Monthly Archives: July 2010

1st  Lib Dems in the news (3) by Mark Pack
  Opinion: General Election 1.5 – 2010, the almost Internet Election (6) by Charlotte Henry
  Nick Clegg launches “Your Freedom” (23) by Helen Duffett
  Clegg to announce AV referendum date “next week” (4) by Helen Duffett
  LDV doesn’t do statporn, but if we did (June ’10) (0) by Stephen Tall
2nd  Labour’s dinosaur tendency rides again (4) by Mark Pack
  David Miliband backs Alternative Vote reform, lays down gauntlet to Cameron (5) by Stephen Tall
  What Simon Hughes said about coalition politics in 2008 (12) by Stephen Tall
  Why budget maths makes me thinks of Escher (5) by Mark Pack
  By-election news: two Lib Dem gains, one loss, Yeovil hold (9) by Helen Duffett
  David Cameron to campaign against Alternative Vote reform (10) by Helen Duffett
  LibLink: James Graham – On electoral reform, it’s AV or nothing (1) by Stephen Tall
  New LDV members survey now live: what you think of the Budget and the Coalition Government so far (1) by Stephen Tall
  The LDV Friday Five: 2 July 2010 (0) by Helen Duffett
  Government 100% committed to completing the journey to LGB and T equality (2) by Mark Pack
3rd  The Saturday Debate: Time for British troops to be withdrawn from Afghanistan (23) by Stephen Tall
  Opinion: Why Lib Dems should have no reservations about campaigning for AV (22) by Adam Bell
  The LDV Saturday caption competition: “Chris and Evan open the floodgates” edition (9) by Stephen Tall
  Pollwatch – State of the Parties: Lib Dems 19%, Labour 33%, Tories 40% (June 2010) (14) by Stephen Tall
  Tessa Munt MP’s maiden speech (3) by The Voice
4th  The coalition “marriage” – should we keep our name? (78) by Helen Duffett
  Chris Fox and Lorely Burt continue in post (1) by Mark Pack
  Pollwatch – State of the Leaders: Clegg +34%, Cameron +38% (June 2010) (2) by Stephen Tall
  How many votes should earn a party power? (22) by Iain Roberts
  Would the coalition dare to cut welfare back to Labour levels? (19) by Iain Roberts
  Blog sues pollster in row over questionable polls (4) by Mark Pack
  Top of the Blogs: The Golden Dozen #176 (0) by Stephen Tall
5th  EXCLUSIVE: What Lib Dem members think of the Coalition Budget measures and that VAT increase (71) by Stephen Tall
  LibLink: Chris Huhne and Vince Cable – The green economy is still viable (0) by NewsHound
  The Freedom Bill: this time the consultation is for real, but is it better? (5) by Mark Pack
  How you can help Liberal Democrat Voice (0) by The Voice
  Andrew Stunell at the Local Government Association conference: putting our ideas into practice (3) by Andrew Stunell MP
  Total Politics Best Blog Poll 2010: vote now! (0) by Helen Duffett
  If English Council meets and nobody knows, did it really meet? (4) by Mark Valladares
  LibLink: Edward McMillan-Scott – AV is not the only vote (7) by NewsHound
  Nick Clegg’s statement on political and constitutional reform (22) by Helen Duffett
  John Sharkey to run Liberal Democrats’ Fairer Votes campaign (44) by Helen Duffett
  Ex-Tory councillor convicted of proxy vote fraud (0) by Mark Pack
6th  Lib Dem members survey: 68% approve of Coalition Budget, was “good overall for the country” (12) by Stephen Tall
  Londoners: have your say on civil liberties and DNA (1) by Helen Duffett
  Should our MPs give Clegg more support in the Commons? (34) by Stephen Tall
  Want to win an election? Not sure how to use the internet? (0) by Mark Pack
  Opinion: Eurosceptics on the fringes, egg on their faces (2) by Jonathan Walls
  The Independent View: Child poverty (9) by Richard Exell
  Coalition Government’s torture inquiry keeps Lib Dem manifesto pledge, spells “end to Labour’s shameful legacy on human rights” (3) by The Voice
