Monthly Archives: September 2014

1st  RIP Simon Titley (23) by Caron Lindsay
  Opinion: How about some real fairness in our tax system? (29) by Iain Donaldson
  Liberal Democrat Voice Awards 2014 – get your nominations in NOW, and never let it be said that we don’t listen to feedback, Mr Calder (1) by Caron Lindsay
  Danny Alexander sets out vision for more powers after a No vote in the Scottish referendum (19) by Caron Lindsay
  Mike Thornton MP writes…Don’t commit to no increase in runways (25) by Mike Thornton MP
  Opinion: Why I rejoined the Liberal Democrats (18) by Anthony Vaughan
  Of course sterlingisation and debt default would lead to Scots paying more for loans, mortgages and credit (17) by Caron Lindsay
  An email on counter-terrorism measures from a Liberal Democrat should not make me despair… (112) by Caron Lindsay
2nd  Opinion: If an NHS Tax is a step too far, let taxpayers make an optional “NHS Donation” (23) by Mohsin Khan
  The Chancel Repairs Bill 2014 (more interesting than you might imagine) (8) by Michael Hall
  The Airports Commission says ‘no’ to a Thames estuary airport, but Boris hasn’t given up (16) by Mary Reid
  Nick Clegg calls for Ashya King to be reunited with his parents (20) by Joe Otten
  Opinion: Cherish the independence of elected members (8) by Matt Burrows
  Jim Murphy returns to Scottish independence campaign trail, promises more powers for Scottish Parliament (5) by Caron Lindsay
  Danny Alexander says EU membership would not be possible with Salmond’s “bonkers” sterlingisation plan (34) by Caron Lindsay
3rd  Opinion: Charles Kennedy asks “What should we tell the Scots?” (13) by Matt Gallagher
  Postponed: Lib Dem pre-manifesto launch delayed owing to international situation (32) by Stephen Tall
  The Independent View: Free school meals is universalism at its best – all children benefit, but low-income children benefit most (12) by Alison Garnham
  Opinion: Federalism and hypothecation do not mix (4) by Energlyn Churchill
  Former Clacton UKIP candidate ousted by Douglas Carswell resigns and backs local Liberal Democrat Councillor (31) by The Voice
  Sex and Power 2014 – Six recommendations to improve representation of women in public life (10) by Caron Lindsay
  Opinion: A real respect agenda (9) by Alex Dingwall
4th  LibLink: Sir Malcolm Bruce MP – The positive case for the Union (2) by NewsHound
  Conference agenda published; deadline for amendments and emergency motions extended (3) by Nick T
  Clacton and the Lib Dems’ post-2015 wastelands problem (49) by Stephen Tall
  Call Clegg: A well-informed 9 year old, empathy with the Kings and the moral dilemmas of dealing with terrorists (12) by Caron Lindsay
  Opinion: Time to consider all-women shortlists? (58) by Rob Parsons
  How to get Lib Dem Voice by email (0) by The Voice
  Cardiff Council under Lib Dems: Clear leadership, effective financial management. Cardiff Council under Labour: Fragmented leadership, weak performance (10) by Caron Lindsay
5th  The Independent View: What are the most ‘Ukip-friendly’ Liberal Democrat seats? (42) by Robert Ford and Matthew Goodwin
  With what song would you open Liberal Democrat Conference? (64) by Antony Hook
  Harm reducers hit back against WHO e-cigarette denormalisation (36) by Joe Otten
  ++Vince Cable to vote for Bedroom Tax reform (34) by The Voice
  Opinion: Our seaside towns and the challenge of UKIP (28) by Cara Jenkinson
  Opinion: The Lib Dems should make open primaries a coalition demand (28) by Robin McGhee
  By-election update: Labour’s Oxford by-election tactics slammed (23) by ALDC
  ‘Bedroom Tax’: Lib Dem Andrew George’s Affordable Homes Bill wins key Commons vote backed by Lib Dem / Labour MPs (28) by The Voice
6th  LibDemVoice Fantasy Football League: how it stands after Week 3 (0) by Stephen Tall
  Opinion: Why I’m voting “Yes Scotland” on September 18 (36) by Simon Horner
  Farron name checks Liberal Democrat PPCs Julie Pörksen and Vikki Slade in Commons Bedroom Tax speech (4) by Caron Lindsay
