Monthly Archives: April 2010

1st  Daily View 2×2: (0) by Alex Foster
  Howard Dean backs Nick Clegg as next PM (4) by Stephen Tall
  Lib Dems launch ‘Enterprise in a fair society’ plans to boost business (2) by The Voice
  Harris and Huhne question legality of Labour’s ‘meow meow’ ban (9) by The Voice
  Votematch is back: which party most closely matches your policy preferences? (16) by Mark Pack
  Julia Goldsworthy: we’re too centralised (7) by Julia Goldsworthy
  Welcome to the new bloggers… (0) by Mark Pack
  Power2010 turns its sights on the Lords (1) by Mark Pack
  LDVideo: April (paywall) Fool (2) by Helen Duffett
  LDV doesn’t do statporn, but if we did (March ‘10) (0) by Stephen Tall
  Vince: Labour and Tory plans “would drive public finances into the ground” (1) by Stephen Tall
  Open Rights Group flashmob serves disconnection notice on UK Music #DEBill (4) by Obhi Chatterjee
2nd  Daily View 2×2: 2 April 2010 (0) by Helen Duffett
  An email to the editor of the Daily Telegraph (8) by Mark Pack
  How do Lib Dem MPs compare on Twitter? April update with a new number one (8) by Mark Pack
  David Howarth writes … Now is the time to reform our penal policy (1) by David Howarth
  It’s Easter, so it’s time for Jo Swinson’s annual Eggs-cess packaging report (1) by Stephen Tall
  3 ways the Labservatives blocked the Lib Dems cleaning up politics (6) by Stephen Tall
  Pollwatch – State of the Parties: Lib Dems 19%, Labour 31%, Tories 38% (March 2010) (2) by Stephen Tall
  The LDV Friday Five: 2 April 2010 (0) by Helen Duffett
  The price of a Labour marginal? £81 million (5) by Sara Bedford
  Labour troubles in Stoke (3) by Mark Pack
  Will troops miss out on the election? (4) by Mark Pack
3rd  An Independent View from the IEA: Enterprise needs liberalism – but are the Liberal Democrats liberal? (49) by Richard Wellings
  How you can help Liberal Democrat Voice (1) by The Voice
  LDVideo Easter Saturday special: Lib Dem leaders at PMQs (0) by Stephen Tall
  BNP hit by allegations of coups, infighting and sabotage (19) by Mark Pack
  Hasn’t Charlie Whelan admitted Unite is breaking the law? (1) by Mark Pack
  Don’t tax sweat – An Independent View from Thomas Colignatus (7) by Thomas Colignatus
  Pollwatch – State of the Leaders: Clegg +18%, Brown -27%, Cameron +5% (March 2010) (2) by Stephen Tall
  Opinion: Attack YouGov if you want to – but at least say who you are (4) by Niklas Smith
  Will the Tories back Labour’s plan that could land us with a £300m bill? (5) by Mark Pack
4th  Daily View 2×2: 4 April 2010 with special beard and moustache feature (0) by Mark Pack
  Conservative Party candidate quits over “nest of vipers” (1) by Mark Pack
  UKIP candidate suspended over racist comments (5) by Mark Pack
  It’s those crazy health & safety rules again (1) by Iain Roberts
  “You’ll be found dead on the streets” – the message from a BNP supporter (22) by Dominic Carman
  UKIP caught by Sunday Times investigation into hiding donations (1) by Mark Pack
  Smellie verdict shows shocking lack of accountability in British policing (29) by Mark Pack
  How YouTube is being used on the ground in the general election (1) by Mark Pack
  A straight choice? Does this squeeze message hold water? (12) by Iain Roberts
  Election campaign essentials [contains chocolate] (0) by Helen Duffett
  Is Tony Blair illegally exporting private data overseas? (1) by Mark Pack
5th  Election timetable: this week’s deadlines (1) by Mark Pack
  Opinion poll reporting: The Times does it best, the Daily Mirror the worst (1) by Mark Pack
  The Independent View: Introducing (4) by James Evans
  Lib Dems plan rail expansion by cutting road projects (26) by Mark Pack
  Daily View 2×2: 5 April 2010 (with added A Song for Democracy) (6) by Stephen Tall
  An open letter to Jeremy Hunt, Conservative MP for South West Surrey (6) by Mike Simpson
  Social media: heavily used by candidates with best chances of winning (0) by Mark Pack
  How Euro-sceptic journalism works (2) by Iain Roberts
  A must read site for people following the online general election campaign (2) by Mark Pack
