Monthly Archives: March 2014

1st  Opinion: On child poverty targets, on which I agree with David Laws (14) by Prateek Buch
  Opinion: Do people not care about civil liberties? (28) by Stuart Bonar
  ALDC’s by-election report 27 February 2014 (1) by ALDC
  Can everyone please just play nice? Briefing against other Liberal Democrats and insulting party activists is never going to help. (35) by Caron Lindsay
  What’s being debated in our members’ forum this week? (1) by The Voice
2nd  Farron: It’s Lib Dems v UKIP in European elections (10) by Caron Lindsay
  Paddy: We’re one mistake away from war in Ukraine (52) by Caron Lindsay
  Farage says Britain’s becoming “unrecognisable”. But the British public says our sense of belonging is increasing. (47) by Stephen Tall
  LDV’s Sunday Best: our 7 most-read articles this week (0) by The Voice
  Opinion: Extending participation in education must mean extension of free school transport – support motion to Spring Conference NOW (4) by Julie Pörksen
  LDVideo: The ladder, the elephant and the bird that flies to the left (3) by The Voice
  BBC: Accused Weymouth councillor joins Lib Dem ‘coalition’ (8) by Stephen Tall
  Top of the Blogs: The Lib Dem Golden Dozen #367 (0) by Caron Lindsay
3rd  Opinion: One member, one vote: What’s not to like? (39) by Sue Doughty
  Opinion: Pubs v Pubcos, which side are you on, Mr Cameron? (19) by Gareth Epps
  Opinion: Don’t like the exam question? Just cross it out… (23) by Ed Wilson
  Have you downloaded your Spring Conference app yet? (16) by Caron Lindsay
  In the next month 33 seats in Scotland and Wales will short-list their wannabe Lib Dem MPs (0) by The Voice
  Opinion: I’m 89% Liberal Democrat and a lot of my friends were surprised to be too (28) by Gareth Wilson
  LibLink: Kirsty Williams: St David’s Day – Wales has every right to be up there with the best (1) by Caron Lindsay
4th  The Orange Bookers v the Cameroons: Liberal Reform/ERS event at spring conference (8) by Nick Tyrone
  Opinion: How to balance the UK economy (7) by David Boyle
  Nick Clegg announces 2015 negotiating team (42) by Mary Reid
  Opinion: Ukraine – Next Steps (70) by Toby Fenwick
  Liblink: Nick Clegg – security oversight must be fit for the internet age (2) by Mary Reid
  Opinion: Henry Ford and the coalition’s ‘localism’ (11) by Adam Killeya
  Reform of the Planning System (17) by Annette Brooke MP
  Opinion: Drugs – Evidence based policy, liberalism and some Uruguayan political courage (17) by Tad Jones
  Julian Huppert MP writes…Nick Clegg has put Liberal Democrats far ahead of other parties on security and privacy (5) by Julian Huppert
5th  Nick Clegg: “I have to drag the Tories kicking and screaming” to raise tax threshold” (38) by The Voice
  #NickvNigel – We have a date (12) by The Voice
  #NickvNigel: We have 2 dates – any more for the Tour? (13) by Caron Lindsay
  Vince Cable “considers all female shortlists for city firms.” Really? (4) by Caron Lindsay
  Julia Goldsworthy re-selected as Lib Dem candidate for Camborne and Redruth, quits as Danny Alexander’s SpAd (6) by Stephen Tall
  Opinion: York welcomes Spring Conference (2) by Keith Aspden
  Access to Elected Office Fund for disabled people extended to 2015 and annual limit doubled to £40,000 (4) by The Voice
  Opinion: Tell us your views on a fair, liberal criminal justice system (3) by Geoff Payne
  South East UKIP Euro candidate says businesses should have right not to serve women and gay people (13) by Caron Lindsay
  Lib Dems as ‘The Party of IN’ – Clegg’s pro-European strategy starts to pay off (53) by Stephen Tall