  What’s being debated in our members’ forum this week? (0) by The Voice
  Typo of the Week award goes to Mark Pack (4) by Caron Lindsay
  LibLink: Charles Kennedy: Scotland’s energy considerations benefit from the UK (8) by Caron Lindsay
  Liberal Youth Elections 2014… Membership Development Officer: Naomi Farhi (0) by Naomi Farhi
  Liberal Youth Elections 2014… Policy Officer: Ryan Mercer (0) by Ryan Mercer
7th  Jim Wallace outlines his case for Scotland remaining in the UK (0) by Caron Lindsay
  David Rendel selected as Lib Dem PPC for Somerton and Frome (12) by Stephen Tall
  ‘Yes Scotland’ takes first poll lead of campaign. Peaked too soon or Big Mo timed just right? (39) by Stephen Tall
  LDV’s Sunday Best: our 7 most-read articles this week (0) by The Voice
  How do those of us who want Scotland to stay in the UK turn things around after Yes poll lead? (61) by Caron Lindsay
  Top of the Blogs: The Lib Dem Golden Dozen #389 (0) by Caron Lindsay
8th  The Independent View: Liberal Democrats back industrial action by midwives (18) by Cathy Warwick
  Opinion: A new constitution won’t deliver the social change people think they’ll get with a yes vote (7) by Stephen Harte
  Opinion: The power of the state to confiscate your passport and citizenship (24) by Paul Reynolds
  Lib Dem pre-manifesto launched: includes policies to reform drugs laws and bus pass discount for under-21s (32) by Stephen Tall
  The Independent View: Will Liberal Democrats remain the greenest party? (40) by Matt Hindle
  Clegg’s pitch to Scotland to say No to independence: “Change is on its way.” (41) by The Voice
  Yes, Scotland should have more independence. Wales too. But don’t forget the English (28) by Stephen Tall
9th  The Independent View: Why Lib Dem conference should vote to protect the country from climate change (2) by Guy Shrubsole
  Paul Scriven writes … From a council estate to the House of Lords (10) by Paul Scriven
  Opinion: Five ways we can focus on winning (15) by Daisy Cooper MP
  Opinion: Patience, not paranoia is needed if the UK is to solve the productivity puzzle (10) by David Thorpe
  David Laws on Lib Dem plans for the General Election (6) by Mary Reid
  Opinion: Scotland voting Yes, surely not! (24) by Linda Forbes
  Opinion: Turn the clock back to 1602? (46) by Richard Allanach
  The Independent View: Government can ensure that the election debate on welfare and tax reform is informed as well as impassioned (2) by Peter Kenway
  Paul Tyler writes … English Devolution:  we’re working on it! (27) by Paul Tyler
10th  Opinion: I’ve changed my mind on Scottish independence (45) by Ian MacFadyen
  Opinion: Suicide is preventable: we need a coordinated approach to reduce needless deaths (23) by Reg Yeates
  LDVideo: “Hypocrites, idealists and liars – can politics be sincere?” – watch Shirley Williams debate with George Galloway and Peter Oborne (4) by The Voice
  Kirsty Williams says Carwyn Jones’ devolution comments will confuse Welsh voters (2) by Caron Lindsay
  Opinion: Blast from the Past: Wisdom from the old Liberal Party (102) by Seth Thevoz
  Lib Dem MEP Catherine Bearder on Lord Hill’s EU appointment: “A victory for British influence in Europe” (53) by The Voice
  Those Scottish independence polls: why the Don’t Knows mean Yes should be concerned (30) by Stephen Tall
11th  LibLink: Kirsty Williams: A chance to promote a new union (2) by NewsHound
  Michael Moore MP writes…Scotland’s Future – my personal view (19) by Michael Moore
  Former Liberal Democrat MP David Howarth re-appointed as an Electoral Commissioner (2) by Newsmoggie
  Opinion: Devo-Instant – a recipe for disaster (25) by David Allen
  Well, that rather blows a hole in the Yes campaign’s NHS claims, doesn’t it? (33) by Caron Lindsay
12th  Opinion: We urgently need a new policy on devolution and federalism (59) by Maria Pretzler
  Nick Clegg calls for Police and Crime Commissioners to be scrapped (14) by Joe Otten
  LibLink: Tim Gordon: When I think about the UK splitting up, something inside me breaks (10) by Caron Lindsay