  LDVideo Easter Monday special: a quattro of Tory gaffes (1) by Stephen Tall
  Ros Scott’s campaign diary (1) by Baroness Ros Scott
  This is how general elections used to be called (1) by Mark Pack
6th  Daily View 2×2: 6 April 2010 – they’re off! (0) by Alex Foster
  The Independent View: Where do the candidates stand on democratic reform? (0) by Tony Samphier
  Is it time to dust off the John Cleese election campaign strategy? (6) by Stephen Tall
  What happens in wash up – and what will happen to the Digital Economy Bill? (7) by Mark Pack
  Donate today – help get the Lib Dems off to a flying start! #ge2010 (2) by Stephen Tall
  Top of the Blogs: The Golden Dozen #163 (0) by Stephen Tall
  General election: what have we learnt so far? (7) by Mark Pack
  LibLink: Ken MacDonald – “Freedom’s place in the fight against terrorism” (0) by NewsHound
  How do the media election websites compare? (UPDATED) (4) by Mark Pack
7th  Pollwatch Day 1 #ge2010 – Lib Dems at 20%, Lab 30%, Tories 38% (2) by Stephen Tall
  Televised Prime Ministerial debates: how to ask a question (5) by Mark Pack
  3 to see: Lib Dem #ge2010 campaign coverage (2) by Stephen Tall
  Labour’s hypocrisy on political reform: kill it off then claim you’ll resuscitate it later, maybe (9) by Stephen Tall
  Opinion: Support the Equality Pledge (8) by Geoffrey Payne
  The last PMQs before the election (0) by Paul Walter
  Well fancy that! A poll finding you won’t have seen reported (1) by Mark Pack
  The Liberal Democrat plans for the NHS (3) by Mark Pack
  Opinion: Travels in hyperreality (0) by Chris White
  The Vince Factor: economic credibility and the Lib Dems (6) by Stephen Tall
  LibLink: Mark Pack – Five tips to make sense of the polls (0) by NewsHound
  Gordon Brown’s election pledge: I will not make the tax system fairer (3) by Stephen Tall
  LibLink: Simon Hughes – The Lib Dems can keep the lights on (2) by NewsHound
  The #ge2010 Golden Half-Dozen: pick of the Lib Dem blogs (7th April) (1) by Stephen Tall
  General election: what have we learnt today? (8) by Mark Pack
8th  Pollwatch Day 2 #ge2010 – Lib Dems at 20%, Lab 30%, Tories 38% (0) by Stephen Tall
  LibLink: Stephen Tall – Where’s George Osborne? I’m curious (2) by NewsHound
  Daily View 2×2: 8 April 2010 (0) by Sara Bedford
  3 to see: Lib Dem #GE2010 campaign coverage (1) by Stephen Tall
  Nick Clegg reveals Tories’ £13bn VAT bombshell (21) by Stephen Tall
  Trident: what’s the Lib Dem alternative? (14) by Mark Pack
  The ‘Digital Economy Bill Saints’: the MPs who voted against Labour’s internet freedom clampdown #DEbill (52) by Richard Flowers
  Opinion: how the internet can turn nice people nasty (15) by Alec Macpherson
  The Independent View: The Skeptical Voter (0) by RichardWilson
  Y Barcud Oren #14 (1) by Gareth Aubrey
  Online campaigning: confirmation of email’s importance (0) by Mark Pack
  Opinion: Osborne and Cameron – proving they are unfit to govern (12) by Ed Randall
  Test your knowledge of health policies (0) by Mark Pack
  LibLink: James Graham – Digital economy bill exposes broken system #DEbill (1) by NewsHound
  High Court clarifies blog owners’ liability for libellous comments (6) by Iain Roberts
  ‘Great wife, not so sure about my Chancellor’: what we learnt today (0) by Mark Pack
  The #GE2010 Golden Half-Dozen: pick of the Lib Dem blogs (8th April) (0) by Stephen Tall
  Pollwatch Day 3 #GE2010 – Lib Dems at 20%, Lab 30%, Tories 38% (still) (1) by Stephen Tall
9th  If you ram through a law about illegal copying online… (3) by Mark Pack
  Election law round-up: counting news and postal vote concerns (0) by Mark Pack
  LibLink: Evan Harris – Here comes the Lib Dem science (0) by NewsHound
  Tory VAT tax rises and Michael Caine … the spoof posters collection (7) by Stephen Tall
  Dear Nick Robinson… (4) by Mark Pack
  3 to see: Lib Dem #GE2010 campaign coverage (9/4/10) (1) by Stephen Tall
  Opinion: A child’s perspective of the election (20) by Maelo Manning
  Top bankers want a Cameron victory (8) by Iain Roberts
  LibLink: Chris Rennard – It’s Lib Dems v more of the same (1) by NewsHound
