Monthly Archives: December 2010

1st  Tim Farron on life in coalition (2) by Mark Pack
  How does The Spirit Level withstand a critic? (10) by Mark Pack
  Opinion: Defining fairness (33) by Prateek Buch and David Hall-Matthews
  50 phonebanks to give massive boost to grassroots Yes to Fairer Votes campaign (12) by Mark Pack
  Michael Moore writes… Strengthening Scotland’s future (6) by Michael Moore
  Opinion: On Broken Promises (45) by David Parkes
  OMG! It’s health and safety gone, er…, sensible (17) by Mark Pack
  PMQs: The blank sheet of paper drowns – or at least gets decidedly soggy (6) by Paul Walter
2nd  LDV doesn’t do statporn, but if we did (November ’10) (0) by Stephen Tall
  5 Days to Power: could there have been a Lab-Lib Dem deal? (3) by Mark Pack
  Opinion: Cleggmania in reverse, or the right side of the revolt (54) by David Boyle
  Hutton review publishes its interim report into fair pay in the public sector (7) by Mark Pack
  Gender pay audits: government to try voluntary route first, option for mandatory audits remains (8) by Mark Pack
  LibLink: two pieces in New Statesman (3) by Alex Foster
3rd  “Nick Clegg to announce timetable for ending child detentions” (12) by Mark Pack
  Liberal Democrats get the best electoral bang for campaign buck (12) by Helen Duffett
  UNISON to be fined for failing to declare election expenditure (4) by Mark Pack
  Opinion: the forgotten deadline in the Parliamentary Voting System and Constituencies Bill (3) by Nik Alatortsev
  BREAKING: Phil Woolas loses bid to overturn election court ban (25) by Helen Duffett
  Small step forward on press corrections as press code altered (1) by Mark Pack
  Opinion: A letter from students to Lib Dem MPs (112) by The Voice
  The LDV Friday Five: 3 December 2010 (1) by Helen Duffett
4th  The Saturday debate: Time to let the public vote in party elections? (42) by Mark Pack
  Now is the time to help in Oldham East and Saddleworth (9) by Chris Davies
  Tim Farron on being Liberal Democrat President (4) by Mark Pack
  Opinion: A new direction for the centre-left (21) by Paul Walter
  Opinion: Redefining Fairness (19) by Adam Bell
  “We don’t see it, but our arrogance stops us from listening” (12) by Mark Pack
  Conservative member convicted of electoral fraud after councillor father acquitted (4) by Mark Pack
5th  Opinion: tuition fees – our moment of truth (93) by David Allen
  Nick Clegg on life with the Conservatives, tuition fees and the coalition’s future (93) by Mark Pack
  There’s only one poll that matters: vote for Tom Brake’s moustache (3) by Mark Pack
  Hancock denies member of staff is a Russian spy (48) by The Voice
  Consultation on referendum campaign broadcasts closes Tuesday (0) by Mark Pack
  Frank Field echoes Nick Clegg’s approach to tackling poverty (11) by Mark Pack
  Elected Police Commissioners: how the elections would work (13) by Mark Pack
  Lord Rennard writes… Lord Blackadder, Baldrick, by-elections and reform of the Lords (6) by Chris Rennard
6th  AV referendum: all households to be sent a booklet explaining the vote (9) by Mark Pack
  Five of the best political adverts: Labour isn’t working (9) by Mark Pack
  Opinion: Do social networking sites support democracy and the Open Society? (3) by Mary Reid
  How you can help Liberal Democrat Voice (3) by The Voice
  The final Phil Woolas judgement: its legal implications (4) by Mark Pack
  Tuition fees: which way will MPs vote on Thursday? (76) by Mark Pack
  Government steps up action on tax avoidance (12) by Mark Pack
7th  An unsatisfactory road back to power: Chris Cook’s history of the party (2) by Mark Pack
  Five of the best political adverts: Daisy Girl (2) by Mark Pack
  Opinion: a Palestinian state cannot wait (13) by Daniel Furr
  Opinion: time to end the special treatment for sitting MPs (10) by Hywel Morgan
  Opinion: more than just a pretty face (19) by Alex Scott
  Jeremy Browne writes… Given citizens control over future proposals to give the EU more powers (18) by Jeremy Browne MP
  Good news on libel law reform as McNally stakes his reputation on reform (0) by Mark Pack
