Monthly Archives: September 2010

1st  LDV survey: What Lib Dem members think are the biggest dangers to the party in the next 12 months (7) by Stephen Tall
  Why commission a report if you’re determined to ignore its conclusions? (14) by Mark Pack
  LDV survey: What party members think of Lib Dem ambitions for government (7) by Stephen Tall
  Opinion: the Australian election and AV (50) by Fred Carver
  The Independent View: Political Innovation (0) by Paul Evans
  Can councils rise to the Open Source challenge? Should they? (10) by Iain Roberts
  Tony Blair’s A Journey: 3 reasons I’m impressed without having read a single page (6) by Stephen Tall
  The Independent View: Towards interactive government (0) by The Voice
  Paul Staines, William Hague and questions for bloggers (36) by Iain Roberts
  Half a defence of Paul Staines (aka @guidofawkes) (34) by Stephen Tall
2nd  EXCLUSIVE: How party members rate the performances of leading Lib Dems (5) by Stephen Tall
  Opinion: Coalition’s boozy consultation (16) by Chris White
  The verdict from history: bring back Gordon Brown (7) by Mark Pack
  The Independent View: Confronting conspiracy theories is a classic case of civic society trumping central government (29) by Carl Miller
  Andy Coulson accused of knowing about widespread phone hacking (2) by The Voice
  Daniel Radcliffe on Nick Clegg: he still has the magic touch (9) by Stephen Tall
  The Independent View: the Alternative Vote – what about the House of Lords? (27) by Simon Foster
  Marked register goes missing in Wolverhampton (1) by Mark Pack
  Nick Clegg writes about his visit to Afghanistan and Pakistan (1) by The Voice
  LDVideo: Tongue-tied politicians – schadenfreude special edition (0) by Stephen Tall
  Lib Dem GAIN from Tories in Castle ward, Alnwick Town Council (8) by Helen Duffett
3rd  The LDV Friday Five: 3 September 2010 (0) by Helen Duffett
  Women’s magazine drops celebs and models in favour of “real women” (5) by Mark Pack
  Worth a second outing: Blogging – what’s in it for political parties? (0) by Mark Pack
  Opinion: so you want to be Chancellor? (17) by George Kendall
  Councillor faces standards censure for posting council meeting footage on YouTube (6) by Mark Pack
  RIP Cyril Smith (11) by The Voice
  Nigel Farage to stand for UKIP leadership (again) (10) by Iain Roberts
  Opinion: Can pregnant women stand for Parliament? (12) by Tam Langley
  LDV doesn’t do statporn, but if we did (August ’10) (0) by Stephen Tall
  Nick Clegg won’t keep profits from second home sale (8) by Helen Duffett
  Has Phil Woolas declared himself unfit to be an MP? (11) by Iain Roberts
4th  And so the media conference meme – Lib Dem leadership faces revolt – begins… (22) by Stephen Tall
  Northern Ireland’s Liberal Democrats start up a new blog (5) by Mark Pack
  I is an Irishman who climbs up the walls (10) by Iain Roberts
  Tributes pour in for Sir Cyril Smith (3) by Stephen Tall
  LDV Saturday caption competition: “Andy Coulson’s a bit busy right now” edition (11) by Stephen Tall
  LibLink: John Hemming – How the IFS got it wrong in calling the budget regressive (33) by NewsHound
5th  Computer hacking in the news (5) by Mark Pack
  A letter to the Daily Mirror regarding MPs whose former partners now work as prostitutes (38) by Iain Roberts
  LibLink: Nick Clegg & David Cameron – We will not budge on voting reforms (10) by NewsHound
  Book review: Campaign 2010 by Nicholas Jones (1) by Stephen Tall
  Team London: selections open (15) by Jonathan Fryer
  Top of the Blogs: The Lib Dem Golden Dozen #185 (0) by Stephen Tall
  BBC: Met may reopen phone hacking case (15) by Mark Pack
6th  Who will be the Liberal Democrat candidate for London Mayor? (38) by Mark Pack
  Knowsley Council refuses to answer questions over its £250,000+ payments for Labour Conference (9) by Mark Pack
  How you can help Liberal Democrat Voice (1) by The Voice
  Five jailed over postal vote fraud (0) by The Voice
  Total Politics Top 75 Lib Dem blogs list published (4) by Stephen Tall
  What Lib Dems are saying (or not) about Andy Coulson (33) by Stephen Tall
  Tessa Munt cleared of council tax fraud allegations (5) by Mark Pack