  Brown: Vote Lib Dem where Labour can’t win (8) by Mark Pack
  Labour campaigning takes an unusual turn (9) by Mark Pack
  Well fancy that! Another unreported poll finding (2) by Mark Pack
  TV debates: some clues to likely political impact (1) by Mark Pack
  The LDV Friday Five: 9 April 2010 (1) by Helen Duffett
  LibLink: Craig Murray – British democracy: no better than Uzbekistan’s (33) by NewsHound
  Racist comment not such a problem for UKIP after all (0) by Mark Pack
  The #GE2010 Golden Half-Dozen: pick of the Lib Dem blogs (9th April) (0) by Stephen Tall
10th  How to get your picture to appear next to your comments on Lib Dem Voice (0) by Mark Pack
  Missteps on the online campaign trail (0) by Mark Pack
  Opinion: Debates – the first two questions count most (1) by Antony Hook
  Lib Dems attack Tories’ tax-war on widows, working couples and jilted wives (19) by Stephen Tall
  Digital Economy Bill: the key decision to be made after the election #debill (4) by Mark Pack
  Pollwatch Day 4 #GE2010 – Lib Dems at 20%, Lab 30%, Tories 38% (still) (4) by Stephen Tall
  3 to see: Lib Dem #GE2010 campaign coverage (10/4/10) (2) by Stephen Tall
  Attention! The Tories’ deficit disorder. (5) by Stephen Tall
  Margaret Moran makes £177,000 profit on tax-payer funded house (0) by Mark Pack
  LDVideo #GE2010 Election Special: Clegg on the Campaign Trail (0) by Stephen Tall
  LibLink: Stephen Tall – I’m not seduced by Adonis (3) by NewsHound
  Stockton North: deselected Labour MP to run as an independent (3) by Mark Pack
11th  Daily View 2×2: 10 April 2010 – featuring a Monty Python political broadcast (1) by Mark Pack
  Labour and their big databases (9) by Ryan Cullen
  Once is a misfortune, but twice …? The Tory councillor who’s a repeat offender (0) by Stephen Tall
  Sunday Mirror plunges to new low in poll “reporting” (1) by Mark Pack
  Pollwatch Day 5 #GE2010 – Lib Dems at 20%, Lab 30%, Tories 39% (2) by Stephen Tall
  Opinion: Deutschland über Europa? And why the UK should care (18) by Mike Guillaume
  3 to see: Lib Dem #GE2010 campaign coverage (11/4/10) (1) by Stephen Tall
  Opinion: A Future Fair for Whom? (6) by Thorne Godinho
  Andrew Rosindell runs into a spot of bother with his posters (3) by The Voice
  LibLink: Mark Pack – It ain’t just that swing (0) by NewsHound
  The Independent View: Asking business leaders to think again (2) by Katy Wells
  Joan Ruddock and the Iraq war: an unusual self-description (6) by Mark Pack
  Don’t take it out on Vince, guys, just ‘cos you’re stuck with George (13) by Stephen Tall
  Is David Herdson right about Labour and the Lib Dems? (8) by Mark Pack
12th  Election timetable: this week’s deadlines (0) by Mark Pack
  Is this the next candidate to be axed for their online insults? (27) by Ryan Cullen
  Opinion: An open letter to Lord Adonis (6) by Prateek Buch
  New government powers to snoop on your post – forced through by Labour and Tories (9) by Mark Pack
  Top of the Blogs: The Golden Dozen #164 (0) by Stephen Tall
  Didn’t quite turn out like that, did it? (0) by Mark Pack
  Lib Dems on Labour’s manifesto: “Every Labour manifesto since 1997 has been full of promises they have broken” (2) by Stephen Tall
  3 to see: Lib Dem #GE2010 campaign coverage (12/4/10) (0) by Stephen Tall
  Congratulations to David Ford (0) by Alex Foster
  BBC: ‘Lib Dem candidate withdraws amid police probe’ (1) by The Voice
  LDVideo #GE2010 Election Special: Clegg promises fair tax system, warns of unrest over cuts (1) by Stephen Tall
  LibLink: Mark Pack on ‘Constraints on election practices’ (0) by NewsHound
  Jo Swinson target of anonymous smear campaign (0) by Stephen Tall
  How to get your hands on your David Heath action figure (5) by Stephen Tall
  What is Labour planning on electoral registration? (2) by Mark Pack
  Online campaigning’s reach lags only modestly behind offline campaigning (1) by Mark Pack
  3 reasons to be pleased with Nick Clegg’s Paxman interview (17) by Stephen Tall
  The #GE2010 Golden Half-Dozen: pick of the Lib Dem blogs (12th April) (0) by Stephen Tall
13th  Pollwatch Days 6-7 #GE2010 – Lib Dems at 20%, Lab 30%, Tories 38% (9) by Stephen Tall