  Top of the Blogs: The Lib Dem Golden Dozen #198 (0) by Helen Duffett
  Lords defeats government but date of AV referendum unlikely to change (8) by Mark Pack
  LibLink: Tuition fees roundup (108) by NewsHound
8th  Ministry of Justice set to review driving policy (3) by Mark Pack
  Five of the best political adverts: It’s Time (1) by Mark Pack
  Marked registers lost, votes counted up wrongly – but Returning Officer judged to have met performance standards (3) by Mark Pack
  Julian Huppert: Why I’m supporting calls for a PFI Rebate (5) by Julian Huppert
  Opinion: I’m helping beat Labour in Oldham East & Saddleworth, you can too (20) by Ruth Edmonds
  Lib Dem ministers follow advice for councillors and give 10% to the party (29) by Mark Pack
  PMQs: A points draw amidst chuntering, Morrissey and Mornington Crescent fun (27) by Paul Walter
9th  What do the academics say? Tax and public support (5) by Mark Pack
  Five of the best political adverts: Britain deserves better (6) by Mark Pack
  Chris White writes: silencing the whistleblowers (3) by Chris White
  Fairer votes referendum: it needs to be about the voting system, not the government (24) by Mark Pack
  Could YOU be a Conference steward? (5) by Mike Ross
  Telegraph turns on NUS over fees (16) by Alex Foster
  +++ Tuition fees passes 323 vs 302 (71) by NewsHound
  Tuition fees: How Liberal Democrat MPs voted (79) by Helen Duffett
  Opinion: Richard Huzzey – “I resign” (226) by Richard Huzzey
10th  Five of the best political adverts: Labour’s Tax Bombshell (0) by Mark Pack
  The Met Police have an unusual problem (6) by Mark Pack
  Political Innovation no8: The broadening inkblot: Self-improvement for people who read newspapers (and blogs…) (3) by Miljenko Williams
  The LDV Friday Five: 10 December 2010 (1) by Helen Duffett
  Christmas is coming early to the Oldham East and Saddleworth by-election campaign! (14) by Cath Smith
11th  The Saturday debate: Should federal committees be elected by all party members? (25) by Mark Pack
  Five of the best political adverts: here’s the full list (0) by Mark Pack
  Mick Bates AM convicted of public order offences (10) by Helen Duffett
  The Independent View: Advice for the Lib Dems – be strong, but also be selfish (36) by Jason O'Mahony
  Is there no end to this outbreak of health and safety sanity? (6) by Mark Pack
12th  So, what did Chris Huhne achieve in Cancun? (16) by Mark Pack
  What Jo Grimond wrote… (27) by Mark Pack
  Top of the Blogs: The Lib Dem Golden Dozen #199 (2) by Helen Duffett
  Parliament starts publishing details of rulings on MPs (2) by Mark Pack
13th  The verdict of Liberal Democrat voters so far (23) by Mark Pack
  Register for conference – deadline approaching (0) by The Voice
  Opinion: Let’s enjoy being in government (48) by Rob Blackie
  On the doorstep in Oldham East & Saddleworth (6) by Chris Fox
  Opinion: A refreshing exercise in transparency (5) by Paul Walter
  Tim Farron: Why would any sane progressive give Labour a second glance? (62) by Helen Duffett
  Localism and council funding: today’s announcements (30) by Mark Pack
14th  Improving schools systems: the international lessons (7) by Mark Pack
  Opinion: Planet Earth to Grayson (62) by Richard Kemp
  Dan Rogerson MP writes: the Pupil Premium is launched (7) by Dan Rogerson MP
  Opinion: why I still support the Lib Dems (80) by George Kendall
  Andrew Stunell writes… Localism Bill and finance settlement are defining moment for local government (23) by Andrew Stunell MP
  Result: GLA Londonwide list selection (18) by Helen Duffett
  Is this the first draft of a UK constitution? (8) by Alex Foster
  Barack Obama should be more like Nick Clegg (31) by Mark Pack
15th  Doubling your traffic from Facebook: how best to integrate Twitter, Facebook and your website (0) by Mark Pack
  Opinion: EU Bill is bad Tory policy (26) by Andrew Duff
  Opinion: putting Liberalism into statute (21) by Ed Maxfield
  Lib Dems to move writ for Oldham East and Saddleworth by election tomorrow (41) by Helen Duffett
  Greg Mulholland writes… Just back from canvassing with Elwyn Watkins (22) by Greg Mulholland MP
  PMQs: The Coronation of Basil Brush (18) by Paul Walter