  Kirsty Williams AM writes… An important step towards minimum nurse staffing levels in Wales (4) by Kirsty Williams AM
6th  What Vince Cable said about teachers – and, more importantly, what he meant (31) by Stephen Tall
  Jeanne Tarrant describes her first 50 days as Pastoral Care Officer (2) by The Voice
  So what’s happening at Conference? Part 3: The Fringe (3) by Caron Lindsay
  George Lyon MEP writes…Brave mountain rescue teams should not have to pay VAT on essential, lifesaving kit (5) by George Lyon MEP
  Clegg opposes ban on halal and kosher slaughter; now we need to hear his reasons (41) by Nick T
  Opinion: Let’s move to one-member one-vote (34) by Louise Shaw
  Opinion: Give British EU migrants back their votes (35) by Giles Goodall
  Call Clegg: Ukraine, Europe, Boris’s mansion tax, Vince’s ‘gaffe’, collective responsibility and immigration (8) by Nick T
7th  The Orange Book 2004-2014 (15) by Tom Frostick
  Opinion: Sustaining the Recovery (19) by Bill le Breton
  Tom Brake writes… Job sharing for MPs – an idea whose time has come (12) by Tom Brake
  Linking peace issues with seekers of sanctuary (0) by Suzanne Fletcher
  21st Century Education: A Social Liberal Approach (1) by Helen Flynn
  Norman Lamb writes: Protecting people’s health and care data (4) by Norman Lamb MP
  Nick Harvey writes: Making free school meals work (12) by Nick Harvey
8th  LibLink: Sarah Teather – Why I’m Going Hungry on Saturday (12) by NewsHound
  How to follow what is happening at Spring Conference #LDconf (0) by Mary Reid
  First two Lib Dem presidential hopefuls declare themselves (8) by Stephen Tall
  What the media say about the York conference, part 1 (13) by The Voice
  Opinion: Conference and Equality (18) by Teena Lashmore
  Tim Farron and Julian Huppert write: Why we need a Digital Bill of Rights (4) by The Voice
  David Cameron to host summit on FGM and forced marriage (0) by The Voice
  So, what’s been going on at Conference? (3) by Caron Lindsay
  Six points I took from Nick Clegg’s Lib Dem conference Q&A (32) by Stephen Tall
9th  LDVideo: Lib Dem election results, predictions and UKIP threat (0) by The Voice
  What the media say about the York Conference, part 2 (2) by The Voice
  Danny Alexander’s speech to Lib Dem conference. (AKA: we need to move beyond lists of achievements.) (1) by Stephen Tall
  Nick Clegg’s speech to the Lib Dem spring conference in full (71) by Stephen Tall
  Five reasons why Liberal Democrats leave York in good spirits. (36) by Caron Lindsay
  Maybe stick to the day job, Lorely? (10) by The Voice
  My first appearance on the proper BBC1 News – “Not perfect – but in the circumstances we’ve done the best we possibly could” (28) by Caron Lindsay
10th  5 things you didn’t know Nick Clegg loves – another clever use of Buzzfeed by LDHQ (4) by Caron Lindsay
  What the media say about the York Conference, part 3 (4) by The Voice
  Opinion: From a friend with love – Let’s have an honest debate on the EU and UK (4) by Samuel Sigere
  John Pugh MP writes… Grim up north (32) by John Pugh
  Opinion: A poor careers move (14) by Adam Killeya
  Opinion: Making friends with Nick Clegg again… (19) by Paul Walter
  Opinion: My resignation from Federal Conference Committee (7) by Kelly-Marie Blundell
  Paul Burstow MP writes…My two suggestions to improve the Care Bill (3) by Paul Burstow
  Conference Photo Gallery Part 1 – What the LDV team did (1) by The Voice
11th  Opinion: We need Digital Liberalism (11) by John Grout
  Jenny Willott on free childcare from 12 months (50) by The Voice
  Michael Moore MP writes…Standard Life, the most significant intervention in the Independence Referendum so far? (8) by Michael Moore