  By-election update: All holds (11) by ALDC
  Opinion: How to tell the SNP? (14) by Ian MacFadyen
  Michael Moore’s International Development Bill passes its first Commons hurdle (3) by Caron Lindsay
13th  No football last week, so why not pick your Fantasy Politics team instead? (12) by Stephen Tall
  Opinion: The economics of independence have been lost in the smoke of battle (23) by Simon Horner
  New LDV members’ survey now live: your views on Scotland, the Coalition, ISIS and Israel/Palestine, and the Party Presidency (4) by Stephen Tall
  The day Alistair Carmichael made me cry (10) by Caron Lindsay
  Catch-up LDVideo: Nick Clegg hails “a manifesto for the next generation” (4) by The Voice
  What’s being debated in our members’ forum this week? (0) by The Voice
  LibLink: Kirsty Williams – Scottish independence result will have ‘colossal impact’ on Wales and UK (23) by NewsHound
  In the next month 19 seats will short-list their wannabe Lib Dem MPs (5) by The Voice
14th  Charles Kennedy: No with a purpose and a future (20) by Caron Lindsay
  Liberal Democrat Voice Awards: Nominations close tomorrow (0) by Caron Lindsay
  Shirley Williams wows Dunfermline – in pictures (9) by Caron Lindsay
  Nick Clegg’s statement on David Haines’ murder: Islamic State an affront to every peace loving Muslim in the world (42) by The Voice
  What the academics say: 7-in-10 voters know the name of their MP – and 82% of Lib Dem MPs are local (5) by Stephen Tall
  LDV’s Sunday Best: our 7 most-read articles this week (1) by Caron Lindsay
15th  Opinion: Devolution and federalism – the missing ingredient (32) by Clive Sneddon
  Update on Network of Experience (1) by Liz Lynne
  Pro-UK rally in Trafalgar Square at 6pm TONIGHT (22) by Caron Lindsay
  The Liberal Democrats, the first 25 years (9) by Duncan Brack and Mark Pack
  Welfare reform: enough of the stick, time for the carrot (15) by Gareth Wilson
  Jim Wallace: Team Scotland within the UK – the best solution (11) by Caron Lindsay
  Vince Cable on the road (1) by NewsHound
  Opinion: Devolved Power and the Problem of Accountability (38) by Maria Pretzler
16th  LibLink: Menzies Campbell: Federalism is in touching distance (5) by Caron Lindsay
  Willie Rennie: If it turns out that Alex Salmond has been talking codswallop, there’s nothing we can do about it. We can’t go back (8) by Caron Lindsay
  Opinion: Housing is the cost of living crisis (86) by S
  Charles Kennedy launches new Liberal Democrat Poster van tour “Why would we walk away?” (12) by Caron Lindsay
  Is Mike Crockart voting Yes to Independence? (34) by Caron Lindsay
17th  Scotland’s independence referendum: here’s what our survey says Lib Dem members think (7) by Stephen Tall
  Decentralisation decade – Nick Clegg responds (2) by NewsHound
  Race equality survey of presidential candidates (27) by Lester Holloway
  LibLink: Shirley Williams: How Scotland could lead the way towards a federal UK (20) by NewsHound
  Opinion: I sat on the fence for a long time (58) by Rebecca Hanson
  Labour to cut short their party conference? (10) by NewsHound
  Opinion: More powers are not on the ballot paper (30) by Denis Mollison
  What do you think will be the result of the Scottish independence referendum? Your predictions, please… (68) by Stephen Tall
18th  Scotland votes today: 8 things that have struck me about the independence campaign (32) by Stephen Tall
  Opinion: Getting serious about localism (17) by Chris White
  Anti-politics: the Lib Dem problem (29) by Stephen Tall
  Opinion: What to do in the event of Scottish independence (8) by George Potter
  Scottish independence referendum: open thread… (16) by The Voice
  ++ Mike Hancock MP quits Lib Dems (7) by The Voice
19th  Must do better, UK (24) by Joe Otten
  Senior Liberal Democrats react as Scots vote to stay in UK (13) by The Voice
  Scotland says no to independence: here’s my first thoughts the morning after (27) by Stephen Tall
  Opinion: Federation is necessary (9) by Mike Green