16th  Ending detention of children for immigration purposes: details and dates published (52) by Mark Pack
  The IFS’s verdict on the Pupil Premium (40) by Mark Pack
  LibLink: Chris Huhne – The biggest energy market shake-up in 25 years (9) by NewsHound
  Nick Harvey outlines the UK’s objectives in Afghanistan (21) by Mark Pack
17th  Thinking of standing in May? (8) by Mark Pack
  Grants not fees – squaring the Lib Dem circle (25) by Alan Riley
  Returning Officer pay was increased without any idea what it would cost (2) by Mark Pack
  Six senior Kenyans face charges over deaths of 1,200 (6) by Mark Pack
  Opinion: Why we need an impact assessment of drugs policy (13) by Adam Corlett
  Opinion: NHS reform on right track (51) by Jon Rogers
  The LDV Friday Five: 17 December 2010 (0) by Helen Duffett
18th  The Saturday debate: What should be done about banker bonuses? (58) by Mark Pack
  Carlos Tevez and Local Government (3) by Martin Land
  Big Society vs Community Politics: grounds for agreement, grounds for disagreement (13) by Mark Pack
19th  How to get Lib Dem Voice by email (1) by Mark Pack
  Transport for London offers up more data for free (6) by Mark Pack
  Newsagents call on Cable to think again on tobacco display ban (39) by The Voice
  You’ve got to love Australian election lawyers (3) by Mark Pack
  Top of the Blogs: The Lib Dem Golden Dozen #200 (1) by Helen Duffett
20th  How often do people write about proportional representation? (3) by Mark Pack
  Opinion: Time for water reform (11) by Grant Williams
  The Liberal Democrat challenges for 2011: the economy (23) by Mark Pack
  Opinion: what the Guardian isn’t telling you (40) by Peter Welch
  “More information please!” – a genuinely tough problem (10) by Iain Roberts
  Government publishes details of plans to give prisoners the vote (8) by Mark Pack
21st  Vince Cable: I could bring down the government (163) by Mark Pack
  Opinion: what Ed Miliband should put on his blank sheet of paper – part 1 (11) by George Kendall
  The Liberal Democrat challenges for 2011: winning elections (6) by Mark Pack
  Opinion: the lone maverick won’t change drugs policy. An army of moderates might. (20) by Ewan Hoyle
  Opinion: Address wars – an armistice? (9) by Bob Barr
  Opinion: RBS bonuses this year. Don’t. (7) by David Boyle
  Opinion: Wikileaks – Time for Liberal Democrats to act (31) by Lembit Öpik
  Vince Cable: stays in Cabinet, responsibility for takeover ruling moves (110) by Mark Pack
  Meanwhile, in other news… (12) by Mark Pack
22nd  Government scraps plan to fund primaries for Westminster candidate selections (3) by Mark Pack
  Opinion: what Ed Miliband should put on his blank sheet of paper – part 2 (16) by George Kendall
  Flight cancelled or delayed? Reasons to be thankful for EU Regulation 261/2004 (7) by Stephen Tall
  The Liberal Democrat challenges for 2011: making progress on core LibDem beliefs (7) by Mark Pack
  Robert Peston nails the Cable story (27) by Mark Pack
  Opinion: Vince wasn’t just wrong to say it. He was just wrong (61) by Mark Littlewood
  The problem that drove Tube privatisation is still with us (1) by Mark Pack
  John Pugh MP writes… “Calm Down, Calm Down!” – keeping Coalition partners happy (24) by John Pugh
23rd  Mike Hancock: police drop investigation over allegations (6) by The Voice
  Opinion: It is time to get out of the Coalition (173) by Paul Elgood
  The Liberal Democrat challenges for 2011: showing the difference Liberal Democrats make (6) by Mark Pack
  Electoral Commission decides not to refer Zac Goldsmith’s expenses to the police (10) by Mark Pack
  The Independent View: Tackling tobacco – a New Year’s resolution for the government (79) by Jean King
  Opinion: dark Tory reasons surround Clegg for Commission idea (24) by Antony Hook
  Chris White writes: a chance meeting (48) by Chris White
24th  The Liberal Democrat challenges for 2011: using members and supporters as a campaigning resource (4) by Mark Pack
  Opinion: for the want of a nail (5) by Alex Feakes
  The LDV Friday Five: 24 December 2010 (2) by Helen Duffett
25th  Merry Christmas! (1) by The Voice