  Reports of domestic violence rise, but convictions drop (3) by NewsHound
  Bob Crow RIP – Clegg pays tribute (17) by The Voice
  Stephen Williams writes: Social housing stock rises back above 4 million (23) by Stephen Williams
  Ed Davey makes QR codes compulsory on energy bills (21) by NewsHound
  “I love how proud we are to be modest” and other things that Nick Clegg did not say (5) by Mary Reid
  Lib Dems hit back against free school lunch attacks. Clegg on Mail: “utterly wrong”. Laws on Cummings: “utter balls” (13) by The Voice
12th  “By the way this orange juice is corked” – Mac on Nick Clegg’s free school lunch plan (0) by The Voice
  Opinon: The Calder Valley needs a modern transport system to maximise economic potential (14) by Alisdair Calder McGregor
  Miliband on in/out Europe referendum: I agree with Nick (28) by Stephen Tall
  Rachel Smith talks to the Telegraph about the Coalition, being a politician’s wife, and how she’s a fan of Nick (0) by NewsHound
  LDVideo: Chris Davies MEP “UKIP are not there when it matters” (7) by The Voice
  Alan Reid MP writes… Time for the Chancellor to be fair on Scotch (5) by Alan Reid MP
  LDVideo: Warwick Lib Dems: We’re Back! (8) by Caron Lindsay
  Opinion: Church of England, call off your modern day inquisition (29) by Ed Fordham
  Opinion: York conference debates tough UK approach to Ukraine crisis (25) by Paul Reynolds
  Paul Burstow MP writes…Government makes concessions on Care Bill (15) by Paul Burstow
  Cable and Davey proud to employ foreign staff (5) by NewsHound
  Nick Clegg at PMQs, with added Elvis (29) by Caron Lindsay
13th  LibLink: Lynne Featherstone in New York for the Commission on the Status of Women (0) by NewsHound
  Liberal Democrat Spring Conference Photo Gallery: Part 2 (4) by The Voice
  Opinion: Knock on doors in diverse communities with confidence (4) by Issan Ghazni
  Jeremy Browne questions wisdom of ratchet effect on tax cuts while the deficit remains so high (17) by The Voice
  Opinion: Good co-ops, bad co-ops and the funding of the Labour Party (30) by William Hobhouse
  Paul Burstow writes… Realising the potential of an ageing society (11) by Paul Burstow
  New poll: Voters credit low-earner tax-cuts to Lib Dems, Clegg’s ratings spike following Farage debate challenge (31) by Stephen Tall
14th  17 policies on which the Lib Dems and Labour now agree (24) by Stephen Tall
  RIP Tony Benn (18) by Joe Otten
  Tony Benn: an appreciation (19) by Stephen Tall
  Liblink: Nick Clegg on parental leave, school meals and childcare (5) by The Voice
  Suspicions of Lib-Labbery (45) by Joe Otten
  An evening with Alistair Darling and Jim Naughtie (2) by Caron Lindsay
  By-election update: Lib Dems take two seats from Tories in Canterbury and Ludlow (31) by ALDC
15th  Fancy paying for Stephen Gilbert MP to be chucked out of an aeroplane? (2) by The Voice
  My 5 minutes defending Lib Dem honour against Bus Pass Elvis (6) by Stephen Tall
  A longer listen for the weekend: Can liberalism be better advanced by Lib Dems or Tories? (46) by The Voice
  A longer read for the weekend: “The Law’s the Law, for A’ That” – Legal Reflections on the Scottish Independence Referendum (5) by Jim Wallace
  In the next month 13 seats will short-list their wannabe Lib Dem MPs (4) by Stephen Tall
16th  Jenny Willott writes… How Lib Dems are giving families choice through shared parental leave and flexible working (2) by Jenny Willott
  Alistair Carmichael on Chris Huhne: he put the ‘T’ in Cancun (20) by The Voice
  Just when you thought it was safe to like Stonewall… (17) by Caron Lindsay