7th  Clegg on AV referendum bill: “We must make the system fair. We must put people back in charge.” (21) by Stephen Tall
  Guardian verdict on voting reform: “Mr Clegg spoke for progress; Mr Straw for reaction.” (17) by Stephen Tall
  Tracking the Royal Navy: data visualisation meets open government (12) by Mark Pack
  Boundary review data and tools should be opened up to the public (1) by Mark Pack
  Naughty, naughty, Guido – let’s check that poll again, shall we (15) by Iain Roberts
  Disaster for Labour as one in five desert the party (47) by Iain Roberts
  Decision time on energy for the Coalition (10) by Ian Manders
  Welcome to the new bloggers… (0) by Ryan Cullen
  Praise for government’s approach on mental health (15) by Mark Pack
8th  BBC: Vince signals science funding cuts (29) by Stephen Tall
  The male dominance of online British politics (23) by Mark Pack
  The Independent View: Political Innovation No.2 – the politics of buying things (5) by The Voice
  Liberal Democrats win Waltham Forest recount (9) by Helen Duffett
  PMQs: Nick Clegg stands in again at the Prime Minister’s insomnia cure (33) by Paul Walter
  LibLink: Evan Harris – Vince Cable’s science spending cuts: how harsh will they be? (17) by Stephen Tall
  Opinion: the sordid world of electronic voting (16) by Neil McGovern
9th  BBC: Clegg seeks to calm public ‘anxiety’ over spending cuts (18) by The Voice
  Strategy consultation: one cheer and one boo (2) by Mark Pack
  Lib Dems on child detention: read our lips, it will be ended (10) by Stephen Tall
  Opinion: our MPs need to be demonstrating consensual politics and challenging opponents on AV (10) by Chris Jenkinson
  Liberal Youth Scotland Launch Campaigns for 2010/11: From Ideas to Actions (0) by Liberal Youth Scotland
  Sarah Teather: Coalition is committed to ending child detention (18) by Sarah Teather
  Opinion: the future of the Clean Tech Industry is in our hands (7) by Merlene Emerson
  LibLink: Stephen Gilbert – Why we must be fighting for full same sex marriage equality now (9) by NewsHound
  Jason Kitcat: update on the councillor facing censure for using YouTube (0) by Mark Pack
  Our litmus test of the state of UK politics today (20) by The Voice
10th  Should someone doing 3 days a month work get £14,358 per year? (26) by Mark Pack
  Worth a second outing: What should you be getting up to on the internet? (1) by Mark Pack
  Clegg: Governing for the long term (4) by The Voice
  Conservative walk-outs stop debate (9) by Caroline Pidgeon
  Opinion: Tobacco control (93) by Stephen Williams
  A good night for Labour in Norwich (26) by Iain Roberts
  The LDV Friday Five: 10 September 2010 (1) by Stephen Tall
  Ros Scott not standing again for Lib Dem President: “The time has come to pass on the baton” (29) by Helen Duffett
11th  Dear Nick Clegg… (5) by Mark Pack
  Opinion: which is the biggest disgrace – the marriages or the sentence? (12) by Nick Perry
  Political Reform: the dragons’ den (1) by Dinti Batstone
  Yes to Fairer Votes campaign unveils its first appointments (12) by Mark Pack
  Everybody loves us Lib Dems (62) by Stephen Tall
  Councillor cleared of postal vote fraud (3) by Mark Pack
  Who do you think should stand for the Lib Dem presidency (and what should they do if elected)? (30) by Stephen Tall
12th  Majority think Coulson should be sacked, police should re-open investigation (8) by Mark Pack
  Going to Lib Dem conference? Then get ready to be mingled with by ministers (6) by Stephen Tall
  Why there were no Lib Dems on Sky News’s Sunday Live with Adam Boulton (9) by Stephen Tall
  Royal Mail privatisation – another Lib Dem policy delivered (70) by Iain Roberts
  Opinion: radical approach needed on International Development (11) by David Thorpe
  The press and the right of reply (0) by Mark Pack
  Opinion: a brief history of MP job-shares… and why we need them (27) by Dinti Batstone
  Phil Woolas election case: follow the online coverage (18) by Mark Pack
13th  Who would get your vote in the Labour leadership contest? (29) by Stephen Tall
  Opinion: The pressing need for libel reform (1) by Lord Anthony Lester
  What do the academics say? The impact of public service broadcasting (7) by Mark Pack
