything tonight at 6:30 pm (2) by Caron Lindsay
  Opinion: The Economic Crisis is Now Political (59) by Toby Matthews
  Andrew Stunell MP writes…Tackling anti-semitism at home and abroad (10) by Andrew Stunell MP
  LibGreenLink: Julian Huppert and Caroline Lucas: Our prohibitionist drugs policy isn’t working (7) by NewsHound
  Alison McInnes makes debut at First Minister’s Questions (9) by Caron Lindsay
31st  UKIP MEP calls equal marriage supporters “equality Nazis” and defends UKIP’s collaboration with party whose leader praised Hitler (32) by Caron Lindsay
  UK decision to stop migrant rescue operations attacked by Teather (“unethical”) and Ashdown (“inhuman”), defended by Clegg (“Italian decision”) (32) by Stephen Tall
  Last chance to make your views heard on more powers for Scotland.. (0) by Caron Lindsay
  Opinion: Afghanistan – Fools rush in… (3) by Arthur Snell
  Opinion: We can’t afford not to pay for social care (7) by Chris White
  Norman Lamb warns against demonising people with mental ill health at Hallowe’en (5) by Caron Lindsay
  Labour hang on in South Yorkshire – my guilty part (41) by Joe Otten

Recent Comments

  • Peter Hirst
    While it is good to have the correct policies it is even better to implement them in a timely and effective manner. We can have debates about what is the right ...
  • David Blake
    I'd be interested to know how many online viewers there were on Youtube for the various parts of conference. When I was watching it there were rarely more than...
  • David Symonds
    One of the things that Liberals used to believe in was the concept of industrial democracy. Although Trade Unions have their place in society as a pressure gro...
  • Geoff Reid
    Mark is probably right in suggesting that no legislation is going to sort out the anomalies of employed/self employed status. I spent my 38 years as a full-time...
  • Nigel Jones
    Flexibility in employment is a key issue and a complex one including working part-time, where sometimes people do the same work as full-timers but on a lower ra...