  3 to see: Lib Dem #GE2010 campaign coverage (13/4/10) (0) by Stephen Tall
  Clegg launches five point plan to bring bankers’ bonus culture under control (6) by Stephen Tall
  Welcome to the new bloggers… (2) by Mark Pack
  How are the party leaders doing on Twitter? (0) by Mark Pack
  Tactical unwind or tactical rewind? (7) by Mark Pack
  Good news on turnout and engagement (1) by Mark Pack
  Clegg on bankers’ bonuses clampdown (0) by The Voice
  Over 13,000 raging against the election – and for the Lib Dems – on Facebook (10) by Stephen Tall
  Photo evidence – Geoff Hoon for sale! (10) by The Voice
  LibLink: Campaign diary (April) – Jamie Saddler in Wirral South (1) by NewsHound
  The other TV election debates (5) by Mark Pack
  Does the location of polling stations change how people vote? (0) by Mark Pack
  Conservative manifesto: the Liberal Democrat reaction (0) by Mark Pack
  Tory manifesto “a blueprint for fake change” say Lib Dems (1) by Stephen Tall
  If a party’s leader visits a constituency it doesn’t hold three times… (3) by Mark Pack
  Lib Dem Linda aims to kick Nads out of Parliament (11) by Stephen Tall
  Liberal Democrat manifesto: advance peek (12) by Mark Pack
14th  Conservative candidate Caroline Righton ‘goes to ground’ (7) by Mark Pack
  Liberal Democrat manifesto by numbers (7) by Mark Pack
  Pollwatch Day 8 #GE2010 – Lib Dems at 20%, Lab 31%, Tories 38% (0) by Stephen Tall
  3 to see: Lib Dem #GE2010 campaign coverage (14/4/10) (0) by Stephen Tall
  Vince Cable crossed with Sid Vicious and with a dash of Sinatra (1) by Mark Pinsent
  Conservative candidate steps down after foul-mouthed tirade (5) by Ryan Cullen
  Attempt to set world record for most enthusiastic backer of election candidate narrowly fails (3) by Mark Pack
  A tale of two Shadow Chancellors (0) by Mark Pack
  Lib Dem manifesto launch attracts media plaudits (7) by Stephen Tall
  Why won’t Hampstead & Kilburn Conservatives explain where they got private email data from? (1) by Mark Pack
  Buckingham Palace, the Bank of England and a donation to the Conservative Party (1) by Mark Pack
  Say goodbye to broken promises: the first Lib Dem election broadcast (28) by Mark Pack
  Lib Dem general election manifesto: round-up of our coverage (5) by Mark Pack
  Votes or seats? Why Nick Clegg won’t, can’t and shouldn’t answer that hung Parliament question (25) by Stephen Tall
  The #GE2010 Golden Half-Dozen: pick of the Lib Dem blogs (14th April) (1) by Stephen Tall
15th  Here comes the debate worm (3) by Mark Pack
  3 to see: Lib Dem #GE2010 campaign coverage (15/4/10) (4) by Stephen Tall
  A graphical demonstration of just how broken our electoral system is (1) by Mark Pack
  “Liberal Democrats lead on liberty” – Henry Porter (0) by Mark Pack
  Two councillors accused of breaking election law; one political party investigated (0) by Mark Pack
  Nick Clegg on tackling poverty around the world (0) by Mark Pack
  The steady march of the Liberal Democrats (1) by Mark Pack
  Social media’s impact on political reporting (0) by Mark Pack
  The first televised leaders’ debate – join us for the live-chat tonight! (0) by Stephen Tall
  Pollwatch Day 9 #GE2010 – Lib Dems at 20%, Lab 31%, Tories 38% (0) by Stephen Tall
  Lib Dem manifesto launch: Clegg’s speech and BBC video (2) by The Voice
  LibLink: Mark Pack – TV leaders’ debates: the dos and don’ts (1) by NewsHound
  LDVideo #GE2010 #GoNick – Nick anticipates tonight’s televised debate. But how are we all feeling? (0) by Stephen Tall
  Leaders’ Debate live-chat: now open (0) by Stephen Tall
  Okay, we can breathe again: who do you think won? (32) by The Voice
  The LDV Leaders’ Debate Verdict: Nick Clegg the winner #GoNick #leadersdebate #GE2010 (20) by Stephen Tall
16th  Dear Michael Gove… (8) by Mark Pack
  Agree with Nick, too? Here’s 4 things you can do today #iagreewithnick (7) by Mark Pack
  Nick Clegg leaders’ debate win: your LDV reader (7) by Stephen Tall
  LDVideo Leaders Debate Special: Nick Clegg’s opening and closing statements (0) by Stephen Tall