  Clegg on the “profound effect” of fixed-term Parliaments (27) by The Voice
  Top of the Blogs: The Lib Dem Golden Dozen #186 (0) by Stephen Tall
  Woolas trial report: day one (14) by Kevin Peters
14th  Coming later today… Lib Dem Blog of the Year shortlists revealed (1) by Helen Duffett
  Fixed-term Parliaments: better by standing orders? (11) by Mark Pack
  The Independent View: Political Innovation No.3 – assertion-flagging: for less partisan, prejudiced blogging (5) by The Voice
  Blog of the Year Awards 2010: The Shortlists (14) by Helen Duffett
  An introduction to the Association of Liberal Democrat Co-operators (ALDCo) (21) by Peter Arnold
  Opinion: it’s time for us liberals to fight back (118) by Daniel Furr
15th  Good news as number of ministers put under the spotlight (6) by Mark Pack
  Make Poverty History: Political Communication in Action (book review) (2) by Mark Pack
  Opinion: TUC inequality study not all it seems (24) by Simon McGrath
  The Independent View: Please make sure they really do end child detention (26) by Clare Sambrook
  The Independent View: Britain should move ahead in Iraq and Kurdistan (2) by Bayan Sami Abdul Rahman
  Opinion: Indefinite Immigration Detention and the Coalition at Party Conference (8) by Hannah Bird
  Call for contributors: day of multilingual blogging (12) by Alex Foster
  Woolas trial report: day three (10) by Kevin Peters
  BBC: Government set to delay Trident decision for five years (27) by Mark Pack
16th  Party Presidency, rumour-mill update (17) by Stephen Tall
  Donate your used phones at Conference (5) by Kate Heywood
  Opinion: BSF is dead – thank goodness‏ (6) by Ed Fordham
  Nick Clegg writes on welfare in the Times (90) by Iain Roberts
  Move to individual electoral registration speeded up (5) by Mark Pack
  Tim Farron: I’ll be a distinctive voice as President (25) by Tim Farron MP
  A Glee-ful invitation to Labour (14) by Gareth Epps
  US political TV ad puts Twitter centre-stage (0) by Mark Pack
  Emergency motion: speak out on council housing (26) by Ben Johnson
  Poll: Less than 1 in 10 party members support like-for-like Trident replacement (8) by Mark Pack
  Woolas trial report: day four (14) by Kevin Peters
17th  Abingdon Northcourt victory: hat-trick for OxWAb Lib Dems‏ (14) by Helen Duffett
  Richard Livsey dies (4) by The Voice
  Ten questions for conference (14) by Mark Pack
  Worth a second outing: perhaps Gordon Brown should have listened to his own warning? (2) by Mark Pack
  New LDV members survey now live: your views on Lib Dem elections, Trident, and the Labour leadership contest (4) by Stephen Tall
  FT interview: Immigrant cap hits economy, says Cable (8) by Stephen Tall
  By-elections have projected Lib Dem vote at 25% (44) by Iain Roberts
  Just how daft does David Miliband think Liberal Democrats are? (14) by Mark Pack
  The Independent View: Political Innovation No.4 – opening policy research to the public (1) by The Voice
  Labour councillor suspended after electoral paperwork found dumped (3) by Mark Pack
  The Independent View: Beware! A two tier state education system is being created (17) by Michael Bassey
  Opinion: Localism? They don’t know the meaning of the word! (8) by Chris White
  The Independent View: a Digital Economy, can the Coalition Government make it a reality? (1) by Richard Rumbelow
  John Pugh MP writes on the health debate ahead at Lib Dem conference (8) by John Pugh
  Opinion: a real chance to stop murder, torture and organised sexual violence in Burma (6) by Antony Hook
  LibLink: Paris Gourtsoyannis – Why I still agree with Nick… sort of (6) by NewsHound
  Lib Dem councillor in Barnsley joins Labour (25) by The Voice
  Lib Dem Voice comments policy for internal party elections (4) by Stephen Tall
18th  Ming on university funding: new system may gain his support (3) by The Voice
  Citizen video journalism to hit the streets of Liverpool (0) by The Voice
  Government as glorified semaphore team? No thanks (4) by Mark Pack
  Political Dragon’s Den – now with added video (0) by Jo Shaw
  Help spread the news about the BOTYs tonight (0) by Alex Foster