  Welcome to the new bloggers… (1) by Ryan Cullen
  Lib Dems announce MPs and Peers to co-chair backbench policy committees (4) by The Voice
  And another two peers quit the Lords rather than pay full tax (1) by Mark Pack
  Two Tory councillors quit following allegations over photos of young boys (5) by Mark Pack
7th  EXCLUSIVE: 84% of Lib Dem members back Lib-Con Coalition – but 43% say it will be bad for party’s electoral fortunes (19) by Stephen Tall
  Sarah Teather announces plans for early years education (10) by Mark Pack
  The Independent View: Public sector pensions – far from gold-plated (15) by Cathy Warwick
  Opinion: I admit it, I am shocked by Labour’s hatred (311) by Nick Perry
  Opinion: Suggestions for the spending review (16) by George Kendall
  Ask Simon Hughes a question (11) by Mark Pack
  PMQs: Harriett Harman’s patented self-loading googly device (4) by Paul Walter
  The AV referendum: some initial public opinion findings (15) by Mark Pack
  10 lessons for winning an AV referendum (9) by Mark Pack
  Huhne to end ban on councils selling green electricity (4) by The Voice
8th  LDV survey: How Lib Dem members rate the performances of Nick Clegg and the party (24) by Stephen Tall
  Opinion: A Cornish perspective on the Budget and VAT (18) by Andrew George
  Opinion: Making Prisons Work (8) by Tim Starkey
  No room for gays at the Daily Star (23) by Iain Roberts
  Hughes welcome Supreme Court ruling securing freedom from persecution for gay asylum seekers (5) by Stephen Tall
  Welcome for plans to scale down police stop and search (2) by Mark Pack
9th  EXCLUSIVE: How party members rate the performances of leading Lib Dems (8) by Stephen Tall
  The LDV Friday Five: 9 July 2010 (1) by Helen Duffett
  Worth a second outing: What’s the point of switching to individual electoral registration? (2) by Mark Pack
  Lib Dem party membership: “10 members joining for each departure” (96) by Stephen Tall
  Spending Challenge website opened up to the public (16) by Mark Pack
  Hackney Council under fire over allegations it misled public about who was standing in election (3) by Mark Pack
  Lib Dems’ Moore praises Gove apology as schools building programme axe triggers coalition tensions (64) by Stephen Tall
  Clegg’s verdict on Labour in opposition: “Collective bile is not a political strategy” (31) by The Voice
10th  The Saturday Debate: should the public be able to declare political affiliation on the electoral register? (22) by Mark Pack
  If Cameron is “potentially the best all-round prime minister of the modern era”, it’s thanks to the Coalition (13) by Stephen Tall
  Police drop charges against Wrekin Lib Dem candidate who faced sex abuse claims (3) by The Voice
  Kennedy urges coalition to mitigate impact of immigration cap on universities (6) by The Voice
  The LDV Saturday caption competition: “Ed Davey in fete worse than death” edition (19) by Stephen Tall
  Opinion: Cannabis legalisation not just preserve of sandal wearing Lib Dems! (29) by Mark Thompson
  Opinion: National influence, international irrelevance? (17) by Jason Mehmet
11th  Opinion: John Prescott and the unions, voices of Labour’s rapid decline (39) by Daniel Furr
  Spare a thought for conflicted Nick Clegg ahead of today’s World Cup final (11) by Stephen Tall
  LDV meme: “Those Liberal Democrat worries” according to The Independent (74) by Stephen Tall
  Opinion: The Government approach to sex education must be liberal, not conservative (19) by The Voice
  What next on Trident? (21) by Mark Pack
12th  Time to scrap P.E. targets for schools (12) by Iain Roberts
  LibLink: Nick Clegg & David Cameron – We’ll transform Britain by giving power away (12) by NewsHound