  LibLink: Tim Farron – We need to capitalise on our scientific excellence (5) by NewsHound
  LDV’s Sunday Best: our 7 most-read articles this week (0) by The Voice
  LibLink: Danny Alexander: Get real, Lord Lawson, it’s the low paid who need our help (6) by NewsHound
  Top of the Blogs: The Lib Dem Golden Dozen #368 (0) by Caron Lindsay
17th  Issan Ghazni encourages Europeans living in the UK to vote Lib Dem in May (5) by The Voice
  Charles Kennedy: Pro UK campaign needs to be more positive (10) by Caron Lindsay
  Opinion: A fair tax revolution: Our most important manifesto commitment (12) by Gareth Wilson
  Norman Lamb MP, Baroness Liz Barker and Paul Burstow write…Care Bill builds better, stronger, more liberal care system (0) by Norman Lamb, Liz Barker and Paul Burstow
  Vince Cable: I don’t understand why bankers need to earn a million quid a year (37) by NewsHound
  Democratic Audit on the “scandal” of the poor value taxpayers get for the £800m spent on elections in the UK (15) by Stephen Tall
  Rose Garden love in “sick inducing” but necessary says Julia Goldsworthy (38) by Newsmoggie
18th  Opinion: We need a Cornish Assembly (29) by Simon Rix
  Opinion: Ukraine is a crisis which we cannot back off from (54) by George Cunningham
  Julian Huppert writes: Improving the private rented sector (10) by Julian Huppert
  By-election victory in Ludlow North (5) by Mary Reid
  Opinion: Panic – children are political (3) by Patrick McAuley
  The Independent View: Keep academy freedoms – and extend them to all schools (20) by Amy Finch
  Ming Campbell’s successor selected: Tim Brett to fight North East Fife for Lib Dems in 2015 (7) by Stephen Tall
  33 years ago today the launch of the SDP was announced (36) by NewsHound
19th  Nick’s Netmums Q & A on childcare (2) by NewsHound
  Why not scrap the annual Budget? (6) by Stephen Tall
  David Laws says Councils should charge for bin collections. Or does he? (16) by Caron Lindsay
  Michael Moore MP writes… Federalism: The best future for Scotland (11) by Michael Moore
  Some first thoughts on the Budget (54) by Caron Lindsay
  Awards for Liberal Democrat MEPs Chris Davies and Andrew Duff (2) by The Voice
  Opinion: Expansion of apprenticeships shows that Liberal Democrats are the party of young people. (13) by Mathew Hulbert
  LibLink: Danny Alexander: We ignored siren voices in the Tory party on 40p tax rate to give £100 tax cut for all (15) by Newsmoggie
20th  The Independent View: Rooting out criminal landlords (7) by Alan Ward
  Social Liberal Forum response to Budget 2014 (13) by The Voice
  “I thought it was a spoof” Danny Alexander on Shapps’ “patronising” Bingo tweet (11) by NewsHound
  Liberal Reform response to Budget 2014 (27) by The Voice
  Call Clegg: Proud of Budget, help for parents, taking on Ed Balls and “silly” Shapps and keeping Scotland in the family (7) by Caron Lindsay
  Opinion: Some facts about Ukraine and Crimea (57) by George Potter
  The price of trusting people with their own money (52) by Joe Otten
  Nick Clegg’s tribute to Tony Benn (5) by The Voice
  “Steve Webb has now become one of the most important people in government” (7) by The Voice
21st  The complete and utter list of Lib Dem MPs’ first tweets (5) by Stephen Tall
  A look ahead to Scottish Conference (1) by Caron Lindsay
  Opinion: Let’s have real “power to the people” for those of us outside the UK (5) by George Cunningham
  Opinion: Not a budget for green policy (13) by Duncan Brack
  Opinion: The East Midlands would suffer without Europe (5) by Issan Ghazni
  Opinion: The hole in the “35 percent strategy” – the Lib Dem vote (27) by Nick Tyrone