  LibLink: Chris Rennard – The point of goverment (0) by NewsHound
  Liberator: new edition on sale now (1) by The Liberator Collective
  Jo Swinson invites Lib Dems to join campaign for fairer voting system (0) by The Voice
  Opinion: Lib Dems must ignore the coalition, and work towards victory in 2015 (29) by Jonathan Hunt
  Final details for our Fringe tomorrow (1) by Alex Foster
  The 2010 general election in historical perspective (4) by Duncan Brack
  Will technology kill bureaucracy? (5) by Mark Pack
  Clegg: first past the post is a relic that deserves to be consigned to the past (18) by Mark Pack
  Blog of the Year Awards 2010: The Winners (4) by Helen Duffett
19th  PODCAST: Blog of the Year Awards 2010 (0) by Alex Foster
  Help spread the word about LDV’s event today (0) by Alex Foster
  Fringe meeting: How motor sport can benefit local communities (3) by Ben Taylor
  The flaw in war reporting from Afghanistan, or why Robert Peston should not be embedded in a McDonald’s for a fortnight (2) by Mark Pack
  Tavish gives conference a postal guarantee (12) by Iain Roberts
  Nick Clegg in the Observer: “I am a hop and a skip from Cameron’s office.” (4) by Stephen Tall
  What the papers say: #ldconf Sunday edition (10) by Stephen Tall
  Opinion: Don’t believe the Fraser-tendency (8) by Peter Welch
  LibLink: Vince Cable – Proud of our record, and our programme (16) by NewsHound
  Nick Clegg Q&A: the Lib Dem Voice live-blog (5) by Stephen Tall
  Danny Alexander: £900m to fight tax avoidance and evasion (31) by Mark Pack
  LibLink: Olly Grender – Should the Lib Dems battle to be distinctive? (1) by NewsHound
  PODCAST: Nick Clegg Q&A (2) by Alex Foster
  First four ‘political’ Electoral Commissioners appointed (1) by Mark Pack
  PODCAST: Fairer? For whom? (0) by Alex Foster
  LibLink: Mark Pack – Coalition is like getting some chocolate but having to eat your broccoli (5) by NewsHound
  Top of the Blogs: The Lib Dem Golden Dozen #187 (0) by Stephen Tall
  Worth a second outing: historical BOTYs (0) by Alex Foster
20th  Facing the Future: the missing international question (0) by Mark Pack
  LibLink: Evan Harris – Nick Clegg’s major error (4) by NewsHound
  Grappling with government: how will we change our minds when the facts change? (14) by Stephen Tall
  The dirty little secret the Coalition Government should address (7) by Mark Pack
  Jason Zadrozny: I could be a strong grass roots voice as Lib Dem President (3) by Jason Zadrozny
  Hancock calls on Clegg to “end dictatorship over the party by 20 Lib Dem ministers” (11) by Stephen Tall
  Conference: the half-time score (3) by Mark Pack
  Susan Kramer: Party members are my number one priority (8) by Susan Kramer
  LibLink: Tim Farron – Why I want to be president of the Liberal Democrats (0) by NewsHound
  Full text: Nick Clegg’s speech to Liberal Democrat Autumn Conference (7) by The Voice
  Jason Zadrozny pulls out, gets behind Kramer (1) by Iain Roberts
  An email from Nick (5) by Iain Roberts
  What did you make of Nick Clegg’s conference speech? (97) by Stephen Tall
  LibLink: Chris Rennard – Lib Dems must stress where they stand out (3) by NewsHound
  Telegraph names its ‘Top 50 most influential Lib Dems’ (Part I: Nos 50-26) (4) by Stephen Tall
  More on Nick Clegg Q&A (6) by Alex Foster
21st  What are your favourite Lib Dem conference moments ever? (6) by Stephen Tall
  Help spread the word about tonight’s #Tweetup! (0) by Alex Foster
  Good news for minor parties, unelected politicians and those who dislike election expense controls (5) by Mark Pack
  Top Trump politicos – who’s the most fanciable of them all? (2) by Iain Roberts
  EXCLUSIVE: Lib Dem party presidency – first poll of Lib Dem members (2) by Stephen Tall
  Opinion: Evan Harris’s major error (39) by Andy Mayer
  Liberal Democrats support equal marriage for LGBT community (3) by Alex Foster
  Contribute to Lib Dem Voice’s coverage of conference (0) by Alex Foster
  Tom McNally shows how it’s done (1) by Mark Pack
  The top 25 most influential Lib Dems (according to the Telegraph) (2) by Stephen Tall
  LDV survey: what party members want from the Lib Dem president (0) by Stephen Tall