  Pollwatch Day 10 #GE2010 – Lib Dems at 20%, Lab 31%, Tories 38% (5) by Stephen Tall
  Four celebrity ‘twumbs-ups’ for Nick Clegg #iagreewithnick (5) by Stephen Tall
  Opinion: Cameron’s Gaffe – is China a nuclear threat to the UK? (10) by Philip Young
  Clegg commits to Digital Economy Act repeals (9) by Mark Pack
  First election debate: winners and losers (2) by Mark Pack
  LibLink: Stephen Tall on Nick Clegg’s debate performance (0) by NewsHound
  YouGov puts Lib Dems second, all three parties within margin of error (20) by Mark Pack
  What challenges might the future bring? (4) by Alex Foster
17th  The #GE2010 Golden Dozen: pick of the Lib Dem blogs (16th April) (3) by Stephen Tall
  Serious about fairness, serious about power (2) by Stephen Tall
  Daily Mail: big boost for Lib Dems in poll – but editorial line even more striking (29) by Mark Pack
  Opinion: Yes, we can – let’s go for gold! (9) by Stephen Chidgey
  The LDV Saturday caption competition – the “David Cameron sucks bitter lemon” edition (19) by Stephen Tall
  Every single Lib Dem vote is a vote for change (4) by Richard Flowers
  A new party in Defence of the Realm? (2) by Dom Newton
  Welcome to the new bloggers… (0) by Mark Pack
  Poll surge continues: is this 2003 or 1974? (46) by Mark Pack
18th  Mick Bates to face assault charge (7) by The Voice
  Daily View: the poster special (3) by Mark Pack
  It’s been another great week for George Osborne (6) by Stephen Tall
  Opinion: Making the case for liberal interventionism (9) by Fred Carver
  Two Conservative problems: Iain Duncan Smith and Boris Johnson (1) by Mark Pack
  The LSE wants your leaflets (1) by Mark Pack
  3 to see: Lib Dem #GE2010 campaign coverage (18/4/10) (2) by Stephen Tall
  Dear Labour Party, You’re messing with my head (11) by Stephen Tall
  Conservative in trouble over fake names on tax letter (0) by Mark Pack
  The Cut-Out Debate Question … How would you change a broken light bulb? (1) by The Voice
  Opinion: It’s all very well agreeing now Gordon, but after 13 years how can your party be the change we need? (6) by Ed Randall
  “Rising stars face questions on Tory community work” (0) by Mark Pack
  LibLink: James Graham – A new politics is up for grabs (1) by NewsHound
  Top of the Blogs: The Golden Dozen #165 (3) by Stephen Tall
  Believe in Fairness (5) by Mark Pack
  LibLink: Giles Wilkes – David Cameron, the Goliath (0) by NewsHound
  LDVideo #GE2010 Election Special – guess what, it features Nick Clegg (3) by Stephen Tall
  Pollwatch Day 13 #GE2010 – YouGov puts Lib Dems in lead with 33% (10) by Stephen Tall
  LibLink: David Yelland – “Clegg’s rise could lock Murdoch and the media elite out of UK politics” (8) by Alex Foster
19th  Election timetable: this week’s deadlines (0) by Mark Pack
  Well, here’s an unusual tactic from a Conservative candidate… (3) by Mark Pack
  How do people really think? (4) by Mark Pack
  According to the Daily Mail, I’m a foreigner (17) by Mark Pack
  Hear that noise? That’s my feet crying. (2) by Chris White
  3 to see: Lib Dem #GE2010 campaign coverage (19/4/10) (0) by Stephen Tall
  Opinion: Fair taxes – radical and challenging Liberal Democrat plans (0) by Ed Randall
  Are YouGov and Murdoch ‘push-polling’ for the Tories? (11) by Stephen Tall
  Help Linda Jack defeat Nadine Dorries (6) by Mark Pack
  Why should the lesbian, gay, bisexual and trans (LGB&T) community vote Liberal Democrat? (17) by Mark Pack
  Economising on candidates: Greens double up and stand in different places (8) by Mark Pack
  Unofficial Lib Dem Facebook fan group exceeds 100,000 members (7) by Stephen Tall
  YouGov ‘push-polling’ mystery deepens (7) by Stephen Tall
  My favourite quote of the day (2) by Mark Pack
  Pollwatch Day 14 #GE2010 – Lib Dems in 1st or 2nd place with 28-32% in today’s polls (11) by Stephen Tall
  The #GE2010 Golden Half-Dozen: pick of the Lib Dem blogs (19th April) (2) by Stephen Tall
20th  So, what is the Conservative Party strategy now? (22) by Mark Pack
  The Independent View: Tory plan for marriage tax allowance flies in face of what Lib Dems stand for (4) by Eleanor Black