  Opinion: The key economic shift we need next time (8) by David Boyle
  ALDC’s by-election report – 20 March 2014 (5) by ALDC
22nd  First tweets: the Liberal Democrat Voice team (4) by Caron Lindsay
  Independent: Liberal Democrats’ “major and under-rated contribution” to Budget success (5) by Newsmoggie
  Liberals need to stand up against hate speech and prejudice. If we don’t, we condone it. (23) by Caron Lindsay
  Without a shadow of a doubt: Vince Cable should be the Lib Dems’ Shadow Chancellor at the 2015 election (45) by Stephen Tall
  What’s being debated in our members’ forum this week? (0) by The Voice
  LDVideo: Vince responds to the budget (and takes on Labour “hubris” in the process) (6) by The Voice
23rd  Opinion: The new tuition fees argument – having your cake and eating it (117) by Maria Pretzler
  LDV’s Sunday Best: our 7 most-read articles this week (0) by The Voice
  Independent: “Lib Dems fall out over who should take on George Osborne in election debate” (8) by NewsHound
  Opinion: European Commission is right to demand Ed Davey and the Coalition re-thinks on nuclear power (41) by Andrew Warren
24th  Five stories from five years – March 24th (1) by Caron Lindsay
  Michael Moore reselected for Berwickshire, Roxburgh and Selkirk (0) by Caron Lindsay
  LibLink: Vince Cable: Smell the coffee, Boris. The Mansion Tax has slipped in already (8) by NewsHound
  Danny, please listen to Charles Kennedy before you write about the Independence Referendum again (15) by Caron Lindsay
  Former Tory Council leader joins Liberal Democrats in Lewes (0) by The Voice
  LibLink: Lynne Featherstone: A long road ahead to stop gender based violence, but we are on the right track (2) by NewsHound
  Opinion: Pensions move could negate the whole point of pensions saving (29) by Janice Turner
  Jeremy Browne joins Twitter. In unrelated news, his new book’s out next month (2) by Stephen Tall
  Should prisoners have unlimited access to books? (32) by Caron Lindsay
25th  Opinion: In every conflict, there is always more than one side to the story (6) by David Gray
  The Independent View: Clegg can’t just take on Farage – he also needs to spell out his own vision for EU reform (25) by Pawel Swidlicki
  Most of the benefits of an annuity at a fraction of the cost? (30) by Joe Otten
  In which Beaker agrees with Kermit that we’re Better Together (4) by Caron Lindsay
  Fewer workless households (10) by Mary Reid
  Kate Parminter writes … Jumping in at the deep end: Lib Dem successes on the Water Bill (3) by Kate Parminter
  Andy Myles announces support for Scottish independence (23) by Caron Lindsay
26th  Eric Avebury writes…Society cannot afford to scrap the alcohol duty escalator (11) by Eric Avebury
  #NickvNigel LibLink Special: Nick Clegg: Let’s keep Britain prosperous, safe and IN (6) by Caron Lindsay
  Alex Cole-Hamilton selected for Edinburgh Western (2) by Caron Lindsay
  Your essential Nick v Nigel debate reader: 15 articles to get you match-fit ahead of tonight’s live encounter (0) by Stephen Tall
  Stop and search nonchalance from Justice Secretary shows why Scotland needs the Liberal Democrats (0) by Caron Lindsay
  #NickvNigel: Charles Kennedy: I couldn’t get the Liberal Democrats to fight a pro-European campaign (8) by NewsHound
  Three ways to watch #NickvNigel (0) by The Voice
  #NickvNigel Pre-match fun: Pick of the Tweets (3) by The Voice
  Nick v Nigel: My first thoughts (64) by Stephen Tall
27th  Missed last night’s Nick v Nigel debate? Want to watch it again? Here it is… (0) by The Voice