  Opinion: the Lib Dem identity crisis (69) by Ben Maconick
  What Nick told Gordon (according to Peter) when asking him to quit: “Please understand I have no personal animosity whatsoever.” (23) by Stephen Tall
  MPs’ budget bender (Or: Reckless by name …) (7) by Stephen Tall
  The Independent View: child abuse, cuts and peace of mind for kids (23) by Arthur Baker
  The ideological background to coalition (50) by Mark Pack
  Opinion: a conference of cuts (0) by Chris White
  Lib Dem by-election winner “angry” at Exeter unitary ruling (11) by Helen Duffett
  Lib Dem MPs nominated to serve on Commons Select Committees (5) by The Voice
13th  Being good ministers is not enough (21) by Mark Pack
  Opinion: Nanny no more – a real test of the Coalition (18) by Prateek Buch
  Liberal Youth’s Activate weekend – a review (0) by Catherine Smith
  LibLink: Julian Astle – How Lib Dems are being defamed (23) by NewsHound
  Rhondda Lib Dem parliamentary candidate quits to stand as independent for council (1) by The Voice
  Miriam Gonzalez blows whistle on sexist media: “treat women for who they are and not simply for what their male partners do” (7) by Stephen Tall
  Paul Burstow’s hand at work in the NHS White Paper (10) by Mark Pack
  A taxing mystery from yesterday in Parliament (8) by Mark Pack
14th  Alistair Darling wanted to raise VAT (21) by Mark Pack
  More details published of Government’s review of anti-terrorism powers (0) by Mark Pack
  What can success in other fields tell us about politics? (5) by Mark Pack
  John Pugh MP asks for Lib Dem members’ feedback on health issues (163) by John Pugh
  Campaigning isn’t just about leaflets: Talacre Gardens (8) by Mark Pack
  LibLink: Clarke fleshes out liberal line on prison (3) by NewsHound
  More on Richard Grayson, Liberal Democrats and ideology (18) by Mark Pack
  PMQs: Harman’s Jujitsu hip throw (12) by Paul Walter
  How Clegg switched sides at half-time (2) by Stephen Tall
  LibLink: Mark Pack – Why AV reform would still be a big improvement on Westminster (4) by NewsHound
  Vince Cable set to propose graduate tax to replace tuition fees (60) by Stephen Tall
  Lord Ashdown to lead review of emergency aid (0) by The Voice
  Nick Robinson notes Lib Dems’ “important injection of democracy” into Coalition’s NHS plans (12) by Stephen Tall
15th  Guardian: Labour’s involvement in illegal abduction and torture of British citizens (7) by Stephen Tall
  The class dimension to turnout (1) by Mark Pack
  What a difference three months makes #nickcleggsfault (16) by Stephen Tall
  Official: 4,500 new Lib Dem members have joined party since election and coalition agreement (80) by Stephen Tall
  Tackling anti-social behaviour by training the public (3) by Mark Pack
  Opinion: With Liverpool in my mind (26) by Ed Randall
  Liberal Youth respond to graduate tax proposals (27) by Martin Shapland
  Vince Cable’s speech on higher education funding (12) by The Voice
  Channel 4 News: Zac Goldsmith has “questions to answer” about election spending (17) by Stephen Tall
  When is a rebellion not a rebellion? (13) by Stephen Tall
  Lib Dem pressure succeeds as European countries push for tougher action on global warming (3) by Mark Pack
  Top of the Blogs: The Lib Dem Golden Dozen #177 (0) by Stephen Tall
16th  Libel reform bill set for spring publication (1) by Mark Pack
  Worth a second outing: the best headline in a Labour leaflet – ever (11) by Mark Pack
  Vince’s Graduate Tax is no easy win (30) by Iain Roberts
  Nick Clegg: delivering a Liberal Parliament (13) by Mark Pack
  Lib Dem MP Simon Wright delivers his Mpinions (2) by Stephen Tall
  Opinion: Burqa ban splits the liberal minded (56) by LW