  Dawn Butler apologises for calling Sarah Teather a “hypocrite” over MPs expenses (5) by Helen Duffett
  The Lib Dem poll surge: temporary blip, or political earthquake? (3) by Stephen Tall
  Barking campaign update (2) by Dominic Carman
  Can the surge last? Lib Dem bloggers give their views … (49) by The Voice
  Opinion: Baleful – keeping our heads despite the ‘debate tsunami’ (5) by Ed Randall
  Who are Vote for a Change? (21) by Alix Mortimer
  Independent View: votes for prisoners (78) by John Hirst
  The truth about Lib Dem policy (15) by Bryn Evans
  Mad, mad, you’ve all gone mad (20) by Mark Pack
  Opinion: Volcano! Will Europe erupt as an election issue? (7) by Antony Hook
  Tories’ new poster revealed, their failed strategy exposed (15) by Stephen Tall
  Pollwatch Day 15 #GE2010 – Lib Dems still in 1st or 2nd place with 26-34% in today’s polls (19) by Stephen Tall
21st  General election donations: two reasons the media will report them wrongly (2) by Mark Pack
  Can we keep things Clegg-tastic for 2 more weeks? (10) by David Lawson
  OMG! People want to help – what do I do? (6) by Mark Pack
  Bits of election fun you may have missed (4) by Mark Pack
  Havering Council flirts with breaking election law (0) by Mark Pack
  Opinion: The perils of candidateitis (8) by Tony Woods
  A tale of two MPs (2) by Mark Pack
  3 reasons to be relaxed about Nick’s “secret debate dossier” (2) by Stephen Tall
  Opinion: The opposite of a heated debate (5) by Christopher Lomax
  LibLink: Stephen Tall – The tabloids’ desperate attack on Liberal Democrats (7) by NewsHound
  Lib Dems lead the digital way … on the Web, on Twitter and on Facebook (4) by Stephen Tall
  Factoid: Clegg now more popular than Cable (5) by Alex Foster
  Surprising lines in new LD merch (0) by Alex Foster
  Torygraph smears Clegg: is this the best the rightwing press can do? (46) by Stephen Tall
  Pollwatch Day 16 #GE2010 – Lib Dems remain in 1st or 2nd place with 27-32% in today’s polls (3) by Stephen Tall
22nd  Too busy to read all the ‘Get Clegg’ smears in the rightwing press? Here they all are in one handy digest (11) by Stephen Tall
  Are ITV the unluckiest commissioner of opinion polls? (2) by Mark Pack
  Need a little help persuading someone to vote Lib Dem? (1) by Mark Pack
  Opinion: A weapon we could use? (49) by Malcolm Wood
  Well done Parliament (0) by Mark Pack
  Conservative candidate has second thoughts about tweet. (2) by Mark Pack
  Opinon: Osborne should not belittle public sector workers (3) by Golden Sarah
  Opinion: A vote for the Lib Dems is a vote for the Lib Dems (5) by Charlie Garnett
  In praise of Chris Huhne (9) by Mark Pack
  Parties pledges for change under the microscope (0) by Mark Pack
  The Second Leaders’ Debate: live-blog and live-chat (21) by Stephen Tall
  Mail readers angry at paper’s Nazi slur (1) by Mark Pack
  3 out of 5 polls point to narrow Clegg victory in televised debate (9) by Stephen Tall
  Telegraph smear story exposed as BBC states Tories behind ‘Get Clegg’ newspaper campaign (16) by Stephen Tall
  Dear Benedict Brogan… (9) by Mark Pack
23rd  LDVideo Second Leaders’ Debate Special: Nick Clegg’s opening and closing statements (5) by Stephen Tall
  Opinion: A Swedish lesson for Gordon Brown (0) by Niklas Smith
  Some crowdsourcing please: how many people have just joined the register in your area? (13) by Mark Pack
  Opinion: Gordon must resign if he loses his majority (20) by Seth Thevoz
  Geeking the Vote (6) by Ed Long
  Looks like a Tory councillor is standing against John Redwood (6) by Mark Pack
  Opinion: Nick Griffin destroyed his parents and failed his family (6) by Dominic Carman
  The Independent View: The chilly reality awaiting health policy (3) by Ruth Thorlby
  The good news for Clegg in the poll details (10) by Mark Pack
  The LDV Friday Five: 23 April 2010 (1) by Helen Duffett
  If you only read five post-debate articles today, make it these five (1) by Stephen Tall
  LibLink: Rebecca Jenkins – Tory press helped make up my mind who to vote for (4) by NewsHound
  YouGov admit debate polling started whilst Nick Clegg was still speaking (10) by Mark Pack