  YouGov’s Nick v Nigel poll: Clegg wins with Labour, Lib Dem voters; Farage with Tory, Ukip voters (38) by Stephen Tall
  #NickvNigel: What the commentators say (24) by The Voice
  Call Clegg: Nick condemns morning after pill critics as misogynist, medieval and insulting to women (17) by Caron Lindsay
  Norman Lamb MP writes… Improving patient safety in the NHS (4) by Norman Lamb MP
  Steve Webb MP writes…Tackling rip-offs, standing up for savers (15) by Steve Webb MP
  Lord Mike German writes…ATOS contract scrapped, two requests for its replacement (12) by Mike German
  LibLink: Lynne Featherstone: Last night we saw the nasty side of Nigel Farage (22) by NewsHound
  Tim Farron MP writes…Tales from the Spin Room (32) by Tim Farron MP
28th  Opinion: Mind the gap (23) by Joe Bourke
  Carmichael: We should be proud of what we are achieving in the UK, not talking about leaving (4) by Caron Lindsay
  Latest Euro poll shows how, in this May’s elections, every %-age point matters for the Lib Dems (28) by Stephen Tall
  Fraser Nelson is wrong: Cameron’s supposed EU re-negotiation allies are set on a very different path (8) by Henk van Klaveren
  Opinion: A green backbone for the 2015 manifesto (57) by Duncan Brack
  ALDC’s by-election report – 27 March 2014 (14) by ALDC
29th  In full: Nick Clegg’s contribution to the “sunshine strategy” at Scottish Lib Dem Conference (3) by Caron Lindsay
  Annette Brooke MP writes… This Mothering Sunday let’s commit to making preventable newborn deaths a thing of the past (2) by Annette Brooke MP
  A longer read for the weekend: How important will incumbency be to the Lib Dems in 2015? (8) by Stephen Tall
  What’s being debated in our members’ forum this week? (0) by The Voice
  In the next month 9 seats will short-list their wannabe Lib Dem MPs (0) by Stephen Tall
30th  The Independent View: Pensions reform – the right to advice is right (6) by Gillian Guy
  Time for Nick Clegg to ditch the “Great Britain not Little England” line (37) by Stephen Tall
  Opinion: Ukip’s success masks its existential crisis (40) by Caspian Conran
31st  In Full: Alistair Carmichael’s speech to Scottish Liberal Democrat Conference (0) by The Voice
  LibLink: Lynne Featherstone: Two same sex weddings, one happy politician (0) by Caron Lindsay
  In Full: Willie Rennie’s speech to Scottish Liberal Democrat Conference (0) by Caron Lindsay
  LDV Debate: Could One Member One Vote work for Liberal Democrat Conference? (22) by The Voice
  Clegg slams Farage over “extreme” and “utterly grotesque” Putin comments (14) by Caron Lindsay
  Michael Moore MP’s Road to the Referendum… A Vote for the United Kingdom: A positive Choice (6) by Michael Moore
  Chris Huhne is a glass half-full kinda guy (10) by Stephen Tall

Recent Comments

  • David Symonds
    One of the things that Liberals used to believe in was the concept of industrial democracy. Although Trade Unions have their place in society as a pressure gro...
  • Geoff Reid
    Mark is probably right in suggesting that no legislation is going to sort out the anomalies of employed/self employed status. I spent my 38 years as a full-time...
  • Nigel Jones
    Flexibility in employment is a key issue and a complex one including working part-time, where sometimes people do the same work as full-timers but on a lower ra...
  • David Garlick
    For me the climate story began in the 1960's. Great article and yes I have periods of depression about it but Rodrigo is absolutely right in that the best way ...
  • Marco
    Chris Moore - Yes those seats require a lower swing but would be 3 way contests between Lab Con and Lib so people might not be persuaded to vote for us. Also in...