  Can you help Dr Huppert improve Lib Dem policy on IT & the Internet (3) by The Voice
  Combining referendum with elections will save £17m (8) by Mark Pack
  Have you seen Zac Goldsmith’s Channel 4 News car-crash interview yet? (75) by Stephen Tall
17th  The Saturday debate: are public elections the only ones political parties should fight? (10) by Mark Pack
  Opinion: The Lib Dems need a better communications strategy (32) by Ben Johnson
  Zac Goldsmith and election law: what doesn’t count towards your limit? (13) by Mark Pack
  The LDV Saturday caption competition: “Mark Pack points at pothole” edition (31) by Stephen Tall
  One from the archives … Chris Huhne slams the Alternative Vote (10) by Stephen Tall
  Opinion: Why a graduate tax is progressive (34) by David Thorpe
18th  Book review: The Gods that Failed by Larry Elliott & Dan Atkinson (3) by Mark Pack
  Baroness Meral Hussein-Ece’s maiden speech (2) by Meral Ece
  LDV weekend meme: what is the state of the Lib Dem blogosphere? (10) by Stephen Tall
  Lord Mike German’s maiden speech (0) by Mike German
  Opinion: The importance of ideas and policy (13) by Chris Nicholson
  Ask Simon Hughes a question: the sequel (0) by Mark Pack
  What’s Norman Lamb up to? (1) by Mark Pack
19th  Opinion: Have you ever felt ripped off by your bank? (18) by Lorely Burt
  Opinion: Genuine progressives should suggest cuts (124) by George Kendall
  Graduate tax is the fairest way of abolishing tuition fees (17) by Tim Farron MP
  Top of the Blogs: The Lib Dem Golden Dozen #178 (0) by Stephen Tall
  Florence and Precious Mhango – a campaign to prevent a mother and daughter being deported (10) by Caron Lindsay
  Why suddenly telling the truth is damaging politics (18) by Mark Pack
  Tessa Munt denies council tax claims from Mail on Sunday (25) by The Voice
20th  Warning! Do not access Hyndburn Council website from a mobile phone (12) by Mark Pack
  Book review: Talking to a brick wall by Deborah Mattinson (1) by Mark Pack
  The Independent View: The government must go further on climate change (7) by Colin Challen
  Simon Hughes: Coalition Government will legislate to allow gay marriage (37) by Stephen Tall
  Where next for Lib-Lab cooperation? (85) by Stephen Tall
  The battle over Trident (16) by Mark Pack
  The Office of Tax Simplification is on its way (13) by Mark Pack
  Labour misled Britain over Iraq role in terror threat – Farron (17) by The Voice
21st  Opinion: Get your facts right Polly (8) by Baroness Joan Walmsley
  Sloganizing the Liberal Democrats (20) by Iain Roberts
  Opinion: Ending the ban of gay men giving blood – a liberal cause in waiting (12) by George Gosling
  Lloyd George and PMQs – Lib Dems defend their history knowledge (20) by Stephen Tall
  PMQs: It’s Sheffield Forgemasters, stupid! Oh yes! Of course it is! (43) by Paul Walter
  What the Lib Dems have achieved in the Coalition Government (52) by Stephen Tall
  Phil Woolas’ future as an MP to be decided “before Parliament reassembles” (4) by Helen Duffett
  The last word on the ‘first Liberal leader since the 1920s’ PMQs? (3) by Stephen Tall
  How the Westminster Village media is still struggling with concept of coalition (56) by Stephen Tall
  Tom Brake: ending of Yarl’s Wood child detention “a sign of Lib Dem influence in Government” (3) by Stephen Tall
  Opinion: Why I am so pleased Yarl’s Wood Immigration Prison will be closed for families by this Government (10) by David Hennigan
  Electoral Commission to investigate Zac Goldsmith’s election expenses (5) by Mark Pack
  Britain set to gain an extra MEP (4) by Mark Pack
  Lib Dem Tim Farron leads campaign for charities VAT exemption (4) by The Voice