  Vince on 0.2% growth: “the promised recovery is barely visible” (0) by The Voice
24th  Pollwatch Days 17-18 #GE2010 – Lib Dems on 29% in today’s polls (4) by Stephen Tall
  Rightwing newspaper smears: what the posters say (4) by Stephen Tall
  “Crash landing” for Luciana Berger in Liverpool Wavertree (1) by Mark Pack
  The technological impact no-one was expecting (11) by Mark Pack
  Thirsk & Malton election delayed after candidate dies (17) by Mark Pack
  A message for candidates from They Work For You (1) by The Voice
  Opinion: A Diminished Clarke – a picture of electoral calculation and desperation (1) by Ed Randall
  Opinion: View from the sidelines (2) by James Blessing
  Conservative splits as two stand against John Redwood (0) by Mark Pack
  Dear Ian Cowie… (13) by Mark Pack
  LibLink: Joan Ruddock isn’t telling the whole truth (3) by NewsHound
  Luton Liberal Democrat offices vandalised by fundamentalist supporters (5) by Mark Pack
  TV’s Gloria de Piero refuses to go on TV (2) by Alex Foster
  Conservative politician accused of threatening charity (1) by Mark Pack
  LibLink: Chris Huhne – Voters should not give in to Tory blackmail (2) by NewsHound
  Pollwatch Day 19 #GE2010 – Lib Dem surge still strong (except for News of the World) (15) by Stephen Tall
25th  Big increase in voters trusting Nick & Vince to steer British economy (5) by Stephen Tall
  LDVideo Election Special (1): Jarvis, Cleese & Nazis (2) by Stephen Tall
  Daily View: the virtual poster special (2) by Mark Pack
  LibLink: Lynne Featherstone calls for peace in Jewish Chronicle (17) by NewsHound
  The flow diagram which shows you who to vote for (22) by Stephen Tall
  Labour set for worst share of vote since 1918: why isn’t that a big story? (28) by Mark Pack
  Election fraud concerns in Calderdale (1) by Mark Pack
  Still time for stranded travellers to apply for a proxy vote (0) by Mark Pack
  Welcome to the new bloggers… (0) by Mark Pack
  LDVideo Election Special (2): Dave’s Mini-Me, The Indy gets my vote & #iagreewithnick (1) by Stephen Tall
  Electoral Commission responds to misreporting of donation figures (0) by Mark Pack
  LDVideo Election Special (3): Vince is right, South Park Lib Dem stylee, Leaders’ Wives & The Weakest Link (3) by Stephen Tall
  The problem for Labour and the Tories in attacking Lib Dem policies… (5) by Mark Pack
  Lib Dem response to Labour’s letter to broadcasters (4) by Mark Pack
  Top of the Blogs: The Golden Dozen #166 (1) by Stephen Tall
  Now the Daily Mail thinks election is about leader’s wife’s underwear (4) by Mark Pack
  Pollwatch Day 20 #GE2010 – Lib Dems back at 30% (4) by Stephen Tall
26th  Election timetable: this week’s deadlines (0) by Mark Pack
  3 to see: Lib Dem #GE2010 campaign coverage (26/4/10) (7) by Stephen Tall
  Nick: our Armed Forces deserve better pay and homes (1) by The Voice
  ‘Cleggmania’ sees surge in Lib Dem donations: have you given yet? (9) by Stephen Tall
  Clegg profiles across the pond (4) by NewsHound
  Opinion: Free Zone Revolution (10) by S
  Vote Clegg – get Maggie’s support (11) by Sara Bedford
  LibLink: Cable in Mail (1) by NewsHound
  1992 déjà vu? Or can 2010 be different? (12) by Stephen Tall
  David Cameron: scaremongering means just what I choose it to mean (1) by Stephen Tall
  Gurkhas join in Lib Dem election campaign in Maidstone (5) by Stephen Tall
  “It is my job to see that Cameron f****** well gets into Downing Street” – Sun’s political editor (5) by The Voice
  LibLink: James Graham – Lib Dems will make Labour sweat (2) by NewsHound
  Labour suspends candidate who was expelled from the LibDems (3) by Mark Pack
  Pollwatch Day 21 #GE2010 – Lib Dems in second place, at 28-31%, in today’s polls (5) by Stephen Tall
27th  LDVideo: Turn Things Upside Down – Vote for Real Change (8) by Stephen Tall
  This is why the posters, avatars, status updates and more matter (0) by Mark Pack
  3 to see: Lib Dem #GE2010 campaign coverage (27/4/10) (3) by Stephen Tall
  The Myth of “Strong” Government (10) by Richard Flowers
  Bournemouth Conservative councillor switches to LibDems (1) by Mark Pack