  The post-independence referendum to do list (26) by Caron Lindsay
  Opinion: The West Lothian Question has left Ed Miliband in a deep hole (81) by Richard Church
  Opinion: Reaching out to young people (8) by Linda Jack
  ++Breaking news: Alex Salmond resigns as First Minister of Scotland (18) by The Voice
  Catherine Bearder writes… Now the referendum is over, we need a unifying vision for Britain (28) by Catherine Bearder MEP
20th  LibDemVoice Fantasy Football League: how it stands after Week 4 (0) by Stephen Tall
  Paul Tyler writes… Pledge in haste, repent at leisure (53) by Paul Tyler
  Meanwhile, in Clacton… Meet the Lib Dems’ by-election candidate, Andy Graham (10) by Stephen Tall
  UPDATED: Full list of Lib Dems standing in our held seats and top 50 targets (34) by Stephen Tall
  Dorothy Thornhill selected as Liberal Democrat candidate for Watford (4) by Caron Lindsay
  Last chance to apply for ALDC internship – a Lib Dem Jobwatch special (4) by Caron Lindsay
21st  Strong language from Nick Clegg on more powers for Scotland: This opportunity cannot be hijacked (39) by Caron Lindsay
  Last chance to vote in Liberal Youth elections (0) by Caron Lindsay
  A film night, at Conference? Really? (8) by Caron Lindsay
  Caron’s Sunday Selection: Must-read articles from the Sunday papers (3) by Caron Lindsay
  Paddy Ashdown warns of national civil revolt as gap between Westminster elite and people grows (61) by Caron Lindsay
  LDV’s Sunday Best: our 7 most-read articles this week (0) by The Voice
  Top of the Blogs: The Lib Dem Golden Dozen #390 (0) by Caron Lindsay
22nd  Opinion: A once in a generation chance for democracy (23) by Wayne Chadburn
  Can moderate public engagement be a good thing? (8) by Paul Walter
  Opinion: Lib Dems believe in local policing; should they also support a return to local courts? (4) by John Howson
  The English devolution battleground (41) by Joe Otten
  Opinion: English devolution – with maps (97) by George Potter
  Stand up against the politics of bullets and threats (4) by Ed Fordham
  Opinion: Simple, liberal ideas for London (35) by Anthony Fairclough
23rd  Opinion: The Immigration Premium: A positive approach to immigration (43) by Drew Durning
  Opinion: A constitutional convention: If not now, when? (42) by Linda Jack
  Salmond’s bizarre public dig at critical commentator Torrance shows Scotland had a lucky escape (24) by Caron Lindsay
  Let’s get some action on votes at 16 (42) by Caron Lindsay
  Senior Liberal Democrats sign letter praising former FA inclusion adviser Edward Lord after his abrupt sacking (1) by The Voice
  That Ed Miliband speech in full… (2) (13) by Joe Otten
  Jo Swinson marks Bisexual Visibility Day (0) by Caron Lindsay
  No wow factor from Ed Miliband as he forgets part of his speech (35) by Caron Lindsay
24th  Do you support British involvement in air strikes against Islamic State? (91) by Caron Lindsay
  Opinion: Constitutional Change? Not so fast… (10) by Paul Reynolds
  Norman Lamb gets on his bike… (0) by NewsHound
  Ed Davey MP writes…Tackling climate change (28) by Ed Davey
  D.I.S.C.O (10) by Caron Lindsay
  Nick Clegg’s message for Rosh Hashanah 2014 (0) by The Voice
  Opinion: Seeking support for amendment on Constitutional Reform (12) by Alisdair Calder McGregor
  Nick Clegg explains Liberal Democrat ministers’ decision to support air strikes on ISIL (38) by Caron Lindsay
  Wednesday in the Park with Ed (13) by Caron Lindsay
25th  Local campaigner Anthony Smith selected to fight Heywood and Middleton by-election (9) by The Voice
  Why talking about global poverty reduction without talking about economic growth is a mistake (25) by Nick T
  Baroness Kishwer Falkner writes: We should not repeat previous failures in Iraq in the hope that we might succeed this time (36) by Kishwer Falkner
  Could it really not be any clearer than this? (34) by Joe Otten
  Opinion: Crime and Criminal Justice – Doing what works to cut crime (6) by Geoff Payne
  Rennie chooses Michael Moore and Tavish Scott to represent Liberal Democrats on Scotland Devolution Commission (2) by Caron Lindsay