  LibLink: Stephen Gilbert – It’s time for an equal, gender-neutral, marriage law (2) by NewsHound
  Clegg: Lib Dems ‘misunderstand’ schools policy (35) by Stephen Tall
  What Lib Dem party members think of Trident (0) by Stephen Tall
  A good analysis of conference so far… (2) by Mark Pack
22nd  Help spread the word about our lunchtime fringe (0) by Alex Foster
  YouGov versus Lib Dem Voice surveys: how do they compare? (5) by Mark Pack
  LDV survey: who Lib Dem members want to be the party’s candidate for Mayor of London (14) by Stephen Tall
  PODCAST: Equal marriage debate (1) by Alex Foster
  Lynne Featherstone’s speech to conference (4) by Lynne Featherstone
  Vince Cable speech to conference (3) by The Voice
  What did you make of Vince Cable’s speech? (68) by Stephen Tall
  Lib Dems pass motions on Trident and diversity (4) by The Voice
  Opinion: Do the media now ‘get’ Liberal Democrat conference? (12) by Tom Paul
  PODCAST: Cabinet Minister Q&A (0) by Alex Foster
  The Independent View: The Liberal Democrats’ chance to tackle global poverty (0) by Tim Gee
  Lib Dem conference 2010: open thread #ldconf (15) by Stephen Tall
23rd  LDV survey: Lib Dem members think Mili-D would make best Labour leader (but Balls would be best for us) (6) by Stephen Tall
  Not too late to volunteer for multilingual blogging (1) by Alex Foster
  The state of the Lib Dem blogosphere (1) by Stephen Tall
  Jo Swinson new Deputy Leader of Scottish Liberal Democrats (0) by Helen Duffett
  Opinion: an easy £25 billion to cut (68) by Peter Jones
  Linda Jack to guest editor Liberal Democrat Voice tomorrow (1) by Mark Pack
  Opinion: Liberal Youth amendments ripped the heart out of the diversity motion (162) by Davina Kirwan
  Liberal Democrats Abroad launches today (1) by Helen Duffett
  Nick Clegg’s speech at the United Nations Millennium Development Goals Summit (3) by Helen Duffett
  LDVideo conference edition (1): Nick Clegg special (0) by Stephen Tall
  LDVideo conference edition (2): Vince Cable special (0) by Stephen Tall
  Nigel Waterson receives police apology (0) by Mark Pack
24th  So how was it for you? (27) by Linda Jack
  Opinion: Subtly different (0) by Paul Reynolds
  Opinion: Nobody ever said government was easy (5) by John Howson
  Making LGBT History – An Interview with Adrian Trett (4) by Linda Jack
  Lib Dems GAIN Ipplepen, Teignbridge from Conservatives (10) by Helen Duffett
  Opinion: The last chance saloon on diversity? (21) by Meral Ece
  Opinion: Looking through the tea leaves of Liverpool (10) by Mark Littlewood
  Simon Says – So what did our Deputy Leader make of Conference? (1) by Linda Jack
  Opinion: Perspective – my thoughts on the Liberal Democrat conference (2) by Prateek Buch
  So how was it for you……..the highlights and lowlights? (9) by Linda Jack
  Opinion: I always love Conference (1) by Olly Grender
  Linda Jack’s day as guest editor (0) by The Voice
  Blessings and Challenges from a day on Lib Dem Voice (0) by Linda Jack
25th  The LDV Saturday Six: 25 September 2010 (0) by Helen Duffett
  Labour’s Tower Hamlets selection nightmare (1) by Mark Pack
  +++ EXCLUSIVE: The MEP, the erotic award, the picture (22) by The Voice
  John Leech MP: The door is not shut on Labour (16) by Helen Duffett
  LDVideo conference edition (3): Hughes, Huhne, Alexander and Browne (0) by Stephen Tall
  Nicol Stephen to stand down in May (0) by Andrew Reeves
  Duwayne Brooks to challenge Lembit Opik for London Mayor (16) by Mark Pack
  Lib Dem Coalition IRL (3) by Kelly-Marie Blundell
  Three key issues facing the new Labour leader, Mr Miliband (3) by Stephen Tall
  +++ Ed Miliband elected new Labour leader: loses on members and MPs, wins big among unions (109) by Stephen Tall
  Opinion: International Development and the Coalition – so far, so good (1) by Eric Avebury
  First thoughts on Ed Miliband’s election as Labour leader (56) by Stephen Tall
  LDVideo conference edition (4): Paddy, Shirley, Trident and Stride (0) by Stephen Tall
26th  Mail on Sunday’s shocking Ed Miliband revelations (44) by Iain Roberts
  Conference: the full-time score (9) by Mark Pack
  Liberal Youth support Farron for Prez (34) by The Voice