  Don Liberali Messaggio di Natale (6) by Don Liberali
  The 12 Op-Eds of Xmas (Day 1) (0) by The Voice
26th  Convictions for historic gay sex offences to be erased (13) by Helen Duffett
  The Liberal Democrat challenges for 2011: defining and explaining economic fairness (6) by Mark Pack
  Opinion: In pursuit of excellence (15) by Merlene Emerson
  LibLink: Norman Baker – Despite the doomsayers’ predictions of failure from Day One, the Coalition has bedded down well (3) by NewsHound
  Vince is the business on the dance floor (4) by Helen Duffett
  Who’s your Liberal Voice of 2010? (28) by Stephen Tall
  Diffindo! Has Daniel Radcliffe hexed the Lib Dems? (12) by Stephen Tall
  Top of the Blogs: The Lib Dem Golden Dozen #201 (0) by Helen Duffett
  The 12 Op-Eds of Xmas (Day 2) (9) by The Voice
27th  Our new year signing: Mark Valladares (10) by Mark Pack
  The Liberal Democrat challenges for 2011: recap (4) by Mark Pack
  Opinion: How Lib Dems make policy – or fail to – and the consequences (40) by Geoff Crocker
  LDVideo ‘Sleb Special: Cyril, Scriven & Steel (2) by Stephen Tall
  The 12 Op-Eds of Xmas (Day 3) (6) by The Voice
28th  A trio of good news on political reform (15) by Mark Pack
  Found something interesting on the internet? Share it with other LibDems (1) by Mark Pack
  Opinion: Piecing together the housing policy jigsaw (5) by Alex Marsh
  Opinion: The tyranny of the state and my conversion to social liberalism (60) by David Warren
  What will happen in the May 2011 local elections? (24) by Stephen Tall
  The Liberal Democrat manifesto in practice (12) by Helen Duffett
  The 12 Op-Eds of Xmas (Day 4) (2) by The Voice
29th  Nick Clegg’s New Year message to Liberal Democrat members (42) by Helen Duffett
  Party posts up for election: nominations close 7 January (4) by Mark Pack
  Opinion: The housing policy jigsaw – identifying the pieces (1) by Alex Marsh
  Opinion: Answers on no more than 2 sides of A4 (part 1) (1) by Alex Feakes
  “The blogosphere is not an area that is open to sensible debate” – Labour MP dismisses online petition plans (21) by Mark Pack
  Simon Hughes takes up education post (100) by Mark Pack
  The 12 Op-Eds of Xmas (Day 5) (5) by The Voice
30th  Book review: Lobbying by Lionel Zetter (6) by Mark Pack
  Opinion: The housing policy jigsaw – a picture begins to emerge? (5) by Alex Marsh
  Opinion: Answers on no more than 2 sides of A4 (part 2) (3) by Alex Feakes
  LibLink: the full shambles of the ID card trial in Greater Manchester (8) by Iain Roberts
  Sonja Jenkins RIP (1) by The Voice
  The 100-plus Labour MPs publicly opposing electoral reform (57) by Stephen Tall
  The 12 Op-Eds of Xmas (Day 6) (12) by The Voice
31st  Our starters for 2010 – how did we do? (Part I) (6) by Stephen Tall
  The Labour and Conservative MPs who were in favour of AV before they were against it (54) by Mark Pack
  Calls to end alphabetic ordering of candidates on Scottish local election ballot papers (3) by Mark Pack
  Opinion: Answers on no more than 2 sides of A4 (part 3) (2) by Alex Feakes
  Opinion: The housing policy jigsaw – the changing picture (7) by Alex Marsh
  Reactions to plans to give some prisoners the right to vote (7) by Mark Pack
  The LDV Friday Five: 31st December 2010 (0) by Helen Duffett
  The 12 Op-Eds of Xmas (Day 7) (1) by The Voice

Recent Comments

  • Mark ValladaresMark Valladares
    @ Nigel, Absolutely, enabling greater flexibility for employees (within reason) will instil greater loyalty to employers, aid in recruitment and retention, a...
  • Jonathan Calder
    We should certainly start talking about industrial democracy again and cooperatives too, but there remains an important role for trade unions in defending peopl...
  • David Warren
    @DavidSymonds is right, we need to be championing industrial democracy which was a key part of Liberal Party policy in the past. As for trade unions having s...
  • Paul R
    @Neil H - Yes, people do have officially issued government ID in many of those countries. It is not however mandatory for them to carry it in all such countries...
  • Jennie
    Oooo another member of the Jennie Club...