22nd  Today’s guest editor, in his own words… (6) by Mark Valladares
  Pay attention, there’s more than one Parliament, you know! (4) by Mark Valladares
  Floella Benjamin – through the round window and into the Lords (3) by Floella Benjamin
  Alright, assuming we get an elected second chamber, what can we do before the election that follows? (7) by Mark Pack
  Musings from the Front Bench… (0) by Bill Bradshaw
  The House of Lords does social media (0) by Mark Valladares
  Moving to an elected second chamber – a loss of expertise, or just privilege? (9) by Alex Runswick
  An Interview with the Whips Office – comfy chairs will be provided… (0) by Domininc Addington
  Baroness Kate Parminter’s maiden speech (3) by Kathryn Parminter
  Lord John Shipley’s maiden speech (2) by John Shipley
  Some final reflections on the Second Chamber (0) by Mark Valladares
23rd  Mark Valladares’s day as guest editor (0) by The Voice
  Five MPs face questions over election expenses – how good are their answers? (0) by Mark Pack
  The LDV Friday Five: 23 July 2010 (0) by Helen Duffett
  Worth a second outing: Can Google’s dominance be broken? (0) by Mark Pack
  Opinion: No Need for a Graduate Tax (7) by Malcolm Wood
  Warning! Do not link to Shropshire Council website without first completing paperwork (7) by Mark Pack
  The Independent View: Labour and Lib Dems must show a willingness to work together (42) by Will Straw
  Electoral administrators call for major changes to election rules (0) by Mark Pack
  Leaflet monitoring website goes Antipodean (0) by Mark Pack
  By-election results: Victory in Torbay and holds everywhere else (5) by Helen Duffett
24th  Phishing ain’t that new – Samuel Pepys got there first (1) by Mark Pack
  Opinion: Motorway tolls – a step on the road to a progressive, green and Liberal Britain (22) by David Thorpe
  Welcome to the new bloggers… (0) by Ryan Cullen
  Ah, so that’s what happened to David Davis (21) by Stephen Tall
  Nick Clegg meets … Showing the Lib Dem fight against the Tories is alive and well (46) by Stephen Tall
  Guest editors on The Voice (0) by Mark Pack
  Williams: Coalition has done more for Equitable Life victims in 10 weeks than Labour did in 10 years (6) by Stephen Tall
  LDV TwtPoll – right or wrong to deny Nick Griffin entry to the Buckingham Palace garden party? (2) by Stephen Tall
  Clegg: I’m not apologising for calling the Iraq war illegal (16) by The Voice
  Lib Dem MP Duncan Hames delivers his Mpinions (10) by Stephen Tall
25th  Tory MP Rory Stewart labels his constituents “primitives” (7) by Stephen Tall
  Opinion: Why are we campaigning for AV? (48) by Ben Stephenson
  How dare she follow the rules, thunders Mail on Sunday (6) by Iain Roberts
  Calling all @libdemvoice reading footie fans … (1) by Chris Wilson
  LDV Sunday caption competition: “Jeremy Browne passes the hat” edition (16) by Stephen Tall
  Opinion: Syria’s ban proves nothing to British niqab critics (26) by Fiyaz Mughal
  Mark Pack on election cost rules: “important that the rules are robust and that the rules are properly enforced” (5) by Stephen Tall
  Top of the Blogs: The Lib Dem Golden Dozen #179 (1) by Stephen Tall
26th  Total Politics Best Blog Poll 2010: last week to vote! (0) by The Voice
  LibLink: Paul Burstow – We can democratise health service (4) by NewsHound
  Lib Dem Blog of the Year Awards 2010 – nominations now open (1) by Helen Duffett
  Opinion: Reasons to be cheerful (18) by Chris White
  Revealed: the AV referendum question (1) by Helen Duffett
  LibLink: Simon Hughes – Ten weeks that have revitalised politics (5) by NewsHound
  Opinion: A lucky escape from the graduate tax? (17) by Andy Mayer