  Opinion: International Development and the Coalition – so far, so good (4) by Eric Avebury
  Opinion: violence against women is an issue of national security (1) by Malcolm Bruce
  Lessons for future campaigning from the 2010 election (6) by Mark Pack
  Equal marriage debate features in Pod Delusion (0) by Alex Foster
  Top of the Blogs: The Lib Dem Golden Dozen #188 (4) by Stephen Tall
27th  Labour need to decide whether their “Save the Deficit” campaign should continue (44) by Iain Roberts
  Eight lessons from the general election campaign for activities outside politics (5) by Mark Pack
  Blog of the Year Awards: The movie (1) by Helen Duffett
  The Independent View: half of Lib Dems say protecting environment should be more of a priority (9) by Joss Garman
  Opinion: a way forward on Lib Dem diversity (28) by Joe Jordan
  The Independent View: Political Innovation No.5 – Government information? Get the public to provide it! (2) by The Voice
28th  In the long-run, it’s governments and not insurgents who win (6) by Mark Pack
  Do Tweets win seats? – Micro-blogging and politics (0) by Helen Duffett
  Good news as Electoral Commission decides to preserve local donation records (1) by Mark Pack
  Positive coverage in The Sun for anti-airbrushing campaign (4) by Mark Pack
  Ed Miliband’s first conference speech as leader: the LDV live-blog (4) by Stephen Tall
  Ed Miliband’s leader’s speech: my first impressions (60) by Stephen Tall
  Should the Lib Dems elect our (shadow) cabinet members? (20) by Stephen Tall
  Opinion: can the Big Society be anything more than BS? (12) by Alex Marsh
  Opinion: What does Stonewall want if it isn’t gay marriage? (10) by Andrew Reeves
  Duwayne Brooks overtakes Lembit Opik on Facebook (12) by Mark Pack
  Police yet to contact Mike Hancock following newspaper allegations (2) by Mark Pack
29th  Lib Dem councillor cleared of wrongdoing over Scientology tweet (9) by Helen Duffett
  Ed Miliband’s new-found opposition to the Iraq war: what his voting record shows (16) by Stephen Tall
  What would you do if you were David Miliband? (17) by Stephen Tall
  Growing a civil economy through a civil society (2) by Mark Pack
  Dear David Davis… (16) by Mark Pack
  Opinion: Ed shows why we must disagree with Nick (14) by Simon de Deney
  Opinion: Lent us your vote to keep the Tories out? Thanks, it worked. (106) by Laurie Eggleston
  Infographic: the Lib Dem effect on the Coalition (14) by Helen Duffett
  A polite round of applause for the Press Complaints Commission (3) by Mark Pack
  Willie Rennie plans political comeback (7) by The Voice
30th  10 things you may not have noticed from the Labour leadership results (24) by Simon McGrath
  Lib Dem MP Julian Huppert leads charge to get parts of Digital Economy Act scrapped (9) by Stephen Tall
  Has the long-term decline in trust finally bottomed out? (6) by Mark Pack
  Electoral Commission: AV referendum question should be simplified (16) by Helen Duffett
  Opinion: Why the Diversity Motion caused a stir at Conference (6) by Ramis Cizer
  Controversy hits Lutfur Rahman’s Tower Hamlets campaign film (0) by Mark Pack
  The Independent View:Big Society by any other name would smell as sweet (10) by Jonathan Lewis
  Opinion: Labour’s new coat of gloss (16) by Matt Gallagher
  “Wicked and malicious” – Hazel Blears on what went on under Labour (5) by Mark Pack

Recent Comments

  • Mark ValladaresMark Valladares
    @ Nigel, Absolutely, enabling greater flexibility for employees (within reason) will instil greater loyalty to employers, aid in recruitment and retention, a...
  • Jonathan Calder
    We should certainly start talking about industrial democracy again and cooperatives too, but there remains an important role for trade unions in defending peopl...
  • David Warren
    @DavidSymonds is right, we need to be championing industrial democracy which was a key part of Liberal Party policy in the past. As for trade unions having s...
  • Paul R
    @Neil H - Yes, people do have officially issued government ID in many of those countries. It is not however mandatory for them to carry it in all such countries...
  • Jennie
    Oooo another member of the Jennie Club...