  Call Clegg: Nick robust about need to act on ISIL (11) by Caron Lindsay
26th  Opinion: Lobbying, campaigning and pressure groups – a need for transparency (5) by Ibrahim Taguri
  ISIL Debate Open thread (64) by Joe Otten
  LibLink: Alison McInnes: Better late than never for views on armed police to be heard (8) by NewsHound
  By-election update: 47.2% swing in Guildford (48) by ALDC
27th  Josh Mason selected for Redcar (3) by The Voice
  Opinion: Why the Lib Dem membership should strongly oppose the UK’s new Iraq-Syria ‘bombing war’ (46) by Paul Reynolds
  LibLink: Sam Ghibaldan: Time to end constitutional quirk (21) by NewsHound
  Liberal Democrats have coalition “wobble” (3) by The Voice
  A bad day for the Conservatives, Brooks Newmark and journalistic ethics (45) by Caron Lindsay
28th  New campaign aims to give women equal representation in Scotland’s parliaments and councils (17) by Caron Lindsay
  Caron’s Sunday Selection: Must-read articles from the Sunday papers (17) by Caron Lindsay
  LDV’s Sunday Best: our 7 most-read articles this week (0) by The Voice
  Conference Preview 2014: The Training (2) by Caron Lindsay
  Top of the Blogs: The Lib Dem Golden Dozen #391 (0) by Caron Lindsay
29th  Chris Fox writes … My primary aim will be to promote engineering in the UK (13) by Chris Fox
  Opinion: In London, community politics must be less about geography and more about life choices (32) by David Thorpe
  Opinion: Education issues at conference? (20) by Rebecca Hanson
  Lib Dem members on intervention against ISIS: 59% back air strikes, 49% support sending troops (7) by Stephen Tall
  Opinion: Islamic State – it’s a conundrum (11) by Tahir Maher
  The Independent View: The Coalition Government’s economic strategy – time for a rethink? (44) by Vittorio Trevitt
  Team Science wants YOU (4) by Ed Long
  Ashcroft’s poll of Lib Dem battleground seats: incumbency is alive and well but 2015 will be a survival election for the party (37) by Stephen Tall
  Conference Preview 2014: The Pre-Manifesto Debate (23) by Caron Lindsay
30th  The current state of the economy: what Lib Dem members think about it (14) by Stephen Tall
  A bit of a howler in the Tories’ press lines… (5) by Caron Lindsay
  Opinion: Liberalism Unlocked: After the Coalition (23) by Nigel Lindsay
  Tory welfare plans are anathema to Liberal Democrats. We should not miss any opportunity to condemn them (42) by Caron Lindsay
  Opinion: Liberal Democrats must stand up for the Welfare State (18) by Kelly-Marie Blundell
  Opinion: Let’s keep social housing in London (5) by Teena Lashmore
  Hannah Thompson interviewed on Sky News about revenge porn (1) by The Voice
  LibLink: Paddy Ashdown: We must embrace Putin to beat Islamic State (13) by NewsHound
  Caron’s Guide to the craziness of Conference – updated for Glasgow 2014 (10) by Caron Lindsay
  Julian Huppert writes to Theresa May over Snoopers’ Charter allegation: “I would expect you to issue a public correction and an apology at the earliest opportunity” (13) by Stephen Tall

Recent Comments

  • David Symonds
    One of the things that Liberals used to believe in was the concept of industrial democracy. Although Trade Unions have their place in society as a pressure gro...
  • Geoff Reid
    Mark is probably right in suggesting that no legislation is going to sort out the anomalies of employed/self employed status. I spent my 38 years as a full-time...
  • Nigel Jones
    Flexibility in employment is a key issue and a complex one including working part-time, where sometimes people do the same work as full-timers but on a lower ra...
  • David Garlick
    For me the climate story began in the 1960's. Great article and yes I have periods of depression about it but Rodrigo is absolutely right in that the best way ...
  • Marco
    Chris Moore - Yes those seats require a lower swing but would be 3 way contests between Lab Con and Lib so people might not be persuaded to vote for us. Also in...