  Rogerson and Teather: pupil premium will help all children (3) by Helen Duffett
  Joan Ruddock MP submits wholly notional expenses return (1) by Helen Duffett
  Can you design a poster to win the AV “Yes” campaign? (29) by Stephen Tall
27th  Coalition tension is good for the Lib Dems and good for democracy (30) by Iain Roberts
  Six Lib Dem MPs rebel on Coalition’s Academies Bill (10) by Stephen Tall
  Marks out of ten for the coalition? (15) by Iain Roberts
  Opinion: Lib Dems should abstain or campaign for “No” on AV referendum (72) by Fred Carver
  Teather: Pupil Premium is a real Liberal Democrat achievement (18) by Sarah Teather
  Paywall vs ‘Freemium’: why Parris, Finkelstein et al may rue Rupe’s decision (4) by Stephen Tall
  Dee Doocey challenges Met Police Commissioner over treatment of photographers (2) by Helen Duffett
  Farron: “damning” evidence that Labour neglected Armed Forces (5) by The Voice
  Is the Coalition Government’s honeymoon really over? (39) by Stephen Tall
28th  Labour to oppose voting reform legislation (27) by Helen Duffett
  How much will coalition change Liberal Democrat conference? (11) by Helen Duffett
  LibLink: Phil Willis – We must re-think the role of universities if we want to produce a world-class workforce (6) by NewsHound
  Census preparations to go ahead for 2011 (1) by Helen Duffett
  Opinion: Economic data a vindication of Coalition strategy on the economy (77) by David Thorpe
  Hughes attacks Labour’s “naked opportunism” in opposing vote reform bill (76) by The Voice
  Have you signed up yet for the Lib Dem fantasy football league? (4) by Chris Wilson
29th  TUC to Vince: it’s our ball and you can’t play (15) by Iain Roberts
  LibLink: the worst kind of gerrymandering in the world? (35) by NewsHound
  Crime prevention? Just choose pink (2) by Iain Roberts
  Default retirement age to be scrapped (7) by Iain Roberts
  Happy ID carders nearly all government employees (6) by Iain Roberts
  Two for the freedom bill: seatbelts and drugs? (30) by Iain Roberts
30th  The LDV Friday Five: 30 July 2010 (5) by Helen Duffett
  Waltham Forest election recount at the High Court (0) by Helen Duffett
  Worth a second outing: Does the Daily Telegraph know its up from its down? (6) by Mark Pack
  Total Politics best blog poll 2010: voting ends tomorrow! (0) by The Voice
  Ming: Trident must be included in Strategic Defence Review (24) by The Voice
  Parliamentary privilege doesn’t protect against criminal trial (4) by Helen Duffett
31st  The Saturday Debate: What do we mean by middle-class? (13) by Stephen Tall
  BBC: Coalition faces Lib Dem revolt on free schools (31) by The Voice
  LDV Saturday caption competition: “Kramer vs Zac” edition (21) by Stephen Tall
  NEW POLL: Is the Coalition right to allow us to work beyond 65? (15) by Stephen Tall
  LibLink: James Graham – Labour’s accusations of gerrymandering are self-defeating (50) by NewsHound

Recent Comments

  • Mark ValladaresMark Valladares
    @ Nigel, Absolutely, enabling greater flexibility for employees (within reason) will instil greater loyalty to employers, aid in recruitment and retention, a...
  • Jonathan Calder
    We should certainly start talking about industrial democracy again and cooperatives too, but there remains an important role for trade unions in defending peopl...
  • David Warren
    @DavidSymonds is right, we need to be championing industrial democracy which was a key part of Liberal Party policy in the past. As for trade unions having s...
  • Paul R
    @Neil H - Yes, people do have officially issued government ID in many of those countries. It is not however mandatory for them to carry it in all such countries...
  • Jennie
    Oooo another member of the Jennie Club...