  UK email newsletters rated (0) by Mark Pack
  The Independent View: Letter to Nick Clegg from Radical Future (7) by Ben Little
  LibLink: Edward McMillan-Scott – David Cameron has to come round on electoral reform (4) by NewsHound
  Clegg, Obama & the new Lib Dem voters (5) by Stephen Tall
  Welcome to the new bloggers… (1) by Mark Pack
  What the IFS says about Lib Dem policies (the good and the less good) (9) by Stephen Tall
  Nick Clegg’s speech to the Royal College of Nursing (1) by Mark Pack
  Yet another reason why gay voters are deserting the Tories for the Lib Dems (5) by Stephen Tall
  Pollwatch Day 22 #GE2010 – Lib Dems at 28-29% in today’s polls (10) by Stephen Tall
28th  LDVideo: Paxman and Boulton slug it out (5) by Stephen Tall
  Philip Lardner suspended by the Conservatives (again) (1) by Mark Pack
  Getting people out to vote – with a little technological assistance (2) by Mark Pack
  Will the Tories do a deal with the nationalists to freeze the Lib Dems out? (15) by Sara Bedford
  Exclusive poll: newspaper hostility makes voters more likely to back Lib Dems (15) by Mark Pack
  How the reach of party campaigning is measuring up (5) by Mark Pack
  Peter Tatchell: Greens should vote Lib Dem to unseat Labour and Tories (17) by Stephen Tall
  “Labour is shunning gay Iraqis, asylum seekers” (6) by Mark Pack
  Vince Cable’s speech to the Institute of Directors (5) by Mark Pack
  Ofcom rejects SNP/Plaid objection to TV debate (6) by Mark Pack
  New film attacks Tory marriage tax plans (2) by Mark Pack
  Pollwatch Day 23 #GE2010 – Lib Dems at 26-31% in today’s polls (19) by Stephen Tall
29th  Broad range of progressives back the Liberal Democrats (23) by Mark Pack
  Majority of public say voting system is unfair (3) by Mark Pack
  Lib Dem MEPs help expose draft ACTA text (0) by Catherine Bearder MEP
  Well fancy that! Two other poll results The Sun paid for but didn’t report (14) by Mark Pack
  An unfortunate juxtaposition of posters (7) by Mark Pack
  Media ups its game with improved donation reporting (3) by Mark Pack
  Note to agents: do not publish anything you learn at postal vote opening (6) by Alex Foster
  Opinion: Why a nationalist should vote Lib Dem (8) by David Lawson
  The Third Leaders’ Debate: Live chat (14) by Alex Foster
30th  Final debate polls put Cameron ahead, but floating voters choose Clegg (46) by Stephen Tall
  David Cameron’s priorities: one press man is worth two Prime Ministers (2) by Mark Pack
  Another Conservative candidate in abusive comment controversy (6) by Mark Pack
  Most unusual complaint of the election so far… (2) by Mark Pack
  Revealed: the secret of canvassing… (3) by Helen Duffett
  YouTube publishes party leader video responses (0) by Mark Pack
  Postal voting under police scrutiny (10) by Mark Pack
  The LDV Friday Five: 30 April 2010 (0) by Helen Duffett
  Don’t let anyone tell you it can’t be different: the second Lib Dem election broadcast (1) by Helen Duffett
  +++ Holy crap, the Guardian endorses Lib Dems (16) by Alex Foster
  Kudos to Clegg: the TV debates wash-up (6) by Stephen Tall
  Tactical voting set for a boost? (49) by Mark Pack
  Can you help Emily Thornberry? (8) by Mark Pack

Recent Comments

  • Mark ValladaresMark Valladares
    @ Nigel, Absolutely, enabling greater flexibility for employees (within reason) will instil greater loyalty to employers, aid in recruitment and retention, a...
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    We should certainly start talking about industrial democracy again and cooperatives too, but there remains an important role for trade unions in defending peopl...
  • David Warren
    @DavidSymonds is right, we need to be championing industrial democracy which was a key part of Liberal Party policy in the past. As for trade unions having s...
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    @Neil H - Yes, people do have officially issued government ID in many of those countries. It is not however mandatory for them to carry it in all such countries...
  • Jennie
    Oooo another member of the Jennie Club...